BizTalk Wcf_Custom - SQL Deadlock Issue - biztalk

I have the DB SP UPDATEClientID as below. Which Takes client ID as parameter.
I'm calling UPDATEClientID SP 50 times in a one second, from WCF Custom Adapter. Then I'm seeing the SQL Deadlock issue.
In my scenario, I have to call UPDATEClientID SP 50 times in one second. How to resolve the SQL Deadlock issue?
#ClientID VARCHAR(50) = NULL
UPDATE CleintDetails
WHERE ClientID = #ClientID

Do you really have to call this Stored Procedure 50 time in one second or is it the case that you just happen to call 50 times per second?
Some options:
Set Ordered Delivery on the Send Port. This will serialize the requests. It will however be several orders of magnitude slower.
Optimize the statement with lock hints, ROWLOCK for example.

stored procedure code is executing under the BizTalk server default transaction level serializable. Change it to read committed.
We can set the transaction level by following statement in your stored proc.


Object locking in DB2 LUW

Working on object locking in IBM DB2 LUW, I am using Read stability (RS) level locking on my table. This locks the records I have fetched in the Select query ,unless I am done with the transaction and mention COMMIT explicitly and release the lock. During this process, with another query/procedure want to return the locked row for a different purpose. How to go about this?Also, there is a parameter WAIT_FOR_OUTCOME to set lock time, where do I define this timeout?
Insufficient information: What is the effective setting for the CUR_COMMIT database? Also, the locking behavior can change with specific Db2-registry settings which you have not mentioned such as DB2_SKIP_INSERTED , DB2_SKIP_DELETED among others etc.
If the effective value of the CUR_COMMIT database parameter is ON, and the other connection is using CS isolation for the query, then the other connection will get the currently committed value of a locked row (i.e. the writer is not blocking the reader).
If you wish you use wait for outcome, it is a clause applicable to a SELECT statement, refer to the documentation.
Use a special register to have session-specific wait controls via
SET CURRENT LOCK TIMEOUT WAIT n ; (where n is the number of seconds), otherwise either a client-side timeout (if relevant), or the database level LOCKTIMEOUT setting will apply, whichever is lower. Note that the default for LOCKTIMEOUT is -1 (wait forever) which is nearly always unsuitable, typical values are 30 or 60 for OLTP.
Other connections can try using UR isolation per statement (e.g. for the query to select a locked row value).
Up until v11.5.6, Db2 LUW did not allow to specify the lock wait timeout on the statement level. It had no SQL statement syntax for that.
With v11.5.6 or later you can do something like this:
FROM some_table
WHERE col1 = 'Foo'
The above will create an exclusive row-level lock on the row(s) returned by the query. The new addition is the WAIT 5 which means to wait 5 seconds for the lock, otherwise throw error.
Before v11.5.6 the lock timeout could only be specified at the session level or at the server level. Both of these are in mao's answer.
For more information:

Lock a table during multiple statements in a stored procedure

I am looking to implement the equivalent of snapshot isolation with a Teradata transaction. Oracle supports this type of isolation, but Teradata does not (at least not in versions 14 or prior that I am aware of). The goal is to create a procedure that deletes a table's contents and then repopulates it all while preventing other users from reading from/writing to the table.
I came across the begin request statement which, according to my understanding, allows the optimizer to know about all the various table locks within the request.
I wrote the procedure below, but don't know how to reliably debug it as easy as I would if I were testing thread locking in a .NET application (easy to set breakpoints and monitor other threads). In Teradata, not sure if what I wrote here will properly lock mydb.destinationtable exclusively for the duration of the procedure. Is this correct?
Edit: I'll add that the procedure does work. It's just being able to properly time a SELECT while it's doing its DELETE/INSERT.
replace procedure mydb.myproc()
begin request
locking mydb.destinationtable for exclusive
delete mydb.destinationtable;
locking mydb.destinationtable for exclusive
insert into mydb.destinationtable
select * from mydb.sourcetable;
end request;
BEGIN REQUEST/END REQUEST creates a so-called Multi Statement Request (MSR) which is the same a submitting both requests in SQL Assistant using F9.
To see the plan run this with F9:
locking mydb.destinationtable for exclusive
delete mydb.destinationtable;
insert into mydb.destinationtable
select * from mydb.sourcetable;
or in BTEQ:
locking mydb.destinationtable for exclusive
delete mydb.destinationtable
;insert into mydb.destinationtable
select * from mydb.sourcetable;
Btw, the 2nd lock is redundant.
But. When you run Delete & InsSel as a single transaction both will be Transient Journalled. Which is much slower than seperate requests.
A more common way to do this is to use two copies of the target table and base access on Views not Tables:
insert into mydb.destinationtable_2
select * from mydb.sourcetable;
-- there's just a short dictionary lock
-- all requests against the view submitted before the replace use the old data
-- and all submitted after the new data
replace view myview as
select * from mydb.destinationtable_2;
delete from mydb.destinationtable_1;
Now your SP only needs the logic to switch between 1 & 2 (based on table [not] empty)

BizTalk 2013 file receive location trigger on non-event

I have a file receive location which is schedule to run at specific time of day. I need to trigger a alert or mail if receive location is unable to find any file at that location.
I know I can create custom components or I can use BizTalk 360 to do so. But I am looking for some out of box BizTalk feature.
BizTalk is not very good at triggering on non-events. Non-events are things that did not happen, but still represent a certain scenario.
What you could do is:
Insert the filename of any file triggering the receive location in a custom SQL table.
Once per day (scheduled task adapter or polling via stored procedure) you would trigger a query on the SQL table, which would only create a message in case no records were made that day.
Also think about cleanup: that approach will require you to delete any existing records.
Another options could be a scheduled task with a custom c# program which would create a file only if there were no input files, etc...
The sequential convoy solution should work, but I'd be concerned about a few things:
It might consume the good message when the other subscriber is down, which might cause you to miss what you'd normally consider a subscription failure
Long running orchestrations can be difficult to manage and maintain. It sounds like this one would be running all day/night.
I like Pieter's suggestion, but I'd expand on it a bit:
Create a table, something like this:
CREATE TABLE tFileEventNotify
ReceiveLocationName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL primary key,
NotificationSent bit null,
CONSTRAINT CK_FileEventNotify_Dates CHECK(NextExpectedDate > LastPickupDate)
You could also create a procedure for this, which should be called every time you receive a file on that location (from a custom pipeline or an orchestration), something like
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Mrg_FileEventNotify
#rlocName varchar(255),
#LastPickupDate DATETIME,
#NextPickupDate DATETIME
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tFileEventNotify WHERE ReceiveLocationName = #rlocName)
UPDATE tFileEventNotify SET LastPickupDate = #LastPickupDate, NextPickupDate = #NextPickupDate WHERE ReceiveLocationName = #rlocName;
INSERT tFileEventNotify (ReceiveLocationName, LastPickupDate, NextPickupDate) VALUES (#rlocName, #LastPickupDate, #NextPickupDate);
And then you could create a polling port that had the following Polling Data Available statement:
SELECT 1 FROM tFileEventNotify WHERE NextPickupDate < GETDATE() AND NotificationSent <> 1
And write up a procedure to produce a message from that table that you could then map to an email sent via SMTP port (or whatever other notification mechanism you want to use). You could even add columns to tFileEventNotify like EmailAddress or SubjectLine etc. You may want to add a field to the table to indicate whether a notification has already been sent or not, depending on how large you make the polling interval. If you want it sent every time you can ignore that part.
One option is to set up a BAM Alert to trigger if no file is received during the day.
Here's one mostly out of the box solution:
BizTalk Server: Detecting a Missing Message
Basically, it's an Orchestration that listens for any message from that Receive Port and resets a timer. If the timer expires, it can do something.

Stored procedure slow when called from web, fast from Management Studio

I have stored procedure that insanely times out every single time it's called from the web application.
I fired up the Sql Profiler and traced the calls that time out and finally found out these things:
When executed the statements from within the MS SQL Management Studio, with same arguments (in fact, I copied the procedure call from sql profile trace and ran it): It finishes in 5~6 seconds avg.
But when called from web application, it takes in excess of 30 seconds (in trace) so my webpage actually times out by then.
Apart from the fact that my web application has its own user, every thing is same (same database, connection, server etc)
I also tried running the query directly in the studio with the web application's user and it doesn't take more than 6 sec.
How do I find out what is happening?
I am assuming it has nothing to do with the fact that we use BLL > DAL layers or Table adapters as the trace clearly shows the delay is in the actual procedure. That is all I can think of.
EDIT I found out in this link that ADO.NET sets ARITHABORT to true - which is good for most of the time but sometime this happens, and the suggested work-around is to add with recompile option to the stored proc. In my case, it's not working but I suspect it's something very similar to this. Anyone knows what else ADO.NET does or where I can find the spec?
I've had a similar issue arise in the past, so I'm eager to see a resolution to this question. Aaron Bertrand's comment on the OP led to Query times out when executed from web, but super-fast when executed from SSMS, and while the question is not a duplicate, the answer may very well apply to your situation.
In essence, it sounds like SQL Server may have a corrupt cached execution plan. You're hitting the bad plan with your web server, but SSMS lands on a different plan since there is a different setting on the ARITHABORT flag (which would otherwise have no impact on your particular query/stored proc).
See ADO.NET calling T-SQL Stored Procedure causes a SqlTimeoutException for another example, with a more complete explanation and resolution.
I also experience that queries were running slowly from the web and fast in SSMS and I eventually found out that the problem was something called parameter sniffing.
The fix for me was to change all the parameters that are used in the sproc to local variables.
eg. change:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc]
#param1 int,
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = #param1
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc]
#param1 int,
DECLARE #param1a int
SET #param1a = #param1
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = #param1a
Seems strange, but it fixed my problem.
Not to spam, but as a hopefully helpful solution for others, our system saw a high degree of timeouts.
I tried setting the stored procedure to be recompiled by using sp_recompile and this resolved the issue for the one SP.
Ultimately there were a larger number of SP's that were timing-out, many of which had never done so before, by using DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE the incident rate of timeouts has plummeted significantly - there are still isolated occurrences, some where I suspect the plan regeneration is taking a while, and some where the SPs are genuinely under-performant and need re-evaluation.
Could it be that some other DB calls made before the web application calls the SP is keeping a transaction open? That could be a reason for this SP to wait when called by the web application. I say isolate the call in the web application (put it on a new page) to ensure that some prior action in the web application is causing this issue.
You can target specific cached execution plans via:
SELECT cp.plan_handle, st.[text]
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
WHERE [text] LIKE N'%your troublesome SP or function name etc%'
And then remove only the execution plans causing issues via, for example:
DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (0x050006003FCA862F40A19A93010000000000000000000000)
I've now got a job running every 5 minutes that looks for slow running procedures or functions and automatically clears down those execution plans if it finds any:
if exists (
SELECT cpu_time, *
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext
--order by req.total_elapsed_time desc
WHERE ([text] LIKE N'%your troublesome SP or function name etc%')
and cpu_time > 8000
SELECT cp.plan_handle, st.[text]
into #results
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
WHERE [text] LIKE N'%your troublesome SP or function name etc%'
delete #results where text like 'SELECT cp.plan_handle%'
--select * from #results
declare #handle varbinary(max)
declare #handleconverted varchar(max)
declare #sql varchar(1000)
select plan_handle from #results
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO #handle
--e.g. DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (0x050006003FCA862F40A19A93010000000000000000000000)
print #handle
set #handleconverted = '0x' + CAST('' AS XML).value('xs:hexBinary(sql:variable("#handle"))', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')
print #handleconverted
set #sql = 'DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (' + #handleconverted + ')'
print 'DELETING: ' + #sql
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO #handle
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
drop table #results
Simply recompiling the stored procedure (table function in my case) worked for me
like #Zane said it could be due to parameter sniffing. I experienced the same behaviour and I took a look at the execution plan of the procedure and all the statements of the sp in a row (copied all the statements form the procedure, declared the parameters as variables and asigned the same values for the variable as the parameters had). However the execution plan looked completely different. The sp execution took 3-4 seconds and the statements in a row with the exact same values was instantly returned.
After some googling I found an interesting read about that behaviour: Slow in the Application, Fast in SSMS?
When compiling the procedure, SQL Server does not know that the value of #fromdate changes, but compiles the procedure under the assumption that #fromdate has the value NULL. Since all comparisons with NULL yield UNKNOWN, the query cannot return any rows at all, if #fromdate still has this value at run-time. If SQL Server would take the input value as the final truth, it could construct a plan with only a Constant Scan that does not access the table at all (run the query SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > NULL to see an example of this). But SQL Server must generate a plan which returns the correct result no matter what value #fromdate has at run-time. On the other hand, there is no obligation to build a plan which is the best for all values. Thus, since the assumption is that no rows will be returned, SQL Server settles for the Index Seek.
The problem was that I had parameters which could be left null and if they were passed as null the would be initialised with a default value.
create procedure dbo.procedure
#dateTo datetime = null
if (#dateTo is null)
select #dateTo = GETUTCDATE()
select foo
from dbo.table
where createdDate < #dateTo
After I changed it to
create procedure dbo.procedure
#dateTo datetime = null
declare #to datetime = coalesce(#dateTo, getutcdate())
select foo
from dbo.table
where createdDate < #to
it worked like a charm again.
#ToUserId bigint=null
SELECT * FROM tbl_Logins WHERE LoginId = #ToUserId
#ToUserId bigint=null
DECLARE #Toid bigint=null
SET #Toid=#ToUserId
SELECT * FROM tbl_Logins WHERE LoginId = #Toid

Determine if SQLite3 transaction is active

I am running an END TRANSACTION on my database and occasionally I get error
#1 that "cannot commit - no transaction is active"
Is there a way to determine if a transaction is active before trying a commit? I have been tracking my "BEGIN TRANSACTIONS" by hand but I feel there is a better way.
I am using the C API
You might want to check this:
According to the page, if you are in a transaction, sqlite3_get_autocommit() will return 0.
The interface you're looking for is actually implemented in this next version of sqlite as you can see in the notes:
Determine the transaction state of a database
int sqlite3_txn_state(sqlite3*,const char *zSchema);
The sqlite3_txn_state(D,S) interface returns the current transaction state of schema S in database connection D. If S is NULL, then the highest transaction state of any schema on databse connection D is returned. Transaction states are (in order of lowest to highest):
If the S argument to sqlite3_txn_state(D,S) is not the name of a valid schema, then -1 is returned.
That's weird. I thought sqlite was always in a transaction, either explicitly created by you or implicitly created by sqlite:
So I suppose the error means that it's not in a transaction that you initiated ... and if that's what you need to know, it seems OK for sqlite to expect you to keep up with it. Not terribly convenient of course, but I guess that's the cost of a simple API. =/
In SQLite, transactions created using BEGIN TRANSACTION ... END TRANSACTION do not nest.
For nested transactions you need to use the SAVEPOINT and RELEASE commands.
