gridview goes back to visible=false when page changes...(and page # issues) -

Probably an easy and simple answer to this, but everywhere I look, the questions are more complicated than my situation...
I've got a gridview which is set to be visible false in the aspx. If a search returns results, it gets made "visible", however, if there's more than 10 results (set to 10 per page) and the user clicks on one of the page numbers at the bottom, it resets it's visibility to false. Is there any way around this, short of adding a panel for it to sit on? seems like there should be a way to do this without adding extra objects to the DOM.
Also, on a related note, those page numbers are spaced out in cells across the bottom, instead of being neatly lined up next to one another. Is there a simple pagerStyle setting that collects them all in a row? I've not seen a gridview do this before... in the past its default settings have always placed those numbers neatly in the lower left hand corner... any quick tips?


QTableWidget Scrolling With Selected Item

So i am using a QTableWidget as a logger of sorts for a user, with new rows being inserted at the top, and bottom ones falling off eventually as i read in updates every second or so.
I am currently running these 3 commands to keep the user from being able to do anything with the widget.
This works, the user cant select a box(doesnt get highlighted more on that later), cant edit a box, all is good.
Except even if a user clicks on a cell, even though its not highlighted visibly there is still something allowing it to be selected such that when that cell gets "pushed" down below the current scroll area from inserts at the top the table begins scrolling down to follow this cell all the way to the bottom.
Obviously this is confusing, if a user clicks a cell within a few seconds its going to keep scrolling them down the table over and over again and it becomes a fight for them to scroll back up and click on a header or something to prevent future scrolling.
How do i prevent this? I thought by preventing selection and turning off what i did it would stop this, but there is still some type of selection happening within QT even if its not visible as its tracking the selected cell.
Oops, didnt realize there is a SetAutoScroll method, setting this to false fixed the issue.
This Method May Work QTableWidget::scrollToItem() or
QTableWidget::scrollTo() is will Work :)
You can manually scroll the item by putting row index as -
You can auto scroll the item by current index:
row = self.ui.tableWidget.currentIndex().row()

Any div or span i click on always highlights a gridview, WHY?

In Visual Studio 2010 if I click on any <div> or <span> anywhere in the design view it selects this one grid always. Has anyone ever seen this? Are there any ways to fix this?
The only controls in design view that I can click on are textboxes / dropdowns / buttons / linkbuttons etc. So when I want to quickly jump to a span to edit its contents I have to click on the nearest one of those controls then make my way over to the <span>. Cause if I click on the <span>, BOOM highlight the gridview. It is driving me insane!
when i exceed 17 columns in the gridview this is happening. anything less than 17 does not cause this issue. i'd say this is a bug, and after a certain amount of columns the gridview does not function properly in design view and throws off other elements in the page.
This is what I have done do "work around" this problem.
It is a design view problem, not code.
Any time you have a grid view that has enough fields to push if off to the right of the visible editing area in design view, this bug will occur. Clicking spans and divs will always highlight that grid, it is so annoying.
You can expand your design view window wide enough to see the entire grid and this problem goes away for the time being. it is extremely annoying but works.
i am sure there are other work arounds but i have not seen anyone else have this problem (most people dont use the design view).

How to show only 30 rows and hide the remaining rows of QTableWidget

I'm having a QTableWidget with 10,000 records. I need to show only 30 rows at a time and hide the remaining rows. While dragining/clicking vertical scrollbar it should show corresponding rows and hide the other rows.
ie, if one clicks on upper scroll button it should show one more upper item and hide one lower item and vice versa. It should happen while scrolling as well.
Can anyone help me in doing this?
I think you can trap the events of up/down buttons as Nicholas said, for the tracking of slider/scroll bar u need use 'setTracking(true)'followed by the handling of signal either 'valueChanged(int)' or 'sliderMoved(int)'.
Qt unfortunately won't make this easy for you, there is ways and means of doing it however. Depending on how you're populating your widget I'd recommend setting it up so you initially populate your 30 rows, you then need to trap the signals coming from the scroll buttons being clicked and tell the table widget to remove the upper/lower item and add the next one, there's trade off's to this method, but it'll make it easier than trying to maintain a large list of hidden rows.
I don't know if explicitly showing/hiding things is the way you want to go. Instead, take a look at Qt's model and view classes. If you are using a database, have a look at QSqlTableModel, which should handle these things for you. Otherwise, have a look at the Model-View programming document, their related examples, and especially the portion about optimizing for performance (although in a model, 10,000 records isn't really all that many for most uses).
There is a way to change table scrolling from pixels to items. In Designer Property Editor for the table, in the QAbstractItemView section, there is a VerticalScrollMode selection. This can either be ScrollPerPixel or what you probably want, ScrollPerItem.
That may change the behavior of the signal from pixels to items which would make your calculations easier.
I'm using 4.4.3.

Dropdownlist - number of display element

I have dropdownlist on my webpage.
When I click it the list with all items is expanded. But this list is very long.
How can I change it to achievie a list with (e.g.) 5 displayed items and with a scrollbar next to them.
If it is not possible, how can I do it with ListBox? I know it is Rows property there but can I declare how many rows is display all the time not after expanding the list.
This control, will, of course be rendered on the page as a standard <select> control.
With these, the height of the list once its dropped down is determined by the browser, and you have no control over this. You'll notice when the list approaches the foot of the page, the browser will implement the scrollbar as you suggested, but not with the number of items you maybe want.
My only suggestion would be to investigate the options offered by some client-side drop down add-ins. You may be able to find some jQuery ones that will help.
A simple google search for "jquery dropdowns" yielded this article as the top result: 38 jQuery And CSS Drop Down Multi Level Menu Solutions. If you can't find something here then there are also plenty similar sites in the search results.
I think this post provides you with a couple of different solutions to your problem.

showing top n options in a dropdownlist

Consider an ASP.NET server control DropDownList (or <input type='select'>) with a large number of options (e.g. 100 options). When clicking on the list, the full list of 100 options are shown. They're all displayed, and run off the screen.
How can the control's picklist size be resized or limited to the first n options?
Frédéric Hamidi has already given the short answer, however he has also referred you to a perfect alternative. Explore this and that is similar to what I had done when I faced similar situation.
Idea is that you don't populate your list. This way your drop down will be empty and in place of that you show a div with scrollbar and whatever you wish. Align this div in such a way that user thinks, "it is the dropdown".
