let me directly dive into an example to show my problem:
n <- 100
df <- data.frame(y=rnorm(n), x1=rnorm(n), x2=rnorm(n) )
fm <- lm(y ~ x1 + poly(x2, 2), data=df)
Now, I would like to have a look at the previously used data. This is almost available by using
temp.data <- fm$model
However, x2will have been split up into poly(x2,2), which will itself be a dataframe as it contains a value for x2 and x2^2. Note that it may seem as if x2 is contained here, but since the polynomal uses orthogonal components, temp.data$x2 is not the same as df$x2. This can also be seen if you compare the variables visually after, say, the following: new.dat <- cbind(df, fm$model).
Now, to some questions:
First, and most importantly, is there a way to retrieve x2 from the lm-object in its original form. Or more generally, if some function f has been applied to some variable in the lm-formula, can the underlying variables be extracted from the lm-object (without doing case-specific math)? Note that I know I could retrieve the data by other means, but I wonder if I can extract it from the lm-object itself.
Second, on a more general note, since I did explicitly not ask for model.matrix(fm), why do I get data that has been manipulated? What is the underlying philosophy behind that? Does anyone know?
Third, the command head(new.dat) shows me that x2 has been split up in two components. What I see when I type View(new.dat) is, however, only one column. This strikes me as puzzling and mindboggling. How can two colums be represented as one, and why is there a difference between head and View? If anyone can explain, I would be highly indebted!
If these questions are too basic, please apologize. In this case, I would appreciate any pointers to relevant manuals where this is explained.
Thanks in advance!
Good question, but this is difficult. fm$model is a weird data frame, of a type that would be hard for a user to construct, but which R sometimes generates internally. Check out the first few lines of str(fm$model), which show you that it's a data frame whose third component is an object of class poly with dimensions (100,2) -- i.e. something like a matrix:
## 'data.frame': 100 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ y : num -0.5952 -1.9561 1.8467 -0.2782 -0.0278 ...
## $ x1 : num 0.423 -1.539 -0.694 0.254 -0.13 ...
## $ poly(x2, 2): poly [1:100, 1:2] 0.0606 -0.0872 0.0799 -0.1068 -0.0395 ...
If you're still working in the environment from which lm was called in the first place, and if lm was called using the data argument, you can use eval(getCall(fm)$data) to get the original data. If things are being passed in and out of functions, or if someone used lm on independent objects in the environment, you're probably out of luck. If you get in trouble you can try
but things rapidly start getting harder.
I don't fully understand the logic of storing the processed model frame rather than the raw data, but I think it has to do with the construction of the terms object for the linear model -- each element in the stored model frame corresponds to an element of the terms object. I don't really understand the distinction between factors -- which are post-processed by model.matrix into sets of columns of dummy variables -- and transformed data (e.g. log(x)) or special objects like polynomial or spline bases ...
The question is, how badly you need it. If you look at the structure of fm$model$poly then at the end you will see something like this:
[1] 0.06738858 0.10887048
[1] 1.00000 100.00000 93.96666 155.01387
I suppose these coefficients could be used to restore your original data from poly. See the source code for poly function (either page(poly) or just type poly in the console) ... it looks like computing the polynomials might be reversible. But why bother doing it? I can think of two reasons: (1) you have lost the original data and the only way
to restore it is this; (2) you want to understand how R computes orthogonal polynomials.
Second, on a more general note, since I did explicitly not ask for
model.matrix(fm), why do I get data that has been manipulated? What is
the underlying philosophy behind that? Does anyone know?
Do you mean, why is data saved with the lm object at all? Just in case, I suppose. You can easily switch it off:
fm <- lm(y ~ x1 + poly(x2, 2), data=df, model=FALSE)
Or why are the data "manipulated"? I.e., why is poly(x2,2) saved with data instead of the original x2. My understanding is that you requested this yourself. The poly(x2,x) part is first evaluated and then passed to lm, so that lm doesn't even have original x2.
edit - to answer the comment below in a more convenient way
For instance, using factor(f) for some additional factor variable does
not get translated into a data frame being stored in fm$model. Only
the actual variable f is being stored in fm$model, whereas in this
case with poly, some transformation is stored. This puzzles me.
I think you've missed something here and the behaviour is the same for both poly and model.
> df <- data.frame(a=1:5, b=2:6, c=rnorm(5))
> fm <- lm(c~ a + factor(b), df)
> fm$model
c a factor(b)
1 0.5397541 1 2
2 0.9108087 2 3
3 0.1819442 3 4
4 -0.9293893 4 5
5 0.1404305 5 6
> fm$model$factor
[1] 2 3 4 5 6
Levels: 2 3 4 5 6
Warning message:
In `$.data.frame`(fm$model, factor) : Name partially matched in data frame
You can see that fm$model has factor(b) instead of b, and fm$model$factor is indeed a factor, not the original integer variable. (The warning is because the name is actually factor(b) and I used factor to avoid typing something as ugly as fm$model$'factor(b)' (replace single quotes with backquotes).
I have about 15 SPSS election studies files saved as .sav files. My group and I will be recoding about 10 variables for each study to run some logistic regressions.
I have used haven() to import all the files, so it looks like all the variables are of the haven_labelled() class.
I have always been a little confused about how to handle this class of variables, however I have observed a lot of improved performance as the haven() and labelled() packages have been updated, so I'm inclined to keep using it as opposed to using, e.g. rio or foreign.
But I want to get a sense of what best practices should be before we start this effort so we don't look back with regret.
Each study file has about 200 variables, with a mix of factors and numeric variables. But to start, I'm wondering how I should go about recoding the sex variable so that I end up with a variable male where 1 is male and 0 is not.
One thing I want to ask about is the car::Recode() method of recoding variables as opposed to the dplyr::recode variable way. I personally find the dplyr::recode() syntax very clunky and the help documentation poor. I am also not sure about the best way to set missing values.
To be specific, I think I have three specific questions.
Question 1: is there a compelling reason to use dplyr::recode as opposed to car::Recode? My own answer is that car::Recode() looks sufficient and easy to use.
Question 2: Should I make a point of converting variables to factors or numeric or will I be OK, leaving variables as haven_labelled with updated value labels? I am concerned about this quote from the haven documentation about the labelled_class: ''This class provides few methods, as I expect you’ll coerce to a standard R class (e.g. a factor()) soon after importing''
However, maybe the haven_labelled class has been improved and is sufficiently different from the labelled class that it is no longer necessary to force conversion to other standard R classes.
Question 3: is there any advantage to setting missing values with the labelled (e.g. na_range(), na_values()) rather than with the car::Recode() method ?
My inclination is that there clear disadvantages to using the labelled methods and I should stick with the car::Recode() method.
Thank you .
var1<-labelled(rep(c(1,5), 100), c(male = 1, female = 5))
var2<-labelled(sample(c(1,3,5,7,8,9), size=200, replace=T), c('strongly agree'=1, 'agree'=3, 'disagree'=5, 'strongly disagree'=7, 'DK'=8, 'refused'=9))
#give variable labels
var_label(var1)<-'Respondent\'s sex'
var_label(var2)<-'free trade is a good thing'
df<-data.frame(var1=var1, var2=var2)
#This works really well; and I really like this.
look_for(df, 'sex')
look_for(df, 'free trade')
#the Car way
df$male<-car::Recode(df$var1, "5=0")
#Check results
#value labels are still there, so would have to be removed or updated
#Remove value labels
class(df$male) #left with a numeric variable
#The other car way, keeping and modifying value labels
df$male2<-car::Recode(df$var1, "5=0")
val_label(df$male2, 0)<-c('female')
val_label(df$male2, 5)<-NULL
#Check class
#Can run numeric functions on it
#easily convert to factor
#How to handle missing values
#The CAR way
#use car to set missing values to NA
df$free_trade<-Recode(df$var2, "8=NA; 9=NA")
#Check class
#can still run numeric functions on haven_labelled
mean(df$free_trade, na.rm=T)
#did the na recode work?
#check value labels
#How to handle missing values
#The CAR way
#use car to set missing values to NA
df$free_trade<-Recode(df$var2, "8=NA; 9=NA")
#Check class
#can still run numeric functions on haven_labelled
mean(df$free_trade, na.rm=T)
#did the na recode work?
#check value labels
#set missing values the labelled way
#but a table function of does not pick up 8 and 9 as m isisng
#this seems to not work very well
A bit late in the game, but still some answers:
Should I make a point of converting variables to factors or numeric or will I be OK, leaving variables as haven_labelled with updated value labels?
First, you need to understand that haven_labelled vectors are all of numeric type (i.e. they will be treated as continuous variables), which you can easily check with:
df %>%
as_tibble() %>%
which gives:
# A tibble: 6 x 2
var1 var2
<dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl>
1 1 [male] 5 [disagree]
2 5 [female] 5 [disagree]
3 1 [male] 3 [agree]
4 5 [female] 5 [disagree]
5 1 [male] 7 [strongly disagree]
6 5 [female] 9 [refused]
The question if you shoudl convert to a standard type probably depends on your analysis.
For simple frequency tables it's probably fine to leave as is, e.g.
df %>%
as_tibble() %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 2
var1 n
<dbl+lbl> <int>
1 1 [male] 100
2 5 [female] 100
However, for any analysis that is type sensitive (already starts for calculating means, but also regression etc.) you definitely should convert your variables to an appropriate class for your analyses. Not doing so and treating everything as continuous will give your wrong results. Just think about a truly categorical variable like 1=Bus, 2=Car, 3=Bike that you'd throw into a linear regression.
Is there a compelling reason to use dplyr::recode as opposed to car::Recode?
There is now right or wrong here. Personally, I have a preference for staying within the tidyverse, because it has easy recode functions, e.g. the recode you mentioned, but for more complex tasks, you can also use if_else or case_when. And then you also have lots of functions to deal with missings like replace_na or na_if or coalesce. They syntax of car::recode isn't much different from the dplyr, so it's really mostly personal preference I'd say.
The same is true for your question if you should use the functions from labelled or not. The labelled packages indeed adds some very powerful functions to deal with labelled vectors taht go beyond what haven or the tidyverse offers, so IMO it's a good package to use.
I have what I think is a relatively simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer.
I have a 200 X 8 matrix temp and a response matrix (200X1) Binomial Vector
When I run the following line:
CLog=glm(BinomialVector~temp,family= binomial(logit))
I am able to run the logistic regression. What I think this is doing is really BinomialVector~tempcol1 +tempcol2+tempcol3 and so on.
However, when I press summary(CLog) the names of my factors have changed. If the first column was called trees then it has change do temptrees.Is there a way to prevent this?
As requested:
[1,] 0
[2,] 1
[3,] 1
[4,] 0
[5,] 0
[6,] 0
[7,] 1
Net.Income.Y06. Return.on.Assets.Y06.
A 0.1929241 27.947
AA 1.1405694 12.427
AAP 1.0302481 17.117
ABT 2.1006512 13.826
Return.on.Investment.Y06. Total.Current.Assets.Y06.
A 39.844 0.9274886
AA 20.003 0.8830403
AAP 30.927 1.0439536
ABT 21.376 1.2447154
Total.Current.Liabilities.Y06. IntersectionMostAdmired.2006.
A 1.0812744 0.000
AA 0.9842055 7.255
AAP 1.1010472 0.000
ABT 0.7617044 6.715
This is what possible columns of my temp matrix look like. The reason I don't like using that additive notation is that the number of columns changes, as I am using this inside a user defined function where I feed it in the temp matrix. As for using the data frame, I was under the impression that data frame is indeed the correct thing to use but I seem to get an error when it is not as.matrix. :s
Can you post a representative subset of your data and also the actual output glm gives you for that subset?
Then it will be easier to diagnose/replicate.
In the meantime, I suggest you use a data frame instead of a matrix. Here is how:
CLog = glm(BinomialVector~tempcol1+tempcol2+tempcol3,data=mydf,family=binomial(logit));
Matrices are a bad format to use as data sources for regression models (for one thing, they coerce all columns to the same data type, which may or may not be part of the problem here), so I never use them. But if I had to guess, your model might be converting the matrix into one long vector? And perhaps there's a variable somewhere in there that has the value "tree"? But without example data and output, it's all guesswork. It's likely that when you run the above commands, the nature of the problem will reveal itself right there.
Using a data frame is the way to go. For one, it'll make getting predictions on new data much easier; and it'll also let you use nominal predictors (factors) without having to code up the dummy variables yourself. If the number of predictors is not fixed and you want to fit a model on all of them, use . in the formula.
df <- data.frame(y=BinomialVector, temp)
glm(y ~ ., family=binomial, data=df)
I want to calculate the pooled (actually weighted) standard deviation for all the unique sites in my data frame.
The values for these sites are values for single species forest stands and I want to pool the mean and the sd so that I can compare broadleaved stands with conifer stands.
This is the data frame (df) with values for the broadleaved stands:
keybl n mean sd
Vest02DenmDesp 3 58.16 6.16
Vest02DenmDesp 5 54.45 7.85
Vest02DenmDesp 3 51.34 1.71
Vest02DenmDesp 3 59.57 5.11
Vest02DenmDesp 5 62.89 10.26
Vest02DenmDesp 3 77.33 2.14
Mato10GermDesp 4 41.89 12.6
Mato10GermDesp 4 11.92 1.8
Wawa07ChinDesp 18 0.097 0.004
Chen12ChinDesp 3 41.93 1.12
Hans11SwedDesp 2 1406.2 679.46
Hans11SwedDesp 2 1156.2 464.07
Hans11SwedDesp 2 4945.3 364.58
Keybl is the code for the site. The formula for the pooled SD is:
(Sorry I can't post pictures and did not find a link that would directly go to the formula)
Where 2 is the number of groups and therefore will change depending on site. I know this is used for t-test and two groups one wants to compare. In this case I'm not planning to compare these groups. My professor suggested me to use this formula to get a weighted sd. I didn't find a R function that incorporates this formula in the way I need it, therefore I tried to build my own. I am, however, new to R and not very good at making functions and loops, therefore I hope for your help.
This is what I got so far:
sd=function (data) {
sc1=data[z, "sc"]
nc2=data[z+1, "nc"]
sc2=data[z+1, "sc"]
sd1=(nc1-1)*sc1^2 + (nc2-1)*sc2^2
splitdf=split(df, with(df, df$keybl), drop = TRUE)
for (c in 1:length(splitdf)) {
for (i in 1:length(splitdf[[i]])) {
a = (splitdf[[i]])
b =sd(a)
1) The function itself is not correct as it gives slightly lower values than it should and I don't understand why. Could it be that it does not stop when z+1 has reached the last row? If so, how can that be corrected?
2) The loop is totally wrong but it is what I could come up with after several hours of no success.
Can anybody help me?
What you're trying to do would benefit from a more general formula which will make it easier. If you didn't need to break it into pieces by the keybl variable you'd be done.
dd <- df #df is not a good name for a data.frame variable since df has a meaning in statistics
dd$df <- dd$n-1
pooledSD <- sqrt( sum(dd$sd^2 * dd$df) / sum(dd$df) )
# note, in this case I only pre-calculated df because I'll need it more than once. The sum of squares, variance, etc. are only used once.
An important general principle in R is that you use vector math as much as possible. In this trivial case it won't matter much but in order to see how to do this on large data.frame objects where compute speed is more important read on.
# First use R's vector facilities to define the variables you need for pooling.
dd$df <- dd$n-1
dd$s2 <- dd$sd^2 # sd isn't a good name for standard deviation variable even in a data.frame just because it's a bad habit to have... it's already a function and standard deviations have a standard name
dd$ss <- dd$s2 * dd$df
And now just use convenience functions for splitting and calculating the necessary sums. Note only one function is executed here in each implicit loop (*apply, aggregate, etc. are all implicit loops executing functions many times).
ds <- aggregate(ss ~ keybl, data = dd, sum)
ds$df <- tapply(dd$df, dd$keybl, sum) #two different built in methods for split apply, we could use aggregate for both if we wanted
# divide your ss by your df and voila
ds$s2 <- ds$ss / ds$df
# and also you can easly get your sd
ds$s <- sqrt(ds$s2)
And the correct answer is:
keybl ss df s2 s
1 Chen12ChinDesp 2.508800e+00 2 1.254400e+00 1.120000
2 Hans11SwedDesp 8.099454e+05 3 2.699818e+05 519.597740
3 Mato10GermDesp 4.860000e+02 6 8.100000e+01 9.000000
4 Vest02DenmDesp 8.106832e+02 16 5.066770e+01 7.118125
5 Wawa07ChinDesp 2.720000e-04 17 1.600000e-05 0.004000
This looks much less concise than other methods (like 42-'s answer) but if you unroll those in terms of how many R commands are actually being executed this is much more concise. For a short problem like this either way is fine but I thought I'd show you the method that uses the most vector math. It also highlights why those convenient implicit loop functions are available, for expressiveness. If you used for loops to accomplish the same then the temptation would be stronger to put everything in the loop. This can be a bad idea in R.
The pooled SD under the assumption of independence (so the covariance terms can be assumed to be zero) will be: sqrt( sum_over_groups[ (var)/sum(n)-N_groups)] )
lapply( split(dat, dat$keybl),
function(dd) sqrt( sum( dd$sd^2 * (dd$n-1) )/(sum(dd$n-1)-nrow(dd)) ) )
[1] 1.583919
[1] Inf
[1] 11.0227
[1] 9.003795
[1] 0.004123106
The dataset named data has both categorical and continuous variables. I would like to the delete categorical variables.
I tried:
data.1 <- data[,colnames(data)[[3L]]!=0]
No error is printed, but categorical variables stay in data.1. Where are problems ?
The summary of "head(data)" is
id 1,2,3,4,...
age 45,32,54,23,...
status 0,1,0,0,...
(more variables like as I wrote above)
All variables are defined as "Factor".
What are you trying to do with that code? First of all, colnames(data) is not a list so using [[]] doesn't make sense. Second, The only thing you test is whether the third column name is not equal to zero. As a column name can never start with a number, that's pretty much always true. So your code translates to :
data1 <- data[,TRUE]
Not what you intend to do.
I suppose you know the meaning of binomial. One way of doing that is defining your own function is.binomial() like this :
is.binomial <- function(x,na.action=c('na.omit','na.fail','na.pass'){
FUN <- match.fun(match.arg(na.action))
in case you want to take care of NA's. This you can then apply to your dataframe :
data.1 <- data[!sapply(data,is.binomial)]
This way you drop all binomial columns, i.e. columns with only two distinct values.
#Shimpei Morimoto,
I think you need a different approach.
Are the categorical variables defines in the dataframe as factors?
If so you can use:
data.1 <- data[,!apply(data,2,is.factor)]
The test you perform now is if the colname number 3L is not 0.
I think this is not the case.
Another approach is
data.1 <- data[,-3L]
works only if 3L is a number and the only column with categorical variables
I think you're getting there, with your last comment to #Mischa Vreeburg. It might make sense (as you suggest) to reformat your original data file, but you should also be able to solve the problem within R. I can't quite replicate the undefined columns error you got.
Construct some data that look as much like your data as possible:
X <- read.csv(textConnection(
1,'27', 0,0
2,'35', 1,0
3,'22', 0,1
4,'24', 1,2
5,'55', 1,3
, ,yes(vs)no,"),
Take a look:
'data.frame': 6 obs. of 4 variables:
$ id : int 1 2 3 4 5 NA
$ age : int 27 35 22 24 55 NA
$ pre.treat: Factor w/ 3 levels " 0"," 1","yes(vs)no": 1 2 1 2 2 3
$ status : int 0 0 1 2 3 NA
Define #Joris Mey's function:
is.binomial <- function(x,na.action=c('na.omit','na.fail','na.pass')) {
FUN <- match.fun(match.arg(na.action))
Try it out: you'll see that it does not detect pre.treat as binomial, and keeps all the variables.
X1 <- X[!sapply(X,is.binomial)]
## keeps everything
We can drop the last row and try again:
X2 <- X[-nrow(X),]
It is true in general that R does not expect "extraneous" information such as level IDs to be in the same column as the data themselves. On the one hand, you can do even better in the R world by simply leaving the data as their original, meaningful values ("no", "yes", or "healthy", "sick" rather than 0, 1); on the other hand the data take up slightly more space if stored as a text file, and, more important, it becomes harder to incorporate other meta-data such as units in the file along with the data ...
Many surveys have codes for different kinds of missingness. For instance, a codebook might indicate:
0-99 Data
-1 Question not asked
-5 Do not know
-7 Refused to respond
-9 Module not asked
Stata has a beautiful facility for handling these multiple kinds of missingness, in that it allows you to assign a generic . to missing data, but more specific kinds of missingness (.a, .b, .c, ..., .z) are allowed as well. All the commands which look at missingness report answers for all the missing entries however specified, but you can sort out the various kinds of missingness later on as well. This is particularly helpful when you believe that refusal to respond has different implications for the imputation strategy than does question not asked.
I have never run across such a facility in R, but I would really like to have this capability. Are there any ways of marking several different types of NA? I could imagine creating more data (either a vector of length nrow(my.data.frame) containing the types of missingness, or a more compact index of which rows had what types of missingness), but that seems pretty unwieldy.
I know what you look for, and that is not implemented in R. I have no knowledge of a package where that is implemented, but it's not too difficult to code it yourself.
A workable way is to add a dataframe to the attributes, containing the codes. To prevent doubling the whole dataframe and save space, I'd add the indices in that dataframe instead of reconstructing a complete dataframe.
eg :
NACode <- function(x,code){
Df <- sapply(x,function(i){
i[i %in% code] <- NA
id <- which(is.na(Df))
rowid <- id %% nrow(x)
colid <- id %/% nrow(x) + 1
NAdf <- data.frame(
value = as.matrix(x)[id]
Df <- as.data.frame(Df)
attr(Df,"NAcode") <- NAdf
This allows to do :
> Df <- data.frame(A = 1:10,B=c(1:5,-1,-2,-3,9,10) )
> code <- list("Missing"=-1,"Not Answered"=-2,"Don't know"=-3)
> DfwithNA <- NACode(Df,code)
> str(DfwithNA)
'data.frame': 10 obs. of 2 variables:
$ A: num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ B: num 1 2 3 4 5 NA NA NA 9 10
- attr(*, "NAcode")='data.frame': 3 obs. of 4 variables:
..$ id : int 16 17 18
..$ rowid: int 6 7 8
..$ colid: num 2 2 2
..$ value: num -1 -2 -3
The function can also be adjusted to add an extra attribute that gives you the label for the different values, see also this question. You could backtransform by :
ChangeNAToCode <- function(x,code){
NAval <- attr(x,"NAcode")
for(i in which(NAval$value %in% code))
x[NAval$rowid[i],NAval$colid[i]] <- NAval$value[i]
> Dfback <- ChangeNAToCode(DfwithNA,c(-2,-3))
> str(Dfback)
'data.frame': 10 obs. of 2 variables:
$ A: num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ B: num 1 2 3 4 5 NA -2 -3 9 10
- attr(*, "NAcode")='data.frame': 3 obs. of 4 variables:
..$ id : int 16 17 18
..$ rowid: int 6 7 8
..$ colid: num 2 2 2
..$ value: num -1 -2 -3
This allows to change only the codes you want, if that ever is necessary. The function can be adapted to return all codes when no argument is given. Similar functions can be constructed to extract data based on the code, I guess you can figure that one out yourself.
But in one line : using attributes and indices might be a nice way of doing it.
The most obvious way seems to use two vectors:
Vector 1: a data vector, where all missing values are represented using NA. For example, c(2, 50, NA, NA)
Vector 2: a vector of factors, indicating the type of data. For example, factor(c(1, 1, -1, -7)) where factor 1 indicates the a correctly answered question.
Having this structure would give you a create deal of flexibility, since all the standard na.rm arguments still work with your data vector, but you can use more complex concepts with the factor vector.
Update following questions from #gsk3
Data storage will dramatically increase: The data storage will double. However, if doubling the size causes real problem it may be worth thinking about other strategies.
Programs don't automatically deal with it. That's a strange comment. Some functions by default handle NAs in a sensible way. However, you want to treat the NAs differently so that implies that you will have to do something bespoke. If you want to just analyse data where the NA's are "Question not asked", then just use a data frame subset.
now you have to manipulate two vectors together every time you want to conceptually manipulate a variable I suppose I envisaged a data frame of the two vectors. I would subset the data frame based on the second vector.
There's no standard implementation, so my solution might differ from someone else's. True. However, if an off the shelf package doesn't meet your needs, then (almost) by definition you want to do something different.
I should state that I have never analysed survey data (although I have analysed large biological data sets). My answers above appear quite defensive, but that's not my intention. I think your question is a good one, and I'm interested in other responses.
This is more than just a "technical" issue. You should have a thorough statistical background in missing value analysis and imputation. One solution requires playing with R and ggobi. You can assign extremely negative values to several types of NA (put NAs into margin), and do some diagnostics "manually". You should bare in mind that there are three types of NA:
MCAR - missing completely at random, where P(missing|observed,unobserved) = P(missing)
MAR - missing at random, where P(missing|observed,unobserved) = P(missing|observed)
MNAR - missing not at random (or non-ignorable), where P(missing|observed,unobserved) cannot be quantified in any way.
IMHO this question is more suitable for CrossValidated.
But here's a link from SO that you may find useful:
Handling missing/incomplete data in R--is there function to mask but not remove NAs?
You can dispense with NA entirely and just use the coded values. You can then also roll them up to a global missing value. I often prefer to code without NA since NA can cause problems in coding and I like to be able to control exactly what is going into the analysis. If have also used the string "NA" to represent NA which often makes things easier.
-Ralph Winters
I usually use them as values, as Ralph already suggested, since the type of missing value seems to be data, but on one or two occasions where I mainly wanted it for documentation I have used an attribute on the value, e.g.
> a <- NA
> attr(a, 'na.type') <- -1
> print(a)
[1] NA
[1] -1
That way my analysis is clean but I still keep the documentation. But as I said: usually I keep the values.
I´d like to add to the "statistical background component" here. Statistical analysis with missing data is a very good read on this.