Pathfinding algorithm to walk on all grids - path-finding

Given a 4x4 gridboard (as shown here:
I need to:
1. Select any one of the 16 grids to use as starting point
2. From the starting point, move one grid at a time, and walk on the other 15 grids once without repeating
Example of the pathfinding:
Highlighted red grid is the start point
Highlighted green grid is the end point

Sounds like homework... you might want to have a look at the eularian path/circuit ( problem.


We have an NxM grid there are two animals one is ‘Horse’ and another is ‘Bishop’ which has different moving abilities

Please help me to solve this problem efficiently and calculate its time complexity.
We have an NxM grid there are two animals one is ‘Horse’ and another is ‘Bishop’ which has different moving abilities. A ‘Horse’ can move 2.5 steps and a ‘Bishop’ can move only diagonal but not horizontally or vertically. Some grids are marked as inactive. Return 1 position where these animals can meet at any point. In the following image 0,3 & 2,0 are represented as an inactive grid where none of the animals can visit and ‘Bishop’ is at 3,2 position and possible direction are represented as arrow and ‘Horse’ is available at 6,6 and possible direction where horse can move are represented as arrow and circles. One of the possible point where the Bishop and Horse can meet is 4,5 as represented by yellow color. You need to use your own data structure, data types and test cases asper the requirement. (Hint: use graph algorithm - BFS). PS: Chess knowledge is not required to solve this problem *

How to repeat that animation in the PaperJS?

I found this interesting animation and wonder if it's possible to repeat it in the PaperJS? It seems like it could be made of a group of circles, rotated around another circle.
But the problem is - when these objects are in a group I can't use sendToBack() per each, it's not going to work. Here is the Sketch example, that doesn't work.
P.S. Here is a simplified version of how it could be achieved, but it works only for 1 element, and only for animation along one axis.
If you still want to have your object grouped, a basic solution could be to have 2 groups: one below and one above the circle and toggle items visibility.
Just to demonstrate the idea, this sketch extends your code in this way.
I think that the way you currently decide if the item should be below or above can be improved though for a better result (you could try to detect intersection between the item and the circle rather than only checking the position).

How tell if a point is within a polygon for texture

This seems to be a rather asked question - (hear me out first! :)
I've created a polygon with perlin noise, and it looks like this:
I need to generate a texture from this array of points. (I'm using Monogame/XNA, but I assume this question is somewhat agnostic).
Anyway, researching this problem tells me that many people use raycasting to determine how many times a line crosses over the polygon shape (If once, it's inside. twice or zero times, it's outside). This makes sense, but I wonder if there is a better way, given that I have all of the points.
Doing a small raycast for every pixel I want to fill in seems excessive - is this the only/best way?
If I have a small 500px square image I need to fill in, I'll need to do a raycast for 250,000 individual pixels, which seems like an awful lot.
If you want to do this for every pixel, you can use a sweeping line:
Start from the topmost coordinate and examine a horizontal ray from left to right. Calculate all intersections with the polygon and sort them by their x-coordinate. Then iterate all pixels on the line and remember if you are in or out. Whenever you encounter an intersection, switch to the other side. If some pixel is in, set the texture. If not, ignore it. Do this from top to bottom for every possible horizontal line.
The intersection calculation could be enhanced in several ways. E.g. by using an acceleration data structure like a grid, quadtree, etc. or by examining the intersecting or touching edges of the polygon before. Then, when you sweep the line, you will already know, which edges will cause an intersection.

Generate subdivided triangle-strip cube?

I want to generate a cube where each face is divided into bits, like the following image:
Now, I can do this pretty simply if I'm just rendering quads, by just spacing vertices along each face plane at regular intervals, but my problem comes in when I want to turn the whole thing into a triangle strip. I've just got no idea how to unwrap it programmatically- is there some pattern to unwrapping that I'd follow?
I'm thinking of starting with the vertex at the top left corner as Row 0 Column 0 (R0C0), I'd want (first triangle) R0C0, ROC1, R1C1, (second triangle) R0C0, R1C0, R1C1 and so forth, and then when I reach the end of a row I guess I'd use a degenerate triangle to move to the next row, and then when I reach the end of the face I'd do the same to start a new face.
My main problem is that I can't visualize the program loop that would do this. I can reason out which vertex comes next visually, which is how I worked out the order above, but when I try to think programmatically I just stare blankly.
Even worse, with the end product I want the generated cube to be UV-mapped with a simple cube-map unwrap (the kind that looks like a T or t).
I guess, really, the best solution would be to find a library that already does this for me.
You could take a look at Ignacio Castaño's 'Optimal Grid Rendering' even though it's not triangle strips, it may inspire you.
Otherwise, you could use NVTriStrip library and be done with it.

How to determine all line segments from a list of points generated from a mouse gesture?

Currently I am interning at a software company and one of my tasks has been to implement the recognition of mouse gestures. One of the senior developers helped me get started and provided code/projects that uses the $1 Unistroke Recognizer I get, in a broad way, what the $1 Unistroke Recognizer is doing and how it works but am a bit overwhelmed with trying to understand all of the internals/finer details of it.
My problem is that I am trying to recognize the gesture of moving the mouse downards, then upwards. The $1 Unistroke Recognizer determines that the gesture I created was a downwards gesture, which is infact what it ought to do. What I really would like it to do is say "I recognize a downards gesture AND THEN an upwards gesture."
I do not know if the lack of understanding of the $1 Unistroke Recognizer completely is causing me to scratch my head, but does anyone have any ideas as to how to recognize two different gestures from moving the mouse downwards then upwards?
Here is my idea that I thought might help me but would love for someone who is an expert or even knows just a bit more than me to let me know what you think. Any help or resources that you know of would be greatly appreciated.
How My Application Currently Works:
The way that my current application works is that I capture points from where the mouse cursor is while the user holds down the left mouse button. A list of points then gets feed to a the gesture recognizer and it then spits out what it thinks to be the best shape/gesture that cooresponds to the captured points.
My Idea:
What I wanted to do is before I feed the points to the gesture recognizer is to somehow go through all the points and break them down into separate lines or curves. This way I could feed each line/curve in one at a time and from the basic movements of down, up, left, right, diagonals, and curves I could determine the final shape/gesture.
One way I thought would be good in determining if there are separate lines in my list of points is sampling groups of points and looking at their slope. If the slope of a sampled group of points differed X% from some other group of sampled points then it would be safe to assume that there is indeed a separate line present.
What I Think Are Possible Problems In My Thinking:
Where do I determine the end of a line and the start of a separate line? If I was to use the idea of checking the slope of a group of points and then determined that there was a separate line present that doesn't mean I nessecarily found the slope of a separate line. For example if you were to draw a straight edged "L" with a right angle and sample the slope of the points around the corner of the "L" you would see that the slope would give resonable indication that there is a separate line present but those points don't correspond to the start of a separate line.
How to deal with the ever changing slope of a curved line? The gesture recognizer that I use handles curves already in the way I want it too. But I don't want my method that I use to determine separate lines keep on looking for these so called separate lines in a curve because its slope is changing all the time when I sample groups of points. Would I just stop sampling points once the slope changed more than X% so many times in a row?
I'm not using the correct "type" of math for determining separate lines. Math isn't my strongest subject but I did do some research. I tried to look into Dot Products and see if that would point me in some direction, but I don't know if it will. Has anyone used Dot Prodcuts for doing something like this or some other method?
Final Thoughts, Remarks, And Thanks:
Part of my problem I feel like is that I don't know how to compeletly ask my question. I wouldn't be surprised if this problem has already been asked (in one way or another) and a solution exist that can be Googled. But my search results on Google didn't provide any solutions as I just don't know exactly how to ask my question yet. If you feel like it is confusing please let me know where and why and I will help clarify it. In doing so maybe my searches on Google will become more precise and I will be able to find a solution.
I just want to say thanks again for reading my post. I know its long but didn't really know where else to ask it. Imma talk with some other people around the office but all of my best solutions I have used throughout school have come from the StackOverflow community so I owe much thanks to you.
Edits To This Post:
(7/6 4:00 PM) Another idea I thought about was comparing all the points before a Min/Max point. For example, if I moved the mouse downards then upwards, my starting point would be the current Max point while the point where I start moving the mouse back upwards would be my min point. I could then go ahead and look to see if there are any points after the min point and if so say that there could be a new potential line. I dunno how well this will work on other shapes like stars but thats another thing Im going to look into. Has anyone done something similar to this before?
If your problem can be narrowed down to breaking apart a general curve into straight or smoothly curved partial lines then you could try this.
Comparing the slope of the segments and identifying breaking points where it is greater then some threshold would work in a very simplified case. Imagine a perfectly formed L-shape where you have a right angle between two straight lines. Obviously the corner point would be the only one where the slope difference is above the threshold as long as the threshold is between 0 and 90 degrees, and thus a identifiable breaking point.
However, the vertical and horizontal lines may be slightly curved so the threshold would need to be large enough for these small differences in slope to be ignored as breaking points. You'd also have to decide how sharp a corner the algorithm should pick up as a break. is 90 deg or higher required, or is even 30 deg enough? This is an important question.
Finally, to make this robust I would not be satisfied comparing the slopes of two adjacent segments. Hands may shake, corners may be smoothed out and the ideal conditions to find straight lines and sharp corners will probably never occur. For each point investigated for a break I would take the average slope of the N previous segments and compare it to the average slope of the N following segments. This can be efficiently implemented using a running mean. By choosing a good sample number N (depending on the accuracy of the input, the total number of points, etc) the algorithm can avoid the noise and make better detections.
Basically the algorithm would be:
For each investigated point (beginning N points into the sequence and ending N points before the end.)
Compute average slope of the N previous segments.
Compute average slope of the N next segments.
If the difference of the averages is greater than the Threshold, mark current point as a breaking point.
This is quite off the top of my head. You'd have to try it in your application.
if you work with absolute angles, like upwards and downwards, you can simply take the absolute slope between two points (not necessarily adjacent) to determine if it's RIGHT, LEFT, UP, DOWN (if that is enough of a distinction)
the art is to find a distance between points so that the angle is not random (with 1px, the angle will be a multiple of 45°)
There is a firefox plugin for Navigation using mouse gestures that works very well. I think it's FireGestures, but I'm not sure. I guess you can get some inspiration from that one
Additional thought: If you draw a shape by connectiong successive points, then connecting back to the first point, the ratio between the area and the final line segment's length is also an indicator for the gesture's "edginess"
If you are just interested in up/down/left/right, a first approximation is to check 45 degree segments of a circle. This is easily done by checking the the horizontal difference between (successive) points against the vertical difference between points.
Say you have a greater positive horizontal difference than vertical difference, then that would be 'RIGHT'.
The only difficulty then comes for example, in distinguishing UP/DOWN from UP/RIGHT/DOWN. But this could be done by distances between points. If you determine that the mouse has moved RIGHT for less than 20 pixels say, then you can ignore that movement.
