What is the proper way to delete a zombie API proxy in my OPDK installation? - apigee

I am on an OPDK installation of Apigee Edge. I have a zombie API proxy, meaning I can't delete the API proxy in the UI (and usually not via MS API, either). I get the following error:
What is the best way to ensure Apigee Edge is cleared of this zombie API proxy so that I can redeploy this API proxy again?

To clean up this up, you will need to execute some manual steps:
1) check /o/{}/apiproxies from MS API call ("curl http(s)://{mgmt-host}:{port}/v1/o/{orgname}/e/{envname}/apiproxies") This will give you the actual response info that the UI is -trying- to parse
2) delete the /o/{}/apiproxies/{proxyname} using MS API call ("curl -X DELETE http(s)://:/v1/o/{orgname}/e/{envname}/apiproxies/{apiproxy_name}") Re-check step 1 to see if it is cleaned up
3) if it is clean, try your deployment again. If it succeeds, you are good.
4) if it does not, then
5) go to zookeeper (/opt/apigee//share/zookeeper) and run the CLI (./zkCli.sh)
6) find /organizations/{orgname}/environments/{envname}/apiproxies/ and see if the {apiproxy_name} is there.
7) if so, execute "[{prompt-stuff}] rmr /organization/{orgname}/environment/{envname}/apiproxies/{apiproxy_name}" in zk
8) repeat your checks above, the proxy should be all clean
Note: There a few circumstances that may require some addition steps, such as actually incorrect server configurations, or conflicting confg data.
Hope that helps.


Reading Incoming HTTP Response Bodies to CLI

There's a simple game that my friends and I play both in person and and online. I developed a CLI that records our in-person games (I just type in each move), but I now want to use it to record our online games. All I need to do is pipe the HTTP response bodies being sent to my browser (Firefox) to my CLI. Unfortunately. I can't figure out how to do this.
Ideally, I'm looking for a Ubuntu package that I can run from the command line that will capture and return all HTTP response bodies from a specific endpoint. I've looked into tcpdump and some simple proxy servers, but I'm not sure they do what I want them to do.
Thanks for your help! Let me know if I need to provide any further information!
I used MITMProxy as ZachChilders recommended in the comments. I found it somewhat difficult to get set up, so I'll include what directions I followed to get it up and running:
1) Install MITMProxy.
2) Configure Firefox.
3) Create Add On to parse body.
4) Stream data via Python to CLI (TODO).

Could not create internal topics - Stream-thread exception

I am trying to execute a simple Wordcount stream application but I face the error "Could not create internal topics - Stream-thread exception"
I have seen a similar thread but that seems to be more of a network issue.
Here is no security enabled on the kafka broker.
Only one broker is configured and still this issue.
Can someone let me know how to fix this?
Clean your temporary kafka queues.
Run --list command on kafka to see all the queues starting with your names and ending with -changelog & -repartition and manually run delete on them.
This one worked for me.
Also, check your settings on delete.topic.enable for actual deletion happening. It was not the default setting until 1.0.0 - see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5384
i have connected to kafka using kafka tool and delete them manually

Google Cloud Functions with Trace Agent connection

I need to connect monitoring and tracing tools for our application. Our main code is on Express 4 running on Google Cloud Functions. All requests incoming from front nginx proxy server that handle domain and pretty routes names. Unfortunately, trace agent traces this requests, that coming on nginx front proxy without any additional information, and this is not enough to collect useful information about app. I found the Stack Driver custom API, which, as I understand might help to collect appropriate data on runtime, but I don't understand how I can connect it to Google Cloud Functions app. All other examples saying, that we must extend our startup script, but Google Cloud Functions fully automated thing, there is no such possibility here.
Found solution. I included require("#google-cloud/trace-agent"); not at the top of the index.js. It should be included before all other modules. After that it started to work.
Placing require("#google-cloud/trace-agent") as the very first import didn't work for me. I still kept getting:
ERROR:#google-cloud/trace-agent: express tracing might not work as /var/tmp/worker/node_modules/express/index.js was loaded before the trace agent was initialized.
However I managed to work around it by manually patching express:
var traceApi = require('#google-cloud/trace-agent').get();
require(Object.keys(require('module')._cache).find( _ => _.indexOf("express") !== -1)),

how can i monitor iccube server and data via an external tool

I'd like to put iccube under solid monitoring so that we know when a) cube load failure or b) cube last update time exceeded the expected.
is there an api i can use to integrate with standard monitoring tools?rest, command-line etc ...
thanks in advance, assaf
Regarding the schema load failure you can check the notification service (www); you can for example receive an eMail on failure. Note that you can implement (JAVA) your own transport service to receive notifications. There is no "notification" for last update time exceeded but if you could use an external LOAD command (www) for loading your schema; in that case you will know the last update time and perform whatever logic required.
Edit: XMLA commands can be sent via any tools (e.g., Bash).
Hope that helps.

Meteor 0.7.2 + OplogObserveDriver not updating under certain circumstances

This is pretty cutting-edge as 0.7.2 was just released today, but I thought I'd ask in case somebody can shed some light.
I didn't report this to MDG because I can't reproduce this on my dev environment and thus I wouldn't have a recipe to give them.
I've set up oplog tailing in my production environment, which was deployed exactly as my dev environment was, except it's on a remote server.
The server runs Ubuntu + node 0.10.26 and I'm running the bundled version of the app with forever. Mongo reports its replSet is working in order.
The problem is that some collection updates made in server code don't make it to the client. This is the workflow the code is following:
Server publishes the collection using a very simple user_id: this.userId selector.
Client subscribes
Client calls a server method using Meteor.call()
Client starts observing a query on that collection using a specific _id: "something" selector. It will echo on "changed"
Server method calls .update() on the document matching that "something" _id, after doing some work.
If I run the app without oplog tailing (by not setting MONGO_OPLOG_URL), the above workflow works every time. However, if I run it with oplog tailing, the client doesn't echo any changes and if I query the collection directly from the JS console on the browser I don't see the updated version of the collection.
To add to the mystery, if I go into the mongo console and update the document manually, I see the the change on the client immediately. Or if I refresh the browser after the Meteor.call() and then query the collection manually from the js console the changes are there, as I'd expect.
As mentioned before, if I run the app on my dev environment with oplog tailing (verified using the facts package) it all works as expected and I can't reproduce the issue. The only difference here would be latency between client and server? (my dev environment is in my LAN).
Maybe if somebody is running into something similar we can isolate the issue and make it reproducible..
