Possible ways to keep track of dynamic ip address? - networking

So for those who knows what bitcoin miner is I got one, for those who don't know what it is they can search to see what i mean.
Anyway as far as I have seen, machine is running and configurable through mikrotik installed on raspberry pi.
And I got it working.
The problem is that machine is located on my friend's house, and I need access to the machine from time to time. So far I have made redirect on router so machine is accessible to outside world.
But I can access it only if I know what is ip address of my friend internet. But as he have dynamic ip address, the address is changing from time to time, and I can't access the machine unless he tells me the new address.
What are the possible ways to track dynamic ip address and know what is the address when it's changed so I can access machine any time?

You can access your external ip address formatted as simple text from http://wtfismyip.com/text. You can write a shell script to 'wget' the address and 'mail' it to you. The 'crond' on your raspberry pi can then regularly execute the script.


way to detect list of changes in ip address in client machine

Ours is a small network consisting of 15 users. We have LAN messenger installed in every machine. Someone is misusing it by using anonymous IP address in their system. We traced the anonymous IP as Now we want to check each system if they have manually changed their IP to the above address. Does Windows stores IP address change event anywhere? All are static IP within a LAN.
With some luck, I've got an easy solution for you to retrieve some information about the target. You could try to use the nbtstat-command.
Just open a command prompt and type in the following:
nbtstat -A
This will output a bunch of information about the target host, including the machinename and MAC address.
Here is an example, how the output could look like:
(source: onlinecomputertips.com)
Good luck

Get public IP remotely

I'm thinking of a way to find the public IP of router at home, remotely.
For example if I'm in university and I need to connect to a machine in my home network. How can I get the public IP to connect to it?
To get the IP from that machine I can use something like this website - http://api.exip.org/?call=ip
But how can I send it to myself remotely?
One of the ideas is to write some sort of script that will check my email address for incoming messages. So when I need to know the IP, I just send some email to myself with specific text (or subject). When script will find that specific text, it will send the IP to the same email.
Another idea it to write a script that will upload a new file to the server (for example DropBox) every time the public IP is changed.
Or I can combine those two and email new IP every time it changes (not that often, but still it’s a spam).
What other solutions there can be, and how can I implement them (or the one that I have)?
I have Linux/Unix and Windows machines which I can use. I have no problem in writing code in different languages or looking in to any possible approach.
most of home router have dynamic DNS facility , you will find it in your router configuration as DDNS and configuration page you will find list of supported DDNS service ,most popular DDNS service is dyndns.org you have to subscribe there and they will give you tow free subdomain like example.dyndns.org , and after configuring that on your router you can easily from any where ping example.dyndns.org to know your router IP

IP Changing Program

So, my work has several networks and small business locations all with an internet blocking server. The managers all rotate and want freedom from the server, AKA static IP addresses outside the range of DHCP.
my problem is that they all need access to each others network, so setting up an alternate configuration is not that useful. How would I create an application that will change my users IP Address so that it will match their static IP at the location they changed it too?
This is just their internal IP address on their local machine, and each location's network has a static ip waiting for them. Just have to change their IP Address.
Is there a batch file command that can help achieve this? if not maybe writing a script or going into a larger application?
Doing this on the machine itself will be difficult. It needs to be able to recognise each network, and what will it do when connecting to an unknown network like a home network or a hotspot?
I think it would be better to let the DHCP server hand out static addresses from outside the normal dynamic address pool. That way everything keeps working automatically while also giving static addresses to the machines.
I know this is not a real answer to your question, but I hope this gives you an alternative.

Access localhost from another computer not on network

Before you say that it is a dupe, this is not the same as this, this, this or this.
My question is how do you do it globally.
For instance, consider this. I have EasyPHP running in my computer. At present my ip address (global) is
Now, let's say there is someone else (maybe in a different country altogether) who wants to access my ip ( I do know how to access 192.168.x.x from the same network. I just want to know how you can do this globally, if possible.
P.S 1 : The computer running EasyPHP is behind a router.
P.S 2 : My IP (local IP is, but global one is not) is not static. But let us assume the person who wants to access my localhost does know my Dynamic IP. For example, let us assume I tell the person who wants to access my localhost is my friend and I tell him over phone what my IP is.
You can use tools just like ngrok or Forward
more tools are in this post Accessing localhost From Anywhere
Your local IP address "192.168.x.x" is only known to your router and unknown to everyone outside your LAN. The global IP address ( in your example) is the global address of your router.
To be able to access the EasyPHP server on your local computer you need to forward the corresponding port (for http webservers the default is 80 but it might be different for EasyPHP) from your router to your local IP. You need to check your routers manual on how to do this.
After you have done that you can just tell the person who wants to access your local computer the global ip address of your router and he will see your EasyPHP response by browsing to that global address.

How do I monitor network connections to see what address a certain program is contacting

I made a program many years ago, that connects to a SQL Server database (port 1433), and I no longer have the code for this application, but I need to know whether it is trying to connected to the domain name exampleDomain.com or if it is connecting directly to the IP address, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
I need to find this out because I want to switch hosting providers, but cannot let this application stop working, so I'm not sure if changing the IP Address of the SQL server will affect the program.
Is there a way I can tell what this program is connecting to? The raw IP Address or the domain Name?
Use wireshark. http://www.wireshark.org/
It's free, easy to use, and very powerful.
You can monitor all traffic coming out of your PC and you can filter the traffic by type. So first I would look for any DNS communication that has MyDoman.com and then look at TCP connections.
