Why there is no access modifier named "Visible"? - access-modifiers

In OO languages like C++, Java or C#, there are access modifiers like public, private, protected. Some languages have other modifiers like internal. All of them specifies who can access a certain variable or method. And for variables, this term access means both the ability to read and modify. But the most common scenario for accessing variable is making it publicly visible to others but keeping the ability to modify within the class. And this is achieved through many tactics using getter setter etc.
My question is, why don't we have a access modifier for the most common scenario, which can be named something like visible? Then the variable marked with it can be read by external classes or methods. But can only be modified within the class.

Your suggestion would encourage the implementation detail of how the state is represented within the class to be made public.
Using one level of indirection - properties - allows you to separate out the public API of a type from its implementation. That can be of great benefit:
You can make when a value is computed, e.g. lazily populating some data
You can change how a value is stored, e.g. via delegation to some other type
You can rename the implementation details without worrying about breaking callers
I'm all for languages making it easier to expose read-only state (as C# 6 is doing with read-only automatically implemented properties, for example) but I wouldn't encourage the fields themselves to become more visible.


Can someone explain FHIR extensions?

I've been trying to wrap my head around authoring profiles in FHIR. The trouble I'm having is around the use of using extensions.
The documentation talks about extensions as if they are simply just there to extend existing elements of the resource which a profile belongs to, this is kind of confirmed to me when using forge because I can add new elements which don't have extensions.
It feels very foreign to me as in our proprietary storage system, we have the equivalent of profiles, and they have properties about them (which I think are similar to elements in fhir), however a property is only designed to store one type of thing; e.g. you might have a patient profile that has the properties DOB, ethniticy, identifier, etc. I don't really understand what profiles are for in the context of fhir, are they similar to my properties? Can I use the to limit the datatype that a profile instance can have for a particular element?
Is there any better documentation than the spec? I'm finding it really hard to get to grips with.
FHIR extensions are used to be able to enter extra data elements, when there's no field for that in the standard definition. Mother's maiden name is an example of that for the Patient resource.
The use of an extension is a standard FHIR mechanism and will always look like this:
<url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient-mothersMaidenName"/>
<valueString value="Williams"/>
The url is the canonical url for the definition of the extension, which is a StructureDefinition resource defining the extension and the datatype(s) of the value.
You can have extensions on every level of a resource/datatype.
Since profiling is a very overloaded term, it is hard for me to understand what you're saying about profiles and properties in your proprietary system, or how that relates to your question. But in general, FHIR profiling is needed and used to
be able to add data when there's no data field for it in the specification (i.e. an extension of the specs)
constrain the specification in places where you need to be more strict, for example to make an optional field mandatory (i.e. a constraint on the specs, also called a profile)
I recommend browsing through some of the profiles and their descriptions on the Simplifier repository to get an idea of why people are creating profiles on FHIR.

OO design: should collections always be stored?

I've wondered this in many different situations, so here I come, looking for the experts knowledge.
Let's say I have to model something that requires a collection. A simple example: an application that stores famous quotes along with their author and a set of tags or keywords. The user should be able to enter a tag or keyword and get matching quotes for it.
My question is: do I really need a class that contains my collection of quotes? Something like this:
Or would this also be correct?
I'm asking this in the more abstract way possible (after all, UML should never depend on the implementation).
I've always thought the second example (just 1 class) was incorrect, but now I'm thinking that maybe the user can press a button on some interface and that button executes some code that gets a quote stored somewhere, and the second example would also be correct?
Basically, should I always have a collection stored somewhere, even if the storing class does nothing else but just store the collection (and provide the methods to access it)?
I definitelly prefer only one class, if there is no strong reason to have another container class (especially on abstract conceptual level). Then I add the collection methods as static functions. A separate container class would only bring more complexity, more dependencies and doubts like yours. :) Doubts often indicate the lack of a real need. When you really need something, you know it.
Here an example with some explanations. I find it simple, clear, elegant and abstract, meaning non-restrictive, easy to transform to any implementation you like:
When it comes to relationships of this class to other class, then you actially have your collection, without introducing new class. This diagram shows two examples. "Other class" actually sees a collection "quotes" which is ordered, like Vector. "One more class" also has a collection of Quotes with different characteristics.
Later on implementation level you can implement it directly like this or eventually adding a Factory or Container class, according to concrete, implemention resctrictions and special reqs.

What's best practice in this situation?

I was just writing a small asp.net web page to display a collection of objects by binding to a repeater, when this came to mind.
Basically the class I've created, let's call it 'Test', has a price property that's an integer data type (ignore the limitations of using this type, I'm just using it as an example). However I want to format this property so it displays a currency and the correct decimal places etc.
Is it best practice to have a function within the class that returns the formatted string for the object, or would it be better to have a function in the back end of my web form that operations on the object and returns the formatted string?
I've heard before that a class should contain all it's relative functions but I've also heard that presentation should be kept in the 'presentation layer' in my N-tier app.
What would be the best approach in my situation? (and apologies if I haven't explained this clearly enough!)
In my opinion, both options are valid from an OO point of view.
Since the value is a price (that just happens to have the wrong data type), it makes sense to put the formatting into the data class. It's not something that's specific to the web interface, and, if you develop a different kind of user interface, you are very likely to require this formatting again.
On the other hand, it's a presentation issue, so it also makes sense to put it into the presentation layer.
For general OOP stuff, the object should not be exposing implementation details. I choose to interpret this as "avoid setters and getters when possible".
In the context of your question, I suggest that you have a getPriceDisplay() method that returns a string containing the formatted price.
The actual implementation of the formatting is hidden in the implementation details. You could provide a generic function for formatting, use some backend call, or something else. Those details should make no difference to the consumer of the 'Test' object.
Though it's not an OOP approach, in my opinion, this is a good time for an extension method. Call it .ToCurrency() which has the format of the currency...this could be taken from the Web.Config file if you wanted.
To elaborate, I would simply call .ToString("your-format") (of course this could be as simple as .ToString("C") for your specific question) in the extension method. This allows you change the format throughout the UI in one place. I have found this to be very useful when dealing with DateTime formats in web applications.
Wouldn't .ToString("C"); do the job? This would be in the presentation layer I would imagine.

Determining type of CollectionBase via Reflections (or Microsoft.Cci)

Is there a static way to reliably determine the type contained by a type derived from CollectionBase, using Reflection or Microsoft.Cci?
I am working on a code generator that copies types, makes customized versions of those types, and converters between. It walks the types in the source assembly via Microsoft.Cci. It prints out source code using textual templates. It does a lot of conversion and customization, and tosses out code that I don't care about.
In my resulting code, I intend to replace List<T> everywhere that a CollectionBase, IEnumerable<T>, or T[] was previously used. I want to use List<T> because I am pretty sure I can serialize it without extra work, which is important for my application. T is concrete in every case. I am trying not to copy CollectionBase classes because I'd have to copy over the custom implementation, and I'd like to avoid having to do that in my code generator.
The only part I'm having a problem with is determining T for List<T> when replacing a custom CollectionBase.
What I've done so far:
I have briefly looked at the MSDN docs and samples for CollectionBase, and they mention creating a custom Add method on your derived type. I don't think this is in any way enforced, so I'm not sure I can rely on that. An implementor could name it something else, or worse, have a collection that supports multiple types, with Object as their only common ancestor.
Alternatives I have considered:
Maybe the default serialization does some tricks that I can take advantage of. Is there a default serialization for CollectionBase collections, or do you generally have to implement it yourself? If you have to do it yourself, is there some reliable metadata I could look at in order to determine the types? If it supports default serialization, does it rely on the runtime types of the items in the collection?
I could make a mapping in my code generator of known CollectionBase types, mapped to their corresponding T for List<T>. If a given CollectionBase type that I encounter isn't in the list, throw an exception. This is probably what I'll go with if I there isn't a reliable alternative.
I'm still not sure enough about what you want to do to give advice. Still, do your CollectionBase-derived classes all implement Add(T)? If so, you could look for an Add method with single parameter of type other than object, and use that type for T.

ASP.NET plugin architecture: reference to other modules

We're currently migrating our ASP Intranet to .NET and we started to develop this Intranet in one ASP.NET website. This, however, raised some problems regarding Visual Studio (performance, compile-time, ...).
Because our Intranet basically exists of modules, we want to seperate our project in subprojects in Visual Studio (each module is a subproject).
This raises also some problems because the modules have references to each other.
Module X uses Module Y and vice versa... (circular dependencies).
What's the best way to develop such an Intranet?
I'll will give an example because it's difficult to explain.
We have a module to maintain our employees. Each employee has different documents (a contract, documents created by the employee, ...).
All documents inside our Intranet our maintained by a document module.
The employee-module needs to reference the document-module.
What if in the future I need to reference the employee-module in the document-module?
What's the best way to solve this?
It sounds to me like you have two problems.
First you need to break the business orientated functionality of the system down into cohesive parts; in terms of Object Orientated design there's a few principles which you should be using to guide your thinking:
Common Reuse Principle
Common Closure Principle
The idea is that things which are closely related, to the extent that 'if one needs to be changed, they all are likely to need to be changed'.
Single Responsibility Principle
Don't try to have a component do to much.
I think you also need to look at you dependency structure more closely - as soon as you start getting circular references it's probably a sign that you haven't broken the various "things" apart correctly. Maybe you need to understand the problem domain more? It's a common problem - well, not so much a problem as simply a part of designing complex systems.
Once you get this sorted out it will make the second part much easier: system architecture and design.
Luckily there's already a lot of existing material on plugins, try searching by tag, e.g:
Assets is defined in a different module than employees. But the Assets-class defines a property 'AssignedTo' which is of the type 'Employee'. I've been breaking my head how to disconnect these two
There two parts to this, and you might want to look at using both:
Using a Common Layer containing simple data structures that all parts of the system can share.
Using Interfaces.
Common Layer / POCO's
POCO stands for "Plain Old CLR Objects", the idea is that POCO's are a simple data structures that you can use for exchanging information between layers - or in your case between modules that need to remain loosely Coupled. POCO's don't contain any business logic. Treat them like you'd treat the String or DateTime types.
So rather than referencing each other, the Asset and Employee classes reference the POCO's.
The idea is to define these in a common assembly that the rest of your application / modules can reference. The assembly which defines these needs to be devoid of unwanted dependencies - which should be easy enough.
This is pretty much the same, but instead of referring to a concrete object (like a POCO) you refer to an interface. These interfaces would be defined in a similar fashion to the POCO's described above (common assembly, no dependencies).
You'd then use a Factory to go and load up the concrete object at runtime. This is basically Dependency Inversion.
So rather than referencing each other, the Asset and Employee classes reference the interfaces, and concrete implementations are instantiated at runtime.
This article might be of assistance for both of the options above: An Introduction to Dependency Inversion
I've got the following method GetAsset( int assetID ); In this method, the property asset.AssignedTo (type IAssignable) is filled in. How can I assign this properly?
This depends on where the logic sits, and how you want to architect things.
If you have a Business Logic (BL) Layer - which is mainly a comprehensive Domain Model (DM) (of which both Asset and Employee were members), then it's likely Assets and Members would know about each other, and when you did a call to populate the Asset you'd probably get the appropriate Employee data as well. In this case the BL / DM is asking for the data - not isolated Asset and Member classes.
In this case your "modules" would be another layer that was built on top of the BL / DM described above.
I variation on this is that inside GetAsset() you only get asset data, and atsome point after that you get the employee data separately. No matter how loosely you couple things there is going to have to be some point at which you define the connection between Asset and Employee, even if it's just in data.
This suggests some sort of Register Pattern, a place where "connections" are defined, and anytime you deal with a type which is 'IAssignable' you know you need to check the register for any possible assignments.
I would look into creating interfaces for your plug-ins that way you will be able to add new modules, and as long as they follow the interface specifications your projects will be able to call them without explicitly knowing anything about them.
We use this to create plug-ins for our application. Each plugin in encapsulated in user control that implements a specific interface, then we add new modules whenever we want, and because they are user controls we can store the path to the control in the database, and use load control to load them, and we use the interface to manipulate them, the page that loads them doesn't need to know anything about what they do.
