Last chunk of data truncated on arduino serial data - arduino

I have an arduino taking serial input and will turn on the leds. The code is below.
I have a strange problem that when I send multiples of 120x bytes e.g., 240, 480 the last 120 bytes never get read completely.
I see on the serial monitor 120 120 120 81 if I send 480 bytes of data. Could anyone point out the mistake?
#include "FastLED.h"
#define DATA_PIN 6
#define NUM_LEDS 40
byte colors[120];
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (Serial.available()){
int i =0;
char incomingByte;
while(1) {
incomingByte = Serial.readBytes((char *)colors,120);
for(i=0;i<NUM_LEDS ;i++){
leds[i].green = colors[i];
leds[i].red = colors[i+1];
leds[i].blue = colors[i+2];

your code is flawed in different ways.
First, please remove the useless use of while(1) {…; break;}, it's just adding an overhead and adds nothing to your algorithm.
Otherwise, your code is not working well because, I guess, at some point there's a lag happening in the serial communication that causes the read to timeout. Let's have a look at source code.
First, you take the readBytes() function. All it does is:
size_t Stream::readBytes(char *buffer, size_t length)
size_t count = 0;
while (count < length) {
int c = timedRead();
if (c < 0) break;
*buffer++ = (char)c;
return count;
i.e. it iterates length times over the blocking read function. But it breaks if that function's return value is less than zero, returning less than length bytes. So that what's happening to get less than length, so let's have a look at timedRead():
int Stream::timedRead()
int c;
_startMillis = millis();
do {
c = read();
if (c >= 0) return c;
} while(millis() - _startMillis < _timeout);
return -1; // -1 indicates timeout
what happens here, is that if the read succeeds, it returns the read value, otherwise it loops until timeout has passed, and returns -1, which will end readBytes immediately. The default value for the timeout is 1000ms, though you can make that value higher by using Serial.setTimeout(5000); in your setup() function.
Though you have nothing to earn by using the blocking readBytes() function. So you'd better instead write your loop so you read the values, and trigger an event only once all values have been read:
#define NB_COLORS 120
void loop() {
static byte colors[NB_COLORS];
static int colors_index=0;
if (colors_index < NB_COLORS) {
// let's read only one byte
colors[colors_index] =;
// if a byte has been read, increment the index
if (colors[colors_index] != -1)
} else {
// reset the index to start over
colors_index = 0;
// should'nt you iterate 3 by 3, i.e. having i=i+3 instead of i++ ?
for(i=0;i<NUM_LEDS ;i++){
leds[i].green = colors[i];
leds[i].red = colors[i+1];
leds[i].blue = colors[i+2];


Time delaying causes checksum errors in PMS5003 particulate matter data reading

I'm using the default code for a PMS5003 particulate matter sensor (with the RTC time features removed for now). However, I don't want to the data output to be on a constant loop; instead, I want to collect data only at certain intervals, for example every 10 seconds or every minute. To do this, I simply added a delay line at the end of the main loop. And with even the slightest delay of 1 second, I quickly run into checksum errors, although the code works fine without the delay.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial pmsSerial(2, 3);
void setup() {
// our debugging output
// sensor baud rate is 9600
struct pms5003data {
uint16_t framelen;
uint16_t pm10_standard, pm25_standard, pm100_standard;
uint16_t pm10_env, pm25_env, pm100_env;
uint16_t particles_03um, particles_05um, particles_10um, particles_25um, particles_50um, particles_100um;
uint16_t unused;
uint16_t checksum;
struct pms5003data data;
void loop() {
if (readPMSdata(&pmsSerial)) {
// reading data was successful!
Serial.println("Concentration Units (environmental)");
Serial.print("PM 1.0: "); Serial.print(data.pm10_env);
Serial.print("\t\tPM 2.5: "); Serial.print(data.pm25_env);
//This line causes issues
boolean readPMSdata(Stream *s) {
if (! s->available()) {
return false;
// Read a byte at a time until we get to the special '0x42' start-byte
if (s->peek() != 0x42) {
return false;
// Now read all 32 bytes
if (s->available() < 32) {
return false;
uint8_t buffer[32];
uint16_t sum = 0;
s->readBytes(buffer, 32);
// get checksum ready
for (uint8_t i=0; i<30; i++) {
sum += buffer[i];
/* debugging
for (uint8_t i=2; i<32; i++) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(buffer[i], HEX); Serial.print(", ");
// The data comes in endian'd, this solves it so it works on all platforms
uint16_t buffer_u16[15];
for (uint8_t i=0; i<15; i++) {
buffer_u16[i] = buffer[2 + i*2 + 1];
buffer_u16[i] += (buffer[2 + i*2] << 8);
// put it into a nice struct :)
memcpy((void *)&data, (void *)buffer_u16, 30);
if (sum != data.checksum) {
Serial.println("Checksum failure");
return false;
// success!
return true;
I suspect that the delay is causing the sensor and the Arduino to somehow desync. I also think it could possibly have to do with poor soldering of the sensor wires (though this wouldn't explain why the sensor works perfectly without the delay). Anyone know what's causing this issue, and how I might fix it?

Convert "String" above 255 to exact "Integer" or "Long" type in Arduino IDE

Appreciate your time.
I am trying to convert "String" read from serial port in serialEvent() of Arduino IDE to integer values with exact representation.
For eg, if String myString = 200 then int myInt should be 200.
I have been somewhat successful but unable to convert String to exact int representation beyond 255.
Solutions I have tried:
1) used .toInt() function in Arduino.
2) used "atoi" and "atol" functions.
3) Serial.parseInt() in loop().
All of these methods start recounting from 0 after every 255 values.
I can't use parseInt since it only works inside loop(). My application requires to store variable value permanently until another value is given through port. For this Arduino Due's flash memory has been used.
The memory storing code seems to work only inside serialEvent().
Code snippet is as below:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <DueFlashStorage.h>
DueFlashStorage memory;
String x = " ";
int x_size;
int threshold;
void setup(){
void loop{
void serialEvent(){
x = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
x_size = x.length();
char a[x_size+1];
x.toCharArray(a, x_size+1);
threshold = atoi(a);
memory.write(0, threshold);
1) Function .toInt() returns LONG and you want INT (I don't know why honestly but it is in documentation)... you need to cast it like this (tried on Arduino ATMEGA and it worked):
#include <stdlib.h>
String x = "1000";
int x_ = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
x_ = (int) x.toInt();
2) I’m not professional ... but serilEvent() is really old way of doing things and it isn't recommended to use it. You can do it "manually" in the loop() function.
You're only converting 1 character a time, that's why the limit is 255.
If you're not doing anything else, you could stay in a until all characters are read. For example:
void loop() {
if(Serial.available()) {
byte count = 0;
char number[10]; // determine max size of array
bool wait = true;
while(wait) { // stay in this loop until newline is read
if(Serial.available()) {
number[count] =;
if (number[count] == '\n') {
wait = false; // exit while loop
int threshold = atoi(number);
memory.write(0, threshold);
For the lack of a good function in Arduino IDE for char/String type to int type conversion (has a limit of 255), I wrote my own conversion code which seems to work perfectly.
int finalcount=0;
void setup(){
void loop(){
if(Serial.available()) {
int count = 0;
char number[5]; // determine max size of array as 5
bool wait = true;
while(wait) { // stay in this loop until newline is read
if(Serial.available()) {
number[count] =;
if (number[count] == '\n') {
finalcount = count; //max array size for integer; could be less than 5
wait = false; // exit while loop
int val[finalcount]; //array size determined for integer
int placeValue;
int finalval[finalcount];
int temp=0;
int threshold;
for(int i = 0; i<finalcount; i++){
val[i] = (int)number[i]-48; //convert each char to integer separately
placeValue = pow(10,(finalcount-1)-i); //calculate place value with a base of 10
finalval[i] = val[i]*placeValue; //update integers with their place value
temp += finalval[i] ; //add all integers
threshold = temp; //resulting number stored as threshold
Serial.println(threshold); //prints beyond 255 successfully !
I solved the problem using highByte and lowByte functions of Arduino. Works flawlessly.
#include <DueFlashStorage.h>
DueFlashStorage m;
byte a1,a2;
int val;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //start the serial communication
void loop()
if (Serial.available()>0)
val = Serial.parseInt(); //read the integer value from series
a1 = highByte(val); //get the higher order or leftmost byte
a2 = lowByte(val); //get the lower order or rightmost byte
m.write(0,a1); //save in arduino due flash memory address 0
m.write(1,a2); //save in arduino due flash memory address 1
int myInteger;
myInteger = (*256); //convert into the true integer value

Arduino readString(); code runs slow

I have the following code which I need to execute quickly, yet its taking a lot of time to change the value, anyway over way of making this task quicker?
I am using indexOf() and substring() to accomplish this task.
This is for changing the strip LED colors.
// declare LED Series A Pins R-G-B (PWM Pins)
int const AledRedPin = 6;
int const AledGreenPin = 5;
int const AledBluePin = 3;
// declare LED Series B Pins R-G-B (PWM Pins)
int const BledRedPin = 10;
int const BledGreenPin = 11;
int const BledBluePin = 9;
// serial input variable & string
// initialise LED Series A Pins R-G-B (PWN Value: 0 to 255)
// initial value = 255
int AledRed = 255;
int AledGreen = 255;
int AledBlue = 255;
// initialise LED Series A Pins R-G-B (PWN Value: 0 to 255)
// initial value = 255
int BledRed = 255;
int BledGreen = 255;
int BledBlue = 255;
//serial input
String Command = "";
//string manipulation
int cmdindexval = 0;
String CommandType = "";
int CommandValue = 0;
String Series = "";
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// start serial
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB
// set LED Series A Pins as Output R-G-B
pinMode(AledRedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(AledGreenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(AledBluePin, OUTPUT);
// set LED Series B Pins as Output R-G-B
pinMode(BledRedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BledGreenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BledBluePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// read from serial if it's available
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
Command = Serial.readString(); //read string from serial monitor
cmdindexval = Command.indexOf('='); //read characters until '=' then assign the value
CommandType = Command.substring(0, cmdindexval); //assign the value from 0 to cmdindexval
//Series = Command.substring(0, 1); //read first character
CommandValue = Command.substring(cmdindexval + 1).toInt(); //assign the value after '=' and convert string to Int
Serial.println(CommandType + " ,is equal to " + CommandValue + " ,Series: " + Series);
//if (Series == "A") {
if (CommandType == "ACledRed"){
AledRed = CommandValue;
else if (CommandType == "ACledGreen"){
AledGreen = CommandValue;
else if (CommandType == "ACledRedBlue") {
AledBlue = CommandValue;
//else if (Series == "B") {
if (CommandType == "BCledRed") {
BledRed = CommandValue;
else if (CommandType == "BCledGreen") {
BledGreen = CommandValue;
else if (CommandType == "BCledBlue") {
BledBlue = CommandValue;
} //end serial
analogWrite(AledRedPin, AledRed);
analogWrite(AledGreenPin, AledGreen);
analogWrite(AledBluePin, AledBlue);
analogWrite(BledRedPin, BledRed);
analogWrite(BledGreenPin, BledGreen);
analogWrite(BledBluePin, BledBlue);
From the Arduino docs on readString:
Serial.readString() reads characters from the serial buffer into a string. The function terminates if it times out (see setTimeout()).
and the docs on setTimeout:
Serial.setTimeout() sets the maximum milliseconds to wait for serial data when using Serial.readBytesUntil(), Serial.readBytes(), Serial.parseInt() or Serial.parseFloat(). It defaults to 1000 milliseconds.
This means that the readString is always waiting 1 sec to make sure that the sending of the string is finished and has the complete string.
Unfortunately that means it's slow to respond. You could lower the timeout with the setTimeout, but you would still have some delay, or if you set it too low you could potentially get incomplete stings.
The best solution would be to use readStringUntil, so you know you have a complete string when you get a terminator character (like a newline).
Command = Serial.readString();
Command = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
and make sure you set the Serial monitor so send the newline character.
Edit: see important update at the end.
This can be made significantly faster, but first let's have a look at the work that has to be done in every loop iteration with the current code:
As #gre_gor already explained, you could be losing some time in readString().
for each value, between 15 and 20 bytes have to be sent, read, parsed and converted to int.
for each received value (R, G or B), analogWrite() is called 6 times (and analogWrite() isn't really fast). This means that in order to change the two series, analogWrite() is called 36 times (and this is probably where most time is lost). And if no serial data is available, analogWrite() is still called 6 times.
and also, Serial.println() is called each time in the example - so it would be best to turn this off.
To speed this up, the RGB values could be sent in a small buffer (assuming you have control over the sending side as well), and read with Serial.readBytesUntil().
If the values for both A and B are sent together, the 6 RGB values can be sent as 6 bytes:
byte rcvBuffer[7];
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// message: RGBRGBx - but see update below
int numRead = Serial.readBytesUntil(0x78, rcvBuffer, 7); // 0x78 is 'x'
if (numRead == 7) { // or 6, see below
analogWrite(AledRedPin, rcvBuffer[0]);
analogWrite(AledGreenPin, rcvBuffer[1]);
analogWrite(AledBluePin, rcvBuffer[2]);
analogWrite(BledRedPin, rcvBuffer[3]);
analogWrite(BledGreenPin, rcvBuffer[4]);
analogWrite(BledBluePin, rcvBuffer[5]);
// else ignore this read - could be a first unaligned read
If only the values for A or B are sent together:
byte rcvBuffer[5];
void loop() {
// You could probably even remove the Serial.available() check
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// message: TRGBx where T is Type ('A' or 'B')
int numRead = Serial.readBytesUntil(0x78, rcvBuffer, 5); // 0x78 is 'x'
if (numRead == 5) { // or 4, see below
switch (rcvBuffer[0]) {
case 'A':
analogWrite(AledRedPin, rcvBuffer[1]);
analogWrite(AledGreenPin, rcvBuffer[2]);
analogWrite(AledBluePin, rcvBuffer[3]);
case 'B':
analogWrite(BledRedPin, rcvBuffer[1]);
analogWrite(BledGreenPin, rcvBuffer[2]);
analogWrite(BledBluePin, rcvBuffer[3]);
default :
// do nothing, or send error message
I used 'x' as the stop byte to make it visible, but you could as well use a zero byte.
Now, I'm not really sure if readBytesUntil() also reads the terminating byte into the buffer or skips it, and can't test this right now. But I would think only the RGB values are read into the buffer. In this case you'll have to change those values to the ones I put in the comments.
To save even more time, you could check each value and only call analogWrite() if that value did change since the last call (for each R, G and B).
Update: Obviously we can't just use 'x' or a zero byte as the stop byte, because each of the RGB values could also be an 'x' or zero byte (it's getting late here :). And while ReadBytes() could be used instead, it's better to have a stop byte to keep the buffers aligned. So I would suggest to use 0xff (255) as the stop byte and make sure none of the RGB values can be 0xff.
And just in case there could be other message types in the future, each message could also be prepended with a message code (1 or 2 bytes).
I always use readBytesUntil()whenever I use the serial port for communication.
It gets the job done, it always gets the entire string, but the same problem as readString()takes at least 1000ms to complete.
Using both Serial.setTimeout() and Serial.readBytesUntil() worked fine for me, by reducing the delay.
Something like:
inData = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');

LTC Timecode Reader using Arduino

I posted a little while ago on here and you were really helpful. And i've managed to adapt some code to get it working on an lcd display.
What I would like some extra help with is firstly is there a way of defining the one_time_max etc different depending on the high low state of a pin. This way i could use a switch to change the times so it could switch between NTSC and PAL.
Secondly would anyone be kind enough to explain what is happening in the middle part of this code. I understand that there is a volatile boolean which can be true of false. But later in the code you make an IF statement against it and I don't fully understand how that works. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is a picture of how it's going so far. I'll keep you guys up to date as the project continues :)
// Code from forum post Dec 12, 2007
// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
#define one_time_max 600 // these values are setup for PA video
#define one_time_min 400 // It's the durstion of a one and zero with a little bit of room for error.
#define zero_time_max 1050 //
#define zero_time_min 950 //
#define icpPin 8 // ICP input pin on arduino
//#define one_time_max 475 // these values are setup for NTSC video
//#define one_time_min 300 // PAL would be around 1000 for 0 and 500 for 1
//#define zero_time_max 875 // 80bits times 29.97 frames per sec
//#define zero_time_min 700 // equals 833 (divide by 8 clock pulses)
#define end_data_position 63
#define end_sync_position 77
#define end_smpte_position 80
volatile unsigned int pin = 13;
volatile unsigned int bit_time; // volatile instructs the variable to be stored in RAM
volatile boolean valid_tc_word; // booleon can be either of two values true or false
volatile boolean ones_bit_count; // booleon can be either of two values true or false
volatile boolean tc_sync; // booleon can be either of two values true or false
volatile boolean write_tc_out; // booleon can be either of two values true or false
volatile boolean drop_frame_flag; // booleon can be either of two values true or false
volatile byte total_bits; //this stores a an 8-bit unsigned number
volatile byte current_bit; //this stores a an 8-bit unsigned number
volatile byte sync_count; //this stores a an 8-bit unsigned number
volatile byte tc[8]; //this stores a an 8-bit unsigned number
volatile char timeCode[11]; //this stores a an 8-bit unsigned number
/* ICR interrupt vector */
ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) //ISR=Interrupt Service Routine, and timer1 capture event
TCCR1B ^= _BV(ICES1); //toggles the edge that triggers the handler so that the duration of both high and low pulses is measured.
bit_time = ICR1; //this is the value the timer generates
TCNT1 = 0;
if ((bit_time < one_time_min) || (bit_time > zero_time_max)) // this gets rid of anything that's not what we're looking for
total_bits = 0;
if (ones_bit_count == true) // only count the second ones pluse
ones_bit_count = false;
if (bit_time > zero_time_min)
current_bit = 0;
sync_count = 0;
else //if (bit_time < one_time_max)
ones_bit_count = true;
current_bit = 1;
if (sync_count == 12) // part of the last two bytes of a timecode word
sync_count = 0;
tc_sync = true;
total_bits = end_sync_position;
if (total_bits <= end_data_position) // timecode runs least to most so we need
{ // to shift things around
tc[0] = tc[0] >> 1;
for(int n=1;n<8;n++) //creates tc[1-8]
if(tc[n] & 1)
tc[n-1] |= 0x80;
tc[n] = tc[n] >> 1;
if(current_bit == 1)
tc[7] |= 0x80;
if (total_bits == end_smpte_position) // we have the 80th bit
total_bits = 0;
if (tc_sync)
tc_sync = false;
valid_tc_word = true;
if (valid_tc_word)
valid_tc_word = false;
timeCode[10] = (tc[0]&0x0F)+0x30; // frames this converst from binary to decimal giving us the last digit
timeCode[9] = (tc[1]&0x03)+0x30; // 10's of frames this converst from binary to decimal giving us the first digit
timeCode[8] = ':';
timeCode[7] = (tc[2]&0x0F)+0x30; // seconds
timeCode[6] = (tc[3]&0x07)+0x30; // 10's of seconds
timeCode[5] = ':';
timeCode[4] = (tc[4]&0x0F)+0x30; // minutes
timeCode[3] = (tc[5]&0x07)+0x30; // 10's of minutes
timeCode[2] = ':';
timeCode[1] = (tc[6]&0x0F)+0x30; // hours
timeCode[0] = (tc[7]&0x03)+0x30; // 10's of hours
drop_frame_flag = bit_is_set(tc[1], 2); //detects whether theree is the drop frame bit.
write_tc_out = true;
void setup()
lcd.begin (16, 2);
pinMode(icpPin, INPUT); // ICP pin (digital pin 8 on arduino) as input
bit_time = 0;
valid_tc_word = false;
ones_bit_count = false;
tc_sync = false;
write_tc_out = false;
drop_frame_flag = false;
total_bits = 0;
current_bit = 0;
sync_count = 0;
lcd.print("Finished setup");
delay (1000);
TCCR1A = B00000000; // clear all
TCCR1B = B11000010; // ICNC1 noise reduction + ICES1 start on rising edge + CS11 divide by 8
TCCR1C = B00000000; // clear all
TIMSK1 = B00100000; // ICIE1 enable the icp
TCNT1 = 0; // clear timer1
void loop()
if (write_tc_out)
write_tc_out = false;
if (drop_frame_flag)
lcd.print("TC-[df] ");
lcd.print("TC-NO DROP FRAME");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.setCursor(11, 1);
delay (40);
lcd.clear(); } }
an if removed from the type declaration should not affect the «volatile» keyword as shown in the code ▬ compiler-writers have a trade-off where folks want to do systems ( stuff like here ) and it jams the machine so they tell you volatileis some sort of exotic thing but is far from that when used here
it is the way it should be here ~ that is not a business machine

Arduino : Check byte array for chars one at a time

I communicate with Arduino via Serial using a program that sends a series of bytes.
In order for the Arduino to realize it is receiving a message rather than junk, I have tagged the start of my byte array with the chars 'S' 'T' 'A' 'R' 'T'. After this will eventually follow a series of bytes that will be assigned to internal variables (not yet implemented).
The Arduino must read each byte sequentially and compare it to the byte array and if all are present in the correct order it will continue with the next part of the program, otherwise it will should discard current byte and wait for more bytes to arrive.
I am trying to implement it in the most efficient and readable way rather than using a series of nested if statements.
So far I have got:
byte inByte = 0;
byte handShake[] = {'S','T','A','R','T'};
void setup() {
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
for (int x =0; x < sizeof(handShake) ; x++)
inByte =;
if (inByte == handShake[x])
if (x == (sizeof(handShake)-1)) {setArduino();}
else break;
void setArduino () {
Serial.println("Ready To Set Parameters");
This however doesn't seem to get past the second byte and I'm not sure why.
Worked it out :
Here is the answer:
byte inByte = 0;
char handShake[] = {'S','T','A','R','T'};
void setup() {
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
for (int x =0; x < sizeof(handShake) ; x++)
inByte =;
if (inByte == handShake[x])
if (x == (sizeof(handShake)-1)) {setArduino();}
while(!Serial.available()) {delay(1);}
else {break;}
void setArduino () {
Serial.println("Ready To Set Parameters");
This may not be the most efficient way perhaps, but I can't see a problem with it currently.
Better answer : This allows the rest of the loop to iterate while waiting for the message to finish and if the full handshake message isn't received the counter will reset.
byte inByte = 0;
char handShake[] = {'S','T','A','R','T'};
int messageIndex = 0;
void setup() {
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
inByte =;
if (inByte == handShake[messageIndex])
if (messageIndex == sizeof(handShake)) {messageIndex = 0; setArduino();}
else {messageIndex=0;}
// Other code while waiting for message to finish
void setArduino () {
Serial.println("Ready To Set Parameters");
You could try to calculate your message. CRC is old and good solution. I use it and it works perfect for me. I am not sure what kind of device are you communicating with.
const uint32_t Polynomial = 0xEDB88320;
const uint16_t NumBytes = 256;
uint8_t data[NumBytes];
/// compute CRC32
uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const void* data, uint16_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0)
uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
uint8_t* current = (uint8_t*) data;
while (length--)
crc ^= *current++;
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
uint8_t lowestBit = crc & 1;
crc >>= 1;
if (lowestBit)
crc ^= Polynomial;
return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
when you need to calculate CRC
uint32_t crc = crc32_bitwise(data_bytes, sizeof(data_bytes));
data_bytes is byte array.
Then you can get all settings or message in byte data[x] and calculate CRC. Then you can add CRC to the message and send message byte data[x+sizeof(CRC)]
P.S. Use byte instead of int. For ex. for(byte x =0; x<sizeof(handShake); x++)
