Fastest way for filling-in missing dates for data.table - r

I am loading a data.table from CSV file that has date, orders, amount etc. fields.
The input file occasionally does not have data for all dates. For example, as shown below:
> NADayWiseOrders
date orders amount guests
1: 2013-01-01 50 2272.55 149
2: 2013-01-02 3 64.04 4
3: 2013-01-04 1 18.81 0
4: 2013-01-05 2 77.62 0
5: 2013-01-07 2 35.82 2
In the above 03-Jan and 06-Jan do not have any entries.
Would like to fill the missing entries with default values (say, zero for orders, amount etc.), or carry the last vaue forward (e.g, 03-Jan will reuse 02-Jan values and 06-Jan will reuse the 05-Jan values etc..)
What is the best/optimal way to fill-in such gaps of missing dates data with such default values?
The answer here suggests using allow.cartesian = TRUE, and expand.grid for missing weekdays - it may work for weekdays (since they are just 7 weekdays) - but not sure if that would be the right way to go about dates as well, especially if we are dealing with multi-year data.

The idiomatic data.table way (using rolling joins) is this:
setkey(NADayWiseOrders, date)
all_dates <- seq(from = as.Date("2013-01-01"),
to = as.Date("2013-01-07"),
by = "days")
NADayWiseOrders[J(all_dates), roll=Inf]
date orders amount guests
1: 2013-01-01 50 2272.55 149
2: 2013-01-02 3 64.04 4
3: 2013-01-03 3 64.04 4
4: 2013-01-04 1 18.81 0
5: 2013-01-05 2 77.62 0
6: 2013-01-06 2 77.62 0
7: 2013-01-07 2 35.82 2

Here is how you fill in the gaps within subgroup
# a toy dataset with gaps in the time series
dt <-'"group","date","x"
dt[,date := as.Date(date)]
# the desired dates by group
indx <- dt[,.(date=seq(min(date),max(date),"months")),group]
# key the tables and join them using a rolling join
#> group date x
#> 1: a 2017-01-01 1
#> 2: a 2017-02-01 2
#> 3: a 2017-03-01 2
#> 4: a 2017-04-01 2
#> 5: a 2017-05-01 3
#> 6: b 2017-02-01 4
#> 7: b 2017-03-01 4
#> 8: b 2017-04-01 5

Not sure if it's the fastest, but it'll work if there are no NAs in the data:
# just in case these aren't Dates.
NADayWiseOrders$date <- as.Date(NADayWiseOrders$date)
# all desired dates.
alldates <- data.table(date=seq.Date(min(NADayWiseOrders$date), max(NADayWiseOrders$date), by="day"))
# merge
dt <- merge(NADayWiseOrders, alldates, by="date", all=TRUE)
# now carry forward last observation (alternatively, set NA's to 0)


How to splice an existing date-bounded row of data into two new rows based on the date of a new variable?

In my longitudinal data set, each row represents a time period of observation for each person, and each row is bounded by a start and end date. The rows are numbered ('episode'), and contain many row-specific variables (eg, 'edu_level') that I need to retain throughout the following steps.
I created a new date variable, hx_start, which can relate to the start and end date of each row of data in 1 of 3 ways (below). For each scenario, I need to edit (splice) the existing row of data accordingly, using dplyr:
1. Between a given row's start and end date (ie, as it does for persons 2 and 4)
In this case, I want to splice the existing row into two new ones, so that the date of
hx_start is the start date of one of the rows. The other row would retain the original row's
start date and its end date would be one day before the date of hx_start.
2. On the same date as someone's row start date (ie, person 1)
In this case, no change is needed.
3. On the same date as someone's row end date (ie, person 3)
Same as #1: I need to splice the existing row into two new ones, so that the date of hx_start
is the start date of one of the rows. The other row would retain the original row's
start date and its end date would be one day before the date of hx_start.
So far, I have created a new data set that has 2 duplicates of each row, assuming that I will need to edit up to 2 rows per existing row, and then drop the originals (or retain only the original, in the case of person 1). Importantly, I need a way to carry forward all of the other variables from the original row to all new rows without naming them all, if possible (there are many in my real data set).
#Load packages
#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> date, intersect, setdiff, union
#Create data set
person <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
episode <- c(33, 50, 65, 70)
start <- c('2013-01-01', '2010-01-21', '2009-09-18', '2010-05-26')
end <- c('2013-06-04', '2010-06-19', '2009-12-31', '2010-12-24')
hx_start <- c('2013-01-01', '2010-03-09', '2009-12-31', '2010-07-04')
edu_level <- c(2, 3, 2, 1)
#Populate data frame
d <- cbind(person, episode, start, hx_start, end, edu_level)
d <-
#Format dates and add to data frame
d$start <- as.Date(start, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
d$end <- as.Date(end, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
d$hx_start <- as.Date(hx_start, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
#Create 2 duplicates of this row for each person
d1 <- d[rep(seq_len(nrow(d)), each = 3), ]
#> person episode start hx_start end edu_level
#> 1 1 33 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 2013-06-04 2
#> 1.1 1 33 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 2013-06-04 2
#> 1.2 1 33 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 2013-06-04 2
#> 2 2 50 2010-01-21 2010-03-09 2010-06-19 3
#> 2.1 2 50 2010-01-21 2010-03-09 2010-06-19 3
#> 2.2 2 50 2010-01-21 2010-03-09 2010-06-19 3
#> 3 3 65 2009-09-18 2009-12-31 2009-12-31 2
#> 3.1 3 65 2009-09-18 2009-12-31 2009-12-31 2
#> 3.2 3 65 2009-09-18 2009-12-31 2009-12-31 2
#> 4 4 70 2010-05-26 2010-07-04 2010-12-24 1
#> 4.1 4 70 2010-05-26 2010-07-04 2010-12-24 1
#> 4.2 4 70 2010-05-26 2010-07-04 2010-12-24 1
Created on 2022-03-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
You can do this by creating a small helper function. I've done this using data.table formatting
f <- function(s,m,e) {
if(m>s) return(list("start" = c(m,s),"hx_start" = c(m,m),"end" = c(e,m-1)))
if(m == s) return (list("start" = s,"hx_start" = m,"end" =e))
setDT(d)[,!c(3:5)][d[ ,f(start,hx_start,end), by=person], on=.(person)]
person episode edu_level start hx_start end
1: 1 33 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 2013-06-04
2: 2 50 3 2010-03-09 2010-03-09 2010-06-19
3: 2 50 3 2010-01-21 2010-03-09 2010-03-08
4: 3 65 2 2009-12-31 2009-12-31 2009-12-31
5: 3 65 2 2009-09-18 2009-12-31 2009-12-30
6: 4 70 1 2010-07-04 2010-07-04 2010-12-24
7: 4 70 1 2010-05-26 2010-07-04 2010-07-03
Notice that:
For person 2,4, one row now has hx_start as the start date, and the other row has the original start date, while the end date is one day before the hx_start date.
For person 1, there has been no change
For person 3, one row now has hx_start as the start date, and the other row has the original start date, while the end date is one day before the hx_start date.
Tidyverse option (also uses function above)
d %>% select(-c(start,hx_start,end)),
d %>%
rowwise() %>%
summarize(person = max(person),
dates = list(f(start,hx_start,end))) %>%
unnest_wider(dates) %>%
by = "person"
person episode edu_level start hx_start end
1: 1 33 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 2013-06-04
2: 2 50 3 2010-03-09 2010-03-09 2010-06-19
3: 2 50 3 2010-01-21 2010-03-09 2010-03-08
4: 3 65 2 2009-12-31 2009-12-31 2009-12-31
5: 3 65 2 2009-09-18 2009-12-31 2009-12-30
6: 4 70 1 2010-07-04 2010-07-04 2010-12-24
7: 4 70 1 2010-05-26 2010-07-04 2010-07-03

R: merge Dataframes on date and unique IDs with conditions distributed across many rows in R

I am trying to merge two dataframes based on a conditional relationship between several dates associated with unique identifiers but distributed across different observations (rows).
I have two large datasets with unique identifiers. One dataset has 'enter' and 'exit' dates (alongside some other variables).
> df1 <- data.frame(ID=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,4),'5/07/2015','7/10/2015','8/25/2017','9/1/2016','1/05/2018','5/01/2016','4/08/2017'),
+ = c('7/1/2015', '10/15/2015', '9/03/2017', '9/30/2016', '6/01/2019',
'5/01/2017', '6/08/2017'));
> dcis <- grep('date$',names(df1));
> df1[dcis] <- lapply(df1[dcis],as.Date,'%m/%d/%Y');
> df1;
1 1 2015-05-07 2015-07-01
2 1 2015-07-10 2015-10-15
3 1 2017-08-25 2017-09-03
4 2 2016-09-01 2016-09-30
5 2 2018-01-05 2019-06-01
6 3 2016-05-01 2017-05-01
7 4 2017-04-08 2017-06-08
and the other has "eval" dates.
> df2 <- data.frame(ID=c(1,2,2,3,4),'10/30/2015',
> df2$<-as.Date(df2$, '%m/%d/%Y')
> df2;
1 1 2015-10-30
2 2 2016-10-10
3 2 2019-09-10
4 3 2018-05-15
5 4 2015-01-19
I am trying to calculate the average interval of time from 'exit' to 'eval' for each individual in the dataset. However, I only want those 'evals' that come after a given individual's 'exit' and before the next 'enter' for that individual (there are no 'eval' observations between enter and exit for a given individual), if such an 'eval' exists.
In other words, I'm trying to get an output that looks like this from the two dataframes above.
> df3 <- data.frame(ID=c(1,2,2,3),'7/10/2015','9/1/2016','1/05/2018','5/01/2016'),
+ = c('10/15/2015', '9/30/2016', '6/01/2019', '5/01/2017'),
+'10/30/2015', '10/10/2016', '9/10/2019', '5/15/2018'));
> dcis <- grep('date$',names(df3));
> df3[dcis] <- lapply(df3[dcis],as.Date,'%m/%d/%Y');
> df3$time.diff<-difftime(df3$, df3$
> df3;
ID time.diff
1 1 2015-07-10 2015-10-15 2015-10-30 -15 days
2 2 2016-09-01 2016-09-30 2016-10-10 -10 days
3 2 2018-01-05 2019-06-01 2019-09-10 -101 days
4 3 2016-05-01 2017-05-01 2018-05-15 -379 days
Once I perform the merge finding the averages is easy enough with
> aggregate(df3[,5], list(df3$ID), mean)
Group.1 x
1 1 -15.0
2 2 -55.5
3 3 -379.0
but I'm really at a loss as to how to perform the merge. I've tried to use leftjoin and fuzzyjoin to perform the merge per the advice given here and here, but I'm inexperienced at R and couldn't figure it out. I would really appreciate if someone could walk me through it - thanks!
A few other descriptive notes about the data: each ID may have some number of rows associated with it in each dataframe. df1 has enter dates which mark the beginning of a service delivery and exit dates that mark the end of a service delivery. All enters have one corresponding exit. df2 has eval dates. Eval dates can occur at any time when an individual is not receiving the service. There may be many evals between one period of service delivery and the next, or there may be no evals.
Just discovered the sqldf package. Assuming that for each ID the date ranges are in ascending order, you might use it like this:
df1 <- data.frame(ID=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,4),'5/07/2015','7/10/2015','8/25/2017','9/1/2016','1/05/2018','5/01/2016','4/08/2017'), = c('7/1/2015', '10/15/2015', '9/03/2017', '9/30/2016', '6/01/2019',
'5/01/2017', '6/08/2017'));
dcis <- grep('date$',names(df1));
df1[dcis] <- lapply(df1[dcis],as.Date,'%m/%d/%Y');
df2 <- data.frame(ID=c(1,2,2,3,4),'10/30/2015',
df2$<-as.Date(df2$, '%m/%d/%Y')
df1 = unsplit(lapply(split(df1, df1$ID, drop=FALSE), function(df) {
df$ = as.Date('2100-12-31')
if (nrow(df) > 1)
df$[1:(nrow(df) - 1)] = df$[2:nrow(df)]
}), df1$ID)
select df1.*, df2.*, df1."" - df2."" as "time.diff"
from df1, df2
where df1.ID == df2.ID
and df2."" between df1.""
and df1.""')
ID ID..5 time.diff
1 1 2015-07-10 2015-10-15 2017-08-25 1 2015-10-30 -15
2 2 2016-09-01 2016-09-30 2018-01-05 2 2016-10-10 -10
3 2 2018-01-05 2019-06-01 2100-12-31 2 2019-09-10 -101
4 3 2016-05-01 2017-05-01 2100-12-31 3 2018-05-15 -379

Using a rolling time interval to count rows in R and dplyr

Let's say I have a dataframe of timestamps with the corresponding number of tickets sold at that time.
Timestamp ticket_count
(time) (int)
1 2016-01-01 05:30:00 1
2 2016-01-01 05:32:00 1
3 2016-01-01 05:38:00 1
4 2016-01-01 05:46:00 1
5 2016-01-01 05:47:00 1
6 2016-01-01 06:07:00 1
7 2016-01-01 06:13:00 2
8 2016-01-01 06:21:00 1
9 2016-01-01 06:22:00 1
10 2016-01-01 06:25:00 1
I want to know how to calculate the number of tickets sold within a certain time frame of all tickets. For example, I want to calculate the number of tickets sold up to 15 minutes after all tickets. In this case, the first row would have three tickets, the second row would have four tickets, etc.
Ideally, I'm looking for a dplyr solution, as I want to do this for multiple stores with a group_by() function. However, I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to hold each Timestamp fixed for a given row while simultaneously searching through all Timestamps via dplyr syntax.
In the current development version of data.table, v1.9.7, non-equi joins are implemented. Assuming your data.frame is called df and the Timestamp column is POSIXct type:
require(data.table) # v1.9.7+
window = 15L # minutes
(counts = setDT(df)[.(t=Timestamp+window*60L), on=.(Timestamp<t),
.(counts=sum(ticket_count)), by=.EACHI]$counts)
# [1] 3 4 5 5 5 9 11 11 11 11
# add that as a column to original data.table by reference
df[, counts := counts]
For each row in t, all rows where df$Timestamp < that_row is fetched. And by=.EACHI instructs the expression sum(ticket_count) to run for each row in t. That gives your desired result.
Hope this helps.
This is a simpler version of the ugly one I wrote earlier..
# install.packages('dplyr')
your_data %>%
mutate(timestamp = as.POSIXct(timestamp, format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'),
ticket_count = as.numeric(ticket_count)) %>%
mutate(window = cut(timestamp, '15 min')) %>%
group_by(window) %>%
dplyr::summarise(tickets = sum(ticket_count))
window tickets
(fctr) (dbl)
1 2016-01-01 05:30:00 3
2 2016-01-01 05:45:00 2
3 2016-01-01 06:00:00 3
4 2016-01-01 06:15:00 3
Here is a solution using data.table. Also incorporating different stores.
Example data:
dt <- data.table(Timestamp = as.POSIXct("2016-01-01 05:30:00")+seq(60,120000,by=60),
ticket_count = sample(1:9, 2000, T),
store = c(rep(c("A","B","C","D"), 500)))
Now apply the following:
ts <- dt$Timestamp
for(x in ts) {
end <- x+900
dt[Timestamp <= end & Timestamp >= x ,CS := sum(ticket_count),by=store]
This gives you
Timestamp ticket_count store CS
1: 2016-01-01 05:31:00 3 A 13
2: 2016-01-01 05:32:00 5 B 20
3: 2016-01-01 05:33:00 3 C 19
4: 2016-01-01 05:34:00 7 D 12
5: 2016-01-01 05:35:00 1 A 15
1996: 2016-01-02 14:46:00 4 D 10
1997: 2016-01-02 14:47:00 9 A 9
1998: 2016-01-02 14:48:00 2 B 2
1999: 2016-01-02 14:49:00 2 C 2
2000: 2016-01-02 14:50:00 6 D 6

How to do a BETWEEN merge the data.table way?

I have two data.tables that are each 5-10GB in size. They look similar to the following.
A <- data.table(
person = c(1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,4,4),
datetime = c(
'2015-04-06 14:22:18',
'2015-04-07 02:55:32',
'2015-11-21 10:16:05',
'2015-10-03 13:37:29',
'2015-02-26 23:51:56',
'2015-05-16 18:21:44',
'2015-06-02 04:07:43',
'2015-11-28 15:22:36',
'2015-01-19 04:10:22',
'2015-01-24 02:18:11'
B <- data.table(
person = c(1,1,3,4,4,5),
datetime2 = c(
'2015-04-06 14:24:59',
'2015-11-28 15:22:36',
'2015-06-02 04:07:43',
'2015-01-19 06:10:22',
'2015-01-24 02:18:18',
'2015-04-06 14:22:18'
A$datetime <- as.POSIXct(A$datetime)
B$datetime2 <- as.POSIXct(B$datetime2)
The idea is to find rows in B where the datetime is within 0-10 minutes of a matching row in A (matching is done by person) and mark them in A. The question is how can I do it most efficiently using data.table?
One plan is to join the two data tables based on [I]person[/I] only, then calculate the time difference and find rows where the time difference is between 0 and 600 seconds, and finally outer join the latter with A:
AB <- A[B,.(datetime,
diff = difftime(datetime2, datetime, units = "secs"))
, by = .EACHI]
M <- AB[diff < 600 & diff > 0]
setkey(A, person, datetime)
setkey(M, person, datetime)
Which gives us the correct result:
person datetime datetime2 diff
1: 1 2015-04-06 14:22:18 2015-04-06 14:24:59 161 secs
2: 1 2015-04-07 02:55:32 <NA> NA secs
3: 1 2015-11-21 10:16:05 <NA> NA secs
4: 2 2015-10-03 13:37:29 <NA> NA secs
5: 3 2015-02-26 23:51:56 <NA> NA secs
6: 3 2015-05-16 18:21:44 <NA> NA secs
7: 3 2015-06-02 04:07:43 <NA> NA secs
8: 3 2015-11-28 15:22:36 <NA> NA secs
9: 4 2015-01-19 04:10:22 <NA> NA secs
10: 4 2015-01-24 02:18:11 2015-01-24 02:18:18 7 secs
However, I am not sure if this is the most efficient way. Specifically, I am using AB[diff < 600 & diff > 0] which I assume will run a vector search not a binary search, but I cannot think of how to do it using a binary search.
Also, I am not sure if converting to POSIXct is the most efficient way of calculating time differences.
Any ideas on how to improve efficiency are high appreciated.
data.table's rolling join is perfect for this task:
B[, datetime := datetime2]
person datetime2 datetime
1: 1 2015-04-06 14:24:59 1428319338
2: 1 NA 1428364532
3: 1 NA 1448090165
4: 2 NA 1443868649
5: 3 NA 1424983916
6: 3 NA 1431789704
7: 3 2015-06-02 04:07:43 1433207263
8: 3 NA 1448713356
9: 4 NA 1421629822
10: 4 2015-01-24 02:18:18 1422055091
The only difference with your expected output is that it checks timedifference as less or equal to 10 minutes (<=). If that is bad for you you can just delete equal matches

data.table outer join based on groups in R

I have a data with the following columns:
CaseID, Time, Value.
The 'time' column values are not at regular intervals of 1. I am trying to add the missing values of time with 'NA' for the rest of the columns except CaseID.
Case Value Time
1 100 07:52:00
1 110 07:53:00
1 120 07:55:00
2 10 08:35:00
2 11 08:36:00
2 12 08:38:00
Desired output:
Case Value Time
1 100 07:52:00
1 110 07:53:00
1 NA 07:54:00
1 120 07:55:00
2 10 08:35:00
2 11 08:36:00
2 NA 08:37:00
2 12 08:38:00
I tried dt[CJ(unique(CaseID),seq(min(Time),max(Time),"min"))] but it gives the following error:
Error in vecseq(f__, len__, if (allow.cartesian || notjoin) NULL else as.integer(max(nrow(x), :
Join results in 9827315 rows; more than 9620640 = max(nrow(x),nrow(i)). Check for duplicate key values in i, each of which join to the same group in x over and over again. If that's ok, try including `j` and dropping `by` (by-without-by) so that j runs for each group to avoid the large allocation. If you are sure you wish to proceed, rerun with allow.cartesian=TRUE. Otherwise, please search for this error message in the FAQ, Wiki, Stack Overflow and datatable-help for advice.
I cannot able to make it work..any help would be appreciated.
Like this??
result <- dt[,list(Time=seq(min(Time),max(Time),by="1 min")),by=Case]
result <- dt[result][,Time:=format(Time,"%H:%M:%S")]
# Case Value Time
# 1: 1 100 07:52:00
# 2: 1 110 07:53:00
# 3: 1 NA 07:54:00
# 4: 1 120 07:55:00
# 5: 2 10 08:35:00
# 6: 2 11 08:36:00
# 7: 2 NA 08:37:00
# 8: 2 12 08:38:00
Another way:
dt[, Time := as.POSIXct(Time, format = "%H:%M:%S")]
setkey(dt, Time)
dt[, .SD[J(seq(min(Time), max(Time), by='1 min'))], by=Case]
We group by Case and join on Time on each group using .SD (hence setting key on Time). From here you can use format() as shown above.
