Make function and apply to read data in R? - r

I have set of data (around 50000 data. and each one of them 1.5 mb). So, to load the data and process the data first I have used this code;
data <- list() # creates a list
listcsv <- dir(pattern = "*.txt") # creates the list of all the csv files in the directory
then I use for loop to load each data;
for (k in 1:length(listcsv)){
data[[k]]<- read.csv(listcsv[k],sep = "", = TRUE, comment.char = "", skip=37);
my<- as.matrix(as.double(data[[k]][1:57600,2]));
So, I set the program run but even if after 6 hours it didn't finished. Although I have a decent pc with a 32 GB ram and 6 core CPU.
I have searched the forum and maybe fread function would be helpful people say. However all the examples which I found so far deal with the single file reading with the fread function.
Can any one suggest me the solution of this problem for faster loop to read data and process it with these many rows and columns?

I am guessing there has to be a way to make the extraction of what you want more efficient. But I think running in parallel could save you a bunch of time. And save you memory by not storing each file.
#Create function you want to eventually loop through in parallel
readFiles <- function(x) {
data <- fread(x,skip=37)
my <- as.matrix(data[1:57600,2,with=F]);
mesh <- array(my, dim = c(120,60,8));
Ms<-1350*10^3 # A/m
asd2=(mesh[70:75,24:36 ,2])/Ms; # in A/m
ort_my<- mean(asd2);
#R Code to run functions in parallel
detectCores() #This will tell you how many cores are available
registerDoMC(8) #Register the parallel backend
#Can change .combine from rbind to list
OutputList <- foreach(listcsv,.combine=rbind,.packages=c(”data.table”)) %dopar% (readFiles(x))
registerDoSEQ() #Very important to close out parallel backend.


How to read multiple large sas data files into R, filter rows and save subset datasets as .rds

I have 30 sas-files (dataset1.sas7bdat through dataset30.sas7bdat, approx. 10 GB per file) in a folder, and need to analyse a subset of rows in these data files (all rows where the character variable A begins with 10).
Thus, I need to read each of the sas-files into R, filter a subset with grep on variable A and then save each of these filtered datasets as a .rds-file.
I'm trying to achieve this using a for loop of list.files() and the Haven package to read the sas-file. In order to avoid going out-of-memory, I need to remove the imported dataset on each iteration after the subset has been filtered and saved as .rds.
Though not elegant nor satisfying, I could hard-code it manually 30 times over like this, copy/pasting and incrementing the suffixes by 1 each time:
dt1 <- haven::read_sas("~/folder/dataset1.sas7bdat")
dt1 <-
dt1 <- dt1[grep("^10", A)]
saveRDS(dt1, "~/folder/subset1.rds")
dt2 <- haven::read_sas("~/folder/dataset2.sas7bdat")
dt2 <-
dt2 <- dt1[grep("^10", A)]
saveRDS(dt2, "~/folder/subset2.rds")
While the following for loop technically works to read the files into memory, it is never going to finish due to massively going out of memory, so it does not allow me to filter the data:
folder <- "~/folder/"
file_list <- list.files(path = folder, pattern = "^dataset")
for (i in 1:length(file_list)) {
assign(file_list[i], Haven::read_sas(paste(folder, file_list[i], sep='')))
Is there a way to - on each iteration in the loop - filter the dataset, remove the unfiltered dataset and save the subset in a .rds-file?
I can't seem to come up with a way to incorporate this into my approach of using the assign() function.
Is there a better way to go about this?
You could potentially look at freeing up memory by clearing the memory after each load and filter via
I slept on it, and woke up with a working solution using a function to do the work, and a loop to cycle through filenames. This also enables me to save the output in a different folder (my raw data folder is read-only):
fromFolder <- "~/folder_with_input_data/"
toFolder <- "~/folder_with_output_data/"
import_sas <- function(filename) {
dt <- read_sas(paste(fromFolder, filename, sep=''), NULL)
dt <-
dt <- dt[grep("^10", A)]
saveRDS(dt, paste(toFolder,filename,'.rds.', sep =''), compress = FALSE)
file_list <- list.files(path = fromFolder, pattern="^dataset")
for (filename in file_list) {
I haven't tested this with the full 30 files yet. I'll do that tonight.
If I encounter problems, I will post an update tomorrow. Otherwise, this question can be closed in 48 hours.
Update: It worked without a hitch and completed the 297GB conversion in around 13 hours. I don't think it can be optimized to accomplish the task much faster; the vast majority of computing time is spent on opening the sas-files, which I don't think can be done faster by other means than Haven. Unless someone has an idea to optimize the process, this question can be closed.

doparallel nesting a loop in a loop works but logically doesn't make sense?

I have a large corpus I'm doing transformations on with tm::tm_map(). Since I'm using hosted R Studio I have 15 cores and wanted to make use of parallel processing to speed things up.
Without sharing a very large corpus, I'm simply unable to reproduce with dummy data.
My code is below. Short descriptions of the problem is that looping over pieces manually in the console works but doing so within my functions does not.
Function "clean_corpus" takes a corpus as input, breaks it up into pieces and saves to a tempfile to help with ram issues. Then the function iterates over each piece using a %dopar% block. The function worked when testing on a small subset of the corpus e.g. 10k documents. But on larger corpus the function was returning NULL. To debug I set the function to return the individual pieces that had been looped over and not the re built corpus as a whole. I found that on smaller corpus samples the code would return a list of all mini corpus' as expected, but as I tested on larger samples of the corpus the function would return some NULLs.
Here's why this is baffling to me:
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[1:10000], n = 1000) # works
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[10001:20000], n = 1000) # also works
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[1:50000], n = 1000) # NULL
If I do this in 10k blocks up to e.g. 50k via 5 iterations everything works. If I run the function on e.g. full 50k documents it returns NULL.
So, maybe I just need to loop over smaller pieces by breaking my corpus up more. I tried this. In the clean_corpus function below parameter n is the length of each piece. The function still returns NULL.
So, if I iterate like this:
# iterate over 10k docs in 10 chunks of one thousand at a time
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[1:10000], n = 1000)
If I do that 5 times manually up to 50K everything works. The equivalent of doing that in one call by my function is:
# iterate over 50K docs in 50 chunks of one thousand at a time
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[1:50000], n = 1000)
Returns NULL.
This SO post and the one linked to in the only answer suggested it might be to do with my hosted instance of RStudio on linux where linux "out of memory killer oom" might be stopping workers. This is why I tried breaking my corpus into pieces, to get around memory issues.
Any theories or suggestions as to why iterating over 10k documents in 10 chunks of 1k works whereas 50 chunks of 1k do not?
Here's the clean_corpus function:
clean_corpus <- function(corpus, n = 500000) { # n is length of each peice in parallel processing
# split the corpus into pieces for looping to get around memory issues with transformation
nr <- length(corpus)
pieces <- split(corpus, rep(1:ceiling(nr/n), each=n, length.out=nr))
lenp <- length(pieces)
rm(corpus) # save memory
# save pieces to rds files since not enough RAM
tmpfile <- tempfile()
for (i in seq_len(lenp)) {
paste0(tmpfile, i, ".rds"))
rm(pieces) # save memory
# doparallel
registerDoParallel(cores = 14) # I've experimented with 2:14 cores
pieces <- foreach(i = seq_len(lenp)) %dopar% {
piece <- readRDS(paste0(tmpfile, i, ".rds"))
# transformations
piece <- tm_map(piece, content_transformer(replace_abbreviation))
piece <- tm_map(piece, content_transformer(removeNumbers))
piece <- tm_map(piece, content_transformer(function(x, ...)
qdap::rm_stopwords(x, stopwords = tm::stopwords("en"), separate = F, strip = T, char.keep = c("-", ":", "/"))))
# combine the pieces back into one corpus
corpus <- c(..., recursive = TRUE), pieces)
} # end clean_corpus function
Code blocks from above again just for flow of readability after typing function:
# iterate over 10k docs in 10 chunks of one thousand at a time
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[1:10000], n = 1000) # works
# iterate over 50K docs in 50 chunks of one thousand at a time
cleaned.corpus <- clean_corpus(corpus.regular[1:50000], n = 1000) # does not work
But iterating in console by calling the function on each of
corpus.regular[1:10000], corpus.regular[10001:20000], corpus.regular[20001:30000], corpus.regular[30001:40000], corpus.regular[40001:50000] # does work on each run
Note I tried using library tm functionality for parallel processing (see here) but I kept hitting "cannot allocate memory" errors which is why I tried to do it "on my own" using doparallel %dopar%.
Summary of solution from comments
Your memory issue is likely related to corpus <- c(..., recursive = TRUE), pieces) because this still stores all of your (output) data in memory
I recommended exporting your output from each worker to a file, such as a RDS or csv file, rather than collecting it into a single data structure at the end
An additional problem (as you pointed out) is that foreach will save the output of each worker with an implied return statement (the code block in {} after dopar is treated as a function). I recommended adding an explicit return(1) before the closing } to not save the intended output into memory (which you already explicitly saved as a file).

R bigmemory always use backing file?

We are trying to use the BigMemory library with foreach to parallel our analysis. However, the as.big.matrix function seems always use backingfile. Our workstations have enough memory, is there a way to use bigMemory without the backing file?
This code x.big.desc <-describe(as.big.matrix(x)) is pretty slow as it write the data to C:\ProgramData\boost_interprocess\. Somehow it is slower than save x directly, is it as.big.matrix that have a slower I/O?
This code x.big.desc <-describe(as.big.matrix(x, backingfile = "")) is pretty fast, however, it will also save a copy of the data to %TMP% directory. We think the reason it is fast, because R kick off a background writing process, instead of actually writing the data. (We can see the writing thread in TaskManager after the R prompt returns).
Is there a way to use BigMemory with RAM only, so that each worker in foreach loop can access the data via RAM?
Thanks for the help.
So, if you have enough RAM, just use standard R matrices. To pass only a part of each matrix to each cluster, use rdsfiles.
One example computing the colSums with 3 cores:
# Functions for splitting
CutBySize <- function(m, nb) {
int <- m / nb
upper <- round(1:nb * int)
lower <- c(1, upper[-nb] + 1)
size <- c(upper[1], diff(upper))
cbind(lower, upper, size)
seq2 <- function(lims) seq(lims[1], lims[2])
# The matrix
bm <- matrix(1, 10e3, 1e3)
ncores <- 3
intervals <- CutBySize(ncol(bm), ncores)
# Save each part in a different file
tmpfile <- tempfile()
for (ic in seq_len(ncores)) {
saveRDS(bm[, seq2(intervals[ic, ])],
paste0(tmpfile, ic, ".rds"))
# Parallel computation with reading one part at the beginning
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
colsums <- foreach(ic = seq_len(ncores), .combine = 'c') %dopar% {
bm.part <- readRDS(paste0(tmpfile, ic, ".rds"))
# Checking results
all.equal(colsums, colSums(bm))
You could even use rm(bm); gc() after writing parts to the disk.

as.h2o() in R to upload files to h2o environment takes a long time

I am using h2o to carry out some modelling, and having tuned the model, i would now like it to be used to carry out a lot of predictions approx 6bln predictions/rows, per prediction row it needs 80 columns of data
The dataset I have already broken down the input dataset down so that it is in about 500 x 12 million row chunks each with the relevant 80 columns of data.
However to upload a data.table that is 12 million by 80 columns to h2o takes quite a long time, and doing it 500 times for me is taking a prohibitively long time...I think its because it is parsing the object first before it is uploaded.
The prediction part is relatively quick in comparison....
Are there any suggestions to speed this part up? Would changing the number of cores help?
Below is an reproducible example of the issues...
# Load libraries
# start up h2o using all cores...
localH2O = h2o.init(nthreads=-1,max_mem_size="16g")
# create a test input dataset
temp <- CJ(v1=seq(20),
temp <-,lapply(seq(16),function(y){temp}))
colnames(temp) <- paste0('v',seq(80))
# this is the part that takes a long time!!
system.time(tmp.obj <- as.h2o(localH2O,temp,key='test_input'))
#|======================================================================| 100%
# user system elapsed
#357.355 6.751 391.048
Since you are running H2O locally, you want to save that data as a file and then use:
h2o.importFile(localH2O, file_path, key='test_intput')
This will have each thread read their parts of the file in parallel. If you run H2O on a separate server, then you would need to copy the data to a location that the server can read from (most people don't set the servers to read from the file system on their laptops).
as.h2o() serially uploads the file to H2O. With h2o.importFile(), the H2O server finds the file and reads it in parallel.
It looks like you are using version 2 of H2O. The same commands will work in H2Ov3, but some of the parameter names have changed a little. The new parameter names are here:
Having also struggled with this problem, I did some tests and found that for objects in R memory (i.e. you don't have the luxury of already having them available in .csv or .txt form), by far the quickest way to load them (~21 x) is to use the fwrite function in data.table to write a csv to disk and read it using h2o.importFile.
The four approaches I tried:
Direct use of as.h2o()
Writing to disk using write.csv() then load using h2o.importFile()
Splitting the data in half, running as.h2o() on each half, then combining using h2o.rbind()
Writing to disk using fwrite() from data.table then load using h2o.importFile()
I performed the tests on a data.frame of varying size, and the results seem pretty clear.
The code, if anyone is interested in reproducing, is below.
testdf <,ncol=100))
testdf[1:1000000,] <-1000 # R won't let me assign the whole thing at once
testdf[1000001:2000000,] <-1000
testdf[2000001:3000000,] <-1000
testdf[3000001:4000000,] <-1000
resultsdf <,ncol=5))
names(resultsdf) <-c("subset","method 1 time","method 2 time","method 3 time","method 4 time")
for(i in 1:20){
subdf <- testdf[1:(200000*i),]
resultsdf[i,1] <-100000*i
# 1: use as.h2o()
start <-Sys.time()
stop <-Sys.time()
resultsdf[i,2] <-as.numeric(stop)-as.numeric(start)
# 2: use write.csv then h2o.importFile()
start <-Sys.time()
stop <-Sys.time()
resultsdf[i,3] <-as.numeric(stop)-as.numeric(start)
# 3: Split dataset in half, load both halves, then merge
start <-Sys.time()
length_subdf <-dim(subdf)[1]
h2o1 <-as.h2o(subdf[1:(length_subdf/2),])
h2o2 <-as.h2o(subdf[(1+length_subdf/2):length_subdf,])
stop <-Sys.time()
resultsdf[i,4] <- as.numeric(stop)-as.numeric(start)
# 4: use fwrite then h2o.importfile()
start <-Sys.time()
stop <-Sys.time()
resultsdf[i,5] <-as.numeric(stop)-as.numeric(start)
plot(resultsdf[,1],resultsdf[,2],xlim=c(0,4000000),ylim=c(0,900),xlab="rows",ylab="time/s",main="Scaling of different methods of h2o frame loading")
for (i in 1:3){
legendtext <-c("as.h2o","write.csv then h2o.importFile","Split in half, as.h2o and rbind","fwrite then h2o.importFile")

How to work with a large multi type data frame in Snow R?

I have a large data.frame of 20M lines. This data frame is not only numeric, there is characters as well. Using a split and conquer concept, I want to split this data frame to be executed in a parallel way using snow package (parLapply function, specifically). The problem is that the nodes run out of memory because the data frame parts are worked in RAM. I looked for a package to help me with this problem and I found just one (considering the multi type data.frame): ff package. Another problem comes from the use of this package. The split result of a ffdf is not equal to a split of a commom data.frame. Thus, it is not possible to run the parLapply function.
Do you know other packages for this goal? Bigmemory only supports matrix.
I've benchmarked some ways of splitting the data frame and parallelizing to see how effective they are with large data frames. This may help you deal with the 20M line data frame and not require another package.
The results are here. The description is below.
This suggests that for large data frames the best option is (not quite the fastest, but has a progress bar):
# if size on cores exceeds available memory, increase the chunk factor
chunk.factor <- 1
chunk.num <- kNoCores * cut.factor
# init the cluster
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(kNoCores)
# init the progress bar
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = 100, style = 3)
progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts <- list(progress = progress)
# conduct the parallelisation
travel.queries <- foreach(m=isplitRows(coord.table, chunks=chunk.num),
.export=c("QueryOSRM_dopar", "GetSingleTravelInfo"),
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
# close progress bar
# stop cluster
Note that
coord.table is the data frame/table
kNoCores ( = 25 in this case) is the number of cores
Distributed memory. Sends coord.table to all nodes
Shared memory. Shares coord.table with nodes
Shared memory with cuts. Shares subset of coord.table with nodes.
Do par with cuts. Sends subset of coord.table to nodes.
SNOW with cuts and progress bar. Sends subset of coord.table to nodes
Option 5 without progress bar
More information about the other options I compared can be found here.
Some of these answers might suit you, although they doesn't relate to distributed parlapply and I've included some of them in my benchmarking options.
