Wordpress copy of Google Sites - wordpress

I have a google site https://sites.google.com/site/shahriarinia/ and I want to build its equivalent in wordpress. Features are:
Have 100+ pages in website that are organized in a hierarchical manner.
Have a side bar navigation of the whole website in tree form (this is the ONLY reason I loved google sites)
be able to attach a file to a page (This is not too critical but if possible that's highly appreciated.)
To all WP gurus: how can I do this? which plugins/themes shall I use? I don't care if I have a blog there, having a blog is the least priority. I am the only user of the site, so there is no roles or other users using stuff.
Something like CMS Tree Page View but not for admin purposes but for the actual site.

You can have a hierarchical manner , you can build a bar navigation. Look your Option Menu and look " Manage Sites"
If you want to attach File on a page , look your "Option Menu" or press "m" and look page Settings and Allow attachments.
For you bar Navigation , Menu option and " edit site layour".


How can I make my URL and BreadCrumb reflect my menu structure in WordPress?

I have this structure on my WordPress site for the menu hierocracy:
2a) Web D&D (Web Design & Development)
2aa) Custom Software Development
2ab) Content Management Platforms
3b) Web Tutoring Services
Services is not a page. I just need that on the top level menu to hold "Web D&D" and "Web Tutoring Services".
I started off with Services as a category and the menu structure looks right but the URL and BreadCrumb (in the Sinatra theme) do not reflect the complete menu pathway which is what I want. It just always says "Home -> PostName". I understand this is how I have it defined in PermaLinks. But how can I define it to reflect the actual whole Menu Pathway.
I have All-In-One installed but I have not activated it.
So I do not have any SEO yet.
Here is a pic of one example:
So you can see I've navigated to "Home -> Services -> Custom Software".
But the URL and BreadCrumb both say "Home -> Software".
Also I did not really need Services as a Category. When I clicked on it was going to a posts page for the category Services. So I removed that and replaced it with a custom link menu item that just goes to "#" or nowhere. I I wish WordPress had like a group menu item just to group child items but did not navigate anywhere.
At any rate, is there a way to make the breadcrumb and URL reflect the actual menu structure?
I figured it out. You have to go to the Page Settings tab in the Settings (gear icon in the upper right). Look for Page Attributes and under there you can set the page parent. Then your breadcrumbs and URL will reflect the true structure of your URL. I still can't get the Services Grouping item (my custom link menu item) to show in their. I guess I'll have to make a services page and figure out the content for it. I guess it will be like a sitemap page to the services section.

Wordpress post creation option from menu

I have started using wordpress to create a website for my students. I have created users with contributor priviledges, so that they can write their own thoughts & submit them for moderation in the blog, but I don't want them to touch or get in the dashboard area.
I have tried Sidebar Login plugin which seems fit for my purpose, but it has some bug, which does not let it work as it suppose to. There was also no response from the developer regarding the problem.
Then I tried Press This tool in wordpress (Open Press This button) which seems perfect for my requirement, but I have no idea how to put Open Press This button in the menu bar in my site or at least to any of the pages.
Can anyone suggest a way out from the situation?

Shopify app integration theme issue

I am developing application for shopify, which replace login and register links to another links, creating a custom pages. For example when user click to login link? it is not redirect to login page, it is open a popap with login form. Also my app create custom pages. For example people page, where shows list of customers. And also a want to customize product page by adding a new fave button. In people page for each people shows count faves and last three faves product with images.
So my problems is theme layouts. Because each theme have self layout and css. I want to my app support all themes. How can i do it?
Sorry for my bad english. I just learning... ))
You have two options here, http://docs.shopify.com/api/tutorials/application-proxies and http://docs.shopify.com/api/scripttag.
App proxy sounds like the solution for your separate 'peoples' page.
If you want to assume that all themes have a log in link (which they all should but it's completely customizable so it's possible some don't), then you could always do something like this
$("a[href='/account/login']").click(funciont() {// show modal}); This isn't guaranteed to work in all themes but it probably will in most.

Can Wordpress Duplicate An Entire Page Structure?

I have a wordpress site that i've been working on that has some pages (as in NOT posts) that a client changes content on in order to target particular keywords. these pages have been using podscms for content management.
The client now wants to be able to duplicate these pages any number of times and edit the text within them. So basically, he wants to be have a dozen or so versions of about 4 linked pages.
Does anyone know if it's possible to duplicate an entire multipage structure like this in WP?
Or any WP driven sites that implement segmentation similarly?
I think your best bet would be to use Page Templates. You define them in the theme and then for each Wordpress page you create, you can select which page template you would like to use for the page. This sounds like what you're trying to accomplish.

Wordpress admin section cleanup?

Anybody knows a good plugin for Wordpress to provide a nice Admin dashboard which also cleans the regular Wordpress update mess. I do not want customer getting distracted with the loaded content in the backend with events, news and updates (messy content updates) in the Backend login? Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if I understand what you're needing. If you're looking for a way to hide a lot of the stuff in the WordPress control panel, Adminimize is a good plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/adminimize/
There are also plugins to hide the update reminder: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hide-update-reminder/
And to control what appears on the add/edit post page: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-cms-post-control/
Using a combination of the above, you can redirect users directly to the post page (skipping the dashboard) when they log in, and limit what they see in the control panel menu to an amazing extent. You can allow them to see widgets, for instance, but not see the themes page.
Hope this helps.
In the latest WordPress versions, >2.7, you can set the admin screen to display only a subset of the Admin widgets.
Just click on Screen Options at the top right of the Admin page to reveal option checkboxes.
For example, you can uncheck "WordPress Development Blog", and "Other WordPress News". You can even format the screen to be just one column and only show the "QuickPress" widget.
