Retail Transaction Service Cache - axapta

I wrote some methods in Class RetailTransactionServiceEx, called them from Application.TransactionService.InvokeExtension method at POS, then I needed to do some changes in one of my methods in RetailTransactionServiceEx, but changes did not reflect, then for troubleshooting purposes I renamed my method name, but POS through error method not exists in class, I generated Incremented CIL, Full CIL, restarted AOS service, restarted my POS but it still said method does not exists.
Then I went home, and came next day at work, I found my method is working from POS, so the question is that why did it took a whole night ? I did not shut down my computer. Is there any sort of cache system and how do we clear it for quick reflection of our changes in Transaction service classes.

You can reset IIS.
open windows power shell and execute "iisreset" command
It worked for me.
though i don't know what happened at night, you can check the event viewer.


Can't get Oracle instance to dynamically register with Listener after Cold Restore

I am installing a new host to upgrade/transfer the Oracle instance to, on Windows 2012 R2. When I create empty instances in the same path as Production, they start up, dynamically register, and I can connect just great. So I shut down the instance, copy the ORADATA files over, and start it up just like I do all day long on other systems, but when I do LSNRCTL STAT, the instance no longer shows up as registered. Of course, when I try to connect, I get ORA-12514 (because it didn't register). What am I missing? Thanks!
As further info, I am doing a cold transfer because it is part of a replicated environment, so I want to transfer everything.
I had failed to restore the SPFILE in the \database folder. Once I did that, the service registered with the listener fine.

Loadrunner Test Scenario Controller doesn't want to start and throws this : "Failed to start/stop Service Virtualization"

I have a Loadrunner Test Scenario, here is the snapshot for it:
after opening my Test Scenario with Loadrunner Controller, I click then the "Start Scenario" button, the Scenario must run for 2 Hours, but it stops after 1 minute, and get the following Error:
Failed to stop Service Virtualization.
Failed to start Service Virtualization.
here you can see the error snapshot:
to increase the size of the snapshot please: Ctrl++
It seems that you have unwittingly activated an integration with HP Service Virtualization (or SV for short), without having SV installed on the same machine. In order to remove it, open the SV configuration dialog and uncheck all the entries.
I solved the problem with a lot of effort.
the problem is, when you have test scenario, which worked before, and you try to remove some script (groups) of the scenario,after that the test scenario will not work, what I've done, is I created from scratch a new scenario with the same test scripts, and voila it worked, I hope everyone will pay attention at that in the future

When will EndResumeBookmark return BookmarkResumptionResult.NotReady?

The method WorkflowInstanceProxy.EndResumeBookmark returns an enum BookmarkResumptionResult. When will this return NotReady? What I really want to know is how I can create a scenario so that this occurs, so that I can write tests to verify that my implementation of an extension is correct.
MSDN says(
NotReady: The bookmark resumption was not scheduled because the runtime has not yet created the bookmark. The host should wait until another idle point to try resumption again.
I saw it when you want to resume the bookmark and the workflow is not unloaded yet.
I hope this helps.

Issue running ASPX page using Scheduled Task

I have a scheduled task set up to run Scan.aspx every 3 minutes in IE7. Scan.aspx reads data from 10 files in sequence. These files are constantly being updated. The values from the file are inserted into a database.
Sporadically, the value being read is truncated or distorted. For example, if the value in the file was "Hello World", random entries such as "Hello W", "Hel", etc. will be in the database. The timestamps on these entries appear completely random. Sometimes at 1:00 am, sometimes at 3:30 am. And some nights, this doesn't occur at all.
I'm unable to reproduce this issue when I debug the code. So I know under "normal" circumstances, the code executes correctly.
Here is the aspx codebehind (in Page_Load) to read a text file (this is called for each of the 10 text files):
Dim filename As String = location
If File.Exists(filename) Then
Using MyParser As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(filename)
MyParser.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
Dim currentrow As String()
Dim valueA, valueB As String
While Not MyParser.EndOfData
currentrow = MyParser.ReadFields()
valueA= currentrow(0).ToUpper
valueB = currentrow(1).ToUpper
//insert values as record into DB if does not exist already
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End While
End Using
End If
Any ideas why this might cause issues when running multiple times throughout the day (via scheduled task)?
First implement a Logger such as Log4Net in your ASP.NET solution and Log method entry and exit points in your Scan.aspx as well as your method for updating the DB. There is a chance this may provide some hint of what is going on. You should also check the System Event Log to see if any other event is associated with your failed DB entries.
ASP.NET is not the best thing for this scenario especially when paired with a Windows scheduled task; this is not a robust design. A more robust system would run on a timer inside a Windows-Service-Application. Your code for reading the files and updating to the DB could be ported across. If you have access to the server and can install a Windows Service, make sure you also add Logging to the Windows Service too!
Make sure you read the How to Debug below
Windows Service Applications intro on MSDN: has further links to:
How to: Create Windows Services
How to: Install and Uninstall Services
How to: Start Services
How to: Debug Windows Service Applications]
Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service
Application in the Component Designer
How to: Add Installers to Your Service Application
Regarding your follow up comment about the apparent random entries that sometimes occur at 1am and 3.30am: you should:
Investigate the IIS Log for the site when these occur and find out what hit(visited) the page at that time.
Check if there is an indexing service on the server which is visiting your aspx page.
Check if Anti-Virus software is installed and ascertain if this is visiting your aspx page or impacting the Asp.Net cache; this can cause compilation issues such as file-locks on the aspnet page in the aspnet cache; (a scenario for aspnet websites as opposed to aspnet web applications) which could give weird behavior.
Find out if the truncated entries coincide with the time that the files are updated: cross reference your db entries timestamp or logger timestamp with the time the files are updated.
Update your logger to log the entire contents of the file being read to verify you've not got a 'junk-in > junk-out' scenario. Be careful with diskspace on the server by running this for one night.
Find out when the App-Pool that your web app runs under is recycled and cross reference this with the time of your truncated entries; you can do this with web.config only via ASP.NET Health Monitoring.
Your code is written with a 'try catch' that will bury errors. If you are not going to do something useful with your caught error then do not catch it. Handle your edge cases in code, not a try catch.
See this try-catch question on this site.

How can I remove Host Instance Zombies from BTMessageBox

After moving most of our BT-Applications from BizTalk 2009 to BizTalk 2010 environment, we began the work to remove old applications and unused host. In this process we ended up with a zombie host instance.
This has resulted in that the bts_CleanupDeadProcesses startet to fail with error “Executed as user: RH\sqladmin. Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.int_ProcessCleanup_ProcessLabusHost'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 2812). The step failed.”
After looking at the CleanupDeatProcess process, I found the zombie host instance found in the BTMsgBox.ProcessHeartBeats table, with dtNextHeartbeatTime set to the time when the host was removed.
(I'm assuming that the Host Instance Processes don't exist in your services any longer, and that the SQL Agent job fails)
From looking at the source of the [dbo].[bts_CleanupDeadProcesses] job, it loops through the dbo.ProcessHeartbeats table with a cursor (btsProcessCurse, lol) looking for 'dead' hearbeats.
Each process instance has its own cleanup sproc int_ProcessCleanup_[HostName] and a sproc for the heartbeat watchdog to call, viz bts_ProcessHeartbeat_[HostName] (although FWR the SPROC calls it #ApplicationName), filtered by WHERE (s.dtNextHeartbeatTime < #dtCurrentTime).
It is thus tempting to just delete the record for your deleted / zombie host (or, if you aren't that brave, to simply update the Next dtNextHeartbeatTime on the heartbeat record for your dead host instance to sometime next century). Either way, the SQL agent job should skip the dead instances.
An alternative could be to try and re-create the Host and Instances with the same name through the Admin Console, just to delete them (properly) again. This might however cause additional problems as BizTalk won't be able to create the 2 SPROCs above because of the undeleted objects.
However, I wouldn't obviously do this on your prod environment until you've confirmed this works with a trial run first.
It looks like someone else got stuck with a similar situation here
And there is also a good dive into the details of how the heartbeat mechanism works by XiaoDong Zhu here
Have you tried BTSTerminator? That works for one-off cleanups.
