How to send data gridview values from one page to another -

i want to send grid view data from one page to another without using database.
i am taking some inputs from user, storing and displaying in gridview. now i want to send same data gridview values to another page on click of button.
what will be the best possible way to do this.

Yous data not lives on GridView, but on the database, or on session, or on a file.
The GridView only shows them, not store them ! Even if you see them there, is actually on the html page on the client side, and they are not even post back.
So what you need to move to the next page is the "pointer" to the data, and reads them base on this "pointer"
You may have a simple List<> on the session, or an id and reads them from the database.
The solution is to saves your user input data somewhere - from what I understand the session for you can be a fast easy solution, and take them back on the next page.

put the gridview data into datatable
then put the datatable into session as shown:
DataTable tb= new DataTable();
Session["dt"] = tb;
on the next page, to read session value:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = (DataTable)Session["dt"];
to bind gridview data to datatable, check this link:
Putting GridView data in a DataTable
hope it helped :)


ASPX FormView data not displayed with valid data from datasource

I have an aspx Formview set to 'Edit' mode and a valid SQL datasource that returns the correct data row based on the row ID. These lines in my grid rowcommand event:
DailyDataSource.SelectParameters["ID"].DefaultValue = recid.ToString();
DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)FormView1.DataItem;
returns a valid DataRowView object with the correct data record. However, the DataBind() appears to not be working - no data appears in the entry text boxes. Unless I set the entry textboxes to 'ReadOnly'. They then display the returned data, but I (obviously) cannot edit it.
I can edit and enter data in the non-readonly text boxes, and the Save command saves the data, and it displays in the gridview, but if I try to edit it, I again get a valid set of data, but no displayed data.
My question: Why is making these fields readonly allowing the data to be displayed?
Second question: Why is the data in the datasource returned record not appearing in the editable textboxes?
BLUF: I needed to do the formview data load in the PostBack event, in order to get the correct session variables which were set by other events. Question of "How can I be so dumb when I am so smart?"

How to save Dataset in temp memory of page?

I have a function which call a procedure from SQL Server and return a datatable as
public static DataTable GetProducts(int parmCategory = -1){}
in my asp page I have
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", ReportsBLL.GetProducts()));
which fill once in pageload()
this procudure takes about 8 minutes to get data from database
and I want to make a lot of filtration in button press to filter data which comes from GetProducts
and there is no logic to call procure in every filter and contact the DB
So, how can I save the data once I get it in the pageload and deal with it in button press filtration
It depends on how much data is returning.
If its not too much, put the data into the session variable with something like this:
Set the data into a variable on page called dataSet1.
Session["DataSet1"] = dataSet1;
If the data is massive, you really want to consider having the page "refresh" between filtering. This way you don't blow out your memory.

Creating Dynamic Tables in VB.Net

I am new in .Net and I had a question regarding creating dynamic tables.
I am creating a page that adds a new row to a table (First Name, Last Name, Address, etc...) when a user clicks on a button. I have been reading that every time you do a postback to a dynamic table you have to re-create the rows. That is what I am doing.
I have been testing this and about 40 rows have being added already, when I click to add a new row, it runs completely slower and I can only imagine how long it would take to add 100 rows. I am assuming that it is because re-creating the rows takes time.
My questions is there a better approach or another way to accomplish task?
'***Edits Here what im currently doing
This is my table and button control:
Code when button is clicked, which creates the dynamic table:
Dim tblrow As TableRow
Dim tblcell As TableCell
Dim inputText As TextBox
tblrow = New TableHeaderRow
tblcell = New TableHeaderCell
tblcell.Text = tableCount 'variable used to count rows in the table
tblcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
tblcell = New TableCell
inputText = New TextBox
inputText.ID = "txt_" & tableCount
Now from what I learned and tested so far, everytime I do a postback I have to rebuild this table in order to keep all of the contents I entered into the table.
The next question is why dont you add another row using jquery so that you don't have to do postbacks. I have tried this approach and it worked well UNTIL I needed to put the information entered into the table into a database which required a postback. So I was back at my original problem.
Note, if there is a better way to approach this im all ears. Like I said before I am new to this language and im just trying to learn.
My suggestion for you will be to use the JqGrid it is a free open source jquery plugin but also available commercially. It is fast in data loading and have lots of dynamic features
If you know javascript and jquery then this will be easy for you to use, it comes as Asp.Net, mvc and php component
Are you using windows forms? If you are, use the ListView control and change the view (I believe thats what it's called...) to details. Then you can use one of the many tutorials like this to populate the list:
If not using Windows Forums sorry, I saw the part and assumed. is a server side web technology which means that you are working with a stateless technology (basically). That is why you have to rebuild everything on every postback.
There are several ways of dealing with this:
using the ViewState and check for Page.IsPostback on PageLoad
using jQuery and clientside Templates like Pure and fetch the Data through webservices
I on your behalf would avoid creating a table manually like you showed above, but instead use templated controls and specify the behavior declaratively.
When you create a DataGrid for example and are using ViewState, you do not have to explicitly recreate the DataGrid, since is taking care of it when used correctly.

Trying to populate ASP GridView as it's data source gets populated on the server

Hi I am new to using ASP.NET and GridView and it would be great if someone could kindly help me out here.
My scenario is that on a button click event, my code tries to get data from a webservice in chunks for a long period of time. Now I create a DataTable and populate it as each chunk is retrieved. My question is how do I show in gridview whatever I have retrieved so far before the button click returns ? Say, if I have three chunks being retrieved one after another then as of now the gridview gets populated with all the data from the 3 chunks at once, I want to be able to show the first chunk as it is downloaded, then add the second chunk and finally the third. Not sure how to do this.
I'd be happy if you just give me an overall solution/point me in the asp feature I should be using to get this done. Thanks.
If you are binding using webservice. Then asp:GridView will create unnecessary hassles for you as its designed for simple server side bindings.
Why dont you try DataTables or jqGrid, as they are much better alternatives?
You can Merge the existing DataTable every time you receive a new chunk from the Web service and then bind the updated (Merged) DataTable to the gridview.
Check out this article from MSDN and get a better idea of how you can merge DataTables
DataSet.Merge Method (DataTable)
Also look at this article that may help you in your current problem.
Merging two Datasets into a single Datagrid

Gridview Edit not working after Sorting ASP.NET

I am using C#,ASP.NET
I have a Gridview for which I have provided Sorting, Edit functionality. I am not able to perform EDIT when I perform Sorting. After sorting edit is set on some other row. I think there is some problem with the index it is taking..
Can any one help me how to fix this..
I think the issue is that the sorting is using a different call/datasouce than the editing. So in the RowEditing event I am getting an index relative to the sort order (either ASC() or DESC()). But then I am binding using getUsers() which is returning the data in a different order.
What I did is I stored some kind of a flag(Value) in ViewState to indicate what sort order I am in and made use of that when I am binding in the Editing event, so that I can call the right method to return the same datasource.
I faced this problem as well. This is how I fixed it. (In my example the gridview is sorted on a column called submit date).
a. When the underlying dataTable of the gridview is crated and sorted store it in a session variable. The trick is, before storing to a session variable make sure you store the sorted view.
dt.DefaultView.Sort = "Submit Date" + " " + "DESC";
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
Session["gridViewData"] = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(); //Only storing dt will not have the sorted table stored in session.
b. next, perform all edit/update operation using the dataTable stored in session in the above step. It will always come up in proper sorted order and you will not see the issue of row index changing unexpectedly after update.
