how can I detect that option value has changed in wordpress? - wordpress

I am working on a Wordpress plugin and I want to fire a different action based on each option value change. so how can I do that ?
$options = get_option('ACP_settings'); if $options['acp-select'] has changed from previous value than I want to fire different action based on selection
Please note that $option['acp-select'] is retrieved from select/option html form and has following values for selection:'book','air','SW','HW' and etc....
I hope I have posted my question clearly.
thanks for help

You can use wordpress hooks in the update_option() function.
In your case you can use updated_option or update_option_{$option} hooks.
The code for ACP_settings option would look like:
add_action( 'update_option_ACP_settings', function($old_value, $value, $option){
if( $old_value !== $value ){
// Your option was updated
// Run your code here
}, 10, 3 );


WooCommerce Upsells Same Order as Admin

really hoping someone can help with this as I thought it would be far more simple!
Long story short, I have created a script that populates the upsells of WooCommerce products, all works great using the API and they are there. They show on the product page as expected but in a completely different order to how they were inputted in the admin area and I cannot seem to find a way for the order to follow admin?
function filter_woocommerce_upsells_orderby( $orderby ) {
return 'menu_order';
add_filter( 'woocommerce_upsells_orderby', 'filter_woocommerce_upsells_orderby', 10, 1 );
Above is the hook I have found but from the options I have found such as menu order / id / price etc, there is not simply an overide option to ignore the order and just take them as they are in admin!?
Please help!
I also encountered this problem. And i have an idea.
I checked all wordpress parameters about Order & Orderby.Link is
And i use the paramteters name "none",It can make your orderby not based on any sorting rules.In other words, it is sorted according to upsells. here is the code.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_upsells_orderby', 'filter_woocommerce_upsells_orderby', 10, 1 );
function filter_woocommerce_upsells_orderby( $orderby ){
return "none";
add_filter( 'woocommerce_upsells_order', 'filter_woocommerce_upsells_order', 10, 1 );
function filter_woocommerce_upsells_order(){
return 'asc'; // Default is 'desc';
But it is still chaotic, when adding any product to upsells, it is still random. Therefore I also used a plug-in "WooCommerce Drop/Drag For Upsells Cross-Sells", which allows you to drag your products in upsell at will.
If you have any question you can ask me.

Customize woocommerce product name hook

The reason behind doing this is because I am currently had set my default product name hook with a custom function and I am currently trying to set another custom hook to avoid conflict with my default hook. This is what I have here for my custom function(hook). Please feel free to give suggestions on the custom function that I created. (Which is not working at the moment)
The code is below:
add_action('custome_product_name', 'show_product_name');
function show_product_name(){
$product = wc_get_product(id);
echo $product->get_title();
Feel free to ask if there is any confusion that I caused. Cheers.
Above one is for (WC version 2.5.2) can let me know which version of WC you are using ?
Can try below action hook please:
add_action('custome_product_name', 'show_product_name');
function show_product_name(){
echo get_the_title( 'ID' );

Wordpress: Job Manager: How to modify Resume custom fields?

I have been trying to figure out a filter or action to modify Resume custom fields.
There is a documentation here about how to do it for resume core fields but not for custom fields.
If I use submit_resume_form_fields filter like
add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields', 'remove_submit_resume_form_fields' );
function remove_submit_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {
$fields only returns resume core fields but not the custom fields.
Can anyone help me?
Finally I got it worked. So instead of using submit_resume_form_fields filter, I used submit_resume_form_fields_get_resume_data and it gave me all the fields (with custom fields as well). Unfortunately I could not find a documentation of this, I had to search the code. So the code goes like
add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields_get_resume_data', 'remove_submit_resume_form_fields' );
function remove_submit_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {
unset( $fields['resume_fields']['custom_field_name'] );
I thought it might help someone!

Hide and show Complete action shortcut in woocommerce

I searched a lot but didn't find any solution that work for me.
I am developing a plugin for wordpress that will work only with woocommerce. So i want that when my order status is in pending state i want to hide complete action shortcut on orders listing page.
In the above picture i want to hide middle button when my order is in pending state. I want to do it in plugin.
Any suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
Yes this can be done using 'woocommerce_admin_order_actions' filter and adding a function to a filter.
Code to be added in you plugin:
function wdm_verify_product_limitation( $actions, $the_order ){
if ( $the_order->has_status( array( 'pending','on-hold') ) ) {
return $actions;
Here i am checking if the order is in 'pending' or 'on-hold' state then don't show the Complete button for that order.(in your case remove 'on-hold' from the code )
Have tested the same. Do let me know if this works for you

What is difference between these Wordpress filter hooks

I'm new to WordPress plugin development. I have a doubt about below 3
filter hooks.
Please tell me the what the difference between these hooks.
content_edit_pre filter hook
The content_edit_pre filter hook is used to hook into the content of a post just before it is loaded to be edited. For example, if you included the following at the end of your functions file:
function test_of_content_edit_pre( $content, $post_id ) {
return "Insert this before the content about to be edited ".$content;
add_filter( 'content_edit_pre', 'test_of_content_edit_pre', 10, 2 );
Then open a post to edit it, you would see that the text has been inserted before the post:
excerpt_edit_pre filter hook
The excerpt_edit_pre filter hook is very similar to content_edit_pre, except it is used to hook into excerpts (instead of posts) just before they are loaded to be edited. For example:
function test_of_excerpt_edit_pre( $content, $post_id ) {
return "Add this to excerpt".$content;
add_filter( 'excerpt_edit_pre', 'test_of_excerpt_edit_pre', 11, 2 );
Would result in this being shown in the excerpt:
content_filtered_edit_pre filter hook
This one I am not sure about. I tested it out and it didn't seem to do anything. I will update my answer if I can find more information on this.
