sitecore extranet create user -

I'm trying to create an extranet user within sitecore but i'm having issues. I'm using the command Membership.CreateUser(username, password, email)
Nothing seems to happen though. No user is created in the extranet aspnetdb. No exceptions are thrown.
I also tried putting the domain as part of the user name: domain\username...and I get the error "You must specify a non-autogenerated machine key to store passwords in encrypted format. Either specify a different passwordFormat, or change the machineKey configuration to use a non-autogenerated decryption key.". My passwordFormat is Encrypted.
Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Did you try what the error message suggested? I would try setting your own Machine Key. More about that here. As always, do this in a test/dev environment.

You can use below code -
uname = string.Format(#"{0}{1}", domain, userName);
Membership.CreateUser(uname, password, email);


ACS - bypassing user redirection to IdP?

I have only recently been looking into ACS, AAL, WAAD and I would like to avoid redirecting users to the login page of their IDP. I want to keep my users within my site and present them with a dropdown to choose who they wish to authenticate with and an area to request a username and password, then acquire token via code. Is this possible?
I have been reviewing some sample applications and produce a quick mock-up, but cant seem to get things working e.g.
_authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
string enteredEmailDomain = UserNameTextbox.Text.Substring(UserNameTextbox.Text.IndexOf('#') + 1);
IList<IdentityProviderDescriptor> idpdList = _authContext.GetProviders("");
foreach (IdentityProviderDescriptor idpd in idpdList)
if (String.Compare(ServiceRealmDropDownList.SelectedValue, idpd.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
Credential credential;
credential = new UsernamePasswordCredential(enteredEmailDomain, UserNameTextbox.Text, PasswordTextbox.Text);
_assertionCredential = _authContext.AcquireToken("", idpd, credential);
Using the code above, when I try to use the Windows Azure Active Directory User (admin), i get the error "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." where I attempt to acquiretoken.
When I use Google, I get an error "0x8010000C: No identity provider matches the requested protocol".
If there is a working sample? if I am doing something obviously wrong, I would appreciate the correction.
This is not supported for passive identity providers. IdPs like Google, Facebook, etc. don't want other people collecting credentials for them, as this leads to security issues and possible phishing attacks. They also don't support it because they need to be able to show a permission dialog (that screen that asks the user if they want to release data to you) which they can't do without the browser redirecting to them. Furthermore, Google in particular supports two-factor auth, which you couldn't replicate, and generally collecting credentials opens up whole cans of worms around other UI problems such as incorrect or forgotten passwords.
This is also generally a bad user experience, because your users are fairly likely to already be logged in to Google and have cookies there. If so, and if they've already consented to your app, they would just be silently redirected back to you. In your scenario, even if the user is already logged in they'd still have to provide a username/password.
The correct way to do these sorts of logins is to render a browser control in your app that allows the user to log in at their IdP, which is what AAL helps with.
I had the same error, executing a powerscript solved that error
PS C:\windows\system32> $replyUrl = New-MsolServicePrincipalAddresses
PS C:\windows\system32> New-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalNames
#("") -DisplayName
"MyDomain Namespace" -Addresses $replyUrl
But i'm stuck anyway with a 403 permission error
If you get any further i would like to know how :)

Why Membership.CreateUser Failed?

For this overload:
if CreateUser("","pwd") , failed with error message :The e-mail address provided is invalid. Please check the value and try again.
but CreateUser("","pwd","") , succeed!
It may be better to think of the methods like this:
CreateUser(Username, Password);
CreateUser(Username, Password, Email);
Without reflecting the code I couldn't say 100% for sure, but I'll bet those functions just call an internal function that takes in every possible parameter.
So your first call (simplified) is actually:
CreateUser("", "pwd", null);
If you have configured your provider to require email address, then clearly null is not valid.
From the MSDN docs:
The SqlMembershipProvider provides an option to require a unique
e-mail address for each user. If the RequiresUniqueEmail property is
true, you will need to use one of the CreateUser overloads that allows
you to specify an e-mail address for the user being created.
Otherwise, a MembershipCreateUserException will be thrown.

advantage of md5+salt in application

I have a question about how to use md5 and a salt to secure a password, I have already made many searches for answers to my questions.
An article I saw was using c# to convert password to md5 string, something like this:
public static string md5(string <b>sPassword</b>)
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider x = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] bs = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPassword);
bs = x.ComputeHash(bs);
System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in bs)
return s.ToString();
My question is the above code seems server side is its mean password traveling over internet in plain text doesn't it create any security issue or it does not matter i don't know (may be i am getting it wrong way or i am not clear about password security concept) ?
What i have done in my project is i am creating a secure password at client side with java script md5.js file and with user's entered password before posting login.aspx form back to server then at server side i am fetching hashed password of user from database(which was stored at the time of registration of user with same technique) and match both client side and server side hashed passwords if they match user authenticated.
i don't know weather i am doing it right way or not please let me know right way if i am wrong .
Now the problem is i want to use SALT with the md5 (md5+salt) to make password more secure with Randomly generated salt string. how to do this should i make a random salt string at server side while page_load of login page and then send it to client side and at client mix this salt with user password before posting form. after post again mix the password(fetched from database) with same random string and match both password to authenticate.
One more question, at the time of registration of a new user, where should originally user entered password convert in md5 at client side or server side if at server side then password should post to server as it is means original password.(like "MyPassword")
Firstly you should be aware that SHA1 is now industry standard, but it's still fine to use Md5 for most things.
Secondly to stop plain text transmitting over the public network, use an HTTPS connection (you may need to purchase a certificate from a recognised vendor).
Also if this is for a user system, consider using's membership system. It does this all for you and has been extensively reviewed.
The basic flow of what you describe anyway would be:
User enters password
Server generates random salt
Hashed password = md5(salt + raw password)
Store hashed password and salt along side username, dispose of raw
When user logs in, find the associated salt with the username login is being attempted for.
Is password valid = does md5(salt + entered password) = store hash?
If they do, login
Once they have logged in, it might be a good idea also to regenerate a new salt and hash. Also the md5() should be applied to the password thousands of times before storing to make a dictionary attack uneconomical.
There are plenty of resources out there that go into this in more detail.
Good luck!

How to change WebDAV password locally

I can't figure out how to change the webdav password. I've done some searching, found many resources of how to add a new user to webdav, but nothing about changing password. Anyone know?
Passwords are stored in webdav.htpasswd file.
If you open it, you will see an entry like this
wampp:XAMPP with WebDAV:bc7f2b670e7e965e307feb30492e642e
That's the entry for user wampp: in realm XAMPP with WebDAV: with password which is encrypted.
To change password, you should use htdigest.exe.
See manual. It is used to create and update user authentication files. You should find in the bin directory of xampp installation.
To do that, do :
htdigest.exe "pathto/webdav.htpasswd" "XAMPP with WebDAV" yourusername
This will be returned:
Adding user yourusername in realm "XAMPP with WebDAV"
You will then be asked for the password for yourusername
New password: yourpassword
Re-type new password: yourpassword
Replace the content of the file C:\Program Files\xampp\security\htpasswd.webdav with your username, a colon and the password. Note: Everyone who can see this file can see the password!
Assuming you're talking about doing a password change at the server from a client, I don't believe WebDAV supports such a transaction.
You'd use something like a shell logon or a Web-based admin page to do this.
This always struck me as odd for a lot of network services, for example FTP or email. It seems to be common though.

How to use SharpSVN in ASP.NET?

Trying to use use SharpSVN in an ASP.NET app. So far, it's been nothing but trouble. First, I kept getting permission errors on "lock" files (that don't exist), even though NETWORK SERVICE has full permissions on the directories. Finally in frustration I just granted Everyone full control. Now I get a new error:
OPTIONS of 'https://server/svn/repo': authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge (https://server)
This happens whether I have the DefaultCredentials set below or not:
using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
//client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "password");
SvnUpdateResult result;
client.Update(workingdir, out result);
Any clues? I wish there was SOME documentation with this library, as it seems so useful.
The user you need to grant permission is most likely the ASPNET user, as that's the user the ASP.NET code runs as by default.
ASPNET user is a local account, preferably youd'd want to run this code in an Impersonate block, using a network account set up for this specific reason
