converting multiple columns from character to numeric format in r - r

What is the most efficient way to convert multiple columns in a data frame from character to numeric format?
I have a dataframe called DF with all character variables.
I would like to do something like
for (i in names(DF){
DF$i <- as.numeric(DF$i)
Thank you

You could try
DF <- data.frame("a" = as.character(0:5),
"b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
"c" = letters[1:6],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Check columns classes
sapply(DF, class)
# a b c
# "character" "character" "character"
cols.num <- c("a","b")
DF[cols.num] <- sapply(DF[cols.num],as.numeric)
sapply(DF, class)
# a b c
# "numeric" "numeric" "character"

If you're already using the tidyverse, there are a few solution depending on the exact situation.
Basic if you know it's all numbers and doesn't have NAs
# solution
dataset %>% mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric)
Test cases
df <- data.frame(
x1 = c('1','2','3'),
x2 = c('4','5','6'),
x3 = c('1','a','x'), # vector with alpha characters
x4 = c('1',NA,'6'), # numeric and NA
x5 = c('1',NA,'x'), # alpha and NA
stringsAsFactors = F)
# display starting structure
df %>% str()
Convert all character vectors to numeric (could fail if not numeric)
df %>%
select(-x3) %>% # this removes the alpha column if all your character columns need converted to numeric
mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric) %>%
Check if each column can be converted. This can be an anonymous function. It returns FALSE if there is a non-numeric or non-NA character somewhere. It also checks if it's a character vector to ignore factors. na.omit removes original NAs before creating "bad" NAs.
is_all_numeric <- function(x) {
!any( & is.character(x)
df %>%
mutate_if(is_all_numeric,as.numeric) %>%
If you want to convert specific named columns, then mutate_at is better.
df %>% mutate_at('x1', as.numeric) %>% str()

You can use index of columns:
data_set[,1:9] <- sapply(dataset[,1:9],as.character)

I used this code to convert all columns to numeric except the first one:
# check structure, row and column number with: glimpse(df)
# convert to numeric e.g. from 2nd column to 10th column
df <- df %>%
mutate_at(c(2:10), as.numeric)

Using the across() function from dplyr 1.0
df <- df %>% mutate(across(, ~as.numeric(.))

You could use convert from the hablar package:
# Sample df (stolen from the solution by Luca Braglia)
df <- tibble("a" = as.character(0:5),
"b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
"c" = letters[1:6])
# insert variable names in num()
df %>% convert(num(a, b))
Which gives you:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
a b c
<dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 0. 0.100 a
2 1. 1.10 b
3 2. 2.10 c
4 3. 3.10 d
5 4. 4.10 e
6 5. 5.10 f
Or if you are lazy, let retype() from hablar guess the right data type:
df %>% retype()
which gives you:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
a b c
<int> <dbl> <chr>
1 0 0.100 a
2 1 1.10 b
3 2 2.10 c
4 3 3.10 d
5 4 4.10 e
6 5 5.10 f

Convert a data object to logical, integer, numeric, complex, character or factor as appropriate.
Add the argument type.convert(df, = T) to prevent character vectors from becoming factors when there is a non-numeric in the data set.

Slight adjustment to answers from ARobertson and Kenneth Wilson that worked for me.
Running R 3.6.0, with library(tidyverse) and library(dplyr) in my environment:
> df %<>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)
Error in df %<>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric) :
could not find function "%<>%"
I did some quick research and found this note in Hadley's "The tidyverse style guide".
The magrittr package provides the %<>% operator as a shortcut for modifying an object in place. Avoid this operator.
# Good x <- x %>%
abs() %>%
# Bad x %<>%
abs() %>%
Based on that style guide:
df_clean <- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)
Working example
> df_clean <- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)
Warning messages:
1: NAs introduced by coercion
2: NAs introduced by coercion
3: NAs introduced by coercion
4: NAs introduced by coercion
5: NAs introduced by coercion
6: NAs introduced by coercion
7: NAs introduced by coercion
8: NAs introduced by coercion
9: NAs introduced by coercion
10: NAs introduced by coercion
> df_clean
# A tibble: 3,599 x 17
stack datetime volume BQT90 DBT90 DRT90 DLT90 FBT90 RT90 HTML90 RFT90 RLPP90 RAT90 SRVR90 SSL90 TCP90 group
<dbl> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>

I think I figured it out. Here's what I did (perhaps not the most elegant solution - suggestions on how to imp[rove this are very much welcome)
#names of columns in data frame
cols <- names(DF)
# character variables
cols.char <- c("fx_code","date")
#numeric variables
cols.num <- cols[!cols %in% cols.char]
DF.char <- DF[cols.char]
DF.num <-[cols.num],as.numeric))
DF2 <- cbind(DF.char, DF.num)

I realize this is an old thread but wanted to post a solution similar to your request for a function (just ran into the similar issue myself trying to format an entire table to percentage labels).
Assume you have a df with 5 character columns you want to convert. First, I create a table containing the names of the columns I want to manipulate:
col_to_convert <- data.frame(nrow = 1:5
,col = c("col1","col2","col3","col4","col5"))
for (i in 1:max(cal_to_convert$row))
colname <- col_to_convert$col[i]
colnum <- which(colnames(df) == colname)
for (j in 1:nrow(df))
df[j,colnum] <- as.numericdf(df[j,colnum])
This is not ideal for large tables as it goes cell by cell, but it would get the job done.

like this?
DF <- data.frame("a" = as.character(0:5),
"b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
"c" = paste(10:15),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DF <- apply(DF, 2, as.numeric)
If there are "real" characters in dataframe like 'a' 'b' 'c', i would recommend answer from davsjob.

Use data.table set function
for (j in YourColumns)
set(DF, j=j, value = as.numeric(DF[[j]])
If you need to keep as data.frame then just use setDF(DF)

Try this to change numeric column to character:
df[,1:11] <- sapply(df[,1:11],as.character)

DF[,6:11] <- sapply(DF[,6:11], as.numeric)
DF[,6:11] <- sapply(DF[,6:11], as.character)

for (i in 1:names(DF){
DF[[i]] <- as.numeric(DF[[i]])
I solved this using double brackets [[]]

Since we can index a data frame column by it's name, a simple change can be made:
for (i in names(DF)){ DF[i] <-[i]))) }

A<- read.csv("Environment_Temperature_change_E_All_Data_NOFLAG.csv",header = F)
Now, convert to character
A<- type.convert(A,
Convert some columns to numeric from character
A[,c(1,3,5,c(8:66))]<- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(A[,c(1,3,5,c(8:66))])))


Is there a way to put all columns from my database as integer with a simple code? [duplicate]

What is the most efficient way to convert multiple columns in a data frame from character to numeric format?
I have a dataframe called DF with all character variables.
I would like to do something like
for (i in names(DF){
DF$i <- as.numeric(DF$i)
Thank you
You could try
DF <- data.frame("a" = as.character(0:5),
"b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
"c" = letters[1:6],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Check columns classes
sapply(DF, class)
# a b c
# "character" "character" "character"
cols.num <- c("a","b")
DF[cols.num] <- sapply(DF[cols.num],as.numeric)
sapply(DF, class)
# a b c
# "numeric" "numeric" "character"
If you're already using the tidyverse, there are a few solution depending on the exact situation.
Basic if you know it's all numbers and doesn't have NAs
# solution
dataset %>% mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric)
Test cases
df <- data.frame(
x1 = c('1','2','3'),
x2 = c('4','5','6'),
x3 = c('1','a','x'), # vector with alpha characters
x4 = c('1',NA,'6'), # numeric and NA
x5 = c('1',NA,'x'), # alpha and NA
stringsAsFactors = F)
# display starting structure
df %>% str()
Convert all character vectors to numeric (could fail if not numeric)
df %>%
select(-x3) %>% # this removes the alpha column if all your character columns need converted to numeric
mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric) %>%
Check if each column can be converted. This can be an anonymous function. It returns FALSE if there is a non-numeric or non-NA character somewhere. It also checks if it's a character vector to ignore factors. na.omit removes original NAs before creating "bad" NAs.
is_all_numeric <- function(x) {
!any( & is.character(x)
df %>%
mutate_if(is_all_numeric,as.numeric) %>%
If you want to convert specific named columns, then mutate_at is better.
df %>% mutate_at('x1', as.numeric) %>% str()
You can use index of columns:
data_set[,1:9] <- sapply(dataset[,1:9],as.character)
I used this code to convert all columns to numeric except the first one:
# check structure, row and column number with: glimpse(df)
# convert to numeric e.g. from 2nd column to 10th column
df <- df %>%
mutate_at(c(2:10), as.numeric)
Using the across() function from dplyr 1.0
df <- df %>% mutate(across(, ~as.numeric(.))
You could use convert from the hablar package:
# Sample df (stolen from the solution by Luca Braglia)
df <- tibble("a" = as.character(0:5),
"b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
"c" = letters[1:6])
# insert variable names in num()
df %>% convert(num(a, b))
Which gives you:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
a b c
<dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 0. 0.100 a
2 1. 1.10 b
3 2. 2.10 c
4 3. 3.10 d
5 4. 4.10 e
6 5. 5.10 f
Or if you are lazy, let retype() from hablar guess the right data type:
df %>% retype()
which gives you:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
a b c
<int> <dbl> <chr>
1 0 0.100 a
2 1 1.10 b
3 2 2.10 c
4 3 3.10 d
5 4 4.10 e
6 5 5.10 f
Convert a data object to logical, integer, numeric, complex, character or factor as appropriate.
Add the argument type.convert(df, = T) to prevent character vectors from becoming factors when there is a non-numeric in the data set.
Slight adjustment to answers from ARobertson and Kenneth Wilson that worked for me.
Running R 3.6.0, with library(tidyverse) and library(dplyr) in my environment:
> df %<>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)
Error in df %<>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric) :
could not find function "%<>%"
I did some quick research and found this note in Hadley's "The tidyverse style guide".
The magrittr package provides the %<>% operator as a shortcut for modifying an object in place. Avoid this operator.
# Good x <- x %>%
abs() %>%
# Bad x %<>%
abs() %>%
Based on that style guide:
df_clean <- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)
Working example
> df_clean <- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)
Warning messages:
1: NAs introduced by coercion
2: NAs introduced by coercion
3: NAs introduced by coercion
4: NAs introduced by coercion
5: NAs introduced by coercion
6: NAs introduced by coercion
7: NAs introduced by coercion
8: NAs introduced by coercion
9: NAs introduced by coercion
10: NAs introduced by coercion
> df_clean
# A tibble: 3,599 x 17
stack datetime volume BQT90 DBT90 DRT90 DLT90 FBT90 RT90 HTML90 RFT90 RLPP90 RAT90 SRVR90 SSL90 TCP90 group
<dbl> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
I think I figured it out. Here's what I did (perhaps not the most elegant solution - suggestions on how to imp[rove this are very much welcome)
#names of columns in data frame
cols <- names(DF)
# character variables
cols.char <- c("fx_code","date")
#numeric variables
cols.num <- cols[!cols %in% cols.char]
DF.char <- DF[cols.char]
DF.num <-[cols.num],as.numeric))
DF2 <- cbind(DF.char, DF.num)
I realize this is an old thread but wanted to post a solution similar to your request for a function (just ran into the similar issue myself trying to format an entire table to percentage labels).
Assume you have a df with 5 character columns you want to convert. First, I create a table containing the names of the columns I want to manipulate:
col_to_convert <- data.frame(nrow = 1:5
,col = c("col1","col2","col3","col4","col5"))
for (i in 1:max(cal_to_convert$row))
colname <- col_to_convert$col[i]
colnum <- which(colnames(df) == colname)
for (j in 1:nrow(df))
df[j,colnum] <- as.numericdf(df[j,colnum])
This is not ideal for large tables as it goes cell by cell, but it would get the job done.
like this?
DF <- data.frame("a" = as.character(0:5),
"b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
"c" = paste(10:15),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DF <- apply(DF, 2, as.numeric)
If there are "real" characters in dataframe like 'a' 'b' 'c', i would recommend answer from davsjob.
Use data.table set function
for (j in YourColumns)
set(DF, j=j, value = as.numeric(DF[[j]])
If you need to keep as data.frame then just use setDF(DF)
Try this to change numeric column to character:
df[,1:11] <- sapply(df[,1:11],as.character)
DF[,6:11] <- sapply(DF[,6:11], as.numeric)
DF[,6:11] <- sapply(DF[,6:11], as.character)
for (i in 1:names(DF){
DF[[i]] <- as.numeric(DF[[i]])
I solved this using double brackets [[]]
Since we can index a data frame column by it's name, a simple change can be made:
for (i in names(DF)){ DF[i] <-[i]))) }
A<- read.csv("Environment_Temperature_change_E_All_Data_NOFLAG.csv",header = F)
Now, convert to character
A<- type.convert(A,
Convert some columns to numeric from character
A[,c(1,3,5,c(8:66))]<- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(A[,c(1,3,5,c(8:66))])))

Renaming all columns in a batch - dplyr

Hi I want to replace all column names in the old dataset "olddata" with new names saved in a data frame "newnames"
In basic R it's simple and works
colnames(olddata) <- t(as.vector(newnames))
However an attempt with dplyr:
olddata <- olddata %>% rename(vars(everything()), ~t(newnames))
Returns an error:
Error: Must rename columns with a valid subscript vector.
x Subscript has the wrong type `quosures`.
ℹ It must be numeric or character.
What might be wrong here? Thank you!
Assuming that newnames is a one column data.frame, you can convert it to vector using:
newnames %>% pull(1)
then you can rename your olddata with:
olddata <- olddata %>% rename_with(~ newnames %>% pull(1))
Here is some testing with some hypothetical data:
newnames <- data.frame(letters[1:3])
# letters.1.3.
# 1 a
# 2 b
# 3 c
olddata <- data.frame(col_1 = 1, col_2 = 2, col_3 = 3)
# col_1 col_2 col_3
# 1 1 2 3
olddata <- olddata %>% rename_with(~ newnames %>% pull(1))
# a b c
# 1 1 2 3

R Subsetting text from a comma seperated column in a data-frame

I have a data.frame with a column that looks like that:
I want to somehow split this column into two colums with one containing all the values with F and one for all the other values, resulting in two columns in a df that looks like that.
F other
F.31.2,F43.1 A.43.2,R.45.2
Thanks in advance
Try next tidyverse approach. You can separate the rows by , and then create a group according to the pattern in order to reshape to wide and obtain the expected result:
df <- data.frame(diagnosis='F.31.2,A.43.2,R.45.2,F.43.1',stringsAsFactors = F)
new <- df %>% separate_rows(diagnosis,sep = ',') %>%
mutate(Group=ifelse(grepl('F',diagnosis),'F','Other')) %>%
pivot_wider(values_fn = toString,names_from=Group,values_from=diagnosis)
# A tibble: 1 x 2
F Other
<chr> <chr>
1 F.31.2, F.43.1 A.43.2, R.45.2
First, use strsplit at the commas. Then, using grep find indexes of F, and select/antiselect them by multiplying by 1 or -1 and paste them.
tmp <- el(strsplit(d$diagnosis, ","))
res <- lapply(c(1, -1), function(x) paste(tmp[grep("F", tmp)*x], collapse=","))
res <- setNames(, c("F", "other"))
# F other
# 1 F.31.2,F.43.1 A.43.2,R.45.2
d <- setNames(read.table(text="F.31.2,A.43.2,R.45.2,F.43.1"), "diagnosis")

Map readr::type_convert to specific columns only

readr::type_convert guesses the class of each column in a data frame. I would like to apply type_convert to only some columns in a data frame (to preserve other columns as character). MWE:
# A data frame with multiple character columns containing numbers.
df <- data.frame(A = letters[1:10],
B = as.character(1:10),
C = as.character(1:10))
# This works
df %>% type_convert()
Parsed with column specification:
A = col_character(),
B = col_double(),
C = col_double()
1 a 1 1
2 b 2 2
However, I would like to only apply the function to column B (this is a stylised example; there may be multiple columns to try and convert). I tried using purrr::map_at as well as sapply, as follows:
# This does not work
map_at(df, "B", type_convert)
Error in .f(.x[[i]], ...) : is not TRUE
# This does not work
sapply(df["B"], type_convert)
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : is not TRUE
Is there a way to apply type_convert selectively to only some columns of a data frame?
Edit: #ekoam provides an answer for type_convert. However, applying this answer to many columns would be tedious. It might be better to use the base::type.convert function, which can be mapped:
purrr::map_at(df, "B", type.convert) %>%
# A tibble: 10 x 3
<chr> <int> <chr>
1 a 1 1
2 b 2 2
Try this:
df %>% type_convert(cols(B = "?", C = "?", .default = "c"))
Guess the type of B; any other character column stays as is. The tricky part is that if any column is not of a character type, then type_convert will also leave it as is. So if you really have to type_convert, maybe you have to first convert all columns to characters.
type_convert does not seem to support it. One trick which I have used a few times is using combination of select & bind_cols as shown below.
df %>%
select(B) %>%
type_convert() %>%
bind_cols(df %>% select(-B))

Purrr Implementation of For-Loop

I am trying to develop a logistic regression model in R. I am trying to loop over rows of a data frame (or tibble) so that I can multiply a subset of the columns in that row by another vector as a dot product.
I initially tried to accomplish some preparatory work using purrr's vector functions, but was having difficulty and decided to implement it in a for-loop.
This is the working design I have with a For-Loop:
# Define necessary functions
lambdaFunc <- function(factors,theta){
# y is 0 or 1
# x and theta are a numeric vectors
indiv_likhd <- function(y,x,theta){
# Assuming df is dataframe of the form
# Col1 Col2 ... ColN
# isDefault(0 or 1) factor1 ... factorN
likhds <- function(df,theta){
df <-
likhds <- vector("numeric",nrow(df))
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
likhds[i] <- indiv_likhd(df[i,1],df[i,2:ncol(df)],theta)
testdf <- tibble(y=c(1,0),x_1=c(1,1),x_2=c(1,1),x_3=c(1,1))
testTheta <- c(1,1,1)
[1] 0.04742587 0.95257413
Is there a way to implement this with vector functions-specifically the purr package? This is my first real question on stackoverflow so I apologize if there is something missing or unclear, in which case, please let me know.
Thank you.
Without changing your lambdaFunc and indiv_likhd we could rewrite your for loop with pmap
testdf %>%
mutate(new_col = pmap_dbl(., ~indiv_likhd(c(...)[1], c(...)[-1], testTheta)))
# y x_1 x_2 x_3 new_col
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 1 1 1 0.0474
#2 0 1 1 1 0.953
c(...) is used to capture all the values passed to pmap (here the entire row), so c(...)[1] means the first value in the row, c(...)[-1] means everything other than the first values in the row.
Here is an option
f <- function(df, theta) {
df %>%
group_by(y) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(likhds = map2_dbl(y, data, function(y, x) indiv_likhd(y, x, theta))) %>%
f(testdf, testTheta)
#[1] 0.04742587 0.95257413
Explanation: We nest data by y, then use map2_dbl to loop through the pairs of y and data (which are your x values) for every row, and return the output of indiv_likhd as a double vector.
