Fonts shrink after upgrade to Meteor 0.8.0 - meteor

I've just updated an app from 6.6 to Meteor version 0.8.0 and all of my fonts have shrunken to something ridiculously small, and I'm not overriding the default meteor-bootstrap-3 css at all.
What is causing this? The upgrade of jquery?


Can someone tell me can i use angular 6+ with meteor 1.7?

angular meteor documentation is showing support for angular version 4.4. Is it depricated.
It works perfectly fine. I’m currently using the release candidate for meteor 1.8, angular 6.1 and the angular meteor driver 3.2 (I think)
All play nicely together. Look at the angular meteor repo and there are example apps. You can use the meteor command line version is you are used to meteor. I cannot comment on using it without the meteor command line as I do not use it this way.

Font awesome Version 3.2.1 works version 4 Does Not

Ok I have a site that I am working on where we have to host the Font Awesome files on our server we can't use CDN.
Anyway if I download version 3.2.1 it works with no problem. If I upgrade to version 4 and beyond the fonts don't show. The CSS files look identical (as far as the folder it is looking for the font files in). I change the way I call the fonts for version 4 using fa- instead of icon-. Yet only version 3 fonts work. Any idea what might be going on? I am not at liberty to link to the site.

Meteor jasmine-client-integration tests only run when app physically launched in browser

When I attempt to run the tests using
JASMINE_BROWSER=PhantomJS meteor --test
I get the following output from PhantomJS
[PhantomJS] TypeError: instanceof called on an object with an invalid prototype property.
at which point nothing happens unless I open the app in my browser and then the tests complete. Seems to be the same issue as this closed one. I should add that my only integration test at this point (to rule out PhantomJS issues) is
describe("jasmineTest", function(){
it("1 equals 1", function(){
My versions are
$ meteor list
accounts-password 1.1.1 Password support for accounts
alanning:roles 1.2.13 Role-based authorization
dburles:google-maps 1.1.3 Google Maps Javascript API v3
fortawesome:fontawesome 4.4.0 Font Awesome (official): 500+ scalable vector icons, customizable via CSS, Retina friendly
imsky:holder 2.8.1 Holder uses SVG to render image placeholders entirely in browser.
insecure 1.0.3 Allow all database writes by default
iron:router 1.0.9 Routing specifically designed for Meteor
jquery 1.11.3_2 Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
manuelschoebel:wait-on-lib 0.3.0 Use Meteor Iron-Routers waitOn to load external javascript
materialize:materialize 0.97.0 Materialize (official): A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design
matteodem:easy-search 1.6.2 Easy-to-use search with Blaze Components (+ Elastic Search support)
meteor-platform 1.2.2 Include a standard set of Meteor packages in your app
meteorhacks:kadira 2.23.0 Performance Monitoring for Meteor
msavin:mongol 1.1.5 The insanely handy development package for Meteor.
nicolaslopezj:tabular-materialize 1.2.1 Datatables for large or small datasets in Meteor
peernohell:c3 1.1.3 C3 (0.4.10) charting library based on D3.
reactive-var 1.0.5 Reactive variable
sacha:spin 2.3.1 Simple spinner package for Meteor
sanjo:jasmine 0.17.0 Velocity integration of the Jasmine testing framework
stevezhu:lodash 3.10.1 A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
useraccounts:iron-routing 1.12.1 UserAccounts package providing routes configuration capability via iron:router.
useraccounts:materialize 1.12.1 Accounts Templates styled for Materialize Css.
velocity:html-reporter 0.8.2 Reactive Velocity test reports in your app.
The instanceof called on an object with an invalid prototype property error seems to be resolved by using PhantomJS 2.
I have subsequently found a simple workaround for the client-integration tests not running, whereby I just move the client-integration tests to the client-unit directory. This, however, seems exactly that, a workaround. I would still like to know what is causing the problem, and how it can be resolved without my hacky workaround.
It turns out it is a bug, the issue is raised here

What versions of AngularJS are compatible with UI-Bootstrap datepicker?

The plunker provided on the ui-bootstrap site used Angular 1.0.5 and ui-bootstrap 0.5.0 and works fine
I only have ui-bootstrap version 0.4.0 available to me, and using the same plunker with the older verison makes things not work.
I've walked through different version of angular and none seem to work. So is there a compatibility list for the libraries somewhere?

What are the steps to upgrade jqGrid 3.5 to 3.6

I'm using jgGrid 3.5 in my ASP.NET application. I would like to upgrade it to the new 3.6.
Is it enough just to replace the jqGrid JS file? Or are there any other changes I need to make in my code?
Now that 3.6 has been officially released the upgrade is easy - just drop the files from the js and css directories into your application. Of course you should then re-test your app to make sure nothing was changed/broken, just in case...
I just replaced, dev files from latest:
be aware of file: jquery.jqGrid.js which loads modules.
besides, jQgrid uses jQuery 1.3.2 + jQuery UI 1.7.2
