How to delete a moderated site in alfresco? - alfresco

A moderated site was created by an user long back. This is before I restricted the creation of site only for a particular group. I need to delete the site. Strangely admin login cant join this site or delete this site without being added by the user. Any idea on how to delete this site?

Login as admin
go to the group administration
check box to the upper right to show system groups
click browse
add admin user to the site-manager group of the site you want to delete
Now admin is a member and should be able to delete it.


How to Create Wordpress Multisite user with network admin privleges

I created a new user with Admin privileges and realized it cannot see the Network Admin menu.
I have one user with Network Admin, but I want to create a different user with those privileges.
Can't figure out how.
For adding a user to the sites in Multisite first loge in with admin privilege that you have then go into the network setting and in the sites section on each sites you have to go in the users tab and then add the user you want to have the privilege or create one in there and the user will have the appropriate privilege

I am trying to create an "undeletable" admin user in WordPress

I am looking for a way to create an undeletable admin user in wordpress. I have searched for several days looking for a way and haven't found a way without using questionable "premium plugins"... The reason I need this is I am developing a site for a client who is also working on the website and I want to make sure that they are unable to delete my admin user account as they are also an admin on the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody done this before?
Would one way to achieve this be done by creating a custom user role and just removing the delete user and update wordpress sections from that user's auth?
Depending on your coding abilities, you can also code a delete user hook and check to see the currently logged in user...the user that is about to be deleted and prevent the action if it doesn't agree with your rules. You could put this in the theme's functions.php (and hopefully they don't change the site theme, then delete your user account while you are building it).
Does your client need admin rights to build out the site? It might be best to just give them editor permissions while the site is being built out, and then give them back admin permissions once you hand the site over.
Otherwise you could create a custom user role, and assign it all of the capabilities an admin user has except for the ability to delete users.
So I ended up using a plugin called Custom User Roles (Free Version):
It allowed me to give users access to only certain parts of the admin panel so I could hide the users list from certain (client-admin) users so they were not able to see the page to delete my Admin user.
I always use the to grant me access to my previous projects.

Wordpress Admin and End user website

Am new to word-press, i need to build a website like i have an administrator and normal users. Both admin and normal users have a registration form. Admin will decide the fields to be included in normal user's registration form (admin can select the fields from a drop down menu).
Administrator could manage all the normal users (delete,block,approve etc..).For example, normal users are restaurant owners.The owners will register in the website, admin can approve the requests, etc. When i open the website , the website should display all the coffee shops in a map.
How can i do this application in word-press any reference please?
Please help

Drupal Users permissions and roles

Dear friends i'm doing Bsc final for my final year project i have choose Drupal site to build the shopping cards website. I have lots of question to complete my part of the project. unfortunately i could not put my all questions at same page.
How would you grant a particular permission to a particular user?
An individual user or a user role?
To set user role permissions you need to go to the permissions page under 'people' in the admin menu. Or if you are logged in as admin, just stick this on the end of your url /users/admin#overlay=admin/people/permissions

django-cms user can't add pages

django 1.5.1
django cms 2.4.2
i am just learning django-cms and am working on my first test site. I searched this site and googled for these questions but can't find any answers which is why I am posting here.... Any help would be appreciated!
Through the admin page (as superuser) i added a group with permission to add/change/delete pages in addition to other permissions.
I create a user and assign the user to this group.
First of all, if i don't specify that user as staff then they can't access the admin site to login to begin with - this just doesn't make sense to me: what's the point of a user who never has the option to log in? Or is there something I'm missing - is there another way to log in besides the admin site itself.
Second, after marking that user as staff, and keeping in mind that the user is a member of group with permission to add/edit/delete pages, when the user logs in he can perform other admin tasks that he was given permissions for but still can't add/edit/delete pages. Although pages shows up as an object there is no link to the page list.
The Staff setting is to differentiate between users who are allowed to access the Django admin and users who aren't i.e. regular users who have signed up to your website via a registration form.
I had the same problem as you creating a new non-superuser user and not being able to add or edit pages as that user. It turned out that I needed to set CMS_PERMISSION = False in my
If CMS_PERMISSION == True, you get a more fine-grained permissions framework where each page has its own list of users who are allowed to view and edit it, so permission to edit is done on a page-by-page basis (unless you're a superuser). If you don't need that functionality, I suggest you turn it off.
If you do want the more fine-grained permissions system, but you also want some users to be able to edit any page on the site, log in to django admin as a superuser and look at Cms -> Pages global permissions. From there you can give blanket edit rights to any user or group.
