GA - Track when visitor completes 2 actions - google-analytics

Looking to trigger/flag when a visitor completes 2 actions (visits an article page & also makes an enquiry). The 2 actions may occur within a session but not be consecutive. Whats the best way to set this up? 

A simple answer to this problem. Within the advanced segments we can setup a sequence to see when a visitor views a certain page followed by another page within the same session or over a period of time.


Google Analytics: Page views but no sessions? No page visits but positive avgTimeOnPage?

I am new to GA and need help interpreting the results. I built a simple report that shows username, # of sessions, # of unique page views, and average time on page. I am seeing some odd results that I can't explain.
I have users that have 0 sessions but positive unique page views. How can this happen? Doesn't visiting a page automatically initiate a session?
I have other users with 0 sessions, 0 page visits, but a positive avgTimeOnPage. I am at a loss to explain this. Any ideas?
This can be a tricky question, this can happen due to 2 reasons:
1 .- If you are mixing different scope you can have reported with an unexpected Behaviour. For example, if you're using the dimension as Pagepath (a hit Scope) with Sessions metrics (Session Scope), this can give you page with no sessions due to the query on the database only take the first element on the sessions. In that way, the totals of sessions matches with all the other reports, in other way this report becomes incomparable. Think that is an object behind. There is an easy post explaining what happens.
2.- There is a second issue that can cause this but is way less common, that is sent only a non-interaction hit with no pageview, this can cause creations of sessions will

Google analytics: Complete a goal when two events occur

There are two events.
User visit /point1.
User visit /point2.
If the events occur in this order, I want the goal to be hit.
I have created a funnel for this, but the problem is that even if the user does not visit /point1, and visit /point2, the goal is hit! (destination is point2..)
I want the goal to be hit only when the user visit /point1 and /point2 in that order.How can I accomplish this?
Basically you can't (not via configuration, that is). Funnels only affect the visualisation, not goal completion.
You can either do a workaround in code - set a cookie on /point1, then fire an event on /point2 only when the cookie is set, and change your configuration to use an event based goal.
If you do not need to actual goal conversion, but just want to know how many users completed the steps in the correct order, you can create a segment of the "sequence" type (step1 page equals /point1 followed by step2 page equals /point2), which will limit the data displayed in the standard reports to sessions where users visited one point after the other.

Destination Goal not taking funnel into consideration

I have a very basic site goal:
When someone gets to the '/my-account' page directly from the '/component/community/ajaxregister/ajaxregister' page, it needs to count it as a conversion (Registration).
I have a custom destination goal set up:
Destination = '/my-account'
Funnel: ON
Step 1 '/component/community/ajaxregister/ajaxregister' Requires? YES
The registration counts in my db do not match the goal count and the 'Reverse Goal Path' report shows that there are conversions being registered where the 'Goal Previous - Step 1' includes pages other than the registration page.
Any ideas on how to make this goal register only when one lands on my-account from the registration page?
The "required step" merely affects funnel visualization, not goal conversion. So by default there is no way not make this count only when people come from the registration page.
To solve this in code (and thus make the question on topic :-) ) you could
check the referring page on your goal conversion page, then
fire an event when the referrer is the registration pages, and
then switch to an event-based goal in the GA backend
That way you would not have a funnel (does not work with event based goals), but at least you'd have the "correct" number of conversions.

How to build a funnel for events

There is a submission form with multiple URLs, but it has multiple forms on a single URL. Its not a problem to track successful submissions, but I would like to know where they abandon (on which of the forms what are located on a single URL). Is it possible to create a funnel for events to track it and how to do it?
To back up my comment, the documentation says explicitly
When you create a Destination Goal, you also have the option to create
Funnel for that Goal.
Since an event goal is not a destination goal there are no funnels for events.
However I don't quite see your problem; you can set different actions or labels with the event for ever form and set up multiple goals, one for each event action (up tp 20 obviously). A funnel would only help you with a multi-step process, I do not see how this applies here.

Is it possible in Google Analytics to have events/visit goal?

My situation in Google Analytics is as follows:
Everytime, user clicks a particular element on my website, it is recorded as an event (call it EVENT1).
The problem is that my GA goal is to have at least three of those elements clicked per visit.
We can say that the goal is fulfilled when a user causes 3 EVENT1 events per one visit.
Is it possible to define this?
I know it is possible to track number of pages/visit. But it is not what I am looking for, as there are many pages that does not include the element which can be clicked.
I guess another way would be to use javascript and send "CLICKED 3 TIMES" event to GA. But I would like to avoid this.
Create an advanced segment of the "sequence" type. Make every step the same event. Apply the segment to see the number of visitors included in that segment.
