extjs 4.2 grid store with ajax & paging - grid

I'm having the next problem, I have a grid with paging that is loaded via Ajax,
My problem is that i recieve about 8 millions of records,
When I use paging I get from 1 to 25...etc
but when i load the pagingbar store it only gives me that i have only 25 records because my ajax only calls from 1 to 25... why is this? any ideas?
My code:
Ext.define('IE.store.reenvios.Reenvio', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
alias: 'store.Reenvios',
storeId: 'ReenviosStore',
model: 'IE.model.reenvios.Reenvio',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
api: {
read: 'resendTransaction/fetchResend'
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: '',
totalProperty: 'rowCount'
autoLoad: false,
autoSync: false
store.getProxy().extraParams = {

Seeing the JSON response would be helpful, so I could see the name of the property that contains the total number of records.
I have a feeling the issue is because you set totalProperty: 'rowCount'. The property rowCount is likely the number of rows returned (ie, 25 or less), but you want the totalProperty set to the property that contains the total number of records. See the docs for more info. http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.data.reader.Reader-cfg-totalProperty


meteor autocomplete server-side

I'm writing a meteor app and I'm trying to add an autocomplete feature to a search box. The data is very large and is on the server, so I can't have it all on the client. It's basically a database of users. If I'm not wrong, the mizzao:autocomplete package should make that possible, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Here's what I have on the server:
Meteor.publish('autocompleteViewers', function(selector, options) {
Autocomplete.publishCursor(viewers.find(selector, options), this);
And here are the settings I use for the search box on the client:
getSettings: function() {
return {
position: 'bottom',
limit: 5,
rules: [{
subscription: 'autocompleteViewers',
field: '_id',
matchAll: false,
options: '',
template: Template.vLegend
But I keep getting this error on the client:
Error: Collection name must be specified as string for server-side search at validateRule
I don't really understand the problem. When I look at the package code, it just seems like it's testing whether the subscription field is a string and not a variable, which it is. Any idea what the problem could be? Otherwise is there a minimum working example I could go from somewhere? I couldn't find one in the docs.
Error: Collection name must be specified as string for server-side search at validateRule
You get this error because you don't specify a Collection name in quotes.
getSettings: function() {
return {
position: 'bottom',
limit: 5,
rules: [{
subscription: 'autocompleteViewers',
field: '_id',
matchAll: false,
collection: 'viewers', // <- specify your collection, in your case it is a "viewers" collection.
options: '',
template: Template.vLegend
For more information please read here.
Hope this helps!

In a Grid ,Paging Tool Bar displays All the records

I am new to Ext Js,
Created a grid view which has paging toolbar where in i am fetching the data from a store(a json) and i am restrictong the pagelimit using proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
url : '/bills/resources/getXYZ.json',
reader : {
type : 'json',
root : 'data',
totalProperty: 'total'
pageSize: 2,
noCache: false,
//autoLoad: true
autoLoad: {
params: {
start: 0
Despite of this, I still see all the records in the page ,eventhough i limited it to 2.Please help on this.
Thanks in Advance!!..
In ExtJs paging works only if the server supports it. This means that the server must honor the parameters page, start and offset and send only pagesize ( default = 30 ) records.
For this reason, you cannot use paging with a fixed json file, but only with a webservice that sends data in json format.

Extjs 4 - Retrieve data in json format and load a Store. It sends OPTION request

I'm developing an app with Spring MVC and the view in extjs 4. At this point, i have to create a Grid which shows a list of users.
In my Spring MVC controller i have a Get method which returns the list of users in a jsonformat with "items" as a root.
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/getUsers")
public #ResponseBody Users getUsersInJSON(){
Users users = new Users();
return users;
If i try to access it with the browser i can see the jsondata correctly.
But my problem is relative to request of the Ext.data.Store
My Script is the following:
Ext.define('UsersList', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{name:'username', type:'string'},
{name:'firstname', type:'string'}
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
storeId: 'users',
model: 'UsersList',
autoLoad: 'true',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : 'http://localhost:8080/MyApp/getUsers.html',
reader: {type: 'json', root: 'items'}
store :store,
id : 'user',
title: 'Users',
columns : [
{header : 'Username', dataIndex : 'username'},
{header : 'Firstname', dataIndex: 'firstname'}
height :300,
width: 400,
When the store tries to retrieve the data and launchs the http request, in my firebug console appears OPTIONS getUsers.html while the request in the browser launchs GET getUsers.html
As a result, Ext.data.Store has not elements and the grid appears with the columnames but without data. Maybe i've missed something
Thank you
You can change the HTTP methods that are used by the proxy for the different CRUD operations using actionMethods.
But, as you can see in the doc (and as should obviously be the case), GET is the default for read operations. So the OPTIONS request you are observing is quite puzzling. Are you sure that there's not another part of your code that overrides the default application-wide? Maybe do a search for 'OPTIONS' in all your project's JS files, to try and find a possible suspect. Apparently there's no match in the whole Ext code, so that probably doesn't come from the framework.
Ok, I think I've got it. If your page is not accessed from the same domain (i.e. localhost:8080, the port is taken into account), the XHR object seems to resort to an OPTIONS request.
So, to fix your problem, either omit the domain name completely, using:
url: '/MyApp/getUsers.html'
Or double check that your using the same domain and port to access the page and make the requests.

What is totalPoperty in store for pagingtoolbar extjs 4

Below is my proxy for my store... my question is what is the totalProperty? I have 100 records that I am reading. but I want to display 10 records per page. Should the totalProperty be 10 or 100 on my json?
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'GridView/writeRecord',
reader: {
type: 'json',
totalProperty: "count",
root: "myTable"
and this is my JSON
"count": 100,
"myTable": [
This is covered in the docs
Name of the property from which to retrieve the total number of
records in the dataset. This is only needed if the whole dataset is
not passed in one go, but is being paged from the remote server.
So it should be 100.

Mustache JS Template with JSON Collection

Hi this is my first attempt to use MustacheJS with a JSON webservice in .net
Currently I am struggling I can't seem to find what I am doing wrong setting this basic example:
My Webservice is returing the following string:
I have validated its syntax with this website: http://json.parser.online.fr/
and here is the HTML code I am using:
google.load("jquery", "1");
google.setOnLoadCallback(function () {
function () {
url: "../data.asmx/geteagues",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: "",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
var template = "<h1>{{ShortDescription}} {{Description}}</h1>";
var html = Mustache.render(template, data);
I am posting the whole JS code, since I am not very good with javascript, basically I want to load always the latest JQuery version from google and then work my WS call.
The problem so far is that when I place a breakpoint in the following line:
var html = Mustache.render(template, data);
I see that the template is setn ok, and so does the data, same value as I posted above, but the .render function is returning: I seems It didnt like the data.
So far all the examples I have seen for inline data come as the following structure:
"repo": [
{ "name": "resque" },
{ "name": "hub" },
{ "name": "rip" },
And then a template defined like this:
But the only difference of that against my data is that I dont have a "parent" like "repo"
At server side, I am using a .net library called JSON.net and in the documentation of how are collections being serialized:
the final result does not include the parent node's name, which I thing is missing from my Mustache Template definition:
"Name": "Product 1",
"ExpiryDate": "2000-12-29T00:00Z",
"Price": 99.95,
"Sizes": null
"Name": "Product 2",
"ExpiryDate": "2009-07-31T00:00Z",
"Price": 12.50,
"Sizes": null
Is this what I am missing? the "repo" parent node from my data so I can iterate my Template?
Thanks in advance for your time.
Per #stealth on this question Mustache.js: Iterate over a list received via json
{{ #. }}
{{ /. }}
Note the only difference from #stealth's answer is a "#" instead of "/".
The line data = { 'roles': data }; is the most crucial. Its attaching the key to the data returned by web api or any other source of data like pagemethods or web service
dataType: "json",
url: '/api/TestApi/GetAllRole',
success: function (data) {
data = { 'roles': data }; // formatting the data to support the mustache format
var html = Mustache.to_html($('#RoleTemplate').html(), data);
Few of my articles on the MustacheJs can be found here
Master Details Grid on Demand data loading : Using Mustache.JS
Sorting a Grid using MustacheJs
short answer: YES
long answer: for security reasons [1], you need to wrap your JSON aray in an object anyways. for Mustache or any other library to be able to access your array you need to have at least one parent key on which you can base your iterator.
The "repo" key on your sample is the helper you need to tell mustache "go and iterate on the array that is inside the repo key", otherwise you have no way to tell the template what you want to output where
[1] this is just one of many resources you can find about why you need to wrap your JSON response in an object http://incompleteness.me/blog/2007/03/05/json-is-not-as-safe-as-people-think-it-is/
