Dynamic image size gallery with hover overlay using Bootstrap 3 - css

I'm trying to do a nice image hover overlay for a dynamic image gallery using Bootstrap 3:
<div class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6">
<a href="#">
<span class="overlay zoom"></span><img class="img-responsive img-home-portfolio" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/World_Wind_Globe_NASA_Timbuktu_1.jpg">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6">
<a href="#">
<span class="overlay zoom"></span><img class="img-responsive img-home-portfolio" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/World_Wind_Globe_NASA_Timbuktu_1.jpg">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6">
<a href="#">
<span class="overlay zoom"></span><img class="img-responsive img-home-portfolio" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/World_Wind_Globe_NASA_Timbuktu_1.jpg">
<!-- /.row -->
<!-- /.container -->
<!-- /.section -->
For the overlay hover effect, I'm using this CSS:
a .overlay {
opacity: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
z-index: 0; /* for Opera */
a:hover .overlay {
opacity: 1;
filter: alpha(opacity=100);
z-index: 1; /* for Opera */
.overlay {
display: block;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
.overlay.zoom {
background-image: url(http://www.open-service.org/img/zoom.png);
My problem is that the overlay extends to the div size and not just to the size of the image.
To illustate this i have created this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/5AR2H/6/


Overlay horizontal text over bootstrap5 grid

Working on my website, thought myself Boostrap5 and super happy about the outcome so far, but I want that the name appears vertically on hover over the images on the bottom left, but I am not sure where I am going wrong in my code. The text is placed very low and to the edge of the grid column.
I'm sure I'm going wrong with the position: attribute or something.
.theteam img {
cursor: pointer;
.theteam img:hover {
opacity: 0.8;
.project {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.project .overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 30px;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
transition: all 0.4s ease;
opacity: 0;
.project img {
transition: all 0.4s ease;
.project:hover .overlay {
opacity: 1;
.project:hover img {
transform: scale(1.1);
.text-vertical {
transform-origin: 0 0;
transform: rotate(90deg);
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap#5.0.2/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC" crossorigin="anonymous">
<section id="about" class="about bg-dark p-5">
<div class="container text-center mt-5">
<h4 class="text-light text-capitalize mb-0">The rocking team</h4>
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/underline.png" alt="______"></span>
<div class="container theteam mt-5">
<div class="row g-4 text-center">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project inline-block overlay">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/poyo_moya.jpg" alt="team">
<div class="text-center">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical position-absolute">Poyo Moya</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/regi-villardell.jpg" alt="team">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical">Regi Vilardell</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/oriol_fontanals.jpg" alt="team">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical">Oriol Fontanals</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/Patrick_obrien.jpg" alt="team">
<div class="">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical">Patrick O'Brien</h6>
I've made updates to your .text-vertical, take a look:
UPD: I've made .text-top class to align text to top of the image.
.theteam img {
cursor: pointer;
.theteam img:hover {
opacity: 0.8;
.project {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.project .overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 30px;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
transition: all 0.4s ease;
opacity: 0;
.project img {
transition: all 0.4s ease;
.project:hover .overlay {
opacity: 1;
.project:hover img {
transform: scale(1.1);
.text-vertical {
transform-origin: 0 0;
transform: rotate(270deg);
/* here */
width: fit-content;
/* this line is important */
/* top align for vertical text */
.text-vertical.text-top {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
transform: rotate(-90deg) translate3D(-100%, 0, 0);
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap#5.0.2/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC" crossorigin="anonymous">
<section id="about" class="about bg-dark p-5">
<div class="container text-center mt-5">
<h4 class="text-light text-capitalize mb-0">The rocking team</h4>
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/underline.png" alt="______">
<div class="container theteam mt-5">
<div class="row g-4 text-center">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project inline-block overlay">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/poyo_moya.jpg" alt="team">
<div class="text-center">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical position-absolute">Poyo Moya</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/regi-villardell.jpg" alt="team">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical">Regi Vilardell</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/oriol_fontanals.jpg" alt="team">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical">Oriol Fontanals</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/Patrick_obrien.jpg" alt="team">
<div class="">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical">Patrick O'Brien</h6>
<div class="container theteam mt-5">
<div class="row g-4 text-center">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project inline-block overlay">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/poyo_moya.jpg" alt="team">
<div class="text-center">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical text-top">Poyo Moya</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/regi-villardell.jpg" alt="team">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical text-top">Regi Vilardell</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/oriol_fontanals.jpg" alt="team">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical text-top">Oriol Fontanals</h6>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 project">
<img src="https://poyo-pat-333.netlify.app/images/Patrick_obrien.jpg" alt="team">
<div class="">
<h6 class="text-white text-vertical text-top">Patrick O'Brien</h6>

How to enable pagination on vertically aligned Angular Material tabs (mat-tabs)?

I arranged my angular material tabs vertically using CSS. Unfortunately, the pagination to navigate to the invisible tabs is not displayed
My container has a fixed height (max-height: 177px) so that only a certain number of tabs are visible. The pagination should appear when this fixed height is exceeded.
Here is my CSS / SCSS for the vertical tabs:
:host ::ng-deep {
.mat-tab-group {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
.mat-tab-header {
border: 0;
.mat-tab-header {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
max-height: 177px;
right: 50px;
bottom: 50px;
z-index: 2147483647;
.mat-tab-labels {
flex-direction: column;
background: gray;
.mat-tab-label {
margin: 0;
padding: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
&:not(:last-child) {
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
&.mat-tab-label-active {
background-color: white !important;
width: 100%;
.mat-tab-body-wrapper {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: table;
My template is structured like this:
<div class="main-wrapper i-wrapper">
<div class="header">
<div class="title">
<mat-tab-group mat-align-tabs="end">
<div *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index">
<mat-tab label="{{i}}">
<div class="device-map-container">
<div class="device-map">
<img id="img_equipment" [src]="apiUrl + '/path/to/svg/' + asset | sanitize">
<a *ngFor="let data of SVGdata"
title="{{ data.title }}"
<div class="wrapper">
<!-- another angular component -->
In dev tools the templates looks like this:
<mat-tab-group _ngcontent-nnd-c412="" mat-align-tabs="end" animationduration="0ms" class="mat-tab-group mat-primary" ng-reflect-animation-duration="0ms">
<mat-tab-header class="mat-tab-header" ng-reflect-selected-index="0" ng-reflect-disable-ripple="false" ng-reflect-disable-pagination="false">
<div aria-hidden="true" mat-ripple="" class="mat-ripple mat-tab-header-pagination mat-tab-header-pagination-before mat-elevation-z4 mat-tab-header-pagination-disabled" ng-reflect-disabled="true">
<div class="mat-tab-header-pagination-chevron"></div>
<div class="mat-tab-label-container">
<div role="tablist" class="mat-tab-list" style="transform: translateX(0px);">
<div class="mat-tab-labels">
<div role="tab" mattablabelwrapper="" mat-ripple="" cdkmonitorelementfocus="" class="mat-ripple mat-tab-label mat-focus-indicator mat-tab-label-active ng-star-inserted" id="mat-tab-label-0-0" ng-reflect-disabled="false" tabindex="0" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="2" aria-controls="mat-tab-content-0-0" aria-selected="true" aria-disabled="false">
<div class="mat-tab-label-content">
<div role="tab" mattablabelwrapper="" mat-ripple="" cdkmonitorelementfocus="" class="mat-ripple mat-tab-label mat-focus-indicator ng-star-inserted" id="mat-tab-label-0-1" ng-reflect-disabled="false" tabindex="-1" aria-posinset="2" aria-setsize="2" aria-controls="mat-tab-content-0-1" aria-selected="false" aria-disabled="false">
<div class="mat-tab-label-content">
<mat-ink-bar class="mat-ink-bar" style="visibility: visible; left: 0px; width: 50px;"></mat-ink-bar>
<div aria-hidden="true" mat-ripple="" class="mat-ripple mat-tab-header-pagination mat-tab-header-pagination-after mat-elevation-z4 mat-tab-header-pagination-disabled" ng-reflect-disabled="true">
<div class="mat-tab-header-pagination-chevron"></div>
<div class="mat-tab-body-wrapper">
<mat-tab-body role="tabpanel" class="mat-tab-body ng-tns-c380-10 mat-tab-body-active ng-star-inserted" id="mat-tab-content-0-0" ng-reflect-_content="[object Object]" ng-reflect-position="0" ng-reflect-origin="1" ng-reflect-animation-duration="0ms" aria-labelledby="mat-tab-label-0-0">
<div class="mat-tab-body-content ng-tns-c380-10 ng-trigger ng-trigger-translateTab" style="transform: none;">
<div _ngcontent-nnd-c412="" class="device-map-container ng-star-inserted" style="">
<div _ngcontent-nnd-c412="" class="device-map">
<img _ngcontent-nnd-c412="" id="img_equipment" alt="" src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,...">
<mat-tab-body role="tabpanel" class="mat-tab-body ng-tns-c380-11 ng-star-inserted" id="mat-tab-content-0-1" ng-reflect-_content="[object Object]" ng-reflect-position="1" ng-reflect-animation-duration="0ms" aria-labelledby="mat-tab-label-0-1">
<div class="mat-tab-body-content ng-tns-c380-11 ng-trigger ng-trigger-translateTab" style="transform: translate3d(100%, 0px, 0px); min-height: 1px;">
Currently it looks like this (6 elements are visible. But there are more than 6 tabs in the container):

Vertical scroll not working inside ul tag overlay in Angular app

I am trying to scroll through a list of items, but scroll is working only for some of the items, not all. After a certain item, the scroll stops and does not go the last item.
Here is the Stackblitz link.
This is for a chatlist overlay which contains list of profiles. Please refer to the following screenshot:
In the above screenshot, I am not able to scroll through all the profiles. Scroll if happening for only some of the profiles, it is not going to the very end of the list.
Here is my code:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3 d-none d-lg-block col-offset-5 red coloverlay bg-custom">
.coloverlay {
background-color: rgba(233, 33, 33, 0.4);
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 150px;
z-index: 1;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
margin: 0;
.bg-custom {
background: #2c3e50;
<div class="container-fluid p-0">
<div class="row m-0 ">
<div class="col p-0">
<div class="d-flex flex-row chatlistbox ">
<div class="m-2">
<div class="ml-auto mt-1 pr-2">
<i class="fa fa-window-minimize " aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="m-2">
<i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="customList">
<ul class="list-group overflow-auto" id="contact-list">
<app-chatlist-item class="list-group-item p-0 border-0" *ngFor="let el of elList" [element]="el">
.overflow-auto {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
.customList {
height: 93%;
.chatlistbox {
background: aquamarine;
height: 2%;
<div class="d-flex flex-row bg-custom item">
<div class="p-2">
<img src="{{element.imagePath}}" alt="" />
<div class="p-2">
<div class="d-flex flex-column flex-wrap name">
<h6 class="m-0">
{{element.firstName}} {{element.lastName}}
<span class="details">
img {
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
border-radius: 40px;
padding: 3px;
float: left;
cursor: pointer;
.bg-custom {
background: #2c3e50;
* {
color: #e3dcdc;
.item:hover {
background: #32465a;
I am not sure what is the problem. Any help would be highly apprecitated.
The issue is that the container is taller than the page, so the scroll bar goes off the page.
To fix it, you need to set the height on some of the elements, like so:
.col.p-0 {
height: 100%;
Finally, you will need to change the height of customList. I would recommend using calc instead of a fixed percentage, which may not be what you want.
.customList {
height: calc(100% - 15px);
Here is a fork of the stackblitz with the CSS fixed:

How do I make images same width and height but still be Bootstrap responsive?

So, I have this code below with images and a countdown below the images. How do I make all the images the same dimension, but still make it responsive for Bootstrap? I've tried doing min & max height, but the problem still continues. I've tried setting the width & height, but then the image is no longer responsive. I have tried setting the properties for the img-responsive class, but then the image looks all distorted.
Any ideas? I heard about this idea of having the images not being the same dimension, but having the rest of the uneven dimension be filled with the background of the image. Thanks :)
/* Books */
#books_div {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 25%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
#books_text {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 15%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
.description_one, .description_two, .description_three {
color: #9B0103;
max-width: 100%;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #9B0103;
border-top: none;
font-weight: bold;
.description_one a {
text-decoration: none !important;
#book_column a {
text-decoration: none !important;
/* End of Books */
<link href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!-- Books -->
<h2 id='books_text'> We Giveaway Free Books </h2>
<div class="row" id='books_div'>
<!-- First Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1472913234l/29563587.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_one' token_id='4ce0e43b806457bbc21881748d6a50d2'>
<div class='description_one'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of First Book -->
<!-- Second Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388211242l/69571.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_two' token_id='bb8673cb597c7fc7cba7bc13d9f08a4b'>
<div class='description_two'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Second Book -->
<!-- Third Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1342493368l/3636.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_three' token_id='25ea7f6c20f1f185841ed88c9a9d2f2c'>
<div class='description_three'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Third Book -->
Just add a min-height to your images to modulate width add width:some%
Working Snippet
/* Books */
#books_div {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 25%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
#books_text {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 15%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
.description_one, .description_two, .description_three {
color: #9B0103;
max-width: 100%;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #9B0103;
border-top: none;
font-weight: bold;
.description_one a {
text-decoration: none !important;
#book_column a {
text-decoration: none !important;
.img {
min-height: 300px;
/* End of Books */
<link href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!-- Books -->
<h2 id='books_text'> We Giveaway Free Books </h2>
<div class="row" id='books_div'>
<!-- First Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive img' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1472913234l/29563587.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_one' token_id='4ce0e43b806457bbc21881748d6a50d2'>
<div class='description_one'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of First Book -->
<!-- Second Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive img' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388211242l/69571.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_two' token_id='bb8673cb597c7fc7cba7bc13d9f08a4b'>
<div class='description_two'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Second Book -->
<!-- Third Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive img' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1342493368l/3636.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_three' token_id='25ea7f6c20f1f185841ed88c9a9d2f2c'>
<div class='description_three'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Third Book -->

How do I make all of these images the same dimension but still Bootstrap responsive?

I have code that displays images and a countdown below the images. How do I make all the images the same dimensions but also let Bootstrap be responsive? At the same time, also making sure the countdown box below stays with the dimensions of the images? Thanks :)
/* Books */
#books_div {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 25%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
#books_text {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 15%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
.description_one, .description_two, .description_three {
color: #9B0103;
max-width: 100%;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #9B0103;
border-top: none;
font-weight: bold;
.description_one a {
text-decoration: none !important;
#book_column a {
text-decoration: none !important;
/* End of Books */
<link href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!-- Books -->
<h2 id='books_text'> We Giveaway Free Books </h2>
<div class="row" id='books_div'>
<!-- First Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1472913234l/29563587.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_one' token_id='4ce0e43b806457bbc21881748d6a50d2'>
<div class='description_one'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of First Book -->
<!-- Second Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388211242l/69571.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_two' token_id='bb8673cb597c7fc7cba7bc13d9f08a4b'>
<div class='description_two'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Second Book -->
<!-- Third Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1342493368l/3636.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_three' token_id='25ea7f6c20f1f185841ed88c9a9d2f2c'>
<div class='description_three'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Third Book -->
Solution 1
You can add below at the bottom of your css
The above will target all img elements with id that starts with book_cover, example book_cover_one, book_cover_two, etc
See snippet below
/* Books */
#books_div {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 25%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
#books_text {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 15%;
transform: translatex(-50%);
.description_one, .description_two, .description_three {
color: #9B0103;
max-width: 100%;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #9B0103;
border-top: none;
font-weight: bold;
.description_one a {
text-decoration: none !important;
#book_column a {
text-decoration: none !important;
/* End of Books */
<link href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!-- Books -->
<h2 id='books_text'> We Giveaway Free Books </h2>
<div class="row" id='books_div'>
<!-- First Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1472913234l/29563587.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_one' token_id='4ce0e43b806457bbc21881748d6a50d2'>
<div class='description_one'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of First Book -->
<!-- Second Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388211242l/69571.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_two' token_id='bb8673cb597c7fc7cba7bc13d9f08a4b'>
<div class='description_two'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Second Book -->
<!-- Third Book -->
<div class='col-lg-3 col-sm-6 portfolio-item' id='book_column'>
<a href='#'>
<img class='img-responsive' src='https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1342493368l/3636.jpg' alt='' id='book_cover_three' token_id='25ea7f6c20f1f185841ed88c9a9d2f2c'>
<div class='description_three'>
</div> </a>
<!-- End of Third Book -->
Solution 2
Instead of solution 1, this seems much more simpler
Try add one more class to yor CSS:
.thumb img {
width: 100%;
height: 300px;
This should fix your problem.
