R ifelse sequence always 0 - r

I want to have a sequence for a certain case. For this I use an ifelse statement, but I always receive zero. Here is a simple example:
seq(0,10, by=1)
[1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ifelse (1==1, seq(0,10, by=1), seq(0,10, by=1))
[1] 0
I don't see, why I would get 0 in the second case.

Your first argument is of length one - so the output will be of length 1. It is true, so is returning the first element of your second argument, which is 0.
Maybe you want
if (1==1) {
seq(0,10, by=1)
} else {
seq(0,10, by=1)
Neither is a very realistic piece of code, though

I don't think you understand the use of ifelse completely. Your condition (1 == 1) is always true, so you know the answer in advance. Moreover the result for positive and negative examples is the same.
You use ifelse to test a vector on a certain condition. If a value in the vector abides to the condition the first value is returned, if it doesn't the second one is returned. For example;
test <- sample(letters[1:2], 100, replace = T)
ifelse(test == "a", 'is a', 'is b')
The result will always be of the same length as the input vector. If your return values have a length longer than 1, the ifelse will be aborted if the length of the input vector is reached. This implies that values in the import vector remain unevaluated. So you typically don't want to use the ifelse when your return values are longer than 1.


length() of two vectors give different values, but when checking using a for loop, the vectors have the same length

I have two double vectors named ages and taus that are supposed to have the same length of 6078 (so I can put them into a data.table). When I check with length()
# 6078
# 6062
I attempted to use a for loop to iterate through both in order to check for missing vector elements:
age_counter <- 0
tau_counter <- 0
missing <- 0
for (i in 1:length(ages)){
age_counter <- age_counter + 1
if (!is.null(taus[i])){
tau_counter <- tau_counter + 1
} else {
cat(paste("Tau",i,"does not exist\n"))
missing <- missing + 1
cat(paste("Number of age values according to for loop:",age_counter))
#Number of age values according to for loop: 6078
cat(paste("Number of tau values according to for loop:",tau_counter))
#Number of tau values according to for loop: 6078
cat(paste("Missing values:",missing))
#Missing values: 0
This method says both vectors have the same lengths. Perhaps there is some better way of checking why the lengths differ?
It may not be posible to have NULL in a vector unless it is a list. If we change to is.na, it may work (assuming the missing values are NA
if (!is.na(taus[i])
#[1] TRUE
for each of the elements, thus giving the same number at the end for both vectors. Also, note that the OP is looping over the length of the largest vector. So, it is anyway adding 1 to all the elements

R condtional replace in a 3d array

I want to conditionally replace values in a specific vector in a 3d array, the replacement value being a value from a probability calculation. For some reason the replacement value is the same for all values of the vector, rather than being calculated on an individual vector element basis. I must have something simple incorrect in my syntax
library (abind)
pop <- array(c (1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,3,5), dim = c(1,5,3))
pop <- abind(pop,pop, along = 1)
so the particular vector I want to work on is
pop[dim(pop)[1], ,1]
[1] 1 0 1 1 1
what I want to achieve is to leave the zero value alone, and if the value is one, then run a random binomial test, to see if it changes to zero, and if it does change, do the insertion. I'm told that the ifelse is vectorized but with this syntax it is not operating individually on each element of the vector. When I try to produce a new vector as such
ifelse (pop[dim(pop)[1], ,1] == 1, rbinom(1,1,0.5), 0)
I get either no change
> ifelse (pop[dim(pop)[1], ,1] == 1, rbinom(1,1,0.5), 0)
[1] 1 0 1 1 1
or alternatively it changes all values.
> ifelse (pop[dim(pop)[1], ,1] == 1, rbinom(1,1,0.5), 0)
[1] 0 0 0 0 0
I'm expecting some of the values in the array to be changed, but not "all or nothing". What am I doing wrong? Also if there is a simple elegant way to do the substitution back into the original 3d array I'd be grateful. Thx. J
I think I did find a solution using the "modify_if" function of the dplyr package.
pop[dim(pop)[1], ,1] %<>% modify_if(~ .x == 1, ~ rbinom(1,1,pliv1))

How to find if two or more continuously elements of a vector are equal in R

I want to find a way to determine if two or more continuously elements of a vector are equal.
For example, in vector x=c(1,1,1,2,3,1,3), the first, the second and the third element are equal.
With the following command, I can determine if a vector, say y, contains two or more continuously elements that are equal to 2 or 3
all(rle(y)$lengths[which( rle(y)$values==2 | rle(y)$values==3 )]==1)
Is there any other faster way?
Let say we have the vector z=c(1,1,2,1,2,2,3,2,3,3).
I want a vector with three elements as output. The first element will refer to value 1, the second to 2 and the third one to 3. The values of the elements of the output vector will be equal to 1 if two or more continuously elements of z are the same for one value of 1,2,3 and 0 otherwise. So, the output for the vector z will be (1,1,1).
For the vector w=c(1,1,2,3,2,3,1) the output will be 1,0,0, since only for the value 1 there are two continuously elements, that is in the first and in the second position of w.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm understanding your question as it could be worded better. The first part just asks how you find if continuous elements in a vector are equal. The answer is to use the diff() function combined with a check for a difference of zero:
z <- c(1,1,2,1,2,2,3,2,3,3)
sort(unique(z[which(diff(z) == 0)]))
# [1] 1 2 3
w <- c(1,1,2,3,2,3,1)
sort(unique(w[which(diff(w) == 0)]))
# [1] 1
But your edit example seems to imply you are looking to see if there are repeated units in a vector, of which will only be the integers 1, 2, or 3. Your output will always be X, Y, Z, where
X is 1 if there is at least one "1" repeated, else 0
Y is 2 if there is at least one "2" repeated, else 0
Z is 3 if there is at least one "3" repeated, else 0
Is this correct?
If so, see the following
continuously <- function(x){
s <- sort(unique(x[which(diff(x) == 0)]))
output <- c(0,0,0)
output[s] <- s
# [1] 1 2 3
# [1] 1 0 0
Assuming your series name is z=c(1,1,2,1,2,2,3,2,3,3) then you can do:
(unique(z[c(FALSE, diff(z) == 0)]) >= 0)+0 which will output to 1, 1, 1,
When you run the above command on your other sequenc:
then (unique(w[c(FALSE, diff(w) == 0)]) >= 0)+0 will return to 1
You may also try this for an exact output like 1,1,1 or 1,0,0
(unique(z[c(FALSE, diff(z) == 0)]) == unique(z))+0 #1,1,1 for z and 1,0,0 for w
diff command will take difference between corresponding second and prior items, since total differences will always 1 less than the number of items, I have added first item as FALSE. Then subsetted with your original sequences and for boolean comparison whether the difference returned is zero or not. Finally we convert them to 1s by asking if they are greater than or equal to 0 (To get series of 1s, you may also check it with some other conditions to get 1s).
Assuming your sequence doesn't have negative numbers.

How do I count the number of pattern occurrences, if the pattern includes NA, in R?

I have a string of 0's, 1's and NA's like so:
I'd like to count the number of times the PATTERN "1-NA-1" occurs. In this instance, I would like get the count 5.
I've tried table(string), and trying to replicate this but nothing seems to work. I would appreciate anyone's help!
# some ugly code, but it seems to work
sum( head(string, -2) == 1 & is.na(head(string[-1],-1))
& string[-1:-2] == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
Something like:
x <- which(is.na(string))
x <- x[!x %in% c(1,length(string))]
length(x[string[x-1] & string[x+1]])
# [1] 5
First, we check which values of string are NA with is.na(string). Then we find those indices with which and store them in x.
As #Rick mentions, if the first/last value is NA it would lead to problems in our next step. So, we make sure that those are removed (as it shouldn't count anyway).
Next, we want to find the situation where both string[x-1] and string[x+1] are 1. In other words, 1 & 1. Note that FALSE and TRUE can be evaluated as 0 and 1 respectively. So, if you type 1 == TRUE you will get TRUE. If you type 1 & 1 you will also get TRUE back. So, string[x-1] & string[x+1] will return TRUE when both are 1, and FALSE otherwise. We basically obtain a logical vector, and subset x with that vector to get all positions in x that satisfy our search. Then we use length to determine how many there are.

Removing zero lines from dataframe yields dataframe of zero lines

I have a script that has a bunch of quality control checksums and it got caught on a dataset that had no need to remove any samples (rows) due to quality control. However, this script gave me an unexpected result of a dataframe with zero rows. With example data, why does this work:
##get rid of those pesky factors
iris$Species <- NULL
med <- which(iris[, 1] < 4.9)
medtemp <- iris[-med, ]
[1] 134 4
but this returns a dataframe of zero rows:
small <- which(iris[, 1] < 4.0)
smalltemp <- iris[-small, ]
[1] 0 4
As does this:
x <- 0
zerotemp <- iris[-x, ]
[1] 0 4
It seems that the smalltemp dataframe should be the same size as iris since there are no rows to remove at all. Why is this?
Copied verbatim from Patrick Burns's R Inferno p. 41 (I hope this constitutes "fair use" -- if someone objects I'll remove it)
negative nothing is something
> x2 <- 1:4
> x2[-which(x2 == 3)]
[1] 1 2 4
The command above returns all of the values in x2 not equal to 3.
> x2[-which(x2 == 5)]
The hope is that the above command returns all of x2 since no elements are
equal to 5. Reality will dash that hope. Instead it returns a vector of length
There is a subtle difference between the two following statements:
Subtle difference in the input, but no subtlety in the difference in the output.
There are at least three possible solutions for the original problem.
out <- which(x2 == 5)
if(length(out)) x2[-out] else x2
Another solution is to use logical subscripts:
x2[!(x2 %in% 5)]
Or you can, in a sense, work backwards:
x2[ setdiff(seq along(x2), which(x2 == 5)) ]
Could it be that in your second example, small evaluates to 0?
Taking the zeroth element of a vector will always return the empty vector:
> foo <- 1:3
> foo
[1] 1 2 3
> foo[0]
Instead of using which to get your indices, I would use a boolean vector and negate it. That way you can do this:
small <- iris[, 1] < 4.0
smalltemp <- iris[!small, ]
[1] 150 4
EDIT: I don't think a negative index of 0 (as in your case) is allowed since there is no 0th index and thus R can't exclude that index from your selection. Negative indexing can be interpreted as: "give me back all rows except those with these indices".
It is because of the rules of what to do with an index that is zero. Only strictly positive or strictly negative indices are allowed. As [0] returns nothing, and
R> -0 == 0
[1] TRUE
Hence you get nothing where you expected it to drop nothing.
The identical(0) issue is treated as indexing by a NULL and this is documented to work as if indexing by 0 and hence the same behaviour.
This is discussed in the R Language Definition manual
