Application of mqlread cursor leads to non-unique error - freebase

This is a freebase mqlread query to get some id's about each film.[{ "name": null, "mid": null, "type": "/film/film", "/film/film/rottentomatoes_id": null, "/film/film/imdb_id": null }]&cursor
That works and returns this cursor.
My problem is the subsequent call formulated by appending the cursor value which does not work. See below.[{ "name": null, "mid": null, "type": "/film/film", "/film/film/rottentomatoes_id": null, "/film/film/imdb_id": null }]&cursor=eNpVjMEKwjAQRH9HkdDZsNlNFhH_I_QQYgsFsdKgR7_dIII4lxlmmFcfW1s3oyKT5dUIGPOtm3pETiGMSysG9y1U2a5Ht3sudyMNGgXxtwXbDsnDl1jBAIRpjvhTdafPD6L7gRI6gezlcus8yDicRaYLMc9Qrkm5x8B4A72MKIs=
This gives
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "query is invalid: JSON parsing error.",
"locationType": "other",
"location": "parameters.query"
"code": 400,
"message": "query is invalid: JSON parsing error."
but all thats changed is the appendage of the cursor value.
Why would I get this sort of error in the circumstance and how would I fix it.

Some of your properties aren't unique. If you get only one value back, the query will work fine, but as soon as you hit a topic with multiple values, you'll get a non-unique error like this:
error: {
errors: [
domain: "global",
reason: "invalid",
message: "Unique query may have at most one result. Got 2",
locationType: "other",
location: "/film/film/rottentomatoes_id"
code: 400,
message: "Unique query may have at most one result. Got 2"
The error message is pretty specific. The offending property is the one for Rotten Tomatoes ID. If you switch your placeholder value from "null" to [] for this property to accommodate multiple values, the query will work.


Q: Google Calendar API, Foreground color

I am currently working with the google calendar API and and have ran into an issue.
I can't seem to update (or patch) a calendarList's foreground color.
Even when working directly with their API at:
With both queries, I have colorRgbFormat set to true, and these are the only values I provide.
This input works fine:
"backgroundColor": "#ac725e"
Where this input:
"backgroundColor": "#ac725e",
"foregroundColor": "#c1c1c1"
Gives me the following error:
400 bad request:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Invalid foreground color."
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid foreground color."
Any ideas?
I have tried using similar color format that is needed for ColorId, AKA "1", but that also gives me a bad request error.
What am I missing or doing wrong?
After doing trial and error, I found out that the foregroundColor is limited only to black(#000000) and white (#FFFFFF).

Google calendar RRULE fails when updating but not when initially creating calendar entry

I already have an event entry that I created from my custom calendar with the following RRULE
When I update the event without changing the rrule I get an error
Error Message: Google_Service_Exception: { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "invalid", "message": "Invalid recurrence rule." } ], "code": 400, "message": "Invalid recurrence rule." } }
The only thing I can think of is that this rrule has dates in the past. Can anyone confirm that this would be the issue?
FREQ=WEEKLY;DTSTART=20201203T090000;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=TH;EXDATE:20201203T090000 is not a valid recurrence rule. With all the invalid parts removed the rule would look like this:
DTSTART and EXDATE are separate properties.

/film/film/runtime always returns null

Whenever I try to query for the length of a film I get lists of null. The query I use is directly from the "Build query" button on their site and looks like this:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"type": "/film/film",
"/film/film/runtime": []
Ufortunately all the responses I get look like this:
"name": "4D Man",
"type": "/film/film",
"/film/film/runtime": [
"id": "/en/4d_man"
I can hover over the links you can see on the query page and see the runtime (in this case 85 minutes) but as you can see all I get from the query is null. This may be a Freebase bug, but any help is appreciated. Thank you.
There's not a single runtime of a film, the same film can have different runtimes (original version, director's cut, etc...) Freebase use the film_cut type to contain the different runtimes of a movie
You can use this query to get the runtimes:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"/film/film/runtime": [{
"runtime": null
Tune this query to your needs, you may need type_of_film_cut or film_release_region.

What is the issue in the Google map engine Query

i need to query some data with where clause
as per the API google map engine i have request as below.
for the above URL it says BAD REQUEST where=gx_id=900
and the response is
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "The value is invalid.",
"locationType": "parameter",
"location": "query"
"code": 400,
"message": "The value is invalid."
Please suggest me what is wrong in this URL
You use a Number in your query, but the particular gx_id seems to be of type String.
Enclose the Number with single-quotes:
Also, you don't have to worry about creating and keeping track of your ID's. the API says you need to include gx_id only to make sure that no Feature is sent twice.
Therefore, you can just throw in a string representing your system's current time for example.

How to search freebase for given names

Context: I am geek but brand new to the Freebase APIs.
I found this page describing Given Name type on Freebase and have tried to query it and am meeting with frustration. I have tried:
"domain": "/base/givennames",
"given_name": null
which gives a "Type /type/object does not have property domain" error and
"type": "/givennames",
"given_name": null
which gives an "Unable to load schema for /givennames" error.
I am guessing that I am missing something important on the page describing the type. Any assistance is appreciated.
The "Build Query" menu option on the far right hand side of the schema page is a good way to get started with queries. In this case you want something like this:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"type": "/base/givennames/given_name"
