Orchard CMS - Workflow Custom Activity Recipe - orchardcms-1.7

Can anybody help me create a recipe that activates the custom activity that I have created?
I have a module in which I have created some custom workflow activities. I'd like those activities to be activated when I install the module so I wouldn't have to go the Workflow panel each time and create the activities.
Please, help me with this by pointing me to an example or resource that demonstrates a way to do this.

If you are using 1.7.2, Check Orchard.Roles.Activities or 'Orchard.Comments.Activities'. You need to decorate your Tasks with [OrchardFeature("Orchard.Comments.Workflows")]
Then in your Module.txt, add your feature Name Orchard.Comments.Workflows as a dependency of your module
Check Piedone.HelpfulLibraries from the Gallery. He does it there very nicely and the Author: Piedone is an Orchard Team member.
Actually download the Combinator Module, that calls the HelpfulLibraries.
That should do it.
I am actually going to do something like it, this week. I thought that was the way.
Let me know, Cheers


Alfresco selective content synchronization to another instance

In continuation with my previous question, I would like to selectively choose documents from my repository and then sync them to a target repository. If possible lets say choose the documents in a folder, click on Selected Items menu dropdown & have a custom menu item say "Publish" and the action defined on that menu item should be publish to a pre-defined target repository. Possible ? I'm open to customizing with webscripts. A little help on the services I need to use would be good as am a novice to Alfresco customization.
Suggestions are welcome.
Altough I am not answering your question completely, I would like to share my idea.
I have been looking for a way to invoke a replication job from Script (not Webscript). Have a look at this question How to start an FTR Replication Job from Alfresco Script
So, providing you know how to customize the Share menu with .amp and the rest, I think you can start working on the second option I am mentioning in the question, to selectively choose which nodes you want to transfer:
var nodes = // your array of ScriptNodes
transfer.transfer('MyTargetName', nodes);
Hope this helps...

How to implement Resource/Day view (e.g. Show columns on Day view for each staff member)

We are currently using an old version of FullCalendar with a custom “fork” of FullCalendar that adds support for the “ResourceDay” view (the way it shows columns on Day view for each staff member).
We want to upgrade to FullCalendar 2.x and i have a question. Is it possible to implement Resource/Day view (e.g. Show columns on Day view for each staff member) using the custom view approach in FullCalendar 2.x (http://fullcalendar.io/docs/views/Custom_Views/)
We would really appreciate your suggestions on this.
My recommendation is to wait for the official timeline view. You can read about it here.
Basically it will be a resource-like view that will probably cost money unless your project is under GPL. But it will be an official and robust version and way less work than building it yourself.
There are several open source forks of this that have tried adding it. Look at these tickets:
Some of which are not available now, or available but have issues compiling.
This is a jQuery plugin that might help you: https://github.com/thegrubbsian/jquery.ganttView
But it has nothing to do with Fullcalendar. If you are wanting its event model to interface with your application then this might not work for you.

Drupal: can its functions be customized?

I've tried searching the Internet for this but I have not found an exact answer. I've seen that Drupal can use modules and its admin page can be customized, but does its functions can be customized as well?
This is what I want to happen:
after writing an article/content, it would be saved first as a draft and be sent to certain people for deliberation. The people would then have to vote if it is okay. If the article/content gets 70% or more approval, it would be posted immediately to the website.
Can I do this with Drupal? If not, do you have any suggestions on other CMS's where I can do this?
Thank you!
While you probably don't need a custom module to achieve the desired result, you certainly could write your own custom module if you wished to.
This documentation should get you started: http://drupal.org/developing/modules
And this is a great set of examples that provide a starting off point for custom module creation: http://drupal.org/project/examples
Like I said though, you're likely better off using contributed modules that have been vetted by the community. See if the workflow module does what you want - search "drupal workflow." You may also need the fivestar module to provide a thumbs up for approval - search "drupal rating."

Best practices approach to multiple views in meteor?

Every tutorial/example i can find for meteor shows a single view application. I would like to build something a little more complex. I'm unclear how to approach multiple views...preferably in a way that's somewhat scalable?
The iron-router package lets you access different views (layouts) by nice, REST-ful human-friendly clean URLs. It supports parameters in the URL, "loading" templates, waiting for subscriptions to finish loading, before and after hooks etc.
At this point you can only create Single Page applications with Meteor. Note that Single Page, doesn't mean you can't have several views - use iron-router for that.
But by design, Meteor serves a big fat unique JavaScript/HTML/CSS application down to the browser, though there's a feature request to allow incremental loading. It is then up to the application (or more precisely, the JavaScript framework), to dynamically render its views in order to display different "pages".
I was wondering the same thing and it took me way too much time getting something started. I finally got a paged app working solidly by using Backbone views and routes, so I created a simple boilerplate project to make setting up an app like this easier in the future.
Live demo here: backbone-boilerplate.meteor.com
Source code here: github.com/justinmc/meteor-backbone-boilerplate
Have you looked at madewith.meteor.com?
A bunch of apps there have multiple views using Backbone also Jonathan Kingston who created britto has started simple meteor framework called Stellar
At this stage of the game not sure if there really are best practices. But these two seem to be the current flow.
You can also make a tabbed interface for multiple views. There is a package project "Smart package for generating a tabbed interface with pushState" github project here: https://github.com/possibilities/meteor-tabs
The best solution right now is using a routing package (router is basic but works). The workflow is something like this:
declare routes; return a template name for each route
place the reactive helper provided by the package in your body tag
the reactive helper will return the template associated to that route
you create a template for each route and optionally set custom publish functions
Router will give you browser history (client side).
Note that at this time there are some limitation on the way Meteor handles html/js. They are load all at the same time. The bright side is that once the app is loaded, page transitions will be instant.

Drupal reserve checkbox module?

I have a drupal site I'm working on here: selkirk.treethink.net
I have CCK and Views modules installed, so on the frontend you see the Request Work page created using CCK. On the backend admins and students can view all the work post through that form with the Views module.
I need to add a checkbox that the person submitting the work can't see but students can see in the page that lists the work through "Views". This checkbox will need to only be able to be checked once as it will reserve the job for that student. But the same student that checked it needs to be able to uncheck it...And only that student (or an admin)
In other words: Just a little box that sits on the "Views" page that a student can check and then no one else can uncheck it afterwards except the student that checked it or an admin.
Is there a module that can do this?
Thanks, Wade
My first thought when reading your question was Flag module. There is already a thread in the issue queue about exactly your question: http://drupal.org/node/624746. What it comes down to, is that flag can do most of the job, but you would have to write some code yourself (or possibly use the Rules module) to register which user flagged the node.
Another option would be to use the Workflow module and create an 'assigned' state. I have not done much with workflow myself so I can't really tell you which option is better.
The Field Permissions module lets you specify create, view, and edit permissions for CCK fields. I don't think it will do everything you want, but it's a start.
