Login dialog comes for windows authentication in asp.net project - asp.net

i have applied windows authentication for asp.net project and it is working. when i try to access any secure page then first time login dialog comes....but why. when i already login to windows before running project then why should i again give my windows credential to access asp.net web project any secure pages.
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<deny users="?"/>
so guide me how to suppress the login dialog pop up. thanks

You need to configure your browser to automatically log you in. Your site probably needs to be in the local intranet zone. Windows Integrated Authentication is built into Internet Explorer. Some other bowsers may not support it.


Windows Authentication on ASP.net application

I have a strange issue with aps.net which using windows Authentication, here is the scenario, I have APS.net application using the Windows Authentication, NTLM ... all my users on the Active Directory have access to the web application when they want, the issue that sometimes some users can't access to the system anymore, where they used to have access before, when they put their username#domain and the password in the pop-up login in the browser, the pop-up keep popping up like they have put a wrong username or password, we tried to log in to other services like email, laptop, using the same user name and password and it works fine, but not with the web application! any idea how or where to start my investigation? logs file? something similar? here is my IIS authentication setting:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?" />
After many days of investigating the issue, it turned out that the issue is because of expired password.

ASP.NET login refers on Server IIS to the Home, Local IIS works

Although my tool works on my own machine (ASP.NET 4.5) It begins this:
And i did an exact copy of it from exporting it from the iis into an ZIP File, and importing it on the server (NOTE: I did check the authentification mode (Everythings Checked!)
Although my local IIS Starts with the Login, the Server not. The Page works and, on my local IIS, other PC's in the intranet can login etc. But now the Error: If i click the login button (that refers to the page) i get redirected to the Homepage of the WebApp... Does anybody know whats the matter at it? IIS is on both machines on version 7.5
Greetings Ethnor
This is the result of a setting in IIS. Your default page is probably set to your home page instead of your login page. Otherwise, your IIS server is set to allow Anonymous users. So, no authentication/login is happening. Check the authentication settings in IIS.
<location path="login.aspx">
<allow users="?" />
Adding this to my web.config fixed the problem

Issue with forms authentication not working remotely

We have an issue where forms authentication works correctly locally when run from Visual Studio but not remotely from a server running IIS 7. We have also determined that it works correctly on the remote server if we browse to the local site from the server. More specifically, when logging in using the login screen sometimes we are taken into the application and sometimes we are redirected back to the login screen. For the times when we are taken in we are at a one click maximum situation where, if we click on any item inside the site, we are immediately sent back out to the login page. We are using .NET 4.0 We are using location to set permissions on a per directory basis in the web.config:
<location path="Admin">
<allow roles="Administrator"/>
<deny users="*"/>
We have tested that the issue must have something to do with this setting because as soon as we change deny users="" to allow users="" it works when testing remotely to the test server. Again, the issue only occurs when promoting to the test environment and testing remotely and works perfectly when running in Visual Studio or when browsing to the localhost site from the remote server. My guess is an IIS 7 setting but we have played around with a few of the settings to no success.
It has a simple solution. in your IIS 7 click on the top most node(Your server node) then click on "Modules" in IIS part of the home page.
Double click Default Authentication and uncheck the "Invoke only for ..." option
Double click Forms Authentication and uncheck the "Invoke only for ..." option
your forms authentication will work perfectly

ASP.NET MVC3 401.1 Error in IIS7.5

I have setup an ASP.NET MVC3 website using Windows Authentication and am getting a 401.1. The error code is 0x8009030e on the 401 page. Users should be able to access the site using their domain credentials.
I don't get the error if I logon to the machine and hit the website via localhost (http://localhost/mysite). However, even logged onto the server, if I hit the website through the server name (ie http://machinename.com/mysite) I still get the error.
The website uses it's own .net 4.0 app pool and using integrated mode. The site is configured for Windows Authentication only in the config.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?" />
...and in IIS. I don't have extended properties configured, and have enabled kernel-mode authentication (both are the default). I've tried toggling "IIS Manager Permissions" without any luck.
Any ideas?
I had to do two things to get this working properly:
Make the app pool use "Classic" instead of "Integrated" mode. After making, the change I was getting a 403.x error.
I solved the 403.x error by granting (Read/Execute) NTFS permissions to the "Domain Users" group.

ASP.net quick and dirty authentication

I'm currently working on a page within one of my company's internet sites that is in response to some production issues we have. The page will be published with the rest of the web site to our DMZ, however I'd like to set-up some quick authentication so only users on our domain (assuming they access the site internally) can access the page. I'd like to use Windows authentication to do so.
Is there a quick way to accomplish this?
If I understand the question correctly, you want to enable security just on one page in your application - not the entire app.
Under IIS, you can manage the security settings on a page by page basis. In the IIS manager, pick the page, and change the security settings so that anonymous is off, and only Windows auth is accepted. You should get prompted for a login when you visit that page.
From Scott Gu's blog
To enable Windows Authentication
within an ASP.NET Application, you
should make sure that you have
“Integrated Windows Authentication”
(formerly called NTLM authentication)
enabled within IIS for the application
you are building. You should then
add a web.config file to the root
directory of your ASP.NET application
that contains an
section which sets the mode to
You should also then add an
section to the same
web.config file that denies access to
“anonymous” users visiting the site.
This will force ASP.NET to always
authenticate the incoming browser user
using Windows Authentication – and
ensure that from within code on the
server you can always access the
username and Windows group membership
of the incoming user.
The below web.config file demonstrates
how to configure both steps described
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?"/>
You can apply the auth settings to just a path in this way:
<location path="mypath.axd">
<allow roles="MyRole, AnotherRole" />
<deny users="*" />
<deny users="?" />
You can simply use Windows Authentication settings in IIS. Just turn off Anonymous Access in IIS and set your NTFS permissions on the Web folder to the users whom you want to have access to the site. Your IIS admin should be able to handle this quite easily.
