Can I forge the HTTP HOST-header param in order to fake a request to a non-mapped subdomain? - http

Scenario: I want a staging environment at a customer's site. The customer owns I want to map the site to reachable from the outside, but I haven't got time to wait for the bureaucracy surrounding either the purchase of the new subdomain or opening of secondary HTTP ports.
Assumption: If I spoof the HTTP Header param Host to be on the client side, but actually make the request to the IP of, IIS will redirect the request to the configured site for Am I right?
So is there any client tool that can help me with that? I'm fairly famailiar with Fiddler, but it seem to override my rewrites of the host parameter. Also I would need to configure it to do it for every request, not just one, to make it trivial to test.
Are there simpler solutions to this problem?

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.
Inside Fiddler, by clicking Tools > HOSTS and you can send all traffic targeting one site, e.g. to the IP of your choice. The target site (namely doesn't need to exist at all in this case. Your client (e.g. the browser) has no idea that Fiddler is retargeting the traffic, it just thinks that it is talking to
If you have the Fiddler book, check out the Retargeting Traffic section for many other ways to retarget traffic.


Map DNS entry to specific port

Let's say I have this DNS entry: mysite.sample. I am developing, and have a copy of my website running locally in http://localhost:8080. I want this website to be reachable using the (fake) DNS: http://mysite.sample, without being forced to remember in what port this site is running. I can setup /etc/hosts and nginx to do proxing for that, but ... Is there an easier way?
Can I somehow setup a simple DNS entry using /etc/hosts and/or dnsmasq where also a non-standard port (something different than :80/:443) is specified? Without the need to provide extra configuration for nginx?
Or phrased in a simpler way: Is it possible to provide port mappings for dns entries in /etc/hosts or dnsmasq?
DNS has nothing to do with the TCP port. DNS is there to resolv names (e.g. mysite.sample) into IP addresses - kind of like a phone book.
So it's a clear "NO". However, there's another solution and I try to explain it.
When you enter http://mysite.sample:8080 in your browser URL bar, your client (e.g. browser) will first try to resolve mysite.sample (via OS calls) to an IP address. This is where DNS kicks in, as DNS is your name resolver. If that happened, the job of DNS is finished and the browser continues.
This is where the "magic" in HTTP happens. The browser is connecting to the resolved IP address and the desired port (by default 80 for http and 443 for https), is waiting for the connection to be accepted and is then sending the following headers:
GET <resource> HTTP/1.1
Host: mysite.sample:8080
Now the server reads those headers and acts accordingly. Most modern web servers have something called "virtual hosts" (i.e. Apache) or "sites" (i.e. nginx). You can configure multiple vhosts/sites - one for each domain. The web server will then provide the site matching the requested host (which is retreived by the browser from the URL bar and passed to the server via Host HTTP header). This is pure HTTP and has nothing to do with TCP.
If you can't change the port of your origin service (in your case 8080), you might want to setup a new web server in front of your service. This is also called reverse proxy. I recommend reading the NGINX Reverse Proxy docs, but you can also use Apache or any other modern web server.
For nginx, just setup a new site and redirect it to your service:
location mysite.example {
There is a mechanism in DNS for discovering the ports that a service uses, it is called the Service Record (SRV) which has the form TTL class SRV priority weight port target.
However, to make use of this record you would need to have an application that referenced that record prior to making the call. As Dominique has said, this is not the way HTTP works.
I have written a previous answer that explains some of the background to this, and why HTTP isn't in the standard. (the article discusses WS, but the underlying discussion suggested adding this to the HTTP protocol directly)
Edited to add -
There was actually a draft IETF document exploring an official way to do this, but it never made it past draft stage.
This document specifies a new URI scheme called http+srv which uses a DNS SRV lookup to locate a HTTP server.
There is an specific SO answer here which points to an interesting post here

Will a request to be slower then a request to when hosted on heroku?

I'm trying to understand the best way to handle SOA on heroku, i've got it into my head that making requests to custom domains will somehow be slower, or would all requests go "out" via the internet?
On previous projects which are SOA in nature we've had dedicated hosting so could make requests like http://blogs/ (obviously on the internal network) I'm wondering if heroku treats * requests as "internal"... Or is it clever enough to know the is actually and route locally, or am i missing the point completely, and in fact all requests are "external"
What you are asking about is general knowledge of how internet requests are working.
Whenever you do request from your application to lets say, domain name will first be translated into IP address using so called DNS servers.
So this how it works: does not matter you request or you will always request infromation from specific IP address, and domain name you have requested will be passed as part of request headers.
Server which receives this request will try to find in its internal records this domain name and handle request accordingly.
So conclusion is that does not matter you put or, the speed of request will always be same.
PS: As heroku will load balance your requests between different instances of your running, the speed here will depend on several factors: how quickly your application will respond, how many instances you have running and load average per instance, how much is load balancer loaded at the moment. But surely it will not depend on which domain name you use.

IIS bindings - and

I simply want both and to go to the same website. Currently we have just added a binding to each. This creates a problem for WCF which then breaks because it says it can only accept one http address.
Is there a better way to configure a site to accept addresses with or without 'www'?
this has to be changed in the dns using a host or a record.
You shouldn't be hosting a site on the root domain. Better approach here is to redirect traffic to the root ( to the correct site ( using an HTTP 302.
The WCF service should only receive traffic on its single binding. Use DNS, HTTP redirection, or some Traffic management application/appliance to get traffic from multiple points to the correct one.

Removing http301 redirect from client's cache

I have a server/client architecture where the client hits the ASP.NET server's service at a certain host name, IP address, and port. Without thinking, I logged on to the server and set up permanent HTTP301 redirection through IIS from that service to another URL that the machine handles via IIS (same IP and port), mistakenly thinking it was another site that is hosted there. When the client hit the server at the old host name, it cached the permanent redirect. Now, even though I have removed the redirection, the client no longer uses the old address. How can I clear the client's cache so that it no longer stores the redirect?
I have read about how permanent HTTP301 can be, but in this case, it should be possible to reset a single client's knowledge of the incorrectly-learned host name. Any ideas?
The HTTP status code 301 is unambiguously defined in RFC 2616 as
any future references to this
resource SHOULD use one of the
returned URIs
which means you have to go ask all your clients to revalidate the resource. If you have a system where you can push updates to your clients, perhaps you can push an update to use the same URI again, but force a revalidation.
Nothing you do on the server side will help - in fact, by removing the permanent redirect in IIS you have already taken all measures you should.

DNS HTTP Requests

If I was to send a URL to a DNS server, lets say: "",
what is exactly sent to the DNS server? The whole URL (including any passed parameters) or is it just website section ""? I want to know so that I know what parameters I should be hiding in a URL.
The reason I am asking is because I just don't want confidential information sent to DNS servers. I am using https for all URLs but when someone asks to go to a URL, I want all parameter information from the URLs to be hidden from all DNS servers. I just am not sure what is sent to a DNS server to establish an SSL connection. Since I have a site that needs just about every parameter encrypted I am concerned about how to hide this information if DNS reads it. may be resolved (if it is not already in the local cache) by sending it to your DNS server (which will almost certainly refer to another DNS Server).
Only the "" is sent, the rest will be passed only to the resolved IP number as an HTTP request.
So, you do not need to hide any parameters, except of course that these parameters could well end up on another website if a user visits it from your page (as a referer). If these parameters are really sensitive encode them or (ab)use POST,
The Domain Name System (DNS) resolves hostnames to IP addresses, so only the value of the hostname is sent.
DNS is agnostic of protocol. The value sent is just the hostname, so in this case
I'm also not sure what this has to do with "parameter hiding" but if you could expand on that we might be able to provide more helpful advice.
Edit (based on your update): Ah. Well then you shoud be good to go, as only the domain name itself is sent.
If the DNS server happens to be a web server which root web application happens to answer to the "username" query, then you might get something back. Other than that, DNS is another kind of animal.
