Fixing Div and Image Height Issue in Thumbnail Layout - css

I have thumbnail DIVS that are simply an image with the product name below. Here's the code:
<div class="thumbs">
<img src="IMAGE" />
<div>Product Name</div>
The CSS is below:
.thumbs {
float:left; width:210px; height:200px; text-align:center;
.thumbs div {
.thumbs img
max-height: 115px;
max-width: 100%;
Originally I had the images at 115px height so every row had the same height images and the text below was aligned correctly. Some of the images became too wide so I had to make a restriction on the max-width.
Problem: Since the image heights vary ... the text below the thumbnail varies in vertical placement. I want the text to be on the same line across the rows.
Example page:
*Note the first 3 thumbnails are the same height .. thus the names below them are aligned
Any thoughts?

You could solve this by wrapping the images in a div (or setting your anchor to display: block) and setting a max-height or height on that wrapper, and setting it to overflow: hidden.
Here's a jsFiddle example that will force the thumbnail blocks to always display the same regardless of the size of the image.
Edit: Updated example with some of your images.
Edit2: To vertically align the image inside the anchor, set the line-height of the anchor equal to its height (in this case line-height: 115px;), and set vertical-align: middle; on the img itself. Updated example including this fix here.

If you are using CSS3, you can use css3 translate property.
This Re-sizes based on whatever is bigger. If your height is bigger and width is smaller than container, width will be stretch to 100% and height will be trimmed from both side. Same goes for larger width as well.
.thumbs {
.thumbs > .thumbs img {
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
Answer from CSS: How can I set image size relative to parent height?


Prevent Divs From Overlapping In Responsive Layout

I am trying to prevent two side by side divs I have from overlapping in responsive layout.
Here is my html:
<div class="image"><img src="images/misc/libertyXSmall.jpg"/></div>
<div class="storyWrapper">
Here is the CSS:
body{margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;}
.mainContainer{float:left; height:auto; width:100%; max-width:800px; }
.image{float:left; margin-top:0px; width:14.25%; height:auto;}
.storyWrapper{float:left; width:85.75%; height:auto; min-height:64px; background-color:#f6f6f6; color:#000000;transition:0.2s; }
.storyWrapper:hover{background-color:#c0c0c0; color:#ffffff;}
.headline{text-align:left; padding:6px 6px 6px 6px; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; font-family:Arial; text-decoration:none;}
The link to this page is:
As you can see, my issue is.. the text div to the right overlaps the image div to the left on page resize (smaller). I need to prevent that.
The answer is not to use a percentage for your headline. The simplest solution is to use the calc value, which can be used in all modern browsers.
The following will work:
div.storyWrapper {
width: calc(100% - 114px);
float: right;
Here, I have noted that the width of the image is 114px, and set the width of the container to 100% minus that.
I have also floated the container to the right.
Note that calc is a little bit fussy. In particular, you need spaces around the - operator: calc(100%-114px) will not work, at least not in all browsers.
The problem is that your actual image isn't shrinking when the .image div is. So .image div will adjust according to its width percentage, but not the image contained within it. If you add a width: 100% to the img element, the image will now shrink along with the div container, and the text div won't overlap.

adjusting height in bootstrap css image

This is my css which handles image on my page:
.img-responsive {
display: block;
max-width: 10%;
height:400px important!;
margin-left: 33%;
margin-top: 7%;
height: auto;
As I increase or decrease width, it reflects well. but changing width does not make any effect.
How can I manually increase or decrease the image width here?
css code is in index.php itself as inline css.
I want increasing the width must not increase the height of image
If I'm not mistaken, I want increasing the width must not increase the height of image means that you want a way to change the width of an image, while keeping the height constant. If you're happy with doing this through CSS, you can wrap the image in an encapsulating div, control the div's size, and then tell the image to completely fill up the div.
The code boils down to:
.img-responsive {
<div class="container image-container">
<img src="" class="img-responsive" />
If you change the width or height attributes of the image-container class, you'll see that the image stretches correspondingly.

How do i get a 100% width div above a fixed width div?

I have a problem with something that seems very simple.
Here's the deal.
I have a div at the top of my page which takes the whole width. Below that i want to place a div with a fixed width aligned in the center.
Something like this:
<div id="top">
<p>This is the top wrapper</p>
<div id="middle">
<p>This is the fix width wrapper</p>
Style will be
#top {
width: 100%;
#middle {
height: 300px;
If the browserwindow is larger than 900 pixel, everything is fine. But there is a problem when your window is smaller than 900 pixels. You get a horizontal scrollbar. That seems logical, since the #middle div is 900 pixels wide. But when you scroll to the right, you can see the top div doesn't fill the entire width of the screen. It only fills the space you can see before you scroll to the right. You can see some white leftover space at the top right corner of the page.
What am i doing wrong or overlook? Do i can't use a fixed width for the #middle div? :-( How do I get the top div fills the entire width when the windows needs a scrollbar?
Thank you for your help.
Either set max-width: 900px; on #middle or min-width: 900px on #top
That because the first div takes 100% of the body, witch can be smaller then 900px.
#top {
width: 100%; /*Not needed - this is the default behavior*/
min-width: 900px; /*set this*/

How to keep height of parent div with absolute positioned img inside?

<div id="show01">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<div id="content"></div>
position: relative;
border:thin solid blue;
#show01 img {
position: absolute;
img must be position:absolute because they are subject of jquery slide show.
but, in that case div content goes to the top of page, because div #show01 has no height. It's just a blue line at the top.
So, how can I keep img position:absolute and show01 to have height as the img inside.
I cannot define div show01 height in pixels, because of keeping responsive layout.
fiddle is here
This is semi-hack(ish).. but you could set a margin for #show01.
Try margin-bottom:24%;.. see the example and let me know if this is what you were aiming for.
Basically you are going to have to set a margin equal to the size of the images to displace the unspecified height.. It seems to work responsively when you resize the browser too..

two pictures align exactly the width of containing element

I have two banner images, each of them has the same height but different width. Each one of them is nested in <a> tag (to make the images open a link) and the <a> tags are nested in <div> tag.
My problem is, I need these two images to sit next to each other and automatically adjust to the width of the <div> tag so that they fill exactly 100% of the <div> width, keeping the ratio of the individual image widths the same. The div tag is fluid (it resizes with the size of the screen) and I'd like these two images to be automatically adjusting so that they always fill exactly 100% of the div width. How do i do this using css.
Here is my html:
<div class='banner'>
<a class='mainBanner' href='Help.php?title=Help'><img src='banner1.png' alt='mainBanner' /></a>
<a class='openAccount' href='Profile.php?title=Registration'><img src='banner2.png' alt='openAccount' /></a>
As long as your images are not dynamic (ie. you know the widths in advance), you could do it like this:
<div class='banner'>
<a class='mainBanner' href='#'><img src='' alt='mainBanner' /></a>
<a class='openAccount' href='#'><img src='' alt='openAccount' /></a>
.banner {
display: table;
width: 100%;
.banner a {
display: table-cell;
.banner a:first-child {
width: 40%; /* this image is 200px wide */
.banner a:last-child {
width: 60%; /* this image is 300px wide */
.banner a img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
The combined widths of the sample images is 500px, so your percentages are 200 / 500 = .4 or 40% for the first and 300 / 500 = .6 or 60% for the second.
I would use percentage and float the images like so DEMO
.clear {
.banner {
.mainBanner img{
.openAccount img {
You'll have to use (or simulate) tables! :D
I didn't touch much of your html. I removed the white-space between the 2 <a> and I enclosed it in another div (with the class derp).
div.derp {display:table; border:1px solid green;width:100%}
div.banner {background:light-blue;border:1px solid blue;display:table-row}
a {display:table-cell;border:1px solid red;}
img {display:block;width:100%}
And I made a demo too!
I would use:
.banner {
display: table;
width: 100%;
.banner a {
display: table-cell;
.banner a img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
this way the two image width can have always different widths, as long as they have the same hight.
demonstration - resize result display to see the effect.
Hope it helped you!
height the same, different widths?
ok, so if you now two widths of this images too just make the percent and float left. For example if one image is 200px wide and another 300px wide just give 40% and 60% for both a (don't forget to add them also display block or even display inline block without float left) and give width 100% for both img's. if you don't know the width, you need to use javascript unfortunately.
very pseudocode because I am really tired.
a1.width = img1.width/(img1.width+img2.width)*100+%
a2.width = img2.width/(img1.width+img2.width)*100+%
and of course a - display:block and img's width:100%.
or something like this if you would like I can write it tomorrow but I am not sure is this answer you are looking for, so I am not doing it now.
