QThread with pointer to pointer - pointers

I have a problem with QThread.
I did some calculation in GUI thread and it worked.
But now I try to do a calculation in work thread and there is a runtime error.
A have this function.
double **matrix(int nx,int ny, int shift)
int i;
double **m=(double **)calloc(nx+1, sizeof(double*));
for (i=0;i<=nx;i++) m[i]=(double *)calloc(ny+1,sizeof(double))+shift;
return m+shift;
And in run() function a want to do this:
double **lop=matrix(1,2,3);
But in this line there is this error: SIGSEGV Segmentation fault.
A don't understand, why the error is only in the work thread. Because when run this in GUI thread, it works.
Excuse me please my bad english.

You can't shift by 3. You must have things aligned to the word boundaries. Words are two bytes so the shift can only be an even number. Perhaphs you want
return m + shift*sizeof(double*);


c++ Occasional Dynamic Pointer Crashing

I have made a program to take in float inputs from a user to create a dynamic array (Then use those inputs with functions to find basic stuff like max,min,sum,avg but that stuff works fine so I don't think Ill include that here for the purpose of not creating a wall of code).
It works about half the time and while I have some theories about the cause I cant put my finger on a solution.
int main() {
int Counter = 0;
float *UsrIn = nullptr;
float Array[Counter];
My first thought was that the part below was the issue. My class hasn't really gone over what notation (I assume it refers to bytes so maybe scientific notation would work) to use with new that I can recall. I just tried 20 for the sake of testing and it seemed to work(probably a silly assumption in hindsight).
UsrIn = new float[(int)20];
cout << "Enter float numbers:" << endl;
cout << "Enter '9999999' to quit:" << endl;
cin >> *UsrIn; // User Input for pointer Dynamic Array
Array[Counter] = *UsrIn;
while(*UsrIn!=9999999) // User Input for Dynamic Array
cin >> *UsrIn;
Array[Counter] = *UsrIn;
delete UsrIn;
delete[] UsrIn;
My other thought was that maybe a pointer address was already in use by something else or maybe it was invalid somehow. I don't know of a way to test for that because the crash I occasionally get only happens when exiting the while loop after entering "9999999"
As a side note I'm not getting any warnings or error messages just a crashed program from eclipse.
Variable-length arrays are not universally supported in C++ implementations, although your compiler clearly supports them. The problem, from what you've described, is with this code:
int main() {
int Counter = 0;
float *UsrIn = nullptr;
float Array[Counter];
You're defining a variable-length array of size 0. So, although you're allocating 20 entries for UsrIn, you're not allocating any memory for Array. The intention of variable-length arrays is to allocate an array of a given size where the size is not actually known until run time. Based on your other code, that's not really the situation here. The easiest thing to do is just change the Array size to match your UsrIn size, e.g.:
float Array[20];
If you really want more of a dynamic behavior, you could use std::vector<float>
std::vector<float> Array;

C functions returning an array

Sorry for the post. I have researched this but..... still no joy in getting this to work. There are two parts to the question too. Please ignore the code TWI Reg code as its application specific I need help on nuts and bolts C problem.
So... to reduce memory usage for a project I have started to write my own TWI (wire.h lib) for ATMEL328p. Its not been put into a lib yet as '1' I have no idea how to do that yet... will get to that later and '2'its a work in progress which keeps getting added to.
The problem I'm having is with reading multiple bytes.
Problem 1
I have a function that I need to return an Array
byte *i2cBuff1[16];
void setup () {
i2cBuff1 = i2cReadBytes(mpuAdd, 0x6F, 16);
/////////////////////READ BYTES////////////////////
byte* i2cReadBytes(byte i2cAdd, byte i2cReg, byte i2cNumBytes) {
static byte result[i2cNumBytes];
for (byte i = 0; i < i2cNumBytes; i ++) {
result[i] += i2cAdd + i2cReg;
return result;
What I understand :o ) is I have declared a Static byte array in the function which I point to as the return argument of the function.
The function call requests the return of a pointer value for a byte array which is supplied.
Well .... it doesn't work .... I have checked multiple sites and I think this should work. The error message I get is:
MPU6050_I2C_rev1:232: error: incompatible types in assignment of 'byte* {aka unsigned char*}' to 'byte* [16] {aka unsigned char* [16]}'
i2cBuff1 = i2cReadBytes(mpuAdd, 0x6F, 16);
Problem 2
Ok say IF the code sample above worked. I am trying to reduce the amount of memory that I use in my sketch. By using any memory in the function even though the memory (need) is released after the function call, the function must need to reserve an amount of 'space' in some way, for when the function is called. Ideally I would like to avoid the use of static variables within the function that are duplicated within the main program.
Does anyone know the trade off with repeated function call.... i.e looping a function call with a bit shift operator, as apposed to calling a function once to complete a process and return ... an Array? Or was this this the whole point that C does not really support Array return in the first place.
Hope this made sense, just want to get the best from the little I got.
This line:
byte *i2cBuff1[16];
declares i2cBuff1 as an array of 16 byte* pointers. But i2cReadBytes doesn't return an array of pointers, it returns an array of bytes. The declaration should be:
byte *i2cBuff1;
Another problem is that a static array can't have a dynamic size. A variable-length array has to be an automatic array, so that its size can change each time the function is called. You should use dynamic allocation with malloc() (I used calloc() instead because it automatically zeroes the memory).
byte* i2cReadBytes(byte i2cAdd, byte i2cReg, byte i2cNumBytes) {
byte *result = calloc(i2cNumBytes, sizeof(byte));
for (byte i = 0; i < i2cNumBytes; i ++) {
result[i] += i2cAdd + i2cReg;
return result;

dereferencing c-pointer in LabVIEW

My .DLL function outputs a C-pointer to a string which I need to dereference. I realized that I need to dereference the pointer twice, and I know there should be a built in function in LabVIEW which does just that. But I can't seem to find it.
In my experience, any memory that will exist in LabVIEW needs to be allocated in LabVIEW. So allocate a char buffer in LabVIEW and pass it in as a String and CStr Pointer in the Call Library Function.
Do everything you can in C and toss the results back out into Labview in a CStr.
WARNING: If you memcpy() outside the bounds of the allocated memory, Labview will most likely crash and you won't be able to catch the error. So either use try / catch with secure version of memcpy, over allocate in Labview, or test sizes.
void TestDLL(char Name[], int SizeOfLabviewMemory){
char *StringInC = "Hello World!";
int SmallerStringSize = 0;
if(strlen(StringInC) < SizeOfLabviewMemory){
SmallerStringSize = strlen(StringInC);
SmallerStringSize = SizeOfLabviewMemory;
memcpy(Name, StringInC, SizeOfLabviewMemory);

Basic OpenCL Mutex Implementation (Currently Hanging)

I am trying to write a mutex for OpenCL. The idea is for every single individual work item to be able to proceed atomically. Currently, I believe the problem may be that thread warps are unable to proceed when one thread in a warp gets the lock.
My current simple kernel below, for summing numbers. "numbers" is an array of floats as input. "sum" is a one element array for the result, and "semaphore" is a one element array for holding the semaphore. I based it heavily off the example here.
void acquire(__global int* semaphore) {
int occupied;
do {
occupied = atom_xchg(semaphore, 1);
} while (occupied>0);
void release(__global int* semaphore) {
atom_xchg(semaphore, 0); //the previous value, which is returned, is ignored
__kernel void test_kernel(__global float* numbers, __global float* sum, __global int* semaphore) {
int i = get_global_id(0);
*sum += numbers[i];
I am calling the kernel effectively like:
int numof_dimensions = 1;
size_t offset_global[1] = {0};
size_t size_global[1] = {4000}; //the length of the numbers array
size_t* size_local = NULL;
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kernel, numof_dimensions,offset_global,size_global,size_local, 0,NULL, NULL);
As above, when running, the graphics card hangs, and the driver restarts itself. How can I fix it so that it doesn't?
What you are trying to do is not possible because of the GPU execution model, where all threads on a "processor" share the instruction pointer, even in branches. Here is a post that explains the problem in detail: http://vansa.ic.cz/author/admin/.
BTW, the example code that you found has the exact same problem and would never work.
The answer to this might seem obvious in retrospect, but it's not unless you thought of it.
Basically, the GPU's prediction of the ideal local group size (size of a thread warp) is greater than 1, and so thread warps lock up. To fix it, you just need to specify it to be 1 (i.e. "size_t size_local[1] = {1};"). Doing this produces a correct result.

Why does my program halt when calling front() on a std::queue?

I want to use the Irrnet network library in an Irrlicht game.
The source code uses Linux sockets and I'm trying to port it for Windows replacing it with code that uses Windows' Winsock2.
The library compiles successfully but when I try to run the Quake example it crashes. I located the line at which the program stops but i can't figure out how to solve the problem.
The program stops at the second call of the function getNextItem
class NetworkType {
public :
template<class T>
void getNextItem(irr::core::vector3d<T>& data);
typedef std::queue<std::string> Container;
Container items;
template<class T>
void NetworkType::getNextItem(irr::core::vector3d<T>& data) {
T X, Y, Z;
std::istringstream item(items.front());
// the program does not get here the second time it calls this function
item >> X;
item >> Y;
item >> Z;
data = irr::core::vector3d<T>(X, Y, Z);
and exactly at this line
std::istringstream item(items.front());
Can anyone tell me why does the program stop the second time it gets to this line ?
here is the link for the complete source code
I assume by "stops" you mean "crashes" in some fashion? Likely causes for a crash on the line in question are:
The NetworkType instance that is invoking the getNextItem() method is garbage (the this pointer is garbage or null). This could happen due to bad pointer math elsewhere, a premature delete or destruction of the instance, et cetera. This would manifest as a fault when the program attempted to access the items member.
The items container is empty. In these cases the return value of front() is undefined (since it is a reference) and the constructor for istringstream may be crashing. front() itself may be raising a debug/runtime check error as well depending on your compiler and its configuration.
Actually you might have a runtime error on this one if the dequeue is empty: MSDN deque
So just check the deque isn't empty before you try to pop a value from it.
//do things
//error deque empty
[edit] confounded std and (I guess) MSDN ( OP doesn't say) lib.
