How do you ban a user from posting to your CQ5 blog? - adobe

Apologies if I'm missing something here, but is it possible to ban a user from posting to a blog?
Is there a way to integrate with something like toolator or similar?

Are you talking about banning the end users to comment on a blog which is on publish server ? Are you capturing the user's email ID and name before commenting ? If yes you might have to reverse replicate all the comments and their respective username and email, further provide author to determine which all they want to block this could be achieved through many ways, one way could be a participant step with workflow to approve the comments. Once these are approved prepare a list of users need to be blocked and publish them. Add the logic in your comment so that the user not in the banned list can only comment. These are just my thoughts for now. Hope this helps you to get some direction. Putting here as an answer rather than comment since cannot add it in comments its too long.


I need help understanding how to refresh cache for a place id

I have installed a Everest GPlaces Business Reviews and have found the place id that is required to be added. But it comes back Saying:
The provided Place ID is no longer valid. Please refresh cached Place IDs as per
I have read this but I have no idea where to add a field they talk about and am totally stuck. All the reviews plugins have this place id and I don't know what to do from here.
Hoping for some help with what to do. In basic language.
Thanks in advance
I'm no expert; I ran into this problem myself and to my knowledge it seems like reviews can't be pulled easily with most plugins, if the GMB is set up as anything other than a location with a physical address.
Instead of the Places API you'd want to use the My Business API... although if you are using a plugin (and don't want to add a physical location to your GMB) you're stuck.

making a comment page

i want to make a comment page but i don't know where to start or how to do this. The member of my page must make a comment about videos, articles etc. all help appreciated.
You need to examine your system usage / requirements carefully. If it is an internal only site then your worries about Spam, etc. are less important. However if it is public facing, do you users need to register to leave a comment, etc. Spam becomes a real problem. You then need to look into cross-site scripting attacks, etc.
It is a really good idea to tackle the security / spam issues from the outset. Then other questions you need to think about are what is your data store, where will you bee saving the comments. Whilst there is no excuse for poor design, only finally, or even after going live, look at what caching could be used to improve performance. To start with performance may be good enough, but over time you may need to profile your site to see any slow points, etc.
I'm assuming some knowledge of SQL Server and ASP.Net here, so please let us know the level of help required.
At a basic level you would need to create a table that has the required fields for a comment.
For example
commentId - primary key
memberId - foreign key to the member table
postId - foreign key to your posts (or videos etc)
comment - the text of the comment.
Your comment system should implement a Captcha - e.g.
If you would allow non-members to comment, add fields for email etc.
Then when you render your post / video pages, you'd also render comments which match the postId. Member name would be linked from your members table via memberId.
Of course, you will need to look after security, optimization, caching etc.
#Thrillercd, your question is quite a general one. I would suggest you to look into some books / tutorials on how to do this. You can get more helpful resources at There is one open source application called BlogEngine that I think can help you, since your site sounds like blog/community site (Link: Download it, study it, and you will have some basic understanding on how to build your site :)

Google Friend Connect - Meaning of URLs

I would like to know the meaning of the URL's provided by google for its Friend Connect.
For example, in the FCAUTH, the user details can be grabbed by sending a request to the following link and a JSON encoded string will be returned
Also for getting user activites, I came across a link as below
What if I change the #owner to #me or #viewer , what would be the meaning and would it be valid?
Example, if i change it as
Also, could some one suggest me where can I get the User Profile URL for the user using the same method as above?
Thankx guys
Thankx guys but I found the answer by myself. I thought of posting it here so that it might help others.
Its available in brief in the Opensocial website
Hope it helps some

How do you keep track of temporary threads of conversation online

Often when I post a comment or answer on a site I like to keep an eye out for additional responses from other people, possibly replying again if appropriate. Sometimes I'll bookmark a page for a while, other times I'll end up re-googling keywords to locate the post again. I've always thought there should be something better than my memory for keeping track of pages I care about for a few days to a week.
Does anyone any clever ideas for this type of thing? Is there a micro-delicious type of online app with a bookmarklet for very short term followup?
Update I think I should clarify. I wasn't asking about Stack Overflow specifically - on the "read/write web" in general I add comments to blog posts, respond to google group threads, etc. It's that sort of mish-mash of individual pages on random sites that I would care to keep track of for seven-to-ten days.
For stackoverflow, I put together a little bookmarklet thing at I use it to keep track of posts that I might want to come back to later, for reference or to answer if nobody else did, or whatever. The backend automatically retrieves updates from the SO server and updates your list of bookmarklets.
In my head mostly. I occasionally forget things, but it works well enough.
That's a very interesting question you asked here.
I do th efollowing:
temp bookmarks in browser
just a tab in Firefox left opened for weeks :)
subscription to email\rss when possible. When email notification comes I often put it into special folder in my email tree.
Different logins, notification types etc are complicating following info in the web :(
Other interesting questions:
how to organize information storage (notes, saved web pages, forum threads etc) for current usage and as a read-only library, sync it between different PCs and USB disks, how to label (tag) it and search it
how to store old mails, conversations, chats,..?
store digital photos for future: make hard-copy printouts or just regulary rewrite it from CD to a new one
Click on your username, then Responses.

Block a user from a website in ASP.NET

Beside IP blocking and probably using a cookie (if the user changes the IP but doesn't remove the cookie, the new IP is added to the banned list, so the IP has to be changed and the cookie has to be removed together to access the site), is there any tricks one can use to block an annoying user from a website, I know that nothing will work with a savvy user but I'm trying to make it harder for the less savvy ones, any suggestions?
Edit: I already have registration in my website, the point is that this is useless to stop determined users (they can simply create other accounts).
Actually I'm already building a moderation section where moderators can remove posts and suspend members, also members can report abuse and spam, I'm not trying to make this impossible, simply there's no way to do this, I'm just trying to get rid of the less savvy ones (the majority), and not forever, I'm planning to block them for a certain period of time (probably a couple of days or something like that).
Any overt form of censure on an existing user could lead to the forum equivalent of an arms race. One school of thought pushed on the SO podcasts is to flag the offending user and remove their posts from normal view, but include it when they (the bad user) are looking at the site. That way, they think the community is ignoring them and it makes flaming less fun. If the site isn't trying to stop them but their efforts at flaming are fruitless, they will likely just walk away.
See also this blog by Jeff
One of the best approaches I've ever encountered is the "Tachy goes to Coventry" feature in vBulletin. Adding a user to this list places them on a global ignore list that applies to everyone, except themselves.
So, they continue posting and everything appears normal from their perspective, yet their posts don't disrupt other users. Amazingly, these users rarely seem to figure out what's going on, they're so satisfied with the havoc they think they're wreaking undeterred.
Disruptive users tend to fizzle out very quickly when everyone's ignoring them. Once they give up, you can bulk delete all of their content in one pass that takes relatively little administrative effort.
What sometimes seems to help is to:
Make sure that accounts need to be "mature" before they may post.
A reputation system not unlike stack overflow (Account gone = reputation gone) :)
Use authentication providers like OpenID. It is more work to create multiple accounts that way
The simple fact of the matter is: If someone can do everything after creating an account, the account does not have any extra value. Once an account has some extra value (i.e. someone needs to put some good work in an account to get more privileges) you'll see that abusers will probably go to other websites.
I believe you will be in a constant cat and mouse game if the user has that much time to burn.
Your best bet will be to involve some human element to the site's registration process, to properly research any particular users. Not elegant, but without knowing more about your site there isn't too much more one can say.
Now that the question has been further refined with extra information, I'd like to change my answer.
Problem users in forums site exist because other users feed them.
How about trying an approach where if you identify a problem user, then you silently hide their posts from your site from OTHER users, but not the problem user. The theory is, that the problem user 'thinks' that their post made it through, but since it's actually hidden from all other users, nobody will reply to the problem user, and with any luck, they'll go elsewhere where they're getting feedback.
Can you trust your "good" user base to flag bad/annoying users?
Something like craigslist: if a user is flagged as annoying by a few users, their account is temporarily unable to post for a period of time. If this happens a few times, their account is suspended?
Just a thought.
