How to retrieve attributes from a classDeclaration with reflection - reflection

I want to create a custom attribute that will be applied to classDeclarations. I can enumerate attributes from other methods on the class, but not the classDeclaration itself because it is some sort of special method.
I know it is possible though because SysObsoleteAttribute (called from the kernel) is placed in classDeclarations all over.
In Classes\CustCustomerService\create I just copied the attributes to Classes\CustCustomerService\classDeclaration at the top for this test.
[AifDocumentCreateAttribute, SysEntryPointAttribute(true)]
class CustCustomerService extends AifDocumentService
I created a static method on a new class:
static public void AttribsOfSysEntryPointAttributeOnMethod
str _sNameOfClass,
str _sNameOfMethod,
str _nameOfAttribute
int nClassId;
SysDictMethod sdm;
Object attributeAsObject;
SysDictClass sysDictClass;
Array attribArray = new Array(Types::Class);
int i;
nClassId = Global::className2Id(_sNameOfClass);
sysDictClass = new SysDictClass(nClassId);
sdm = new SysDictMethod(UtilElementType::ClassInstanceMethod, nClassId, _sNameOfMethod);
attribArray = sdm.getAllAttributes();
if (attribArray)
for (i=1; i<=attribArray.lastIndex(); i++)
attributeAsObject = attribArray.value(i);
info(strFmt("[%3] Attrib Class Id: %1 [%2]", classIdGet(attributeAsObject), classId2Name(classIdGet(attributeAsObject)), _sNameOfMethod));
// Unable to get attributes, try another way
error(strFmt("Unable to retrieve attribute array for method %1",;
// It is, so let's try and enumerate ALL attributes and output them directly from class dec
sdm = sysDictClass.objectMethodObject(1);
if (attribArray)
for (i=1; i<=attribArray.lastIndex(); i++)
attributeAsObject = attribArray.value(i);
info(strFmt("[%3] Attrib Class Id: %1 [%2]", classIdGet(attributeAsObject), classId2Name(classIdGet(attributeAsObject)), _sNameOfMethod));
error(strFmt("Still unable to retrieve attribute array for method %1", sysDictClass.objectMethod(1)));
Then created a job to call it, and you can see how it works for one method, but not the other.
static void Job5(Args _args)
AttributeReflection::AttribsOfSysEntryPointAttributeOnMethod("CustCustomerService", "create", "SysEntryPointAttribute");
AttributeReflection::AttribsOfSysEntryPointAttributeOnMethod("CustCustomerService", "classDeclaration", "SysEntryPointAttribute");
Any ideas how to enumerate Attributes from the classDeclaration??

The classDeclaration is not a method and cannot be called. Hence your sysDictClass variable is null.
Googling reveals that the getAllAttributes method exits on DictClass:
attribArray = sdm ? sdm.getAllAttributes() : sysDictClass.getAllAttributes();


Haxe: Binding pattern with abstract fields access methods

I'd like to make wrapper to implement simple data binding pattern -- while some data have been modified all registered handlers are got notified. I have started with this (for js target):
class Main {
public static function main() {
var target = new Some();
var binding = new Bindable(target); = 5;
// binding.two = 0.12; // intentionally unset field
binding.three = []; // wrong type
binding.four = 'str'; // no such field in wrapped class
trace(, binding.two, binding.three, binding.four, binding.five);
// outputs: 5, null, [], str, null
trace(, target.two, target.three);
// outputs: 5, null, []
class Some {
public var one:Int;
public var two:Float;
public var three:Bool;
public function new() {}
abstract Bindable<TClass>(TClass) {
public inline function new(source) { this = source; }
#:op(a.b) public function setField<T>(name:String, value:T) {
Reflect.setField(this, name, value);
// TODO notify handlers
return value;
#:op(a.b) public function getField<T>(name:String):T {
return cast Reflect.field(this, name);
So I have some frustrating issues: interface of wrapped object doesn't expose to wrapper, so there's no auto completion or strict type checking, some necessary attributes can be easily omitted or even misspelled.
Is it possible to fix my solution or should I better move to the macros?
I almost suggested here to open an issue regarding this problem. Because some time ago, there was a #:followWithAbstracts meta available for abstracts, which could be (or maybe was?) used to forward fields and call #:op(a.b) at the same time. But that's not really necessary, Haxe is powerful enough already.
abstract Binding<TClass>(TClass) {
public function new(source:TClass) { this = source; }
#:op(a.b) public function setField<T>(name:String, value:T) {
Reflect.setField(this, name, value);
// TODO notify handlers
trace("set: $name -> $value");
return value;
#:op(a.b) public function getField<T>(name:String):T {
trace("get: $name");
return cast Reflect.field(this, name);
abstract Bindable<TClass>(TClass) {
public function new(source:TClass);
#:to function to(t:TClass) return new Binding(t);
We use here multiType abstract to forward fields, but resolved type is actually regular abstract. In effect, you have completion working and #:op(a.b) called at the same time.
You need #:forward meta on your abstract. However, this will not make auto-completion working unless you remove #:op(A.B) because it shadows forwarded fields.
EDIT: it seems that shadowing happened first time I added #:forward to your abstract, afterwards auto-completion worked just fine.

How to get parameter name in aspectj advice class?

I am asking this question with my limited knowledge of java reflection and AOP.
I am using annotation based advice in my Java 7 application. Further to get the method parameter which I need to use in my advice I am using spring EL. See below examples:
In first example i want to use second parameter to do my work, whereas in second example I am using a POJO and want to use its "id" field.
#MyAnnotation(param = "args[1]")
public void someMethod(int param1, String param2) {
return null;
#MyAnnotation(param = "args[0].id")
public void someMethod(SomeObject someObject) {
return null;
But what I actually want is, to get my hands on the parameter names in my AOP. So that I can use #MyAnnotation(param = "param1") or #MyAnnotation(param = "") instead.
From what I have known, you can not get parameter name using reflection. But recently I came across Spring cache abstraction(link), where I see:
#Cacheable(cacheNames="books", key="#isbn")
public Book findBook(ISBN isbn, boolean checkWarehouse, boolean includeUsed)
Can someone put some light here, how I can achieve similar behavior.
See MethodBasedEvaluationContext and ParameterNameDiscoverer.
CacheEvaluationContext is a subclass of MethodBasedEvaluationContext.
Code here...
// Expose indexed variables as well as parameter names (if discoverable)
String[] paramNames = this.parameterNameDiscoverer.getParameterNames(this.method);
int paramCount = (paramNames != null ? paramNames.length : this.method.getParameterCount());
int argsCount = this.arguments.length;
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
Object value = null;
if (argsCount > paramCount && i == paramCount - 1) {
// Expose remaining arguments as vararg array for last parameter
value = Arrays.copyOfRange(this.arguments, i, argsCount);
else if (argsCount > i) {
// Actual argument found - otherwise left as null
value = this.arguments[i];
setVariable("a" + i, value);
setVariable("p" + i, value);
if (paramNames != null) {
setVariable(paramNames[i], value);

Elegant way to bind html radio buttons <=> Java enums <=> mysql enums in Play?

The Goal is to have a list of options (that a user can chose through radio buttons) in one place(for eg: a yaml config file). No other place should have this list hard-coded
I've done something similar to create select elements, and I think enums worked just fine. Doing radio buttons should be very similar. I've set it up so that the labels can be defined in the messages file. I'm going to try to excerpt the relevant portions from my larger auto-form-generation code (using FastTags) the best I can. It's a bit heavy for this one case but it makes sense in the larger system.
I use the tag like #{form.selector 'order.status' /}, which looks find the variable named order in the template, sees that status is declared as public Status status, and then goes to find all the values of the Status enum and generate options for them in the select element.
First, I use a FieldContext object which just contains a bunch of info that's used by the other code to determine what to generate along with some utility methods:
public class FieldContext {
public final Map<?,?> args;
public final ExecutableTemplate template;
public final int fromLine;
public Class clazz = null;
public Field field = null;
public Object object = null;
public Object value = null;
private Map<String,String> attrs = new HashMap<String,String>();
private Map<String,Boolean> printed = new HashMap<String,Boolean>();
private List<Option> options;
Then I have this in another helper class (its info gets added to the FieldContext):
public List<Option> determineOptions(FieldContext context) {
List<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>();
if (context.field.getType().isEnum()) {
for (Object option : context.field.getType().getEnumConstants()) {
options.add(new Option(option.toString(), Message.get(option.toString())));
return options;
then the tag declaration is
public static void _selector(Map<?,?> args, Closure body, PrintWriter out, ExecutableTemplate template, int fromLine) {
String field_name = args.get("arg").toString();
TagContext.current().data.put("name", field_name);
SelectHelper helper = HelperFactory.getHelper(SelectHelper.class);
try {
FieldContext context = new FieldContext(field_name, args, template, fromLine);
TagContext.current().data.put("selected", helper.determineValue(context));
out.print("<div class=\"formutil-field formutil-selector\">");
out.print("<label for=\"" + context.getAttr("id") + "\">");
context.printAttribute(out, "id", "name");
if (context.hasOptions()) {
for (Option option : context.getOptions()) {
out.print("<option value=\"" + option.value + "\">" + option.label + "</option>");

How to dynamically set a property of a class without using reflection (with dynamic) in C# 4 when property name is coming from another source

I'm building/updating an EntityFramework EntityObject on runtime. I want to set the properties of the entity class, property names and values are coming from another source.
So I'm doing this;
public static EntityCollection<T> UpdateLocaleEntity<T>(EntityCollection<T> entityCollectionToUpdate, params ILocaleControl[] values) where T : EntityObject
foreach (var x in entityCollectionToUpdate)
Type t = typeof(T);
dynamic localeEntity = x;
string cultureCode = localeEntity.CultureCode;
for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++)
var value = values[j].GetLocaleValue(cultureCode);
t.GetProperty(values[j].EntityPropertyName).SetValue(localeEntity, value, null);
return entityCollectionToUpdate;
So, how can I get rid of "t.GetProperty(values[j].EntityPropertyName).SetValue(localeEntity, value, null);" part, is there a dynamic way of doing this?
Something like;
dynamicCastedLocaleEntity.GetProperty(values[j].EntityPropertyName) = value;
Long answer coming up.
Reflection is great in many situations, horrible in some but in almost all cases it's slow.
There are at least 4 different ways to set a property in .NET without having to use reflection.
I thought I demonstrate one of them: Using compiled expression trees. Note that the expression building is rather expensive too so that's why it's very important to cache the delegate one builds with it in a dictionary (for instance):
Expression Trees was introduced in .NET35 and is used for many things. Here I use them to build a property setter expression and then compile it into a delegate.
The example demonstrates different timing for the different cases but here are my numbers:
Control case (hard coded): 0.02s
Reflection: 1.78s
Expression Tree: 0.06s
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace DifferentPropertSetterStrategies
class TestClass
public string XY
class DelegateFactory
public static Action<object, object> GenerateSetPropertyActionForControl(
return (inst, val) => ((TestClass) inst).XY = (string) val;
public static Action<object, object> GenerateSetPropertyActionWithReflection(
Type type,
string property
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(property);
return (inst, val) => propertyInfo.SetValue (inst, val, null);
public static Action<object,object> GenerateSetPropertyActionWithLinqExpression (
Type type,
string property
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(property);
var propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
var instanceParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "instance");
var valueParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "value");
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<object, object>> (
Expression.Assign (
Expression.Property (Expression.Convert (instanceParameter, type), propertyInfo),
Expression.Convert(valueParameter, propertyType)),
return lambda.Compile();
static class Program
static void Time (
string tag,
object instance,
object value,
Action<object, object > action
// Cold run
action(instance, value);
var then = DateTime.Now;
const int Count = 2000000;
for (var iter = 0; iter < Count; ++iter)
action (instance, value);
var diff = DateTime.Now - then;
Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1} times - {2:0.00}s", tag, Count, diff.TotalSeconds);
static void Main(string[] args)
var instance = new TestClass ();
var instanceType = instance.GetType ();
const string TestProperty = "XY";
const string TestValue = "Test";
// Control case which just uses a hard coded delegate
DelegateFactory.GenerateSetPropertyActionForControl ()
DelegateFactory.GenerateSetPropertyActionWithReflection (instanceType, TestProperty)
"Expression Trees",
DelegateFactory.GenerateSetPropertyActionWithLinqExpression(instanceType, TestProperty)
For FuleSnabel's answer, you can speed it up a lot (sometimes twice as fast in my tests). In some tests, it was just as fast as the Control solution:
public static Action<Object,Object> GenerateSetPropertyActionWithLinqExpression2(Type type, String property) {
PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(property,BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Public);
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod();
Type propertyType = pi.PropertyType;
var instance = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Object), "instance");
var value = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Object), "value");
var instance2 = Expression.Convert(instance, type);
var value2 = Expression.Convert(value, pi.PropertyType);
var callExpr = Expression.Call(instance2, mi, value2);
return Expression.Lambda<Action<Object,Object>>(callExpr, instance, value).Compile();
possibly not with EntityObject, but if you've had an ExpandoObject than you can do
dynamic entity = new ExpandoObject();
(entity as IDictionary<String, Object>)[values[j].EntityPropertyName] = value
The open source framework ImpromptuInterface has methods to invoke based on a string using the DLR rather than reflection and runs faster than reflection too.
Impromptu.InvokeSet(localeEntity, values[j].EntityPropertyName,value);
I'm afraid not. Any use of a dynamic object is baked-in at compile time. Any call which could vary at run-time has to be done using reflection.

How to create custom MouseEvent.CLICK event in AS3 (pass parameters to function)?

This question doesn't relate only to MouseEvent.CLICK event type but to all event types that already exist in AS3. I read a lot about custom events but until now I couldn't figure it out how to do what I want to do. I'm going to try to explain, I hope you understand:
Here is a illustration of my situation:
for(var i:Number; i < 10; i++){
var someVar = i;
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);
function doSomething(e:MouseEvent){ /* */ }
But I want to be able to pass someVar as a parameter to doSomething. So I tried this:
for(var i:Number; i < 10; i++){
var someVar = i;
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
function doSomething(index){ trace(index); }
This kind of works but not as I expect. Due to the function closures, when the MouseEvent.CLICK events are actually fired the for loop is already over and someVar is holding the last value, the number 9 in the example. So every click in each movie clip will call doSomething passing 9 as the parameter. And it's not what I want.
I thought that creating a custom event should work, but then I couldn't find a way to fire a custom event when the MouseEvent.CLICK event is fired and pass the parameter to it. Now I don't know if it is the right answer.
What should I do and how?
You really need to extend the event class to create your own event with extra parameters. Placing functions inside the addEventListener (anonymous functions) is a recipe for memory leaks, which is not good.
Take a look at the following.
//custom event class to enable the passing of strings along with the actual event
public class TestEvent extends Event
public static const TYPE1 :String = "type1";
public static const TYPE2 :String = "type2";
public static const TYPE3 :String = "type3";
public var parameterText:String;
public function TestEvent (type:String, searchText:String)
this.parameterText = searchText;
when you create a new event such as
dispatchEvent(new TestEvent(TestEvent.TYPE1, 'thisIsTheParameterText'))" ;
you can then listen for that event like this
someComponent.addEventListener(TestEvent.TYPE1, listenerFunction, true , 0, true);
and inside the function 'listenerFunction' event.parameterText will contain your parameter.
so inside your myClips component you would fire off the custom event and listen for that event and not the Click event.
Without knowing more about your application, it seems more like you should use the target to pass parameters, or extend MouseEvent. The former would be more in line with common practice, though. So for example, if you exposed an integer public property on your "clip" object (whatever it is):
public class MyClip
public var myPublicProperty:int;
public function MyClip() { //... }
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
myClips[i].myPublicProperty = i;
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSomething);
... and then, in your event listener, you could retrieve that property using either the target or currentTarget property of the event (probably currentTarget, in your case):
function doSomething(event:MouseEvent):void
That ought to do it! Good luck.
private function myCallbackFunction(e:Event, parameter:String):void
//voila, here's your parameter
private function addArguments(method:Function, additionalArguments:Array):Function
return function(event:Event):void {method.apply(null, [event].concat(additionalArguments));}
var parameter:String = "A sentence I want to pass along";
movieClip.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addArguments(myCallbackFunction, [parameter] ) );
Take advantage of the dynamic function construction in AS3.
You can accomplish this by getting your handler out of a function that gives the variable closure, like this:
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
myClips[i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, getHandler(i) );
function getHandler(i) {
return function( e:MouseEvent ) {
function test( j ) {
trace("foo "+j);
Also, as for why this creates a new closure, you might want to check the explanation in the accepted answer to this similar question.
Thanks so much for this usefull tips, this technique is better to understand than classes explanation.
for me I just started new code algorithm using this technique to solve link relation between timers array and viewports array, and update status by change text inside them frequently, by passing ID's with timers events.
like this:
var view:Object=[];
for(var i:uint=0;i<Camera.names.length;i++){
//_________ Add Text _________
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
//_________ Add Timer _________
var t:Timer = new Timer(1000);
view[i].timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, addArg(i));
function addArg(adi:uint):Function {
return function(event:TimerEvent):void {
function updatecamstatus(vH:uint):void {
with (view[vH]){
tf.text="Cam" + vH + "\n";
tf.appendText("activityLevel: " + videosource.activityLevel + "\n");
tf.appendText("motionLevel: " + videosource.motionLevel + "\n");
I see your main goal isn't actually to create a custom MouseEvent.CLICK, but to pass a parameter to the function. You don't need to complicatedly create or extend anything. There's a simple and closure-trouble-free way to do it.
Just make your function like this:
function doSomething(index:Number):Function {
return function(e:MouseEvent):void {
// Use "e" and "index" here. They'll be unique for each addEventListener()
This technique can relate to any AS3 event type you can use addEventListener on.
And now you can add it like this:
var functionsDoSomething:Object;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var someVar:Number = i;
functionsDoSomething[i] = doSomething(someVar);
myClips[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, functionsDoSomething[i]);
The doSomething(someVar) can be used directly on addEventListener(), but it's better to keep it in a variable because you'll be able to remove it later the same fashion you added it:
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
myClips[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, functionsDoSomething[i]);
The commonly used e.currentTarget.someCustomProperty works for dynamic objects (i.e. MovieClip), but will let you down at anything else (i.e. Sprite), forcing you to build a whole custom extended object/event for every type.
This solution deals with every "listenable" object and event. And this answer has more details and examples on it.
