dlclose not unloading nested shared library on gcc, linux - dynamic-linking

I have gone through other questions on SO with no luck for eg:
C++: dlclose doesn't unload the shared library
I have encountered with two shared objects(unfortunately i can't expose the code).
lets say
liba.so and libb.so
liba.so implicitly links libb.so.
And an application explicitly links liba.so using dlopen() with RTLD_LAZY flag.
Everything is working fine except that dlclose() isn't unloading liba.so, although its returning successfully. lsof command is showing both liba.so and libb.so as loaded.
As the answer to above question suggests, dlclose() only decrements ref count. But as nothing else is using those libraries I expect dlclose() to actually unload it.
I have tried these two so's with different application with same problem. So I guess the problem is within the libraries.
Can someone please give suggestion about what might be the cause.

Hmmm... finally it seems that the problem has been found.
That's a bug in OpenSUSE.
Here is the link:
The code is ran on OpenSUSE 12.1 and the bug was resolved in OpenSUSE 12.2.


How to include the application's version number in a Scala.js program?

Basically, I'm curious if something like SBT including the version number in a program is possible for Scala.js. The proposed solution doesn't work in scala.js, apparently due the the absence of the getPackage method:
[error] Referring to non-existent method java.lang.Class.getPackage()java.lang.Package
Use sbt-buildinfo for that. The Usage section of the readme contains everything you need.

Error when calling createDefaultLayers() in HERE API

EDIT: Is there anywhere to get an un-minified version of the Here-api to use when debugging? It's impossible for me to figure out what 'v' is and why it may be undefined.
We're using the HERE API both from our website where it works flawlessly and our old RDP C++ application which runs a similar webpage in an embedded IE window. It should be using a stripped version of IE11 I believe.
We recently upgraded to the new HERE API after routing stopped working in the old one, and it worked for a while but a while ago it suddenly didn't. And no one can recall making any changes that could affect this.
I have narrowed it down to a single line of code where it crashes. (platform is already defined in the scope through our geo-service script, the same one being used for the web that works)
var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers();
This is an initialization of the map layers that is required for the maps to work, but we simply can't perform this action through this embedded browser window even though we run almost identical code on the web.
We receive two error messages of:
'v' is undefined
With a reference to some dynamically generated eval code.
This is the only lead I've managed to dig up, it's not much but I'm hoping someone else has encountered a similar issue and can point me in the right direction what to look for.
I found the issue, it was totally self inflicted...
When we implemented the solution there was an issue in the core js file from Here which made it not work in our servers due to some path being wrong. To fix this we had changed the path so it worked and then hosted our own version of the core file.
This worked great, until Here put up a new minor release which is automatically distributed through the same content link as before. This meant the minified files were no longer in sync with the variable names, thus causing v to never be defined where it should, since in our file it was probably named something else.
It was only by chance I noticed that the core js was side-loaded like that, I was looking in the completely opposite direction the entire time and didn't even consider the loading might've been tinkered with.

Qt Application throws an Access violation exception during startup

I have a Qt Application that works in Debug mode without any problems. Since two days I'm trying to make it work in Release mode. After some Project property modification I managed to compile without errors. But unfortunalty the application crashes before even reaching the main method.
That's my environment:
MS VS 2010
Qt 4.8.4
Qwt 6.0.0
I don't know if this is relevant, but I also installed the Qt plugin for VS and used Qt Designer to create my GUI.
As I said in Debug mode there is no problem. Starting the release version from the Visual Studio produces the following error:
Unhandled exception at 0x77c415de in Application.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c.
The last function I can "debug" is the the "WinMain" method called inside the method "__declspec(noinline) int __tmainCRTStartup", which is located in crtexe.c (honestly I have no idea what this is). The call stack looks like this:
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
Application.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 547 + 0x1c bytes C
In the moment I'm totaly lost with this problem. No idea what to try further...
I've tried to reduce the program and commented out the complete main function. But the result was the same behaviour. As I said the error occurs even before the main function is called. I also turned off all optimization and recompiled... didn't changed anything.
What completly puzzles me, is the fact that it "works" when I call "Application.exe" from the command prompt (ok it also crashes but much later during execution). Weird, isn't it? What is the difference between starting from command prompt and starting from Visual Studio application?
AnatolyS and npiau thanks for you tips. Meanwhile I continued digging in my code. More or less I started from the very beginning and finally got the place the error occurs. I suppose npiau is right, it has nothing to do with Qt.
It's still (for me) a strange problem. I posted it in a new thread (because it has little to do with this thread): C++ Creation of a Singleton object in initializer list causes an Access Violation (only Release Mode)
The problem is not in QT but in your source code. "0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c" means that you try to access a wrong memory location.
Check out your arrays, ans pointers.

flex3 autoupdater error

Dear all, I am working on flex3 and want to update my application by flex3 autoupdate. When my installed application runs, my checkUpdate function calls the autoUpdater code. It starts but when it reaches to 100%, it shows this error: "There was an error downloading the update. Error# 16824"
My mxml code is here http://tinypaste.com/92138b and server xml code is here http://tinypaste.com/e3792
Please guide me.
Many Thanks
Google is your friend for this one; it looks like you forgot to update the application descriptor version number in the updated version on the interweb.
I was unable to see your code as our work router blocks tinypaste. That said, however, I can tell you that air updates done via the ApplicationUpdater class are all based upon the updater xml file that you create/copy-out-there, and the xml file used for the compiler that sets the filename, version, application ID, etc. (most of which is used for the exe-compiler/exe-wrapper that facilitates the "bridge" between the OS and your compiled actionscript code). This link, might help: dezeloper.wordpress.com.
All-in-all keep debugging. The ApplicationUpdater class is one that was relatively well-written and is pretty self-explainable... once you get past this bug, there are a couple more that might be a sync-the-xml-text pain-in-the-butt. For example... I can tell you that in AIR 1.0 (and this may still be true in recent releases) if you made a change to your application xml file, and you're compiling from eclipse/flexBuilder/flashBuilder, you had to "project > clean" for those xml options to get picked up.
Best of luck,

Flex SDK missing fundamental things

alt text http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/4107/flashbuildershite.jpg
All of a sudden Flash Builder 4 is missing all kinds of fundamental things and is generating incorrect errors. I've had the same issue yesterday, where I fixed it by downloading a new Flex SDK and importing that into FB. I did this again, but this time it fixed nothing.
I don't think it's something I did, like removing critical references from the build path. The errors also appeared on projects I was not working on at the time. It occurs for ActionScript, Flex and Flex Library projects alike.
Update 3: Well, i've singled the problem down to a single piece of code, though a very simple one. I can make a new workspace in FB and things work ok, then screw the workspace up forever by adding this code to a project. All projects will have errors and closing or even removing the faulty project does not change this. Making another new workspace (without the faulty code) makes my projects compile again.
Link: http://www.the3rdage.net/files/2745/Main.as
(i've uploaded the file in case an odd character or encoding error causes the error)
Update 2: I've tried manual compiling with mxmlc, the same errors occur. It appears to be an SDK problem, not Flash Builder.
Update: I find this stack trace in the Flash Builder error log:
!ENTRY com.adobe.flexbuilder.project 4 43 2010-05-11 11:55:47.495
!MESSAGE Uncaught exception in compiler
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2592)
at macromedia.asc.parser.VariableBindingNode.evaluate(VariableBindingNode.java:64)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2233)
at macromedia.asc.parser.ListNode.evaluate(ListNode.java:44)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2578)
at macromedia.asc.parser.VariableDefinitionNode.evaluate(VariableDefinitionNode.java:48)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2310)
at macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode.evaluate(StatementListNode.java:60)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2503)
at macromedia.asc.parser.WithStatementNode.evaluate(WithStatementNode.java:44)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2310)
at macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode.evaluate(StatementListNode.java:60)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2891)
at macromedia.asc.parser.FunctionCommonNode.evaluate(FunctionCommonNode.java:106)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:2905)
at macromedia.asc.parser.FunctionCommonNode.evaluate(FunctionCommonNode.java:106)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:3643)
at macromedia.asc.parser.ClassDefinitionNode.evaluate(ClassDefinitionNode.java:106)
at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(ConstantEvaluator.java:3371)
at macromedia.asc.parser.ProgramNode.evaluate(ProgramNode.java:80)
at flex2.compiler.as3.As3Compiler.analyze4(As3Compiler.java:709)
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.analyze(CompilerAPI.java:3089)
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.analyze(CompilerAPI.java:2977)
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.batch2(CompilerAPI.java:528)
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.batch(CompilerAPI.java:1274)
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.compile(CompilerAPI.java:1496)
at flex2.tools.oem.Application.compile(Application.java:1188)
at flex2.tools.oem.Application.recompile(Application.java:1133)
at flex2.tools.oem.Application.compile(Application.java:819)
at flex2.tools.flexbuilder.BuilderApplication.compile(BuilderApplication.java:344)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASApplicationBuilder$MyBuilder.mybuild(ASApplicationBuilder.java:276)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASApplicationBuilder.build(ASApplicationBuilder.java:127)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASBuilder.build(ASBuilder.java:190)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASItemBuilder.build(ASItemBuilder.java:74)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexProjectBuilder.buildItem(FlexProjectBuilder.java:480)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexProjectBuilder.build(FlexProjectBuilder.java:306)
at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexIncrementalBuilder.build(FlexIncrementalBuilder.java:157)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$2.run(BuildManager.java:627)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:170)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:201)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$1.run(BuildManager.java:253)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:256)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuildLoop(BuildManager.java:309)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.build(BuildManager.java:341)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.doBuild(AutoBuildJob.java:140)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.run(AutoBuildJob.java:238)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
Did you get a chance to list this issue in their bugs list. I have not yet tried Flex 4. did you try to refresh your project and re open your flash builder.
What about a simple project. I think you are trying to load something which its not able to get.
mxmlc - verify-digests
Try this.
Problems I've had that were somewhat similar, once I had FB running under the wrong version of Java. Another time I had done some edits to the flex-config.xml file in order to make it work with a Maven plugin we had written in house. After that we made the plugin look at a copy of the original xml file, so that problem went away.
Might i recommend HFCD? The HellFire Compile Daemon is an out of process flex compiler that speeds up compile times immensely, and almost more importantly runs in a separate process from FlashBuidler. I have had some absolutely horrendous errors with Flash Builder due to the complexity and size of our project, where HFCD has helped tremendously here.
