DotNetOpenAuth project + webform login with ASP.NET (VB.NET) -

I have seen many DotNetOpenAuth project examples and many other very nice ASP.NET webform application with user management.
Unfortunately I could not find any example/project/chapter with the following aspects:
Uses DotNetOpenAuth (e.g. for login with OAuth, FB, Twitter).
No use of MVC or razor (Only ASP.NET 2 - 4.5 webforms).
Uses SQL server (or SQL Express) for user and membership storage.
Uses VB.NET and not c#.
Please don't suggest any project or pointer that can't match these 4 specific wishes, I have already checked these out the past weeks.
Please don't start a discussion on why this specific combination or that I should not use or should use MVC or other criteria mentioned :-)
The goal is to create an "empty" website with user login mechanisms already in place and have students concentrate on the stuff beyond the login part.


Asp.NET and Asp.NET Core Identity model over the same database

I have two applications, one in and the other in core. I want to share a common database, as well as the same login. Ie, a user can register via application, and then their identity will be shared with core application.
Is this possible? I notice that each have their own identity models, and I am looking for a way of sharing this, ie. some documentation to resolve this.
Looking for:
- Is this possible?
- Documentation and more information on implementation (how to)
I am resolving by use of Identity Server, which both applications will hook into. Will just take a bit of re-jigging.

Adding User Authentication to MVC

I was assigned my first ever MVC 5 projet, it is a simple Lending System with lots of CRUD operations which is almost done except that I have not implemented user authentication to the app yet.
My project has 4 layers:
1. App.Web - mvc web app
2. App.DataAccess - crud repositories
3. App.Common- my edmx/entities and interfaces
4. App.Business - services / logical operations
Now I just need to add user authentication to complete my project. Just a simple individual user account but I need to implement user roles. I do NOT need any other api login feature (facebook, google etc). But I am too lazy to code this and wanted to use identity instead. So when I created my MVC 5 App.Web, I checked individual user authentication so everything I need is now referenced in my App.Web but I dont know how to make it work with my application layer.
Is there a way I can use identity in my web application? How can I do this to fit in my application architecture nicely? Please help!
to understand the structure and customization of ASP.NET Identity you can create empty project on visual studio and download this package from NuGet.
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -Pre
If your project is not too big I mean if have just some simple User roles and Login/Log out system ,so I recommend you to use ASP.NET membership is very easy to manage user's and roles.Please take a look into the following article:
Introduction to Membership

How to setup RIA Services to use an existing ASP.Net membership base

I'd like to make an OOB Silverlight app based on the Silverlight Business Application template in Visual Studio. The template uses the default ASP.Net membership provider. I understand how to use that to add users and roles, etc. I've found plenty of tutorials on that. What I'd like to be able to do, is configure the Silverlight template so that it uses an existing ASP.Net membership base. We'd like this app to have a companion website (ASP.Net based).
To clarify: We've been able to setup an ASP.Net website and have created a SQL database with the required tables (aspnet_Users, aspnet_Membership, etc.). I'd like to configure a Silverlight app to access the same users and roles that are in those tables.
Can anyone help me out in terms of what I'd need to put in the Web.config? Do I just need a connection string? I'm new to ASP.Net authentication, but I'd rather use what ASP.Net gives me out of the box than have to write my own authentication service. I feel like this should be really easy, and is just a matter of pointing the Silverlight app in the right direction.
I'd like to use Silverlight 5 and .Net 4.5 if I can but I don't mind using an older version of either if it makes things easier.
You can just point the connection string to the existing database.
From this answer:
You can point your connection string for authentication to a database that all application can access.
So if you have the default database that .NET creates, you can point your other application to that as well for authentication.

Creating an equivalent HTML web application to an existing LightSwitch application

I have a LightSwitch customer-order management application. The customers can login and only view their orders. I'm trying to create a similar web app but not sure what route to take - since not all my clients have Silverlight installed. If I did this in ASP.NET with Visual Web Developer, how would I go about the authentication based on the customer record in the db? It wasn't as big of a deal in LightSwitch.
There is an article on Codeproject about sharing the authentication between a .NET app and LightSwitch. Basically it comes down to 2 things in the web.config; MachineKey, and Forms Cookie. These have to be the same in all web.config files, and it automatically works.
Also, Team Foundation Server has a web front end, and it exactly represents what is in the application.... Team Foundation Server uses the exact same way of describing the UI as LightSwitch ... so you might find something there.

Asp.Net MVC - Mixed Auth Mode

I'm looking for the most reliable way to use both Windows and Form based auth IN ASP.NET MVC 2 I know how to do it in webforms, but because I cannot adjust the permissions (In IIS) on a per file basis in MVC. Im struggling to transfer the concept.
Any suggestions? Links?
There are following post:
All describe it for classic But the concept should be transferable to mvc.
I implemented this using mvc and a custom membership provider.
The whole application is running with aspnet anonymous account. That means that your files must be accessible to this account. On my machine I had to give read access to this IIS account.
