Row click in GridView when ViewState is disabled -

We are using classic ASP.NET 4. There is a GridView that's causing problems because there is no paging and the ViewState is too large. So, disabling the view state via EnableViewState="False" seemed to solve the problem with the viewstate size, but now I can no longer click on rows. The page refreshes, but the call-back corresponding to CommandName="OpenItem" is not firing.
I tried adding OnClick="ClickHandler" to the ImageButton, but that didn't work either -- the OnClick callback is not firing.
Is there any way, other than adding paging, to have the ViewState disabled and handle clicks on GridView rows?


User control retains focus incorrectly after TextChanged postback when UC is contained within a detailsview control

I reference a previous post: Focus lost on partial postback with UserControls inside UpdatePanel
where an excellent solution works perfectly for web-page controls within a form.
However, I have placed my UC inside a detailsview template-field (for Edit+Insert).
The UC contains an UpdatePanel needed to adjust the text-formatting and control's style(s) following the TextChanged event of the UC-textbox (AutoPostback=True) during the Edit-mode and Insert-modes of the DetailsView.
As such, when the DetailsView-control is in Edit-mode, and user changes Text in the UC, the textchanged event is fired and the user-entered value is validated and when OK, the thousounds-separator (comma) are added to the UC-textbox-text, BUT, the focus moves to the next field in the DetailsView and QUICKLY returns back to the UC-control.
This incorrect focus-move(s) does NOT occur when the UC is wrapped in updatepanels as noted in the referenced post since the focus and tabbing order works perfectly outside of the DetailsView control.
Here is the aspx markup for the template-field-EDIT (only).
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Initial Mileage" SortExpression="IMilage">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updpnlIMilage" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" >
<TGANumeric:GANumeric ID="ucnumIMileage" runat="server"
Caption="Initial Mileage" HideCaption="True" Width="160"
DisplayMask="999,999" InputMask="999999"
Enabled="True" IsRequired="False"
MinNumber="0" MaxNumber="999999"
Text='<%# Bind("IMilage") %>'
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="ucnumIMileage" />
Thanks in advance. Your comments are welcome.
So are you saying your control hierearchy (partial) is:
UpdatePanel > TGANumeric:GANumeric > UpdatePanel > TextBox
This is an awful lot of overhead to just format a number with a comma, which is the only reason I see for your posting back. As far as I can tell there is nothing you need from the server, so why post?
Or is there?
My thoughts, lose the update panels, disable the AutoPostback on the Textbox, handle the formatting client side if it must be seen immediately, or leave the formatting to the DetailsView field DataStringFormat when it posts after save.
I'm betting this will clear up any focus issues.
Based on all the comments in this thread, I want to explain the actual root cause of the tabbing misbehavior.
1) There were no coding issues or event-issues with the user-control.
2) There were no coding issues or event-issues with the layering of Master-page, Content-page, Ajax update-panels / nested update-panels, details-view and template-fields containing the user-control.
3) The real culprit was a small snippet of code where the page adjusts the web-controls on the form based on the "state" (status) of the page/form. I manage the adjusting of visible and/or enabling of web-controls in a single subroutine in the code-behind so that all of this enabling/disabling visible/not-visible occurs in one place under a set of CASE-statements.
The actual erroneous snippet of code inside the 'sbSetFormState()'-method was messing with the class-variable 'm_eFormState' that actually caused the update panel to re-fire and thus the tabbing got thrown out of sequence.
This was discovered by the great suggestion from 'fnostro' to remove or add functionality features until the mis-behavior exposes itself.
I mark this topic as resolved/closed.
Again, thanks to fnostro !!!

OnTextChanged loses focus when AutoPostBack is true

I have a ASP.Net webform that has several textboxes. Some of the textboxes have an OnTextChanged event with AutoPostBack set to true.
When the user enters some text and leaves the textbox, I want some code to run. This part works fine.
The problem is that if a user enters some text, then clicks or tabs to another textbox, the OnTextChanged of the current textbox event fires fine but the textbox that the user clicked on does not keep focus. This causes problems because the user thinks they are on the next textbox but they aren't. And no object seems to have the focus.
Is there anything that can be done to make the next object keep focus while the OnTextChanged event of the current textbox fires?
One option is to use <asp:UpdatePanel> Control.
Facts about using it:
The postback request would be made via AJAX.
It would not recreate the whole page HTML.
When the UpdatePanel updates, it replaces the DIV innerHTML, that would make the textbox lose focus (bad point).
To maintain the focus, you would have to avoid the UpdatePanel from updating when the textbox posts back.
You can avoid the update by setting the UpdateMode and ChildrenAsTriggers properties.
Here is an example:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="uppTextboxes" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false">
<asp:TextBox ID="txb1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnTextChanged="txb1_OnTextChanged" />
<asp:TextBox ID="txb2" runat="server" />
Since the whole page is recreated on postback on serverside and the browser will recreate all html on clientside, you have to tell ASP.NET that your TextBox needs focus.
Use Page.SetFocus:
However, i would prefer not to postback at all if i can. Can't you use a button that the user has to click after he has entered all necessary data?

I have one issue for ViewState

What is the meaning of EnableViewState="false" and EnableViewState="true"?
I Know EnableViewState="false" = turn Off the ViewState and also EnableViewState="true" = turn On the ViewState
But What is the difference between EnableViewState="false" and EnableViewState="true" ?
I tried this code:
<form runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" EnableViewState="true" runat="server">
</asp:TextBox><asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
I am really confused.
When I used EnableViewState="true", I entered some values in textbox and click my button .Now the value is here in the textbox . Its same process when i set EnableViewState="false".
So What happens when EnableViewState="true" and EnableViewState="false" ?
Texbox Doesnt Use Viewstate here is the link to explain all Link Explain
Generally you should use EnableViewState="false" on all controls on the page. The viewstate of a control is most commonly needed when you want to preserve some visual appearance of the control itself. E.g. if you change the background color of control and you want to persist that across postbacks use EnableViewState="true".
Not all controls are affected by view state. The controls that implement IEventHandler or IDataHandler will not get affected on page postback if view state is disabled.
Textbox is one such control. If you want to see the effect in your code. Try setting the label value at run time on postback like on Click of button and check the results
ViewState is used to persist properties of a control that are set server-side.
So, to take a contrived example, if you do something like the following in Page_Load:
if (!IsPostBack)
TextBox1.ForeColor = ...;
then the color you set will be preserved across postbacks in ViewState, if it is enabled.

DevExpress Hidden GridView CSS Issues

I have a repeater control that repeats a DevExpress ASPxGridView for every item bound to the repeater. The repeater is contained within an update panel. Events on the page, outside of the UpdatePanel, trigger the UpdatePanel (and subsequently the repeater) to update. All works fine if records are present to bind to the repeater. The repeater renders a grid for each record and all styles look perfect.
If the page initially loads and there are no items to display in the repeater, no grids are rendered (works as intended up until this point). If a record is eventually added and the repeater rebinds (because of the triggered UpdatePanel), the grid styles don't display. If the entire page is refreshed, the grid's styles display perfectly. Keep in mind that I'm using one of the default styles that comes with the grid, so these are being pulled from an AXD and not included in my MasterPage.
A bit too much code to post, but the nuts of the markup looks similar to this:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="the UpdatePanelInQuestion" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:Repeater ID="theRepeaterInQuestion" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="theMethodThatHandlesGridPopulation">
<dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="theGridViewInQuestion" runat="server" EnableViewState="false">
Any ideas on how to make the styles of the grid display correctly without:
1) Refreshing the entire page instead of triggering.
2) Placing another empty grid on the page with style="display: none;" to force the styles to download.
This problem is caused by the fact that the required scripts for the DX ASP.NET controls are not registered on the page initially. It is possible to register them explicitely via the DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.ASPxWebControl.RegisterBaseScript method.
Please check the Support Center ticket regarding this.

Using Validation controls with a GridView

A typical situation:
In my GridView control, I have a Footer row which contains a Textbox and an "Add" Button. When the button is pushed, the Text entered in the TextBox is added to the grid. I also have a validation control to require that, when the button is pushed, that text has been entered in the TextBox. After a new row is added, the textbox is clear to allow for easy entry of the next item.
The user may also edit the text in previously entered rows by clicking the Edit LinkButton, which puts the row into edit mode. Clicking an Update LinkButton commits the change.
The problem:
When, I click the Update link to commit the changes, if text has not been entered in the Footer row's TextBox (the row used to add a new entry), the validation control returns a "Entry Required" error. It should only require an entry if the Add button is pushed, not if the Update LinkButton is pushed.
It seems that the server side Validation control's validating event fires before the GridView's RowCommand event or the btnAdd_Click event, so I am wondering how, from the server, I can determine what event fired the postback so I can determine whether what edits should be performed for the given situation.
I am using a mix of client side "required" validation edits as well as more complex server sides. Since I probably have to have some server sided validations, I would be happy with just knowing how to handle server sided validations, but really, know how to handle this situation for client validations would also be helpful.
Convert your CommandField into a TemplateField, and in the EditItemTemplate, change the Update LinkButton's CausesValidation property to false.
Converting to a TemplateField is simple and doesn't require any code changes (just markup):
Changing the CausesValidation property to false in the markup is also straightforward:
<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" runat="server" CausesValidation="False"
CommandName="Update" Text="Update"></asp:LinkButton>
More controls
Now, if you want your footer and data rows to be validated separately, you need to use validation groups, which is explained in Microsoft's documentation. All the controls in the same validation group will have their ValidationGroup property set to the same value, like this:
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" runat="server" CausesValidation="True"
CommandName="Update" Text="Update" ValidationGroup="GridViewDataRowGroup">
