When I use Q_PROPERTY in other QThread I have error: Illegal attempt to connect to ... that is in a different thread than the QML engine.
Q_PROPERTY(QString FileReady READ GetFileReady NOTIFY FileReadyChanged)
This is in other QThread.
In main thread I have QtQuick2ApplicationViewer and o Connect Q_PROPERTY like that:
MyClass cObject1();
QThread cThread1; //create new thread
cObject1.DoSetup(cThread1); //connect
cObject1.moveToThread(&cThread1); //move work to other thread
viewer.rootContext()->setContextProperty("otherthread",&cObject); // propably bad line
How could I send property from myclass in other thread to QML in main thread ?
If you could, give a small example how to do it.
Create class "Model" which object will stay in main thread and connect it with QML.
Create "Worker" class which do what you want to do in other thread and send updates from object of this class to object of "Model" class (default connection should do the trick).
In other directions "Model" should schedule tasks for "Worker".
This way you will keep threads away form QML engine.
I created a qt class only to make gui and displayed the data on gui.
i didn't want to freeze the gui that's why i created another non_qt class to perform the operation so i made a object in the gui class of non_qt class and pass the parameter in that and started it in a new thread.
now after completing the operation i want to notify the gui class so it can display the results.
i also want to access the status bar of gui class so when non_qt class is performing the operation it can display some message on gui..
(i tried it with qt class but it didn't work that's why i created non_qt class..with non_qt class threading part is working fine but signal part is not working so i'm not able to notify the gui class).
so please help me out how to send signal to a qt class from a not qt class????
The signal is a concept that only applies to classes that derive from QObject.
If you want to trigger a slot, you don't need a signal. If the receiving object lives in the same thread (and only then), you can call the slot method on the reciving object directly.
For example, given an instance of a GUI object with a slot:
MainWindow * mainWindow;
class MainWindow : public QWidget {
Q_SLOT void setStatus(const QString &);
You can simply do:
// The assert is essential to prevent bad bugs. If it triggers,
// you must use `QMetaObject::invokeMethod` instead.
Q_ASSERT(mainWindow->thread() == QThread::currentThread());
If the receiving object may live in another thread, or if you don't want to worry about threading issues, then you must use QMetaObject::invokeMethod, as follows:
// This is always safe. No need for asserts.
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(mainWindow, "setStatus",
Q_ARG(QString, "Finished"));
This overload of invokeMethod will correctly choose the connection type depending on whether the receiving object runs in the same thread. If the receiver is in the same thread, the call is a direct call. If it runs in another thread, the call will be converted to a QMetaCallEvent and posted to the receving object. This is thread-safe and doesn't require the receving object's setStatus method to be thread-safe.
I have a Phonon.MediaObject that is connected to a web source through Phonon.AudioOutput. Therefore, when running play(), the main GUI freezes until the player starts playing (5 seconds at worst case).
This could be fixed by moving the player, or at least it's web fetching task. I've read online about moveToThread() function, but it doesn't seem to work.
I tried making a thread out of it, but without luck: http://pastebin.com/1iXdQD8Y (written in PyQt)
Any ideas?
This will require a bit more coding on your side.
I don't know python all that well, but from looking at your code I think that one mistake you are making is to assume that your PhononThread class is living in it's own thread, but it's actually living in thread in which it has been created.
I wouldn't even try to move objects like MediaObject between threads. One way to do it would be to create your own QObject descendant, then in it's constructor create all objects that you will need to play music. You will also need to add slots to your class to access every phonon function you will need to call from main thread. REMEMBER to create this object WITHOUT parent object.
Then you need to move it to newly created QThread and connect all signals/slots between threads.
I don't use python, but here is pseudo-C++ outline of how it should look like:
class MyPlayer: public QObject{
AudioOutput* ao;
MediaObject* mo;
MyPlayer() : QObject(0) { // note no parent QObject instance
ao = new AudioOutput();
... // Create and connect all objects
public slots:
void setCurrentSource ( const MediaSource & source ){
// And other methods that are not slots already.
Then in your application you do:
MyPlayer* mp = new MyPlayer();
QThread* th = new QThread();
connect(th, SIGNAL(finished()), mp, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect( mainThreadObj, SIGNAL(setPlayerSource ( const MediaSource & ) ), mp, SLOT(setPlayerSource ( const MediaSource & ) ) );
... // and other signals; note that methods that are signals already can be conected witout wrappers:
connect( mainThreadObj, SIGNAL(playerPlay() ), mp->mo, SLOT(play()) );
For stopping your thread, just connect signal from your main thread to th's quit() slot, and emit it when needed.
Subclass QThread, reimplement run() with the stuff you want to happen in your thread, and then create an instance of your thread and call start() on it.
Just be careful about when you connect to things in your thread or from your thread, because you don't want to do a direct or auto connection, you want to do a queued connection in most cases.
This link shows two ways to use QThread, one as I just described, and it links to another producer consumer example using moveToThread().
what is the correct way to implement a QThread... (example please...)
Hope that helps.
Have you tried QtConcurrent::run? It runs function in a separate thread.
or check it here https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=QtConcurrent%3A%3Arun
I am wondering if i need to disconnect singals and slots if i destroy the signal emitting object. Here is an example:
QAudioOutput * audioOutput = new QAudioOutput(format,mainWindow);
delete audioOutput;
audioOutput = new QAudioOutput(format,mainWindow);
Will this automatically disconnect the signal from the old audioOutput, or will it lead to mem leaks or some other undefined behavior ?
Thank you in advance.
The signals are automatically disconnected when you call the QObject destructor.
Have a look at the Qt documentation: QObject Destructor
You don't have to manually disconnect() signals and slots, the QObject destruction cleans them up automatically.
I've read lots of similar threads to this one but im not such a great programmer that i can make sense of it all. Im using qtcreator to make life simple and want to maka a program that can trigger another process, monitor its stdout and then kill it if necessary.
What I assume i want to do is create a QTextedit in the designer and plug a signal into it that updates the contained text whenever the stream updates, so far so good, but thats where i get fuzzy. My initial thought was to create a subclass of QObject that starts the process as a QProcess and whenever the stdout updates the QObject and appends new data to the QTextedit box.
So my program structure would run like this:
on button press create new QObject derived class.
The QObject derived class constructor starts a QProcess and connects the readyReadStdout() signal to the derived qObject class slot.
When the derived QObject is triggered it takes readyReadStdout() and appends any new data to the QTetEdit box.
on button press, call the derived QObject destructor and which kills the process.
Has anybody done something similar? Like i say ive read similar posts but sometimes it takes asking a question in your own words to be able to understand it
Thanks everyone (also my forst post, woo:)
Ok so heres my update:
I have added an instance of QProcess class (named proc) to my mainWindow class and also new instance of a QObject derived class (named procLog) to which I added a slot. I want this slot to take the readyReadStandardOutput() signal as a trigger to call readAllStandardOutput() and emit the new line to a new signal in procLog, I'm having trouble connecting the QProcess slot to the QObject derived class. heres what I'm trying:
connect(proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput ()), procLog, SLOT(logReady()));
I get, error: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::readyReadStandardOutput () to (null)::logReady()
Do you know why this is. Aslo is there a way to add code blocks to text in the comments?
I am trying to create a client application in QT which requires both threads for processing and a variable amount of window instances. But I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to create a new window inside one of the processing thread. I understand that all ui elements must be created in the same thread as the QApplication class, but I need to be able to instantiate, or at least have a reference to a QDialog in another thread.
Communicating between the thread and QDialog can be done using signals, I am not worried about this, but actually creating the window is another matter. I could use signals to tell the main thread to create an instance to the window, and then retrieve the pointer to it somehow, but to me that seems a bit to complicated and ugly. Is there a better way to accomplish such a task? To create a QDialog outside the main thread were the QApplication class exists?
Edit : I have tried the Q_INVOKABLE method but it does not work across threads. I have created a view factory class which can create a QDialog of a type I specify and returns a pointer to it. This class has been instantiated in the main GUI thread and a reference to this class is sent to any worker threads. The problem is that, when a thread invokes the create method from the factory using Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection, the invoke method fails. If I change it to Qt::DirectConnection, the invoke method calls the right create method but in the current thread as the worker thread.
My main function looks like this :
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
ViewFactory vFactory;
vFactory.registerCreator(Util::W_CONNECT, new ConnectWindow::ConnectCreator());
ClientApp app;
return 0;
And my run function from the ClientApp thread looks something like this :
void ClientApp::run()
QDialog * tmp = NULL;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->_vFactory, "create", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection,
Q_RETURN_ARG(QDialog*, tmp), Q_ARG(int, 0));
Like I said, the invokeMothod will not fail if I change the connection type to Qt::DirectConnection, so the params are not the problem, but rather calling the method across a separate worker thread.
You can only do Gui stuff in the gui thread. The obvious solution is for the worker thread to send a message to the gui thread = a signal in Qt terms.
If a worker thread needs to ask a question it should send a message to the gui thread and then block until it gets a signal back.
AFAIK, signals (or just a dynamically callable method, using Q_INVOKABLE) or an event is the way to go.
Note that, using QMetaObject::invokeMethod() (with Qt::BlockedConnection), you can call a function safely across threads and get a return value back without too much coding.
It seems like QObject::moveToThread can solve this problem. This function moves event processing loop to another thread.
Example from Qt documentation: