Why does Meteor only load one CSS file after deployment? - css

I have half a dozen CSS files inside the folder "client/CSS". In the local server it works fine but after deployment the website only seem to load the bootstrap.min.css file. Has anyone come across this? Thanks!

Meteor tries to compile all the css files it finds into one file. If you have css missing, meteor is probably failing on one of your files and giving up. When this has happened to me the issues were around unmatched brackets.
Try putting your css text into CSSLint or something like it, one at a time, and see if they have errors.
Some other discussion here that says #media and #imports lines might also be cause some issues depending on their use.


edit sass-rails config options

I am getting really confused about configuring Sass config options. Basically I want to disable the line comments in the compiled css file. So I went in and created a sass.rb in the Initializers folder with the following line:
Rails.application.config.sass.line_comments = true
I then restart my apache server and check in Safari web developer, my css file still contains the comments like /* line## /path/to/css/file */ above every css statement. I then test it in Firefox and open Firebug, and I don't see those line comments there, which suggest inconsistent browser behavior.
So I go back to my initializer sass.rb file and turn on line_comments, restart the web server and try again, this time I get the exact same result as before, nothing's changed, that basically tells me either that's specific to the browsers, there's a problem with the setting scope/syntax, or there's a caching issue (I'm working in development, so there shouldn't be any caching, right?). I'd really appreciate if someone can provide some insight on this. Thanks.
EDIT: The proposed solution to make a change to the sass file(s) didn't solve anything so I doubt it is the same problem.
Note: I am using sass with rails and I am getting separate css files for each of my sass files, which doesn't seem very right...
The problem was a combination of needing to set config.assets.debug to false for development, setting config.assets.compress to true, and probably a better understanding of sass compilation.

How can I do a conditional load of some CSS Files?

I have an app which needs to work in several languages, and several different color schemes and I would rather not load all the CSS every time since a large amount of it is not necessary or relavant (rtl css for example) but meteor automaticaly loads all CSS files he can find.
is there a way to selectively load CSS files?
If you place a CSS file within the reach of Meteor compiler, it's merged into the main app and in the current release there's nothing you can do about this.
You can however put the file in /public directory. Meteor won't touch it there, and you will be able to load it at will by adding <link/> tag to your page head.
Please have a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/26694517/1523072 which seems a quite elegant way to do this and also explains why you shouldn't do it.
One of my apps currently loads 2.6MB compressed Javascript and 300KB compressed CSS, which seems like a lot. However, after the first visit all the resources are cached by my browser, which means the only thing that is transferred between browser and server after that is pure data.

Meteor LESS recompile?

I'm trying to troubleshoot a LESS issue with my Meteor code..
I have bootstrap3-less package installed but I don't know where Meteor is getting it's LESS files from. This whole time I thought it was coming from a .less file in my client/ folder but I removed that entirely but for some reason my Meteor CSS file does not change once I remove that. But yet, when I inspect the compiled CSS file, it stayed exactly the same.
However, when I make changes to my .css file Meteor picks that up right away..
Anyone have this experience? thanks
The bootstrap3-less package contains the less code inside itself. If you want to use your own less code instead of the code inside bootstrap3-less, you should remove bootstrap3-less.
Here you can see the code that the bootstrap3-less package adds to your app: https://github.com/simison/bootstrap3-less
They suggest that you can customize bootstrap by adding the less file to your client folder, but even if you don't have that file the app will load all of the less content from the package.

SASS : making underscore file names actually create css files

By default SASS looks at the filename and determines whether to make a css file out of it. I'm wondering if there is a way to prevent this from happening.
We're building a large website and lots of front-end developers are editing the css, but we only have one dev server. Sure some things you can see happen locally, but often you can only see the real rendered way on the server.
So, when I push my compiled css file to the server, my co-workers' css gets clobbered until s/he commits and I do an svn:update, etc, etc.
However, if we were working in different SASS file, and those css files were getting created, I would only have to push up, say, the forms.css file instead of the whole thing.
Then for Production, we'd put it back to the way SASS normally works.
The only other way I can figure to do this is to do a mass rename of files, which seem very messy.
Thanks in advance.
The entire point of partials is that they don't get compiled into files. If you want a sass file to be turned into a css file, remove the underscore.
Your real problem seems the be that you're putting compiled CSS in your version control. Don't do that. Only commit Sass, and compile it into CSS server-side with a post-receive hook or something.

IDE for css.less files dreamweaver

I'm using lesscss, the 'framework/compiler' for css. My IDE, dreamweaver, does not recognize .less as CSS. So no niceties such as error checking or code completion there. Is there anything I can do about that?
Dreamweaver can be configured to recognize "new" filetypes and treat them as editable under preferences. You can also edit some config files to help DreamWeaver figure out how to treat the files so it does code highlighting, etc., though in my experience, it does not always work as you would expect. On the other hand, can lesscss be configured to output .css files?
Here's an Adobe article on getting Dreamweaver to add new file types.
less syntax highlighter extention
You can force DW to "recognize the files" although not parsing as far as I know. This might be of help : http://blog.assortedgarbage.com/2012/03/using-dreamweaver-with-sass-and-less/ that might be of help
Try giving the extension: less.css, to your css file.
Example: styles.less.css.
This worked for me, but I still need a base stylesheet, such as: styles.css.
You can compile .less files to .css directly from within Dreamweaver using a free (Donation-ware) plugin:
Dreamweaver has a very hard time with LESS, in my experience. It doesn't properly handle nesting and will color those as though they are syntax errors. However, it is mostly workable since the auto-complete does at least still work, and the overall coloring is okay on everything except nested items. (at least for me)
Also the extensions that are referenced above do not work on mac.
If you are having trouble getting DW to be able to open and color code LESS at all, try this--
1) Change some DW config files:
For Mac users, there are TWO configuration folders (at least for DW5.5). Two sets of identical files, FOUR in total files, have to be changed:
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CS5.5/en_US/Configuration/DocumentTypes/MMDocumentTypes.xml
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CS5.5/en_US/Configuration/Extensions.txt
and -
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5/Configuration/DocumentTypes/MMDocumentTypes.xml
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5/Configuration/Extensions.txt
And this technote tells you what exactly to change in those files:
Install a LESS Compiler
and for those on mac, this little app works GREAT. All it does is watch your less files and automatically save them to css on save.
I hope that is helpful to someone!
This actually does all that and more, as CSS and less have a little different syntax specially when it comes to nesting rules inside one another.
