I've got a group of query strings that run as follows:
var nq = db.QueryValue("select COALESCE(COUNT(*),0)from OPPORTUNITY where START_DATE = DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate())");
var nrt = db.QueryValue("select COALESCE(COUNT(*),0)from OPPORTUNITY where START_DATE = DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate()) and OPPORTUNITY_STAGE = '-1'");
var nrep = nrt / nq;
All it gives me is unhandled exeption: cannot divide by zero.
There is often going to be a zero in either or both of the first two query results. How do I get it to display NaN (not a number) instead of crashing?
I'm sure I've asked this before, but I couldn't seem to find what the answer was.
Thanks in advance.
how about adding IF condition?
var nq = db.QueryValue("select COALESCE(COUNT(*),0)from OPPORTUNITY where START_DATE = DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate())");
var nrep = 0;
if (nq != 0)
var nrt = db.QueryValue("select COALESCE(COUNT(*),0)from OPPORTUNITY where START_DATE = DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate()) and OPPORTUNITY_STAGE = '-1'");
nrep = nrt / nq;
You can simply replace
var nrep = nrt / nq;
Double nrep = Double.NaN;
if (nq != 0)
nrep = nrt / nq;
I have to find the difference between two times in 24 hour format. I have the two time strings, Eg: 10:40 and 18:20. How can I find the difference between these two times in Flutter?
You can use intl package.
var format = DateFormat("HH:mm");
var one = format.parse("10:40");
var two = format.parse("18:20");
print("${two.difference(one)}"); // prints 7:40
A complete answer for perfect calculation is given bellow
String start_time = formateTime('12:00'); // or if '24:00'
String end_time = formateTime('24:00'); // or if '12:00
var format = DateFormat("HH:mm");
var start = format.parse(start_time);
var end = format.parse(end_time);
if (start.isAfter(end)) {
print('start is big');
print('difference = ${start.difference(end)}');
} else if(start.isBefore(end)){
print('end is big');
print('difference = ${end.difference(start)}');
print('difference = ${end.difference(start)}');
I'm trying to use a bit of code that I found in an academic journal (). I'm new-ish to R. I keep getting an error when I reach the code calling up the function "binHist" that says "could not find the function "binhist". I can't figure out if it's in a library/ package I need to install or if there's another problem with the code. Any help would be much appreciated. Here's the code I extracted from the article:
whichData = yourData
baseH = data.frame()
RunningSum = 0
for (i in 2:16) {
tempBin = NULL
tempBin = binhist(i, whichData$rt)
theMean = sum(tempBin)/(i)
Divisor = sum(tempBin)
new = data.frame()
for (j in 1:ncol(tempBin)) {
grabVal = (tempBin[j] - theMean)^2
names(grabVal) <- NULL
new = c(new,grabVal)
extra = i - ncol(tempBin)
NewSum = Reduce("+",new) + extra*((0 - theMean)^2)
StdDev = sqrt(NewSum /(i-1))
RowVal = StdDev /Divisor
RunningSum = RunningSum + RowVal
baseH = c(baseH, list(tempBin))
paste("Number of Trials:",Divisor)
paste("Modulo-Binning Score (MBS): ",RunningSum)
baseNow = do.call(rbind.fill,baseH)
Every time I run my little game, it throws me the following, fatal, error:
action number 2
of Trigger Event:
for object obj_y:
Creating instance for non-existing object: 100012
I have no idea what's causing it. The only time I use obj_y, is in one file. When I comment that part out, it still keeps nagging it's non-existing.
My code:
var randomxnumber;
var randomynumber;
var randomarraynumber;
var array;
var snelheid;
snelheid = 3.5;
array[0] = obj_a;
array[1] = obj_b;
array[2] = obj_c;
array[3] = obj_d;
array[4] = obj_e;
array[5] = obj_f;
array[6] = obj_g;
array[7] = obj_h;
array[8] = obj_i;
array[9] = obj_j;
array[10] = obj_k;
array[11] = obj_l;
array[12] = obj_m;
array[13] = obj_n;
array[14] = obj_o;
array[15] = obj_p;
array[16] = obj_q;
array[17] = obj_r;
array[18] = obj_s;
array[19] = obj_t;
array[20] = obj_u;
array[21] = obj_v;
array[22] = obj_w;
array[23] = obj_x;
array[24] = obj_y;
array[25] = obj_z;
randomxnumber = random_range(0, 50);
randomynumber = random_range(-10, -50);
for (int = 0; int < 20; int += 1){
if(randomxnumber >= window_get_width()){
randomxnumber -= 100;
} else {
randomxnumber += 50;
randomynumber -= 50;
array[int] = instance_create(randomxnumber, randomynumber, array[random_range(0, 26)]);
vspeed = snelheid;
My obj_y object:
Quick note, I'm on GameMaker 8.1 Standard. I'm I being stupid and just missing something?
It's very strange code, I don't understand what you trying to do.
Although there are two errors.
array[random_range(0, 26)]
should be
array[irandom_range(0, 25)
GM rounds array's index, so if value is more than 25 (25.1, etc) you will have out of array bounds.
array[int] = instance_create(...)
There instance's id will be stored into array. Not object's id. But instance_create requires object index. You can get object's index using object_index variable:
array[int] = instance_create(randomxnumber, randomynumber, array[irandom_range(0, 25)].object_index);
class Flight{
var name:String?
var vocabulary:Vocabulary?
class Vocabulary{
var seatMapPlan:[Plan] = []
var foodPlan:[Plan] = []
class Plan{
var planName:String?
var planId:String?
var flightList:[Flight] = []
var plan1 = Plan()
plan1.planId = "planId1"
plan1.planName = "Planname1"
var plan2 = Plan()
plan2.planId = "planId2"
plan2.planName = "Planname2"
var plan3 = Plan()
plan3.planId = "planId3"
plan3.planName = "Planname3"
var plan4 = Plan()
plan4.planId = "planId4"
plan4.planName = "Planname4"
var plan5 = Plan()
plan5.planId = "planId5"
plan5.planName = "Planname5"
var plan6 = Plan()
plan6.planId = "planId6"
plan6.planName = "Planname6"
var flight1 = Flight()
flight1.name = "Flight1"
flight1.vocabulary = Vocabulary()
flight1.vocabulary?.seatMapPlan = [plan1, plan2]
flight1.vocabulary?.foodPlan = [plan3, plan4, plan5]
var flight2 = Flight()
flight2.name = "Flight2"
flight2.vocabulary = Vocabulary()
flight2.vocabulary?.seatMapPlan = [plan2, plan3]
flight2.vocabulary?.foodPlan = [plan3, plan4, plan5]
flightList=[flight1, flight2]
Problem 1:
I want to use flatmap,filter,custom unique func or Sets.formUnion to achieve a union of seatMapPlans. For this particular example it is
seatMapUnion = [plan1,plan2,plan3]
Because of nesting with the help of answered questions I am unable to achieve this.
Please give me a combination of filter,flatMap and map for resolving this particular problem.
Problem 2:
I have vice-versa scenarios too were i have to sort this array flightList on basis of plan(plan1 or multiple) selected. I want to sort this on basis of filter and map, but the nesting is making it difficult to achieve.
e.g. 1:
if the search parameter is plan1 for seatMapPlan. Then the result is flight1.
e.g. 2:
And if the search parameter is plan2 for seatMapPlan. Then the result is flight1,flight2.
For the first problem I would use sets. So first make Plan implement Hashable :
class Plan : Hashable {
var planName:String?
var planId:String?
public var hashValue: Int { return planName?.hashValue ?? 0 }
public static func ==(lhs: Plan, rhs: Plan) -> Bool { return lhs.planId == rhs.planId }
Then it's straightforward :
let set1 = Set<Plan>(flight1.vocabulary!.seatMapPlan)
let set2 = Set<Plan>(flight2.vocabulary!.seatMapPlan)
let union = set1.union(set2)
print(union.map { $0.planName! } )
It'll print:
["Planname2", "Planname1", "Planname3"]
Not sure I understand your second problem.
I want to create an array of 10 minutes span for 1 hour using moment.js but it fails on first step.
var startTime = moment().unix();
var endTime = moment().add(1,'h').unix();
var getTimeSheet = function(st, et) {
var timeSheet = [];
var duration = moment.duration({'minutes' : 10});
var ct = st;
while (ct <= et ){
var n10 = moment.unix(st).add(duration).unix();
ct = n10;
But this is Unable to create array
In each iteration of while loop you are adding 10 minutes to st variable. So n10 and ct still contain the same value. That's why this loop never ends.
You need to change:
var n10 = moment.unix(st).add(duration).unix();
var n10 = moment.unix(ct).add(duration).unix();
You can also check working example with some minor improvements here: