Stop browser from resizing website when scrollbar is visible - css

In Windows, when the scrollbar is visible it changes the width of the website and makes it appear to 'jump', yet in Mac OSX the scrollbar simply hovers over the website and doesn't change any sizing.
Is there any way to force the scrollbar in Windows to act the same?

I don't believe you can cause the scrollbar to overlay the site, but you can force it to always be visible by setting (demo):
This is on the assumption it is your body element that requires scrolling, alternatively simply set it on the element representing the scrollable viewport.
More on overflow-y from MDN
The overflow-y CSS property specifies whether to clip content, render
a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element,
when it overflows at the top and bottom edges.
The content is clipped and desktop browsers use scrollbars,
whether or not any content is clipped. This avoids any problem with
scrollbars appearing and disappearing in a dynamic environment.
Printers may print overflowing content.


Control browser scrollbar height

I noticed that when I have an element with a horizontal scrollbar, Chrome will add a scrollbar within the element without changing the height, but Firefox will increase the element height to make room for the scrollbar. Any way to control this behavior in either case?

"overflow: hidden" on "body" produces glitchy scrollbar with USB mouse

I'm building a web application and testing with Google Chrome. I have a sidebar element where, if I hover over that element, I want to disable scrolling for the body element.
I achieved this by setting overflow: hidden on the body tag using CSS whenever a user hovers over the sidebar. I tested this on a browser without a USB mouse plugged in, and it worked great:
Sidebar Closed (body scrollbar visible)
Sidebar Open - Bad (body scrollbar still visible, producing an ugly overlap)
Sidebar Open - Good (my fix: hiding body scrollbar, so that sidebar scrollbar displays alone)
This works because Google Chrome doesn't render scrollbars as actual elements (that have widths). However, when I plug in my USB mouse, the scrollbars now do have widths. And thus, when I move my mouse from outside the scrollbar to inside the scrollbar, the width suddenly changes:
Before Hover (body scrollbar visible)
After Hover - Bad (body scrollbar hidden, suddenly decreasing the width of the whole sidebar)
This produces a really ugly and glitchy visual effect, where the widths of elements change when you hover over them. I've looked everywhere for a solution to this... any help would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!
If you are on a mac, chances are your OS is adding the scroll bar when you plug in the mouse, a scroll bar that will override most CSS selectors.
There is not a way to override this with CSS that I am aware of. If you change your system preferences you will find your website behaving the way you intended.
System Preferences -> General -> Show Scroll Bars -> Change from [ALWAYS] to [WHEN SCROLLING]
.MY_CSS_CLASS::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
background: transparent;
This fixed my issue with ugly scrollbar being displayed when mouse is connected.
Specifying width to the body element will keep content width constant.
Here is the working example:
First, you should pay attention to the rendering with other browsers and with chrome windows. As you know, the windows scroll bar is clearly not the same and is not rendered in the same way. You might have surprises with this.
Otherwise you maybe should pay attention to jQuery custom content scroller plugins.
This could actually helps you a bit more to control the scroll & the overflow and customize the scroll bar depending on the render you would like to give to it.
Good Luck'

jmpress: Scrolling on Absolutely Positioned Element (Slide) with auto height

Live Site
I have a site using jmpress, and I'm having a hard time getting scrolling on my content. I'm able to scroll in Chrome by simply selecting text on the page and dragging down, but I'd like to achieve this in all browsers with native scroll, perhaps emulated by javascript. I've checked a number of plugins to do this like jScrollpane and tinyScrollbar, but none of them will work without a height set and overflow-y set to scroll. The second problem: even when I set the overflow-y to scroll, scrolling does not occur with the mousewheel.
Try this in the console: $(".step").jScrollPane();. Nothing happens. Set each step to have a height of 800px and overflow-y scroll, and scrolling works, but still this is only relative to the height of the window. I need some way of calculating the size of the surrounding elements (relatively positioned) so that the height can be calculated when the user resizes the screen.
So is it possible to achieve scrolling on an absolutely positioned element (slide) and keep the height as auto using jmpress?
You could use the window resize event of jquery to set your height dynamically after you set the height you could call the update method of tinyscrollbar to update the scrollbar.

Disable Horizontal Scroll on Div

There is a cross browser dilemma especially now that safari uses an internal scroll mechanism that floats on top.
When a div with fixed height's content ends up getting larger than the div we need a scroll bar, but the scrollbar takes out some width and thus a horizontal bar is added to. How do we prevent a horizontal scroll even if the content is to wide I want no ability for the user to be able to scroll horizontally.
The CSS3 property overflow-x:hidden, still allows the user to scroll left and right with a trackpad. I want it disabled completely, or a solution that removes the problem of the vertical scroll bar taking width from the div.
Any ideas?
One solution is that you make the vertical scroll bar always display:
overflow-y: scroll
But still the scroll bar's width doesn't stay the same across browsers.
Or you can make a custom scroll bar replacement with div/CSS/JavaScript. Here is a jQuery plugin which seems promising:
Set the image as background should fix your issues

Missing Scroll Bar

I seem to be missing a horizontal scroll bar on this page,
If you make your browser window skinner, half the page will be cut off but there will be no scroll bar.
I believe the main content width should be 1024 px before the need of a scrollbar
because the wrapper div does not have a stable min-width(and for browser which not support min-width, such as ie6, there is a child div .wrapper has a stable width in this case, so it will be ok,too ),which should be setted.
//add css
It looks like overflow:hidden is used to clear floats in a couple of places. If you get rid of it on #master_wrapper then the horizontal scrollbar will return. However this will cause that element to collapse to a height of 0 and making this image disappear from your page. You can however rearrange your background images using the html for one of them to sort that issue out.
