Get all days of month for calculation in SQL Server 2005 -

I have never done this before. Now what I want is that I have a report to produce which comprises of the total no of patients present on the bed on each day of the month. Finally I will take a count of all the days as a grand total.
For example: if January is considered, then 1st jan patients till midnight present + 2nd jan patients till midnight present + .... + 31st Janpatients till midnight present = GRAND TOTAL.
Can I do it in SQL Server using cursor or something like that or should can I use C# and SQL Server in combination?


defining business day where hours are not same as standard days

While working on a sales report for an entertainment company ( bars and nightclubs), I normally just sum sales and I get the daily sum of sales. but I was communicated that their business day starts at 6 am of each and closes at 5:59:59 am the next day. basically sales reported Monday are the sales from 6 am Sunday thru 5:59:59 am Monday.
the company operates throughout the US so we have multiple time zones as well
the table has the following columns:
Transaction id, location, Transaction_datetimeLocal, TransactionDateTimeUTC, Transaction amount
how do I define / filter the calculation to be from 6am one day to 5:59:59 am the next day USING Power BI / DAX
In Power BI you have your table with the local time. You need to add a calculated column with the following DAX formula:
Business Time = 'Table'[Local Time] - TIME(6, 0, 0)
From this new column you could the create your business date with
Business Date = 'Table'[Business Time].[Date]
This is how it looks in the Data view:

SQL: Chunking hourly samples into 7-day averages

Tools: SQL Server, SSMS 2016, R
Data: Hourly samples starting 2017-12-31 23:00:00 thru 2021-02-05 08:00:00
WANT: To chunk data into 7-day blocks ideally coinciding with week of year and grab averages for each 7-day period. Willing to sacrifice some data frontend and/or backend. Would like to reduce data frequency from 12x365 points down to perhaps 52 points per year. For end use in R.
A) SQL datepart(week,...) method does not consider 1st seven days of 2018 as week 1. Considers that week starts on a certain day of week, not necessarily on Jan. 1.
B) I suspect SQL datepart(week,...) will assign repeating week value across several years of data. So if I group by datepart(week...), won't it combine week 1 of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021?
Here's my starting query (AvgDate is for debug purposes):
SELECT datepart(week,Date) Week,
FORMAT(AVG(HeadElev), '###.###') as AvgHeadEl,
COUNT(HeadElev) as Count,
FORMAT(AVG(datepart(Day, Date)), '##.###') as AvgDate
FROM [dbo].[Chickamauga] as CWL
WHERE '20171231' < Date AND Date <= '20181231'
GROUP BY datepart(week,Date)
Here's what my table looks like (I've split date & time from original data):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SomeLake](
[Date] [date] NULL,
[HourCT] [time](0) NULL,
[HeadElev] [float] NULL,
[TailElev] [float] NULL,
[Flow] [float] NULL
Again, trying to create simple 7-day blocks of samples and grab averages. (Not moving averages, I only want 1 data point per 7-day block.) I'm trying to reduce the data frequency from (hourly down to weekly data.)
End goal is to import into R and used time series functions that cannot accept high per year frequencies like 365. Trying to bring the frequency down to 52, ie. weekly data.)
THANK YOU for your kind assistance!
create simple 7-day blocks of samples and grab averages.
Group by something like:
1+datepart(dy,some_date)/7 week
which takes the day-of-year and performs integer division to group them into 7-day buckets, starting with 0.

Dax formula - calculate 6 rolling month back average

I have a table named [Tasks] which is linked to a date table named [Dimdate]. They are linked with the date of reference of a tasks [DC_date].
The objective is to have a measure that can calculate the average on in interval of 6 month before the specific date.
For example: if I have a date in 2020 August, the formula will calculate the average from March 2020 to 2020 August.
Here is actually the Dax formula that I have integrated on visual studio but still doesn’t work :
CROSSFILTER(TASKS[Dc_Date];Dimdate[Date];None)) ```
The relationship on TASKS[Dc_Date] should not be removed, otherwise the Time Intelligence function would not work. Unless there are some other existing filters to be removed, this code should be enough
MAX( Dimdate[Date] );

Representing an entire day or week or month as a number like timestamp

How can a day or week or month, essentially a range of time be represented by a single number?
The next interval would represent a number 1 more than the number for the previous interval, just how the next second is 1 more than the previous second, in timestamp representation.
Given a bunch of such numbers, the larger number simply means its representing a time interval afterwards in time, when compared to a number smaller than it.
Just realized if I stick to UTC and represent the day as YYYYMMDD, this becomes a number that I am looking for.
20180420 // 20 april 2018
20180421 // 21 april 2018
20180510 // 10 may 2018
20190101 // 1 jan 2019
This works for representing a day perfectly, I think.
For week, maybe do ceil() of days of current month divided by 7 for representing week as a number W and then using the format: YYYYMMW.
2018043 // 3rd week of april 2018
2018045 // 5th week of april 2018, though may not be the 5th week semantically but representation model works, greater than 4th week of april 2018 and smaller number than 1st week of may 2018
For month, simply YYYYMM works.
I feel so smart right now! 😄

Get data of exactly one year out of an xts time series

I'm programming a function in which I want to plot let's say the stock price for any stock during the last 365 days. However not trading days, but just a one year period. So if I'm generating the chart on the 15th of February I want data from the 16th February 2012-15th February 2013. How can I do that? last() for example shows me the last 365 trading days or days of which there is data available.
User character subsetting.
AAPL[paste(Sys.Date()-365, Sys.Date(), sep="/")]
