MeteorJS: Hard time understanding Subscribing/Publishing - meteor

I have an app that loads a Jobs collection on startup.
Meteor.subscribe('jobs', Session.get('currentIndustryOnet'));
I am setting the jobs like so for Handlebars: = function() {
var jobs;
if(Session.get('currentIndustryOnet')) {
console.log(Jobs.find({onet: Session.get('currentIndustryOnet')}).count());
if(Session.get('currentIndustryOnet')) {
jobs = Jobs.find({onet: Session.get('currentIndustryOnet')});
} else {
jobs = Jobs.find({})
Session.set('jobCount', jobs.count());
return Pagination.collection(jobs.fetch());
Also, the Session.get('currentIndustryOnet') is set by a click event from a dropdown list
I am confused on why you should have to set the jobs in the template if it auto-updates in the Deps.autorun?

Meteor.subscribe('jobs', ...) asks the server to publish a set of jobs documents to the client-side database (minimongo) for use in your templates. This blog post gives a good explanation of how this works. It should be noted that the string 'jobs' does not need to have anything to do with the collection - it's simply an identifier which should match a publish function on the server side. For example, it could have been called, 'jobsForCurrentIndustryOnet' (that's probably a better name).
After subscribing for the needed subset of the database, the client will reactively redraw the jobs in your templates based on session variables and the result of Jobs.find calls.
Note that your template helpers should be primarily concerned with retrieving and manipulating data. They should not include calls to subscriptions and autoruns. In your case, you should remove the Deps.autorun inside of the jobs helper because a new autorun gets created every time the jobs helper gets evaluated (could be often depending on how your reactive variables are changing).


Why call collection.find in an Iron Router controller

I have built a small meteor app based on code generated by the excellent Meteor Kitchen project. This code works and renders the collection to the page, but there is one thing I am confused about.
A subset of the code is here:
this.route("articles", {path: "/articles", controller: "ArticlesController"});
this.ArticlesController = RouteController.extend({
template: "Articles",
onBeforeAction: function() {;
action: function(){
if (this.isReady()) {
} else {
isReady: function() {
var ready = true;
var subs = [ Meteor.subscribe('allArticles') ];
_.each(subs, function(sub) {
ready = false;
return ready;
data: function() {
return {
articles: Articles.find({})
Meteor.publish('allArticles', function() {
return Articles.find({});
Meteor.publish('singleArticle', function(articleId) {
check(articleId, String);
return Articles.find({_id: articleId});
As I understand how this code is working, the following takes place:
(1) Collection is published via allArticles and singleArticle subscriptions
(2) ArticlesController subscribes to allArticles
(3) data function in the ArticlesController extracts the data (from the subscription?) to the articles array which is then exposed to the Blaze template.
Where I am confused:
Why do we need to do a Articles.find({}) in the data function? Where do we access the allArticles data ... it seems we are going back to the Articles collection directly and how is that possible if we have subscribed only to allArticles ?
While you don't show it, I'm assuming you have the following line in your code, defined somewhere that will execute it on both the server, and the client:
Articles = new Mongo.Collection('articles');
/*CollectionName = new Mongo.Collection('DBCollectionName');*/
Docs. When this is executed on the server a Collection is created, and assigned to the variable name Articles. 'articles' is the name used to store this collection in MongoDB.
When this is executed on the client, a mini mongo Collection is created. It initially will have no documents in it.
Next you have server only code:
Meteor.publish('allArticles', function() {
return Articles.find({});
Meteor.publish('singleArticle', function(articleId) {
check(articleId, String);
return Articles.find({_id: articleId});
Docs. This defines two publications, 'allArticles' and 'singleArticle'. These are not Collections themselves, but are rules that specify a set of data that the server will publish, and a client may subscribe to. While these two publications return data from the Server's Articles collection, publications can return data from one or more collections, or by directly using the underlying ddp protocol you can publish data that comes from another data source (not mongodb).
Next on the client you subscribe to a collection:
Docs. This call takes the name of a publication defined on the server ('allArticles'), and subscribes to it. The server then executes the publish function, and sends over ddp the set of data returned. This data is stored in the Client-side Mini Mongo Collection created above, and named Articles.
Also the server will monitor the Articles collection for changes, and if the resultset of the 'allArticles' publication changes, will send these changes as updates to the client.
So next you have the data function in your Controller (Client side).
data: function() {
return {
articles: Articles.find({})
Docs. This sets the data context for the render function.
The reason this calls Articles.find rather than allArticles.find is because allArticles is not a collection, but was instead the name of the publication the client used to request the server send data, that was stored in the clients mini mongo collection named Articles.
Where do we access the allArticles data ... it seems we are going back
to the Articles collection directly and how is that possible if we
have subscribed only to allArticles ?
You return this as part of your data object so that you can access it in your template. In your Articles template you can now use {{#each articles}} directly without a helper function because articles is part of your data context. You can also access the articles returned from your controllers data portion inside of your Articles template helpers by using this.articles.
Why do we need to do a Articles.find({}) in the data function?
These queries being performed in your controllers data function act on the clients minimongo Articles collection as opposed to the servers. Once the information is published from the server, and the client has subscribed to it, the client has this information available in their minimongo instance, but still needs to access it somehow. Basically, the publication makes the information available, but the Articles.find({}) accesses it for the client.
Accessing this information inside of the data function of your controller is simply to avoid doing it inside of your template.
I think that your misunderstanding comes from the third step that you have described:
data function in the ArticlesController extracts the data (from the
subscription?) to the articles array which is then exposed to the
Blaze template.
The data function extracts the data from minimongo on the client which contains the information from the subscription. Minimongo lies between the subscription and the data function.
I would need to know more about your app to answer the question. Are you viewing just a single article, or is there a page that lists them all?
If you are viewing a single article you would need to subscribe to the singleArticle publication.
If you were showing a list of articles, you would need to subscribe to allArticles. If there are a lot of articles, you could improve the speed of your app by limiting the number of fields with a query projection.

Facebook like load new posts in meteor

I'm in the process of learning meteor. I followed the tutorial to create microscope. If some one submits a post meteor will re render the template for all users. This could be very annoying if there are hundreds of posts then the user will come back to the top of the page and loose track of where he was. I want to implement something similar to what facebook has. When a new post is submitted template isn't rendered rather, a button or link will appear. Clicking it will cause the template to re-render and show the new posts.
I was thinking of using observeChanges on the collection to detect any changes and it does stop the page from showing new posts but only way to show them is to reload the page.
Meteor.publish('posts', function(options) {
var self = this, postHandle = null;
var initializing = true;
postHandle = Posts.find({}, options).observeChanges({
added: function(id, post) {
if (initializing){
self.added('posts', id, post);
changed: function(id, fields) {
self.changed('posts', id, fields);
initializing = false;
self.onStop(function() { postHandle.stop(); });
Is this the right path to take? If yes, how do I alert the user of new posts? Else, what would be a better way to implement this?
Thank you
This is a tricky question but also valuable as it pertains to a design pattern that is applicable in many instances. One of the key aspects is wanting to know that there is new data but not wanting to show it (yet) to the user. We can also assume that when the user does want to see the data, they probably don't want to wait for it to be loaded into the client (just like Facebook). This means that the client still needs to cache the data as it arrives, just not display it immediately.
Therefore, you probably don't want to restrict the data displayed in the publication - because this won't send the data to the client. Rather, you want to send all the (relevant) data to the client and cache it there until it is ready.
The easiest way involves having a timestamp in your data to work from. You can then couple this with a Reactive Variable to only add new documents to your displayed set when that Reactive Variable changes. Something like this (code will probably be in different files):
// Within the template where you want to show your data
Template.myTemplate.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
var options = null; // Define non-time options
// Subscribe to the data so everything is loaded into the client
// Include relevant options to limit data but exclude timestamps
self.subscribe("posts", options);
// Create and initialise a reactive variable with the current date
self.loadedTime = new ReactiveVar(new Date());
// Create a reactive variable to see when new data is available
// Create an autorun for whenever the subscription changes ready() state
// Ignore the first run as ready() should be false
// Subsequent false values indicate new data is arriving
self.newData = new ReactiveVar(false);
self.autorun(function(computation) {
if(!computation.firstRun) {
if(!self.subscriptionsReady()) {
// Fetch the relevant data from that subscribed (cached) within the client
// Assume this will be within the template helper
// Use the value (get()) of the Reactive Variable
displayedPosts = function() {
return Posts.find({timestamp: {$lt: Template.instance().loadedTime.get()}});
// Second helper to determine whether or not new data is available
// Can be used in the template to notify the user
newData = function() {
return Template.instance().newData.get();
// Update the Reactive Variable to the current time
// Assume this takes place within the template helper
// Assume you have button (or similar) with a "reload" class{
'click .reLoad' = function(event, template) {
template.loadedTime.set(new Date());
I think this is the simplest pattern to cover all of the points you raise. It gets more complicated if you don't have a timestamp, you have multiple subscriptions (then need to use the subscription handles) etc. Hope this helps!
As Duncan said in his answer, ReactiveVar is the way to go. I've actually implemented a simple facebook feed page with meteor where I display the public posts from a certain page. I use infinite scroll to keep adding posts to the bottom of the page and store them in a ReactiveVar. Check the sources on github here and the live demo here. Hope it helps!

Meteor: what is the right way to add custom settings object to users collection?

There are multiple examples on publish/subscribe but not clear on what is the best practice for storing custom data in the in-built "users" collection in Meteor (especially in the new possibility of template specific collections).
For example, I need to store user browse history - something that is accessible through Meteor.user().settings.history.lastvisited[]
The challenge is:
Is any special publish / subscribe required for the above? (the
reason being, I am assuming the users collection is already
published and available on client side - so do we need another?)
How to take care of edge cases where user is new and hence settings.history object may not be defined? Can we have a special publish that automatically takes care of creating an empty object if the settings is undefined? How to do it?
I did this :
// server side
Meteor.publish('userSettings', function (maxRows) {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id: this.userId }, { fields: {'settings':1}});
//client side
But I do not see anyway how I can access the published "userSettings" object on the client side - what is missing ??
You can create a field and set it to false/'', on each user you create using the accountsOnCreateUser method.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
//this function gets called each time a user has been created on the Meteor.user collection
if (options.profile)
user.settings = ''; //this is just and example.
return user;
Now the publish looks ok, but in order to get it work im always use a Tracker.autorun function.
Why the autorun? well if you don't call the auto run here, the subscription get only called 1 time when the apps loads, and not when the user documents.
Take care of yours deny/allow permissions, check this meteor:common mistakes post on the Profile editing section
Also the subscribe function have a callback function. Meteor.subscribe(name, [arg1, arg2...], [callbacks]), so you can do something like this.
var myUserSubscription = Meteor.subscribe('userSettings',function(){
console.log("ok im here on the client side")
console.log("this user subscription is ready " + myUserSubscription.ready())
console.log("outside the subscription why not? " + myUserSubscription.ready();
About ready();
True if the server has marked the subscription as ready. A reactive
data source.

Confused about Publish/Subscribe and returning results

I am using meteor and i am a bit confused about the relationship between publishing/subscribing to documents and querying/returning collections to a client using the handlebars #each items helper.
I understand that by publishing and subscribing to certain documents, i get the reactive updating on the client side browser when things change.
I find my self writing very complex (role oriented) publish functions and writing the equivalent to return items to the client. For example,
Meteor.publish("directory", function () {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id:this.userId});
//role and logic left out on purpose
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields:{emails:1, profile:1}});
and the subscribe
if (Meteor.userId() != null) {
Template is called show people and the helper 'users'
Template.show_people.users = function () {
users = Meteor.users.find({}).fetch();
return users;
My question is, are things supposed to be done this way?. Do we return our list helpers the same query we used for publish?
You can give a query cursor to the #each Handlebars function. In fact, it's recommended. In this manner, there will be a smart update of the DOM: when a document is added to the Cursor, Handlebars will only create new DOM nodes for that document, and not recreate the DOM nodes for the documents that were already present. This is not the case when you provide an array.
So that third piece of code can just be:
Template.show_people.users = function () {
return Meteor.users.find({});
Note also that a collection.find() done client-side will only look in the documents inside your miniMongo storage... you're not doing a search through the entire server database, but only through the documents that the server has published to you.
So that complex, role-oriented logic is only necessary inside your Meteor.publish() function.

Meteor ad hoc record sets

I am writing an app that involves creating multiple subsets of the same collection, and publishing them under different record sets following this example.
Using this principle, I am creating ad hoc record sets. The publish code is in a method that gets called per template:
Template.item._item = function() {'publishMethod', foo);
return someFunction(foo);
'publishMethod' = function(foo) {
Meteor.publish('name-'+foo, function() { someFunction(foo); });
//Common area
someFunction = function(foo) {
return Collection.find({'foobar' : foo});
In this example, someFunction() sits in common area between client and server. someFunction() returns a subset of a collection based on foo.
I have some questions regarding the above approach:
When a method is called with the same foo value, Meteor prints "Ignoring duplicate publish named 'name-foo'". Is there any way to check if a record set exists?
There is concern that these record sets will continue to be published and not release memory. Are these record sets client side only? Or will they accumulate on the server?
This is the best approach I have found for dealing with multiple, complex queries on the same large dataset, and allows for specific fields to be sent per request and page. I am however open to suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

