Is there a way to upload an external folder in WordPress - wordpress

I have a set of custom html pages that are not made with WordPress in folder DIR
In the WordPress blog I have a web page called SPECIAL that only some users can access (after being authenticated). I would like to know if there is a way to allow those users to open the web pages in DIR (in a comfortable way)
For now i am using a very non-pratical solution:
I make a zip archive of that folder, upload it from the Admin interface of WordPress, using WP-Filebase, and put a link to the in the web page SPECIAL.
Yes I agree that my solution is ridiculous. Please help me find a better one.
Thanks in advance.

One solution would be to link to the pages contained within the DIR folder on the SPECIAL page itself, or create an additional WordPress-based page, linked to from SPECIAL, that performs the same function as your DIR/index.html page.
Alternatively you could place an iframe of DIR/index.html on your SPECIAL page.
A longer term solution would be to migrate the contents of DIR into your WordPress installation, and restricting access to the same group of users who can currently see the SPECIAL page.


Can I have a dynamic and static website at the same time?

The situation is the following. I’m a beginner developer. Bought a domain and a simple hosting plan (includes 1 Msql base). I created a static HTML page. I modify it sometimes to show my progress.
Now I want to practise WordPress. Is it possible to keep this static webpage and create another dynamic page in WordPress? So this static page will be the main where I’ll put a link for the dynamic page.
Sorry if my question is too simple. I couldn’t find the answer anywhere.
Yes, you can create sub folder in public_html directory something like /public_html/xyz. so your domain will be
now you can install wordpress in xyz folder and create dynamic website there.
Maybe you can use a sub-domain, they are normally free inside the hosting plan. You can have a folder for the html and other folder for the WordPress. Then just assign the correct folder for the main domain to the html and the to the WordPress.
Yeah there are a few ways to do it. Simplest is to name the page "index.html" and stick it in your root (public_html) directory. That page will display instead of the index.php file Wordpress uses, at least for the homepage.
Wordpress should "take over" if you navigate to any other URL.

Putting a custom directory inside wordpress

I have a simple HTML microsite, which I want to put inside my wordpress website. For example: Wordpress website is:
I want to put my microsite inside this wordpress site. So URL becomes:
But, wordpress treats any url as its own. How can put "" urls to Wordpress Ignore list. So that any pages inside microsite folder executes independently.
just put you folder 'microsite' in root(Where you find wp-admin,wp-content and wp-include folder). and
you are able to access the folder
" by this url
If you are still having issues with accessing the subfolder, try renaming the .htaccess to .htaccess-bak in order for WordPress to regenerate the file again. Understand that your website might temporarily go down.
I've found this solution to help in some cases, but I don't know exactly why, ergo I am not sure it will work. And if you feel uncomfortable editing the .htaccess file I suggest you learn more about it (as should I). It is a very powerful file and WordPress uses it a good deal.
P.S. The file is located in the same folder, WordPress' root folder where you find /wp-admin/, /wp-content/, etc. It is hidden by some hosting providers, but I've always been able to find them through FTP with the hosting companies I've used before.

What's the proper way to upload another web folder into Wordpress?

I use Wordpress for my blog and currently has a project which has a web folder that contains HTML/CSS/JS/PHP (basic website from scratching).
I can run it using MAMP by localhost/project/index.html and want to add the whold website into my Wordpress blog as a seperate page like
What's the proper way to do that?
The proper way, is to get a separate domain or create a subdomain for that second site..
However, it should be possible to just create a folder in the root of your existing domain, and upload the files into it..
If its meant to be a part of the existing website, the proper way would be to create a separate template for that page.

Modifying custom Wordpress pages

Sorry if this question is too basic (It would be great if someone could recommend me on a good resource/tutorial for starting up with wordpress development)
I am new to wordpress development. And I work on a Mac.
I downloaded MAMP, installed wordpress, and installed a custom theme which I bought online.
So far, I've been using the wordpress wp-admin interface to customize the theme.
I created a new Page called "myPage". I'm interested in making some design changes to myPage but the wp-admin tool is limited and I realized I have to start looking/modifying the code.
I'm using Netbeans, and created a new project of my local wordpress folder which contains the wp-admin, wp-content, wp-include folders.
However, I am not sure where in the code to find the page I created "myPage", in order to modify it.
I ran a search on all the code but I don't find any mention of it.
I guess my custom page is saved elsewhere? in the database?
Drill down through wp-content > themes > to your theme's folder. Inside there you will find a file called page.php. That is your default page template. To double check this is the page being used, in your wordpress backend, edit the page and on the right hand side in the 'page attributes' panel, you will see a dropdown under 'Template'. You're purchased theme may have many templates, so that is how you can tell which one is being used.
Note: Creating a page inside of the wordpress backend does not actually create a new page file for that page.
Hope this helps.
Yea, you can find your page in DB, check out link for more info.
To access your database, you need to go to url http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ if everything is set right; or your local IP/phpMyAdmin/ if host alias is not set.
If you are looking for file, you should look in wpfolder/wp-content/themes/some-theme/ and now ether page.php or content-page.php I am not sure.

Use Wordpress for static WebSite

I want to create a static website and use wordpress only to "compose" the website. I want to create a template that only use the same header and footer and change the content of the page (home, contact ecc dcc). My site is not a blog or any other type of site that needs CMS I only want to use Wordpress to have only one header and footer and don' t want to change it in all pages when I need some customization to it. I hope I was clear enough! Thanks!
You can create a site in WordPress (or any other CMS) on your own local computer, then save a copy using an offline browser such as HTTrack. Then upload the HTTrack saved HTML to your webhost.
This will make your site faster, as there will be no need to execute PHP on page requests, and the webserver will use its default caching headers. (Also, you get the option of using a cheaper hosting without support for PHP and MySQL.)
Any time you change the site, you'll need to edit the live WordPress version, save it again, and reupload the files.
Disclaimer: I'm dev of the WP Static HTML Output project.
It's been around for a few years and still has 5k+ active installs, but jazzing it up with some more features now and its whole purpose is to allow you to use WordPress for your site development and export to a static HTML version for speed, security and portability.
For the OP, the basic FTP publishing option may be of use. For more advanced cases, there are services like Netlify which can auto build/deploy your static site from a Git branch.
In the Settings | Reading admin page, choose a static page for your front page display. Build your site out using Pages instead of Posts. Each Page will inherit your site's standard header and footer. Create your Main Menu from the Appearance | Menu admin page to hook together your Pages. Use widgets and standard HTML links as needed. Then dress up your site with one of the many available themes.
A bit late to the table on this one but it seems that Wordpress is totally overkill for a static site. Wordpress pages can be cached with cache plugins but when any Wordpress site loads there are a number of scripts and custom php functions that run each time a page loads.
Why not just build a flat file website and simply include your header and footer with PHP? Far quicker to set up and based on your question it seems that this is simply what you need.
Added to this, you won't have an admin area for your site or a database, just the files on the server - surely this makes your site less hackable too. An added bonus is a really easy site to version control with Git or SVN.
If there's someone else out there wanting to use a static site generator over Wordpress, here's a script called WP Static which does just this:
Another great solution to this problem is to use a specific software that is created exactly to do that. For Mac, for example, there's a software called Hammer that "compile" your site every time you save and includes your header and footer to the page. Is really useful.
