I have been learning how to use the different controls that the asp.net ajax control tool kit provides.
I came across two controls that are very confusing to me:
AjaxFileUpload and 2.AsyncFileUpload.
The 1 st control is pretty fine . I understood that AjaxFileUpload uploads the file with out having the post back unlike normal asp.net File Upload Control
But, I was not sure what again is this AsynxFileUpload. I was not able to understand difference between them
Can any one please clear me on this. If possible , any example
AsyncFileUpload - AsyncFileUpload is an ASP.NET AJAX Control that allows you asynchronously upload files to server. The file uploading results can be checked both in the server and client sides.
AjaxFileUpload- AjaxFileUpload is an ASP.NET Ajax control which enables you to upload multiple files to the server asynchronously. When the control is used with a browser which supports the latest features of HTML5 -- such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, Mozilla Firefox 9, or Google Chrome 17 -- then the AjaxFileUpload supports displaying file upload progress. The control displays a progress bar as the file is being uploaded.
If a browser does not support the HTML5 File API (for example, Internet Explorer 9) then upload progress is not displayed and a throbber image is displayed instead. In other words, a busy wait image is displayed instead of actual progress.
The AjaxFileUpload control also supports a drag-and-drop interface. You can add multiple files to the AjaxFileUpload upload queue by dragging the files onto the AjaxFileUpload control on a page. Alternatively, you can select multiple files to upload by using the SHIFT key or CTRL key when selecting files with the file upload dialog. These features are not supported by older browsers.
By taking advantage of the AllowedFileTypes property, you can restrict the types of files which can be uploaded with the AjaxFileUpload control. For example, you can prevent any file except image files (files with the extensions jpeg, png, or gif) from being uploaded. By taking advantage of the MaximumNumberOfFiles property, you can limit the number of files which can be uploaded with the control. For example, you can prevent a user from uploading more than 5 files.
I have a requirment where the client needs to upload multiple files. The requirement is in such a way that when client selects th browse button a popup similar to windows explorer should come with some check boxe, where the client will be able to select multiple files and once he selects them a and clicks the upload button, the selected files need to be uploaded to the server.I have googled and gone through options of using jQuery/javascript to do the same, but was thinking whether it is possible to build a custom control for this requirement. May I knwo if there will be any limitations for this requirment in ASP .net 3.5?
And all th samples that I have gone through google does not allow user to select multiple files using a kind of windows explorer view(tree view with a check box for files). The examples are in such a way that the user selects one file at a time and then selects other files in a sequence and then uploads all of them.
Have you tried: http://www.uploadify.com
I am trying to upload a 2+ GB video file using FTP . When I click “Upload” button in browser control, the page is not getting post but the status in browser is DONE. The same works fine with video files less than 2GB.
I just added one page, with browser control and one button for posting the page.
Just clicked the button, to post the page with 2gb file.
The page was not posting to server.
split the file up into smaller chunks, FTP those, and then re-combine.
edit : You can do files up to 2GB + with ASP.NET using a third party solution that overrides the built-in request checking. This will work in all versions of IIS except IIS 7 integrated mode, which has a hard 2GB limit.
Read this
Read this : http://www.webdavsystem.com/server/documentation/upload
There are limits imposed by browsers on the amount of data you can upload in a single request.
In IE I think it is 2gb.
What are you using?
I am creating a web form for uploading small movie clips to a HTTP server. However, while my HTML file input control gets shown on an ipod touch, the button is completely disabled and I cannot click it to upload files.
What do I have to do to use the input control to upload files (e.g. movie clips or pictures) to my HTTP server. My page is XHTML MP 1.2 compliant.
IOS6 now allows it:
I tested and it works. Cheers!
I have a update panel, in the update panel I have fileupload control and button control, On button click, I need the file that I have upload in the fileupload control in updatepanel.
Exact scenario, I have 8 tabs on page, each tab contains too much information, One of the tab is Attachment, when user click on Add New Attachment Modal Popup shown, Modal contains detailsview in Updatepanel and in the detailsview I have fileupload control, when user hit save button, detailsview inserting event fired, In the inserting event I need the file that I have upload.
Please Note, My page is heavy and I don't want full postBack.
Does anyone have solution of this issue?
Advance thanks for your kind help.....
For solve this problem, Please see the following step.
Add ajax-upload to your detail view.
iframe-based uploader like Resource#1.
Silverlight-based & Flash-based uploader. I like this technique because it doesn't require any server-side script for display current upload status. But in HTML5, you can create this without using any web browser plug-in.
Commercial uploader like Resource#2. that use hidden iframe for uploading.
Upload file to temporary location.
System response the temporary location. Next, client keep temporary location in hidden input in detail form.
Keep temporary location with session_id. You can store it in database or Session variable depend on your framework.
When you click on the save button, the system will move the files to their real location
Note. System will automatically delete the expired file from the temporary location.
ASP.NET File Upload with Real-Time Progress Bar
ASP.NET File Upload like GMail (Commercial)
After almost one year, I just found a great 3rd-parties control for this question. This is an open source plug-in of jQuery. It name Plupload that allows you to upload files using HTML5, Silverlight, Flash or normal forms and it provide some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.
You can try & test Plupload by click here.
Can't be done without co-operating binaries being installed on the client. There is no safe mechanism for an AJAX framework to read the contents of a file and therefore be able to send it to the server. The browser supports that only as a multipart form post from a file input box.
The problem is with the way the HTML file upload control works, has nothing to do with ASP.net, for the file upload control to work you need a full post of the form data. You can only simulate that your are not doing a full postback, by doing all the operation in a hidden iframe that does the actual uploading
The sites you see that do provide this functionality generally use flash or an iframe so that the postback occurs in the iframe and gives the illusion of an ajax request.
I've tried swfupload (http://swfupload.org/), but do keep in mind that you have to jump through hoops if you're using forms authentication with non-IE browsers. This is apparently a flash bug, and it's not fixed in flash 10. I decided against using it in our framework because of this bug, but it was otherwise a great product.
I recommend the uploader widget from YUI. See http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/uploader/
I think you could use it to accomplish your goal. Your javascript would need to fetch the file back down to the client from the server after it completed its upload. But the page would not refresh--the upload is through flash and a hidden iframe. The download to show the file's contents to the user would be via ajax.
If the user does not "approve" the upload, then simply make another ajax call to the server to delete the file.
Here is the functionality I want:
User selects an image from their machine, hits an Upload button (or better yet the following fires on the onchange event of the file input), and is able to see a preview of the image they are about to upload.
Here is the current workflow I am using, but it seems suboptimal:
I have an image control, a file input control and a submit button control. When the submit button is clicked, the codebehind handles the OnClick event and loads the image from the file input element. It then stores it into a temporary folder on the web server and sets the image control's ImageUrl to point to it.
This works, but results in me having to do a lot of janitorial duty in cleaning up these temporary images. Is there a cleaner workflow for doing this?
If you have memory to burn:
cache the image bytes in memory
set your ImageUrl to an image handler (.ashx) with some sort of cache identifier
serve the image bytes from cache
if the user cancels or leaves, discard the cached bytes
if the user accepts, write the cached bytes to their final destination
You should upload and rename the image to match some sort of ID for your current record. Then, when you upload a new file, delete any old ones first, all in the codebehind.
If you are only showing a thumbnail, you should try to use an image library to resize the image before saving. This will save on bandwidth and storage space.
I am assuming that the problem you are trying to solve is for your application to have the ability to preview the image before the user commits to that image. Your current approach has many advantages but one disadvantage is orphaned image files in a temporary directory if the user previews several images before committing or abandons the operation all together.
I've noticed several popular social networking sites using a different approach. Basically, a Java applet is used to do the preview operation on the user's local machine. The only file uploaded to the server is what the user commits to. That approach solves the problem that you are running into; however, it introduces the new problem of requiring Java to be installed on the local machine and integrated with the web browser.
you can create a small executable to delete files on* that temporary folder, and attach it to a schedule task so it will clean your temp. folder once in a while. But I don't know if you're hosting on a dedicated server or shared hosting because with shared hosting, this doesn't work
and is able to see a preview of the image they are about to upload
When the submit button is clicked, the codebehind handles the OnClick event and loads the image from the file input element. It then stores it into a temporary folder on the web server and sets the image control's ImageUrl to point to it.
Imagine this conversation:
Jim: I don't know if I can afford to drive my car to work today.
Bob: Why don't you just drive to work? When you pay for it, you'll know if you can afford it or not!
Jim: Awesome!
You've just uploaded the file to show them the preview of the file they're about to upload...
While this will undoubtedly work fine if your users are uploading small images over fast connections, when someone tries to upload a 3 meg JPEG over a slow connection, and then wonders why their webpage locked up from selecting a file (they didn't even press submit remember, so you've effectively locked them up 'randomly'), you may wish to re-evaluate this as a solution.
To actually display the image before it gets uploaded, you will need to use some kind of flash or silverlight object (or perhaps a java applet) which can produce a thumbnail of the local file on the user's local disk, before it gets sent to the server. As ugly as this may sound, there literally is no way to do it without some client side plugin.