Search Operation in table view javafx - javafx

In my application i added all data into table view. Then I need entire row by using search operation.
Searching is based upon any data like search by RegisterNo or search by Name. By entering RegisterNo it Should display entire row related to RegisterNo.

To do search operation in a TableView, what I've done is to add a notion of filters.
For example if you want to filter by name, each time your name query change, you filter all your data and let on the table only those who match your query.
You always keep the full data to execute your query on it, but to display it use an other list.
with that I'm able to have lot of filters at the same moment and my view refresh in real time


Filters in AppMaker

I have created one datasource which contains only the rows that fulfil one condition. I want to create some filters in this table... but is not working.
This is the datasource:
For example, I have a text area which filters by the field "Title". Only should appears the row 5 , but the numer 6 it's still here...
This is the event handler code:
Important: in the beginning, I used this filters and they worked properly. They stopped working when i created the filter in the datasource (The one of the first image)
The filter that you are setting via the binding is getting lost when you perform your query script. Essentially, you are creating a query via the binding, then your script is creating a new query that doesn't have the filters you set previously.
Server Script - queryRecords(query: Query)
You'll notice that your query script has access to a parameter query that you can use instead of calling newQuery(). This will have the filter you set via your binding. Additionally, returns a list of records, so there's no need to iterate over them. Here is all the code you need in your query script:
query.filters.Status._in = ["Published"];

How to sort a table for which its datasource is a relation

I have a Page with a Table for which its datasource is a relation and needs to be sorted based on fields from another model:
Datasource = Indicators
Datasource = Indicators [one] : MetadataText [many] (relation)
The Table needs to be sorted based on a field from another Model called MetadataField, which has a one to many relation with MetadataText.
I have the datasource of MetadataField sorted. But the content in the Table appears in random order. When I first access the application, the Table is sorted by the order that the records were loaded. After view some records, the sorting of the records changes and keeps changing.
I am using Google Drive tables.
You can easily sort related records by one of the fields that belong to the related record itself, but only once (you'll received those records sorted from server).
But it seems, that you want to sort related records by their related record. App Maker will not be your friend in this case... but javascript will be! Since App Maker loads all related records you can safely sort them on client using javascript:
indicatorsDatasource.load(function() {
indicatorsDatasource.items.forEach(function(indicator) {
indicator.MetadataTexts.sort(function(a, b) {
return /* here goes your sorting logic */;
It will work in O(n * m * log(m)) in case you have n Indicators on the page and every indicator has m associated MetadataTexts. If you want to let users to sort related records by clicking table's header, you'll need to implement that logic on your own. So... all this hassle leads us to alternative solution! What if we decouple related records and introduce separated datasource for them? Having that you'll be able to use full power of App Maker's tables (sorting/paging) with almost no effort. You can take a look at implementation sample in Project Tracker template ViewProject page.

Interactive search results table

In using Visual Basic code I want to be able to query a database after a user inputs search criteria, get the results and display them in a table, with the ability of the user to click/select individual results and delete the corresponding data from the database. How can I do this?
You can do this by utilizing a Datagridview and binding data to it (by using OLEDB for example). Use the WHERE clause in your query to filter the records, based on the user input. (
The Datagrid has events you can use (delete, select, insert and update event).
See for more information:
Good luck!

filling a grid with from two different record (table) sources

I was wondering if there is any way to populate a table using two different records. My records have the same primary keys, but when I am adding the specific fields to my grid I have this error:
More than one data (key) in one scroll.
I tried to make a Control view field in my primary record, and then refer the new record fields as relative fields but in this case the data is not populating in my grid. Any help or hint will be much appreciated.
I've only done this where the 2nd record is a Derived/Work record.
Can you create a view that combines both records, and put the view in the grid? FYI, peoplesoft let's you update the data in a view, which is not typical in an oracle db system.
Ok guys finally after all discussion, and much try rounds I figured out how to do this.
You need to add a draw a grid beside your old grid and populate it with a new record, which has dynamic view (dynamic sql). The only important case there, is you need to make sure the order of your fields in your records, are in the same order of your fields in the SELECT statement of your sql. Otherwise you will see
an SQL error
Try to make a field as display control field which is acting as primary key for its native table and as Foreign key for some other record.. A field needs to be made related if is being fetched from some other record... that is from the record which is not under current consideration. I think this way one can fetch data into grid or scroll respectively from multiple records.

Edit a read-only view

I have a column and I would like to edit some of its rows. The problem is that the table is a view so I cannot edit the rows. How would I proceed to solve this problem?
SQLite doesn't let you update views. But it does allow triggers on views. So you can write an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger that makes the appropriate modifications to the underlying table.
As dan04 pointed out, you can use triggers to update views (like in most other databases). For sqlite, see
Example with a view called "myview", containing a table "my_t2"
UPDATE my_t2 SET field1 = new.field1, field2 = new.field2 WHERE my_t2.key = old.key;
If it's a view, it's not a table. The data for the view is drawn from one or more other tables. Edit the underlying table and when you examine the data in the view it will reflect the changes you made.
A SQL View is a virtual table, which is based on SQL SELECT query. Essentially a view is very close to a real database table (it has columns and rows just like a regular table), except for the fact that the real tables store data, while the views don’t. The view’s data is generated dynamically when the view is referenced. A view references one or more existing database tables or other views. In effect every view is a filter of the table data referenced in it and this filter can restrict both the columns and the rows of the referenced tables.
If you wish to modify the data in your table, you cannot do so with a view. SQL Views are always read-only. If you want to modify your table outside of the View, then use something like an UPDATE or ALTER TABLE statement.
