Variable Properties in LESS CSS - css

I am trying to create me a PX/REM converter in LESS CSS but I am facing a problem.
The following lines do not want to compile, the problem comes from #{propertyValue}:.
.rem(#propertyValue; #sizeValue) {
#remValue: #sizeValue / unit(#base-font-size);
#{propertyValue}: ~"#{remValue}rem";
But yet I think the syntax is good... at last I thought! Can you help me?
Thank you!

Are you using at least LESS 1.6? Variables as property names were added in 1.6. Prior to 1.6 there are some solutions but none are pretty.
Your snippet works in this LESS previewer which is running 1.6.0: less2css


Adobe AEM Querybuilder Debugger - Multiple Paths and Multiple Nodenames

I am using querybuilder debugger and want to do a search where "nodename=.pdf OR nodename=.doc*" and "path=/content/dam/1 OR path=/content/dam/2".
I have been trying to find an example but no luck on the web. What I have below is not quite right - just wondering what I am missing.
The query does work but there is a huge difference in the amount of time that it runs when compared with when I just query using one nodename instead of 2.
Thanks in advance,
I thought maybe something as simple as this might work but no luck....
Try splitting your query if this won't affect the behaviour you're trying to achieve.

Calculations with variables in Stylus

I have been going through the Stylus docs and looking at examples, but I can't seem to get a simple calculation to work when using a variable. For example:
margin-right: (1200 / 2)px;
Doesn't work
$siteWidth = 1200;
margin-right: ($siteWidth / 2)px;
I've seen many examples about using variables inside calc and using % before the variable name, or {..} around the variable, but I've tried both and neither works. Am I missing something obvious here?
I failed to mention that I am storing my variables in a separate stylus file. If I create the variable in the same file as I am using it within the calculation, it works fine, however if I try to call the variable when it is imported from another file, it doesn't work. The variables file is the FIRST thing that is included in my main styles.styl file, and I can use the variables site wide without issue - just not when using it in a division calculation for some reason.
Try this instead of parenthesis:
#{$site-width / 2}px;
This was a bit of a tricky one, but I solved my problem using the below:
margin-right: 'calc(-%s / 2)' % $sitewidth;
I have actually changed my code a bit to include a new variable to get half the width of the site, as I might use it again:
$halfsitewidth = $sitewidth / 2;
margin-right: '-%s' % $halfsitewidth;

Sass Rails doesn't support map syntax (object variables)

I'm getting the following error when trying to use Sass Maps (which look like object variables):
Invalid CSS after " primary": expected ")", was ": #3097D1,"
(in /Users/.../app/assets/stylesheets/new_design.scss:19)
I reproduced the error by using the following minimal example:
$theme-colors: (
primary: #3097D1,
secondary: black
#each $key, $val in $theme-colors {
.foo.#{$key} {
color: $val;
.foo.primary {
color: #3097D1;
.foo.secondary {
color: black;
But getting the error mentioned.
sass-rails, ~> 5.0.0 seems to be installed according to the Gemfile:
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0.0'
I'd assume that loads one of the latest sass versions which should support object variables.
I have the feeling the current version I have is not recognizing this syntax.
How can I make sure I have the right sass version? Is there anything else I have to do to compile this syntax successfully?
bundle show sass-rails shows 5.0.6, which seems recent.
as discussed in the comments there is a stackoverflow discussion about a similar issue with the map sass syntax
The discussion refers to Github Issue 1088
I quote
There's a number of issues with the indented syntax, and Sass maintainers aren't going to fix them. :( They say, the .sass parser is weird and hard to refactor.
I find Sass syntax to be quicker to type and easier to read. It is deprived of the visual noise:
It's also much easier to do copy-pasting.
So Sass maintainers, PLEASE don't let the indented syntax fall behind!
Probably by digging down in the discussion we will be able to find the solution. Now I am quoting the solution from the owner of the post Ionică Bizău:
wrapping the values between quotes, saving, reloading in browser without any errors, and then removing the quotes back and reloading the page in browser solved the problem. Maybe it was something cached somewhere... but I can't understand where. I didn't restart rake or ran any bundle command... Thanks! :)

Is it possible to have a multi-line comments in R? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multiline Comment Workarounds?
(11 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I found this old thread (from over a year ago), which explains how come R doesn't support a multi-line comments (like /* comment */ of PHP, for example).
I am wondering if this has been resolved in the past year, or if there are other alternatives? (For example, in notepad++ with npptor, you can mark a bunch of lines and press ctrl+q to mark them all as comments, are there similar solutions for other IDE's ?)
R Studio (and Eclipse + StatET): Highlight the text and use CTRL+SHIFT+C to comment multiple lines in Windows.
For macOS, use command+SHIFT+C.
You can, if you want, use standalone strings for multi-line comments — I've always thought that prettier than if (FALSE) { } blocks. The string will get evaluated and then discarded, so as long as it's not the last line in a function nothing will happen.
"This function takes a value x, and does things and returns things that
take several lines to explain"
doEverythingOften <- function(x) {
# Non! Comment it out! We'll just do it once for now.
"if (x %in% 1:9) {
everythingDone = TRUE,
howOftenDone = 1
The main limitation is that when you're commenting stuff out, you've got to watch your quotation marks: if you've got one kind inside, you'll have to use the other kind for the comment; and if you've got something like "strings with 'postrophes" inside that block, then there's no way this method is a good idea. But then there's still the if (FALSE) block.
The other limitation, one that both methods have, is that you can only use such blocks in places where an expression would be syntactically valid - no commenting out parts of lists, say.
Regarding what do in which IDE: I'm a Vim user, and I find
NERD Commenter an utterly excellent tool for quickly commenting or uncommenting multiple lines. Very user-friendly, very well-documented.
Lastly, at the R prompt (at least under Linux), there's the lovely Alt-Shift-# to comment the current line. Very nice to put a line 'on hold', if you're working on a one-liner and then realise you need a prep step first.
CTRL+SHIFT+C in Eclipse + StatET and Rstudio.
if(FALSE) {
precludes multiple lines from being executed. However, these lines still have to be syntactically correct, i.e., can't be comments in the proper sense. Still helpful for some cases though.
No multi-line comments in R as of version 2.12 and unlikely to change. In most environments, you can comment blocks by highlighting and toggle-comment. In emacs, this is 'M-x ;'.
Put the following into your ~/.Rprofile file:
exclude <- function(blah) {
"excluded block"
Now, you can exclude blocks like follows:
Unfortunately, there is still no multi-line commenting in R.
If your text editor supports column-mode, then use it to add a bunch of #s at once. If you use UltraEdit, Alt+c will put you in column mode.

Why does Qt add more than three columns when I use restoreState() on a QTableWidget?

My code looks somehow like the following:
table = QTableWidget()
settings.setValue("savedState", table.horizontalHeader().saveState())
If I run it the first time it there are only 3 column headers. The second time there are 6 and the third 9... The strange thing is table.columnCount() is always 3. If i remove table.setColumnCount(3) there are no columns at all.
Why is this happening and is it a bug or intentional?
Adding table.clearContents() before table.setColumnCount(3) made it work. I still think it's a bug.
Which platform and what Qt version is this? seems to work fine using latest Qt 4.5
What happens with?
table = QTableWidget();
