Asp.Net Identity Individual User Accounts using LDAP -

I am using VS 2013 4.5.1 and created an internal webforms app using the Individual User Accounts option for Authentication. I want to use LDAP to authenticate the users and use the SQL DB that was created for Individual User Accounts option to hold the users info and roles. We don’t have Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) so I can’t use the On-Premise Authentication method.
The AD username will be stored in the SQL DB
How can I authenticate the users using LDAP and then use the AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework to get to the users info and roles from the SQL DB?

You can use this implementation like an example, it is a customer UserStore for RavenDB:
Customizing ASPNET Authentication for RavenDB
There's this series of videos explaining how to work with security in .NET (the second video explains how to do it).
Customizing ASPNET Authentication with Identity

Brock Allen discusses how to implement an "external login" in his comprehensive article on the new identity patterns using External Logins.
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) supports a lot of identity protocols including SSO. However, If it's just POWA (plain ol' windows authentication), IIS will support that out of the box. You would simply specify your Active Directory(AD) user/AD Group in your web.config Authentication node and leverage the Identity.Name field to look-up users' info in a lazy-load and / or request-cached fashion.
If 's claim's based authentication using ADFS, you can emulate how that works using the Identity and Access Tool and choosing the "Use Local STS" option.

Why not keep the profiles and roles in LDAP (ADLDS) as well? ADLDS does an excellent job of tracking multi-valued attributes which I find useful. The role (group membership) in ADLDS is reflexive (you can query the role for members or query a user for their membership in roles). ADLDS also insures the referential integrity - you cannot have a member in a role if the member doesn't exist. I think you are facing some severe referential integrity problems by having accounts and profiles in two separate stores or learn to love the distributed transaction coordinator.


Authorization method for REST API utilising Active Directory

What is the best method of securing a REST Web API with the following requirements. The system has an Angular JS frontend with the REST APIs implemented in
There are two "roles" in the system, users will have one of the
roles. One role should allows access to some APIs (call it "VIEW"),
the other role allows access to other APIs
All users are in Active Directory, so if I have a username, I can check what role they are in- Some clients are on Windows boxes, the others are on Linux
I would like to persist the session so I don't have to look up AD for every API call
I would like single sign on. On the Windows machines, I don't require them to enter user and pass as I already can retrieve their username using Windows Authentication.
I believe that Oauth would be my best option.
There are two "roles" in the system, users will have one of the roles.
One role should allows access to some APIs (call it "VIEW"), the other
role allows access to other APIs
For role based authentication, you can use [Authorize("Role" = "Manager")]. The token will be provided by the identity server and will contain the claim as Role.
All users are in Active Directory, so if I have a username, I can
check what role they are in- Some clients are on Windows boxes, the
others are on Linux
If you have ADFS then you can have an Identity server that trusts the ADFS. The ADFS will provide a token which will have the claim for role and your Identity Server will do the claims transformation and will return the same Role claim back to angular app.
I would like to persist the session so I don't have to look up AD for
every API call
For this while requesting the token, you can ask for offline scope so the Identity server will provide the Refresh Token with Access Token so you don't need to ask for AD again and again.
I would like single sign on. On the Windows machines, I don't require
them to enter user and pass as I already can retrieve their username
using Windows Authentication.
For this one, you can have your Identity sever trust the WSFederation for windows Authentication.
So basically you need to setup Identity server that will provide you with the token and the REST API will use that token to verify claims to return the correct information back to the user.
I am not sure what you expect exactly. Anyway, first I'm gonna reformulate your question with requirements:
you accounts and role are in active directory
you want to manage roles based on an active directory group
you want anybody whatever the system (windows, linux, mac, mobile...) to connect on your application using the same authentication
you want to avoid your AD to be hit constantly (not at any call for example)
if the user is connected on an application that uses the authentication system, he doesn't have to do it so again on another application that uses the same authentication system
If these requirements are yours. I believe the only standard (and clean) solution is to use OAuth. I'm not gonna go in detailed description of OAuth, but this authentication protocol is the most standard one on the net (facebook, google, twitter...). Of course as you don't want to use facebook, google or twitter accounts in your business applications but your active directory accounts you'll have to install/setup/develop your OAuth identity provider using accounts of your active active directory server. Your choice will depend on how well you know ADFS protocol and its different flows (code, implicit, assersion) You have two solutions for it:
Use ADFS: install ADFS; it provides a OAuth portal that will work out of the box with mvc. This uses the code flow of OAuth that is the only OAuth flow supported by ADFS. For roles and its related AD groups, you'll have to map role claims with AD groups. (it's in the setup of adfs, you'll find many tutos on the net). You'll find lot of tutos as well about how to use ADFS with mvc/ webapi. I mention .net here, but every technology has an implementation for OAuth authentication (nodeJs/express, php, java...).
Use thinktecture identity server (.net technology). This will provide all the foundation to implement a custom identity server with the least effort: / It contains an addin to plug its accounts to active directory. With this, you can use implicit and assertion flows.
Use oauth2orize (for nodeJs): This will permit you to make the same than thinktecture identity server but in nodeJs. Apparently you'll have to make all the wirering with ad manually. With this, you can use implicit flows (not sure about assertion flows).
At application side, most of frameworks can authenticate easily using OAuth with a lot of existing frameworks. For example, even if you make a single page application, you can use adal.js or oidc.js for angular if you use angular. As I mentioned above, all this is taken in charge by mvc/webapi out of the box but I know it's the case for other server technologies. If you have more questions, don't hesitate as I'm not sure of what you expect exactly.

ASP.NET SSO and building a custom STS

This is a follow up to my question on ASP.NET MVC / Web API Custom Authentication. The answers I was given told me to investigate claims-based authentication protocols and I've been reading through the following book to try and gain a better understanding of Microsoft technologies that will allow me to do this.
According to the linked book, you can use Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 2.0 to issue claims. What isn't clear is whether the users are required to be stored in Active Directory. Let's say I have an existing legacy application which handles authentication and in which user information (username, password, email, etc.) is stored in an Oracle database (as per my previous question), can I still use ADFS to issue claims or will I need to build my own claims issuer (STS) into this existing application?
Given the Active Directory in Active Directory Federations Services it would seem that having the users stored in AD is a requirement but the book also has the following image
and also this
ADFS requires users to have an account in Active Directory or in one of the stores that ADFS trusts.
which is adding to my confusion. Can someone help shed some light on this?
You can use an ADFS Attribute Store and then create a Claims Provider Trust that has claim rules that query the attribute store. This post has someone using a SQL attribute store to SQL and then a linked server to Oracle. There's also a recommendation to use a custom attribute store and query Oracle from it. I've used both types of stores and it's maybe a bit of a question of what do you want to manage and maintain over time, code or SQL. I may lean towards the custom attribute store.
In ADFS 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0, it is mandatory to have users in Active Directory for authentication.
Once authentication is performed, ADFS can retrieve user information from any sources to create the token; these sources are called "attribute stores". As shown in your diagram, ADFS provides attribute store for AD, ADLDS and SQLServer. If you need to access other systems such as Oracle, you'll have to build a custom attribute store (there are examples on technet on how to do this).
Note: in the upcoming version of ADFS on Windows Server 2016, you'll be able to authenticate users in any LDAP store.

ASP.NET - with multiple sites sharing the same database, how can I manage the username a password?

I have multiple websites and a Windows app that share the same database. Is there a way that I can manage the database username and password across all web.configs and app.configs? I'd like to be able to change the username and password, and then have all websites and apps use the new name. Is there something that I can use that will automate this? I currently store the username and password in a connection string.
You may have to write some custom code in your Windows app to support it, but ASP.NET Membership will let you share usernames and passwords among multiple apps.
ASP.NET membership supports facilities for:
Creating new users and passwords.
Storing membership information (user names, passwords, and supporting
data) in Microsoft SQL Server, Active Directory, or an alternative
data store.
Authenticating users who visit your site. You can authenticate users
programmatically, or you can use the ASP.NET login controls to create
a complete authentication system that requires little or no code.
Managing passwords, which includes creating, changing, and resetting
them . Depending on membership options you choose, the membership
system can also provide an automated password-reset system that takes
a user-supplied question and response.
Exposing a unique identification for authenticated users that you can
use in your own applications and that also integrates with the ASP.NET
personalization and role-management (authorization) systems.
Specifying a custom membership provider, which allows you to
substitute your own code to manage membership and maintain membership
data in a custom data store
Also, see this SO question for some additional info.
Keep the user name and password in the registry.
Build the connection string on the fly using a class
All web sites and Apps should have the same class
By the way, the registry is more secure than the web config.

Windows Azure Access Control with ASP.NET Membership

I have an existing production application that uses vanilla ASP.Net Membership for authentication.
However, I'd like to provide other means of authentication as well as the current membership system, such as Facebook.
The Windows Azure Access Control Service makes this extremely easy and straight forward. Provided, that is, you're starting a new web application from scratch.
So, in this case, how do I
Integrate the Access Control Service authentication into my app without affecting the current login system and its users?
Migrate users over or Link logins? ( not sure if this is even possible)
Thanks all
You need to create a custom identity provider based on your membership database. See this article on custom WS-Federation Identity Providers that can be integrated to access control:
Also see this article on one that was written on top of the membership database:
Approach of creating an identity provider (IP) based on your ASP.NET membership database which Paul Tyng suggested is valid.
However, it means that if you just create an IP you'll allow log in to all people who are authorised with other IPs (e.g. Google or Facebook). I'm guessing it's not what you want - you'd still want people to first register (either plainly with username-password or with their external identity). If that's the case then your task is the following:
Add a data store for users' external identities which is related to your existing Users table.
Modify the ACS login handling within your application to check that the identity returned from ACS actually exists in your members database.
Perform member log in (instead of federated log in) if you found the returned identity in your db.
Add external identity tie in during the registration process so your Identities table can be actually populated.
(optional) Re-use the bulk of the #4 mechanism to provide an ability to attach external identity to existing user accounts (i.e. I already have a normal membership with you and now want to add an ability to log in with Google as well, for example).
There is no one single tutorial/walk-through to achieve this (or I have not found one) so I had to pull bits from a variety of sources to make it work. Please let me know in the comment if I understood your requirement correctly and I'll add a guide on how to set this up. Cheers!
Might be a bit late, but check out the following blog posts by fellow Windows Azure MVP - Dominik Bayer:
Mixing Forms and Token Authentication in a single ASP.NET Application
Mixing Forms and Token Authentication in a single ASP.NET Application (the Details)
Replacing ASP.NET Forms Authentication with WIF Session Authentication (for the better)
Invaluable readings which will help you in any way!

Use AzMan RoleManager in conjunction with default ASP.NET Membership

I would like to use the AzMan RoleManager API in my existing webapplication. I'm already using the default ASP.NET membership provider which stores its users in the ASPNETDB database.
I quickly took a look at AzMan and administered my policy store using the supplied tool. However I was only able to add local pc users (Windows server 2003) to the store. Is there an easy way to hook up AzMan with the default ASP.NET membership provider?
AzMan is based on the Windows Authorization Manager component, which has its own schema and management. It does not integrate with the ASP.NET membership provider to use it as a policy store, nor from which to select membership. AzMan can manage membership of any user for which it can determine a Security Identifier (SID), which can include users in a domain or an ADAM store. I don't believe there are any SIDs used in the ASP.NET Membership provider, unless you happen to be using Active Directory Membership Provider (but you already said you're using the SQL Server Membership Provider).
Short answer: No, there's not an easy way when starting from the SQL Server Membership Provider.
