Decoding failed: Syntax error Magento - wordpress

Hi I have use a magento wordpress single sigin plugin , for this in installation it is suggested to add this code in magento index file .
// for wordpress login
$adminwp = "/var/www/projects/magentowoo/index.php/admin";
$wploadwp = "/var/www/projects/arun/rohitgoel/wp-load.php";
//echo $uri;
if(!strpos($uri, $adminwp) && !strpos($uri, 'downloader')) {
it works fine but it a strange issue, when i am adding the product image in admin it gives a error
Decoding failed: Syntax error
i have try to comment out this code and than image works properly. Please suggest how can i fix this

Update your browser Flash version, if Flash is being blocked by the browser as being outdated this error will occur on the website.


HTTPS Issue With Mixed Content - ARForms Plugin

I have a site wordpress in HTTPS, but also i have an Mixed Content because of ARForms Plugin. PHP 5.6 and some images in this plugin unsecure, and that files i cant find in database anf template files, please help me by PHP.
Thank you.
This is what i found in configuration and this functional not work:
$arfsiteurl = home_url();
if (is_ssl() and ( !preg_match('/^https:\/\/.*\..*$/', $arfsiteurl) or ! preg_match('/^https:\/\/.*\..*$/', WP_PLUGIN_URL))) {
$arfsiteurl = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $arfsiteurl);
define('ARFURL', str_replace('http://', 'https://', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/arforms'));
} else {
define('ARFURL', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/arforms');
You should try to download these scripts locally and enqueue them with your HTTPS secure server.
As for the plugin scripts, you could also try to install this plugin and click the flush rewrite rules for it to automatically add code into your .htaccess file.

cakephp 3.6 can't Display Image

I have problem when I Try Display Image on my login page It doesn't appear
<?= $this->Html->image('crm.jpg', ['alt' => 'User image']); ?>
When I check the console on Chrome
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
When I try accessing http://localhost/intellix/img/crm.jpg it says
Error: ImgController could not be found.
Which isn't needed.
crm.jpg is located in webroot/img/
Now the weird part if i change crm with another image name ex: silhouette.png it works fine but so far it only worked with this one
Any Ideas ?
(Note : Using Chrome Cakephp Sublime text Up to date)
Edit : I had the same problem trying to load CSS Scripts Files
It seems that your image crm.jpg does not exist. In this case, CakePHP is routing the request to ImgController. Is the image silhouette.png located in the same directory?
A second thing might be the access right. Maybe it is not readable? Check the access rights and make it at least readable for all.
the problem was indeed in access right in this file
.htaccess inside webroot folder
There was this line which I added
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
Restoring it to default Removing it did the trick

Get WordPress plugin directory URI

I want to include a WooCommerce file while running a plugin. Here is the code I am using,
include_once(include( content_url() .'/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-core-functions.php'));
This gives me below error,
include(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 in /nas/content/staging/squatwolf/wp-content/plugins/wpfront-notification-bar/classes/class-wpfront-notification-bar.php on line 58
I understand its being caused because the content_url function is giving complete url instead of relative url. I also tried,
but it gives the url of the plugin I am in, not the wordpress plugin directory url.
you want like this : /home/user/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/?
try $dir = plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ );

Unable to get to wp-admin log in page

Hi I have recently tried to log in to my site and I keep getting the following error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
on line 1210
I have not made any changes to website. The website itself works fine however I cannot get to wordpress dashboard either via wp-login and wp-admin.
Any idea? Thank you
Open base_functions.php & try and add following code on top.
<?php ob_start(); ?>
You have already marked path to file: /homepages/6/d700752663/htdocs/clickandbuilds/OnyxMotorsCompany/wp-content/themes/cardealer/includes/base_functions.php
I hope it will help.

wp_redirect works on localhost but conflicts not on my host

I'm having a weird problem, I have the following code in my page.php template file:
if (is_page('redirect')) :
wp_redirect( get_option('home') );
//Do something else
This works fine on my localhost, but when I upload it to my server it gives me the Headers already sent by pluggable.php, I understand there must be no output before calling this function but there isn't! Also I disabled my only plugin installed (buddypress) and nothing, there must be something on my host because otherwise it woudln't work on my localhost either.
Does anyone know what could be wrong??
Thanks in advance
Nvm, for some reason I updated WP to 3.1 and it fixed.
