Linear Congruences - math

Part A:
For the two systems of linear congruences, one system has integer solutions while the other does not. For the system with integer solutions, write down 2 of them whose difference is less than 192. For the other system, explain why no integer solution exists.
A: n congruent 13 (mod 16)
n congruent 5 (mod 12)
B: n congruent 14 (mod 16)
n congreunt 4 (mod 12)
Part B:
Let a1 and a2 be integers.
Let m1 and m2 be natural numbers.
Let d = gcd(m1,m2)
Based on your observations from part A, complete the following proposition and prove it.
Proposition1: The system:
n congruent a1 (mod m1)
n congruent a2 (mod m2)
has an integer solution if and only if ____________
(The blank needs to be filled with a simple condition on a1,a2,d)
Any tips would be great! Thanks in advance!

16 and 12 are not coprime, so the usual Chinese Remainder Theorem doesn't apply. In fact, since they have a common factor of 4, that means that the system only has a solution when (x mod 16) and (x mod 12) are congruent mod 4. As you can see, this is only true in one of the systems listed above.
In the case where there is a solution, the minimal distance between solutions is lcm(16,12)=48 rather than 16*12 = 192 because of the common factor in the moduli. The CRT ensures that knowing x mod 12 is equivalent to knowing x mod 3 and x mod 4 since 12=3*4 and 3 and 4 are coprime. However, you already know x mod 4 because you know x mod 16 and 4 divides 16. So you can think of the extra information provided by the second equation as only being x mod 3 rather than x mod 12.
I hope this helps. I'm not sure how to explain it better without just giving the answer away.


Checking complexity (Big O notation)

On job interview I got a question:
is it true that 40^n is O(2^n) I said yes because only the exponent counts and constant doesn't matter. Then I got question if (40n)^2 is O(n^2), here I feel like no, it's not because the differences for next n will be huge but can't formally prove it. What is the answer for both of those which won't leave any doubts?
is it true that 40^n is O(2^n) I said yes because only the exponent counts and constant doesn't matter.
That's a big shortcut, it doesn't work here. For 40^n to be in O(2^n), there would have to be a pair of constants c and n0 such that 40^n <= c * 2^n if n >= n0. But there isn't. If you try to solve that for c, it turns out c has to be 20^n, which is not a constant. The base of an exponential cannot be ignored like that.
Then I got question if (40n)^2 is O(n^2)
If you work out the square, you get 1600 n^2. Now there is a solution such that c and n0 are constants, for example c = 1600, n0 = 1. So yes, (40n)^2 is an element of O(n^2).
Use the definition of Big O:
f(x) ∈ g(x) if and only if |f(x)| <= cg(x), ∀x:x>=x0, for some c,x0
1) 40^n ∉ O(2^n): There is no constant c and choice of x0 such that 40^x <= c2^x, for all x >= x0
2) (40n)^2 ∈ O(n^2): Choose c = 1600, x0 to be arbitrary: 1600x^2 <= 1600x^2 for all x >= x0

From expensive search to Integer Programming or Constraint Programming?

Consider m by n matrices M, all of whose entries are 0 or 1. For a given M, the question is whether there exists a non zero vector v, all of whose entries are -1, 0 or 1 for which Mv = 0. For example,
[0 1 1 1]
M_1 = [1 0 1 1]
[1 1 0 1]
In this example, there is no such vector v.
[1 0 0 0]
M_2 = [0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0]
In this example, the vector (0,0,0,1) gives M_2v = 0.
Given an m and n, I would like to find if there exists such an M so that there is no non-zero v such that Mv = 0.
If m = 3 and n = 4 then the answer is yes as we can see above.
I am currently solving this problem by trying all different M and v which is very expensive.
However, is it possible to express the problem as an integer
programming problem or constraint programming problem so I can use an
existing software package, such as SCIP instead which might be more
This question is probably more mathematical than progamming. I haven't found the final answer yet, but at least some ideas are here:
We can re-state the problem in the following way.
Problem A: Fix positive integers m and n. Let S be the set of n-dimensional vectors whose entries are 0 or 1. Does there exist any m by n matrix M whose entries are 0 or 1, such that, for any two different vectors v_1 and v_2 in S, the vectors Mv_1 and Mv_2 are different. (Or, you may say that, the matrix M, considered as an application from n-dimensional vectors to m-dimensional vectors, is injective on the set S.)
In brief: given the pair (m, n), does there exist such an injective M?
Problem A is equivalent to the original problem. Indeed, if Mv_1 = Mv_2 for two different v_1 and v_2 in S, then we have M(v_1 - v_2) = 0, and the vector v_1 - v_2 will have only 0, 1, - 1 as entries. The inverse is obviously also true.
Another reinterpretation is:
Problem B: Let m, n be a positive integer and S be the set of n-dimensional vectors whose entries are 0 and 1. Can we find m vectors r_1, ..., r_m in S, such that, for any pair of different vectors v_1 and v_2 in S, there exists an r_i, which satisfies <v_1, r_i> != <v_2, r_i>? Here <x, y> is the usual inner product.
In brief: can we choose m vectors in S to distinguish everyone in S by taking inner product with the chosen ones?
Problem B is equivalent to Problem A, because you can identify the matrix M with m vectors in S.
In the following, I will use both descriptions of the problem freely.
Let's call the pair (m, n) a "good pair" if the answer to Problem A (or B) is yes.
With the description of Problem B, it is clear that, for a given n, there is a minimal m such that (m, n) is a good pair. Let us write m(n) for this minimal m associated to n.
Similarly, for a given m, there is a maximal n such that (m, n) is good. This is because, if (m, n) is good, i.e. there is an injective M as stated in Problem A, then for any n' <= n, erasing any n - n' columns of M will give an injective M'. Let us write n(m) for this maximal n associated to m.
So the task becomes to calculate the functions m(n) and/or n(m).
We first prove several lemmas:
Lemma 1: We have m(n + k) <= m(n) + m(k).
Proof: If M is an m(n) by n injective matrix for the pair (m(n), n) and K is an m(k) by k injective matrix for the pair (m(k), k), then the (m(n) + n(k)) by (n + k) matrix
[M 0]
[0 K]
works for the pair (m(n) + 1, n + 1). To see this, let v_1 and v_2 be any pair of different (n + k)-dimensional vectors. We may cut both of them into two pieces: the first n entries, and the last k entries. If the first pieces of them are not equal, then they can be distinguished by one of the first m(n) rows of the above matrix; if the first pieces of them are equal, then the second pieces of them must be different, hence they can be distinguished by one of the last m(k) rows of the above matrix.
Remark: The sequence m(n) is thus a subadditive sequence.
A simple corollary:
Corollary 2: We have m(n + 1) <= m(n) + 1, hence m(n) <= n.
Proof: Take k = 1 in Lemma 1.
Note that, from other known values of m(n) you can get better upper bounds. For example, since we know that m(4) <= 3, we have m(4n) <= 3n. Anyway, these always give you O(n) upper bounds.
The next lemma gives you a lower bound.
Lemma 3: m(n) >= n / log2(n + 1).
Proof: Let T be the set of m(n)-dimensional vectors whose entries lie in {0, 1, ..., n}. Any m(n) by n matrix M gives a map from S to T, sending v to Mv.
Since there exists an M such that the above map is injective, then necessarily the size of the set T is at least the size of the set S. The size of T is (n + 1)^m, and the size of S is 2^n, thus we have:
(n + 1)^m(n) >= 2^n
or equivalently, m(n) >= n / log2(n + 1).
Back to programming
I have to say that I haven't figured out a good algorithm.
You might restate the problem as a Set Cover Problem, as follows:
Let U be the set of n dimensional vectors with entries 1, 0 or - 1, and let S be as above. Every vector w in S gives a subset C_w of U: C_w = {v in U: <w, v> != 0}. The question is then: can we find m vectors w such that the union of the subsets C_w is equal to U.
The general Set Cover Problem is NP complete, but in the above Wiki link there is an integer linear program formulation.
Anyway, this cannot take you much further than n = 10, I guess.
I'll keep editting this answer if I have further results.
i think using Boolean matrix multiplication will allow you to solve the Mv=0 problem with only 1's & 0's more efficiently. Using this method you should be able to solve without worrying about rank deficiencies due to the RHS equaling zero. Here is a link to documentation on some algorithms for using BMM:
If I understand the question, you are asking for a given m,n if there exists a Matrix M, (Linear Transformation), with a trivial kernal, that is Ker(M)={0}.
Recall that this is the same as the Nullspace of M being zero 0, Null(M)=0.
For the system Mv=0 the nullspace is {0} if the rank of the matrix M is equal to the dimension of v. So your question comes down to asking about the existence of a mxn matrix with rank dim(v)=m.
The problem in this form has been discussed here
Generate "random" matrix of certain rank over a fixed set of elements
You can also frame this question in terms of determinants because if M has determinant=0 then the nullspace is nontrivial. So you can think about this question in terms of constucting a matrix with entries in {-1,0,1} with a desired determinant.
I hope this helps.

Inverse within a finite field

I'm reading a book about cryptography (I've tried translate the terms from Spanish to English) and I don't understand how calculate the inverse within this field (originally the question used the term “body” instead of “field”, since that's a literal translation from languages like Spanish or German).
Encrypting with a monoalphabetic subtitution by pure decimation:
Ci: Letter encrypted
a: Decimation constant
Mi: Message no encrypted
mod: Module operation (we obtain the remainder)
n: Number of letters in the encryption alphabet
· Encryption: Ci = a* Mi mod n
For example --> We will encrypt the letter C (C is the position 2, starting from 0) with a=20 and with the Spanish alfhabet (n=27) --> Ci = 20*C mod 27 = 20*2 mod 27 = 13 => N
· Decryption: a^(-1) * Ci mod n
a^(-1) is the inverse of the decimation factor in the body n; in other words: inverse(a, n). I've googled and tried to do some calculations but I don't obtain the correct result ---> inverse(a, n) = inverse(20, 27) = 16 (and the gcd is valid to do it).
For example:
22^(-1) * 13 mod 27 != 16
To find the modular (multiplicative) inverse in your example you have to find x such that (22 * x) % 27 == 1.
There are a variety of different ways you can do this mathematically. Note that in general, an inverse exists only if gcd(a, n) == 1.
If you want to write a simple algorithm for your example, try this Python code:
def inverse(a, n):
for x in range(n):
if (a * x) % n == 1:
return x
This gives:
>>> inverse(22, 27)
>>> inverse(20, 27)
As mentioned in the comments below your question, there may well be better functions for computing the modular inverse in existing libraries for your favourite programming language.

How to compute this modulus when there is an integer overflow

(10^{17}-1)*(10^{17}-1) mod 10^{18}
I am solving a programming problem and I hold my integers in 64 bit long long integers. Above is a particular case I am unable to solve. (ab)mod m = (a mod m)(b mod m) mod m, doesn't hold here as (a mod m)(b mod m) would still overflow a 64 bit integer. How do I solve this? I took 17th power only as an example. The problem holds even for all the integers in the range (10^{10}, 10^{18}-1).
Edit: I am using C++ for solving this problem. This problem can be solved without using a library for handling big integers.
You can use the identity you quoted, you just need another similar identity: (a+b) mod m = (a mod m) + (b mod m).
The goal is to multiply x*y mod m without any intermediate values exceeding the overflow limit (in this case 2^64), where x is starting less than m (if it isn't, reduce it mod m), y is possibly larger than m, and x*y can potentially overflow. We can do this if m is less than half of the overflow limit.
A solution is simple: Just perform basic multiplication bit-by-bit for x*y and do every step modulo m.
Start with x and y less than m (if either isn't, reduce it first). Write y in the form a_0 * 2^0 + a_1 * 2^1 + a_2 * 2^2 + ... , where a_n is either 0 or 1 (indicating the term is present or not). (Aka, write y in binary form.) Now we have:
x * (a_0 * 2^0 + a_1 * 2^1 + a_2 * 2^2 + ...) mod m
Distribute x over each of the terms of y:
(x * a_0 * 2^0) + (x * a_1 * 2^1) + (x * a_2 * 2^2) + ... mod m
Then use the original multiplication identity: For each term above, multiply x by 2 mod m until you reach the desired power of 2 for that term. (Since x < m and 2 * m < 2^64, then 2 * x < 2^64, so we can multiply by 2 without overflowing.) When you are done, add the result for each term mod m (you can keep a running sum as you go).
None of those operations will exceed 2^64 and thus will not overflow. This will work for any value of m less than 2^64 / 2 = 2^63 and any integers x and y less than m.
This is not necessarily the fastest way to do it, feel free to find something more efficient. For starters, the smaller m is compared to the overflow limit, the bigger the radix for the terms we can rewrite y as.

Implementing additional constraints in R's nnls

I am using the R interface to the Lawson-Hanson NNLS implementation of an algorithm for non-negative linear least squares that solves ||A x - b||^2 with the constraint that all elements of vector x ≥ 0. This works fine but I would like to add further constrains. Of interest to me are:
Also minimize "energy" of x:
||A x - b||^2 + m*||x||^2
Minimize "energy in the x derivative"
||A x - b||^2 + m ||H x||^2, where H is the sum of identity and a matrix with -1 on the first off-diagonal
Most generally, minimize ||A x - b||^2 + m ||H x - f||^2.
Is there are a way to coax nnls to do this by some clever way of restating the problems 1.-3. Above? The reason I have hope for such a thing is that there is a little-throw away comment in a paper by Whitall et al (sorry for the paywall) that claims that "fortunately, NNLS can be adopted from the original form above to accommodate something in problem 3".
I take it m is a scalar, right? Consider the simple case m=1; you can generalize for other values of m by letting H* = sqrt(m) H and f* = sqrt(m) f and using the solution method given here.
So now you're trying to minimise ||A x - b||^2 + ||H x - f||^2.
Let A* = [A' | H']' and let b* = [b' | f']' (i.e. stack up A on top of H and b on top of f) and solve the original problem of
non-negative linear least squares on ||A* x - b*||^2 with the constraint that all elements of vector x ≥ 0 .
