500 - Internal server error with godaddy - asp.net

after i finished uploading my website, I found this error when I try to preview my website
how can I solve this error? I try to add this code
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
<compilation debug="true"/>
in web.config
to get details about the error but the error message still the same!!!
how can I solve it?

One of the many cause of this error on Godaddy hosting is the framework version.
In this case, just change the .Net version
Go to ASP.Net setting and then click Change Version. Now, here you may downgrade the version to 2.0 .
This simple change in this case will work like a magic.
If your problem is still not resolved, please reply.


The web.config file for this project is missing the required DirectRequestModule

Having put ResourceManager and Window component on a web app I'm debugging asp.net app but
it shows Warning message!
The web.config file for this project is missing the required DirectRequestModule.
<add name="DirectRequestModule" type="Ext.Net.DirectRequestModule, Ext.Net" />
More information available at "Getting Started".
How to fix this kind of error ?
The README.txt contains a Web.config sample, see
As well, installing Ext.NET via NuGet will setup the correct Web.config nodes automatically.
install-package ext.net
Hope this helps
A bit strange, the way I fixed this..
Earlier i was using Server.Transfer(..) to redirect the page
then I started facing the same problem
Then I searched a lot and in the end I changed that Server.Transfer(..) to Response.Redirect(..), And ta-da it worked perfectly..
Hope this helps you :-)

Why am I getting Server Error in '/' Application?

I have been trying to fix this on my site but I am having no luck and every page I have found with its fix tells to set customErrors mode="Off" and I have already done that. This server error only occurs on one page, but the one page is the page where a majority of the sites functionality resides.
I am running .Net 4.0, and I have just recently published this same site in the same way with no problems at all. There has been no changes to my web.config file.
Here is a little code sample from my web.config where I have the customErrors set to off
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
<allow users="?" />
if anyone can provide some helpful insight, it will be greatly appreciated, if there is more code needed to solve this I will provided what is requested. Thank you
After a days worth of looking for the answer it has been found. Someone made a change to one of the database names without informing me. So my problem was I had a wrong name of a database nothing else was wrong.
Thank you all

Why is my VS 2011 ASP.NET Project Giving a 401.2 Error When Debugging with IIS Express 7.5?

Everything was working just fine...then one time running the debugger and I'm given a 401.2 error from IIS Express 7.5. I created a new project and tested - worked fine. I ensured the web.config and other project settings where identical - still getting the error in the original project!
(I actually resolved this issue...but haven't seen documentation for this exact issue with my resolution anywhere, I'll add the answer momentarily...Yes, I already reviewed other 401.2 questions on Stackoverflow (and elsewhere) and they are not the same as the issue I was facing...)
In my case, for some reason VS 2011 added a few lines to my applicationhost.config file located under Documents\IISExpress\config. The lines added (and which I removed) where as follows:
<location path="IRFEmpty">
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="false" />
Don't ask me how they got there - I didn't add them. It is pretty annoying, since all the code in my VS project was 100% correct, it was the IISExpress configuration wrong.
Enable AnonymousAuthentication on the web project... See these instructions for enabling WindowsAuthentication EXCEPT in the same place you can enable AnonymousAuthentication: IIS Express Windows Authentication
In VS2011, debugging my MVC project was working until this setting mysteriously changed to "Disabled" and I began receiving 401.2 error. Enabling this setting fixed the problem.

Redirect all asp.net errors to one page preferably through IIS

I am trying to remove all logging and tracing errors on a company website without having to run through and change all of the debugging ="true" statements (several hundred). We will refactor these later however, today, I am looking for a way to push all asp related errors to simple error page or even make everything a 404 error.
Is this possible or am I going to have to change all debug values?
relevant environment info:
.net framework 2.0, iis 7.0
You should be able to use the customErrors section of the web.config to push all errors to a default error page. Something along the lines of:
<customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"

HTTP 500 Internal Error - IIS websites

I have installed SP 2010 in a Windows Server 2008 R2 loaded environment. I have been using VS 2010 for developing application pages for SP 2010.
I make use of wsp builder to package all my dlls, pages, scripts and images into a solution package and deploy it in the web applications.
Everything was working like a charm. I started enduring a torrid time when all of a sudden my web applications started popping up with 'HTTP 500 Internal Server Error'. This started happening after I made some drastic changes in my application pages and deployed it.
I tried creating new web applications but its not doing me any good. Any insights on what could be the source of this issue?
Fixed this problem by editing the Web.config and applicationhost.config.
C:\Users\\Documents\IISExpress\config or right click the IIS Express icon on the tray and view all application and click the desired website and then click the configuration file link.
Comment out
<error statusCode="500" prefixLanguageFilePath="%IIS_BIN%\custerr" path="500.htm" />
Set the parent node to <httpErrors errorMode="DetailedLocalOnly"
Set the httpErrors to Allow
<section name="httpErrors" overrideModeDefault="Allow" />
Change your web project web.config HttpErrors
<httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Auto">
That should fix it, its basically saying that "I dont want IIS Express to override the configuration of my site".
To resolve, you should first instruct IIS to display detailed error messages, instead of just "500".
Adjust your web.config file and set custom errors to off:
<customErrors mode="Off" />
In addition, if you are using Internet Explorer, turn of the advanced option "Show friendly error messages".
To help others, here there is a guide that helped me to find what was wrong with my setup (credits to Rick Barber):
Working past 500
Load the site from a browser located on the same server. In IE you may need to turn off ‘show friendly http errors.’
Temporarily add the following within the appropriate tags in your web.config file:
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
<customErrors mode="Off" />
<compilation debug="true" />
Open up IIS Manager and try to open up some of the different features by double clicking on the icon. If there is an error in the web.config file and it can’t even parse it, sometimes you will get a helpful error.
Look in Windows Event Viewer. Sometimes you can find the detailed error logged in there, particularly Application Event Viewer.
Setup Failed Request Tracing. This is especially helpful if it is an intermittent 500 error.
Look through the web log files. This is especially helpful for an intermittent 500 error. You can often parse the log files to see if there is a trend with a specific page that is throwing a 500 error.
