sass, custom selectors based on parent - css

I have the following mixins to make easy work with BEM syntax, sass 3.3.2 code:
color: grey
color: red
This gives me the desired result:
.menu__item {color: grey;}
.menu__item--alert {color: red;}
So this works pretty nice for element level modifiers, however when i want to have block level modifiers the problem begins:
color: blue
css output:
.menu--theme-1__item {color: blue;}
when the thing i really want is this:
.menu--theme-1 .menu__item {color: blue;}
So i need a way to check what the context of an element is, when the context is a block there is no problem but when is a modifier the syntax fails. I tried inside e mixin to take the parent selector as string, so when e parent is b it will not have the -- syntax, in the other way when his parent is m it will have the -- syntax, with that i could decide what syntax use for both context.
I didn't find a way to take the parent selector as a string and i think is not possible, is there a way to make this works?
I found a not very straightforward solution with it works fine, it uses a context argument in the element mixin:
=e($name, $context:null)
#if $context
Now i can call the mixin as follows:
+e(item, nav)
color: blue
.menu--theme-1 .menu__item {color: blue;}

Answering a 2 year old question - long shot :) But hopefully could help someone else as well.
So a more robust way would be to improve your Element mixin to check if the parent selector has a modifier.
So you would need 2 functions:
one to check if a selector contains a modifier
one to get the block name from that selector
#function _bem-selector-has-modifier($selector) {
$selector: _bem-selector-to-string($selector);
#if str-index($selector, $bem-modifier-separator) or str-index($selector, ':') {
#return true;
} #else {
#return false;
#function _bem-get-block-name($selector) {
$selector: _bem-selector-to-string($selector);
$modifier-separator: '--';
$modifier-start: str-index($selector, $modifier-separator) - 1;
#return str-slice($selector, 0, $modifier-start);
And then you just need to apply the check in your element mixin
$bem-element-separator: '__';
#mixin element($element) {
$selector: &;
#if _bem-selector-has-modifier($selector) {
$block: _bem-get-block-name($selector);
#at-root {
#{$selector} {
.#{$block + '__' + $element} {
} #else {
#at-root {
#{$selector +'__' + $element} {
So calling element('item') inside a modifier('with-modifier') should render a .block--with-modifier .block__item selector in your compiled CSS and you won't have to manually pass the context.
The code posted is SCSS, but the idea should be the same with SASS.


sass & mixins: appending a class name with no spaces

Hello lovely stackoverflow community. I'm a new coder, and brand new to sass & intermediate css topics. I'm working on a site that has themes and I'm trying to customize the design of a 3rd party survey widget we are using.
Our themes are controlled via a mixin that looks like this:
#mixin themify() {
// Iterate over the themes
#each $theme-name, $theme in $themes {
$current-theme: $theme !global;
#if $theme-name == ‘abc’ {
} #else {
.theme-#{$theme-name} & {
The theme-name is on the body tag & inherited by every element. So can be used to target all children with ease. However, for the survey, I need to style it using a selector targeting a specific data-attribute on the body. For ex, this selector successfully allows me to target a survey element:
Body[data-survey-number='77777'] div#a .b {
// styles successfully applied!
But when I want to use the themify mixin:
Body[data-survey-number='77777'] div#a .b {
#include themify {
it breaks. I'm seeing that the sass compiles to:
theme-name Body[data-survey-number='77777'] div#a .b {
// never applies to anything :(
However what works is when a selector is compiled to this (appended at the end with no space):
Body[data-survey-number='77777']theme-name div#a .b {
// this works! :)
I'm wondering how I can get this. Perhaps creating a new mixin?
I appreciate all / any thoughts.

Less variables in selector with &

I want to use the & to attach a pseudo :not to the parent class however I don't know how to do this when using mixins and variable selectors.
.hideElement(#selector, #maxWidth) {
#media (max-width: #maxWidth) {
#{selector} {
display: none;
} {
.hideElement(~':not(.jp-state-full-screen) .jp-title-container', 580px);
The output I want is: .jp-title-container {
display: none;
The current output is (notice the space in the :not): :not(.jp-state-full-screen) .jp-title-container {
display: none;
I know I need to use the & selector but this doesn't work:
.hideElement(~&':not(.jp-state-full-screen) .jp-title-container', 580px);
How do I do this?
Full code for context:, {
.hideElement(~'.jp-repeat', 400px);
.hideElement(~':not(.jp-state-full-screen) .jp-title-container', 530px);
.hideElement(~'.jp-download', 580px);
} {
.hideElement(~'.jp-full-screen', 400px);
.hideElement(~'.jp-repeat', 450px);
.hideElement(~':not(.jp-state-full-screen) .jp-title-container', 580px);
.hideElement(~'.jp-download', 630px);
The & cannot be used as a parameter to a mixin or as part of the parameter to a mixin. When used in that way the & would have no special meaning. It wouldn't resolve to the parent selector and will just remain as &. Plus the below line is incorrect because the ~ must be followed by a ".
.hideElement(~&':not(.jp-state-full-screen) .jp-title-container', 580px);
I'd strongly urge you to have a look at the alternate method suggested by seven-phases-max in his comment. But a very simple solution to your problem while retaining your code-base as-is will be the following. Just take the &:not(...) part out, put it as its own block and then invoke .hideElement mixin within this block with just the other part of the selector (the child selector) as input., {
.hideElement(~'.jp-repeat', 400px);
&:not(.jp-state-full-screen){ /* take the not part out and put it as a block */
.hideElement(~'.jp-title-container', 530px);
.hideElement(~'.jp-download', 580px);
} {
.hideElement(~'.jp-full-screen', 400px);
.hideElement(~'.jp-repeat', 450px);
&:not(.jp-state-full-screen) { /* take the not part out and put it as a block */
.hideElement(~'.jp-title-container', 580px);
.hideElement(~'.jp-download', 630px);

How to build a CSS style with a LESS mixin parameter?

Due to CSS specificity issues, I am attempting to build a CSS expression with a LESS mixin as follows:
// overriding any previous styling with a more specific expression:
.styleSpecificListElement(#id: "#index") {
main .list ul #{id} a {
// referencing another mixin here:
LESS will parse this, however it is parsed with the inserted parameter in double-quotes, in which does not evaluate as intended:
/* don't want the double-quotes around the id: */
main .list ul "#index" a {
/* ...code from the .setLiStyling() mixin generated here... */
Ok nevermind, I just figured it out -- the hash-symbol # can precede the #{id} reference in the mixin, where the parameter is then passed as a String without quotes:
.styleSpecificListElement(#id: index) {
main .list ul ##{id} a {
// referencing another mixin here:
...where calling .styleSpecificListElement(foobar) will then parse into CSS as:
main .list ul #foobar a {
/* ...code from the .setLiStyling() mixin generated here... */

Defining Variable Variables using LESS CSS

Say I have three separate color schemes that are used on various pages in a site. Each color has a a light, medium and dark tint defined, and the color scheme is defined by a class in the body. Assume that the "red" color scheme is the default. Like this:
Color Definitions:
#red-lt: #121;
#red-md: #232;
#red-dk: #343;
#green-lt: #454;
#green-md: #565;
#green-dk: #676;
#blue-lt: #787;
#blue-md: #898;
#blue-dk: #909;
Basic Default Style Example
body { background-color: #red-dk;
#container { background-color: #red-md;
p { color: #red-dk; }
Different Color Scheme Style Example { background-color: #green-dk;
#container { background-color: #green-md;
p { color: #green-dk; }
I'd like to use variables so that I don't have to re-write all of the color variations for each scheme, so that I can just write something like this:
body.[color-var] { background-color: #[color-var]-dk;
#container { background-color: #[color-var]-md;
p { color: #[color-var]-dk; }
…but I can't quite wrap my head around how to accomplish that. Help…?
Use interpolation and escaping, parentheses in the selector and parametric mixins to get the desired effect:
Dynamic variables by interpolation: In a string, "#{variable}" is replaced with the value of the variable. They can also be nested: Given #{#{var}-foo} and #var: bar;, the result is "barfoo".
The resulting value is quoted. To remove these quotes, prefix ~.
Dynamic selectors by Selector interpolation: body.#{var} turns into
#red-md: #232;
#red-dk: #343;
.setColor(#color) {
body.#{color} { background-color: ~"#{#{color}-dk}";
#container { background-color: ~"#{#{color}-md}";
p { color: ~"#{#{color}-md}"; }
.setColor(~"red"); // Escape to prevent "red" turning "#FF0000"
//.setColor(~"blue"); etc..
Turns into: {
background-color: #334433;
} #container {
background-color: #223322;
} #container p {
color: #223322;
Note: When the answer was originally written, selector interpolation did not exist. See the previous revision for the solution if you're working with an old LESS compiler (before LESS 1.3.1a). Support for the old method will be dropped in LESS 1.4.0.
If those values really follow a predictable format like that, seems like a perfect case for a parametric mixin:
#red: #232;
#green: #565;
#blue: #898;
.theme (#color) {
background-color: #color - #111;
#container {
background-color: #color;
p { color: #color + #111; }
} {
Compiled CSS:{background-color:#112211;} #container{background-color:#223322;} #container p{color:#334433;}
I know this question is pretty old, but for those that come to this post my answer maybe can help
I`m not really sure for what you want to use this, but one of my suggestion is based on #ScottS answer. On my real world, I need to create a web app, where it would show several brands and each brand have their own text color, background and so on... so I started to chase a way to accomplish this in LESS, what I could easily do on SASS and the result is below:
// Code from Seven Phase Max
// ............................................................
// .for
.for(#i, #n) {.-each(#i)}
.for(#n) when (isnumber(#n)) {.for(1, #n)}
.for(#i, #n) when not (#i = #n) {
.for((#i + (#n - #i) / abs(#n - #i)), #n);
// ............................................................
// .for-each
.for(#array) when (default()) {.for-impl_(length(#array))}
.for-impl_(#i) when (#i > 1) {.for-impl_((#i - 1))}
.for-impl_(#i) {.-each(extract(#array, #i))}
// Brands
#dodge : "dodge";
#ford : "ford";
#chev : "chev";
// Colors
#dodge-color : "#fff";
#ford-color : "#000";
#chev-color : "#ff0";
// Setting variables and escaping than
#brands: ~"dodge" ~"ford" ~"chev";
// Define our variable
.define(#var) {
#brand-color: '#{var}-color';
// Starting the mixin
.color() {
// Generating the loop to each brand
.for(#brands); .-each(#name) {
// After loop happens, it checks what brand is being called
// When the brand is found, match the selector and color
.brand-#{name} & {
color: ##brand-color;
.carColor {
Te result will be:
.brand-dodge .carColor {
color: "#fff";
.brand-ford .carColor {
color: "#000";
.brand-chev .carColor {
color: "#ff0";
This is very tricky and I had to use several elements to get what I needed, first used a set of mixins provided by Seven Phase Max and you can find it here and than, the #ScottS answer was the piece that was missing fro my puzzle... hope this helps you and others that need to create a set of Variables to be part of another variable and create a more dynamic less file.
You can copy my entire code and test at
Try this
#red-lt: #121;
#red-md: #232;
#red-dk: #343;
#green-lt: #454;
#green-md: #565;
#green-dk: #676;
#blue-lt: #787;
#blue-md: #898;
#blue-dk: #909;
#color: 'red-lt';
background: ##color;
border: 1px solid lighten(##color,20%);
To my knowledge, variable variable names are not supported in LESS. You could however restructure your declarations in a more semantic manner:
/* declare palette */
#red-lt: #121;
#red-md: #232;
#red-dk: #343;
#green-lt: #454;
#green-md: #565;
#green-dk: #676;
#blue-lt: #787;
#blue-md: #898;
#blue-dk: #909;
/* declare variables based on palette colors */
#lt: #red-lt;
#md: #red-md;
#dk: #red-dk;
/* ...and only use them for main declarations */
body { background-color: #dk;
#container { background-color: #md;
p { color: #dk; }
This should let you switch between palettes quite painlessly by avoiding explicit color references.

Declare a global CSS property ? Is this possible?

I have a very wierd question, I dont know wether if its possible in css or not
Suppose I have say 3 different css classes as shown below, as you can see I have a common property of all these classes, I want to declare this color somewhere else and pass a reference to it here, so if next time I want to change the color I can simply change at one place rather than changing in all the 5 classes.
I know that you can use body{}, or a wrapper for this but that would affect the colors of the entire site right ? Is there a way to do this ?
Is this even possible ?
.abc {
.abc2 {
.abc3 {
.abc4 {
.abc5 {
The bad news: you can't do it in CSS.
The good news: you can write in a meta-CSS language like LESS, which then processes a LESS file to pure CSS. This is called a "mixin".
#errorColor: red;
.error-color {
color: #errorColor;
#error-1 {
.all-errors {
More info:
if you want to declare all of them at a time, you can use:
.abc, .abc2, .abc3, .abc4, .abc5 {
Or you can declare an additional class & add to all the .abc, .abc2.... & make its color:red;.
This can not be done with CSS, but that is still a very popular thing to do by using a CSS preprocessor such as LESS, SASS, SCSS, or Stylus.
A preprocessor will let you define a variable (say $red = #F00). It will replace the variable in your CSS document with the variable value for you, allowing you to write very DRY and module CSS.
This functionality is referred to as "CSS variables", which is part of the future spec, but not yet implemented on any browsers.
For now, the best way to do this in pure CSS is to declare an additional class for the desired "global", and then add that class to all relevant items.
.abc_global { color: red; }
.abc1 { /* additional styling */ }
.abc2 { /* additional styling */ }
<div class="abc1 abc_global"></div>
<div class="abc2 abc_global"></div>
You are able to define that red color once:
.myRedColor {
Now you can call that red on any CSS styles. Even NESTED styles! It's a wicked tool!
.abc1 {
.abc2 {
.abc3 {
.abc4 {
.abc {
Now all of our "itsEasyAsOneTwoThree" classes that are properly nested inside of an "abc" class will be assigned the red style. No more remembering those long #867530 color codes :) How cool is that?!
You can also use PostCSS with the plugin postcss-preset-env and support custom properties/variables, then use the :root selector to add global css variables.
:root {
--color-gray: #333333;
--color-white: #ffffff;
--color-black: #000000;
