CSS Transparent Text with Solid Background Surrounding Text - css

I am searching for a pure CSS method for creating transparent text within a box(div,p,etc) where the box is filled with a color surrounding the text, but not the text itself (which would be transparent a la rgba/hsla).
Imagine a div styled in such a way that the text color within is rgba .2 alpha lvl, and the background color is solid, where the background solid color cannot be seen in the text. Of course, a solution using multiple stacked divs/blocks would be greatly acceptable, but should allow for a hover state, so the effect can be switched on/off. In using this, one could apply this div on top of an image or another div that can be seen through the letters.
SO! CSS/html works in such a way that text is always applied on top of a background (called a background for a reason), so, using transparent colors on text color does nothing but show the color of the background. I have tried creating a background with a big box shadow, in order to see if it's ever calculated differently, and it is not (and couldn't think of another method).
Instead of blabbering on with my limited CSS knowledge, I think you get the point, so give me your best! I want this to work in Chrome and Firefox at least.
Stacked Overflow doesn't allow me to put a jsfiddle without accompanied code, and I don't want to put pointless code here just to link to a 'starting point' code.
Instead, here's an image explaining the obvious idea:

Demo Fiddle
You CAN accomplish this in CSS only, but with limited support.
You can set the -webkit-background-clip property, and -webkit-text-fill-color to transparent.
This will only work in webkit browsers however.
div {
color: white; /* Fallback */
background: url(yourimage.png) no-repeat;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
See here for more on background-clip
The background-clip CSS property specifies whether an element's
background, either the color or image, extends underneath its border.
If there is no background image, this property has only visual effect
when the border has transparent regions (because of border-style) or
partially opaque regions; otherwise the border covers up the
Alternatively- you can use SVG, per this question


Fill a transparent outline font via CSS

I am using this font which features an outline and transparent body. Is there a way to colorize the inner transparent area via CSS? I've been trying to do an inset shadow (the goal being to just have an opaque "shadow") with a background clip of text but don't seem to be getting anywhere. I'm open to restructuring the HTML to support this but would rather contain it to just CSS if possible.
I've also tried editing the TTF into a solid "background" font as well and layering, but the text doesn't line up perfectly and the effect comes off "cheap".

Preventing high-contrast mode in Edge from adding background to text

I'm working to adjust some components so that they all function and look good in high-contrast mode. Edge seems to be adding a black background under all text that IE11 does not add. I can't seem to find a way to target this background in CSS, or any other way to normalize the behavior between the two browsers.
For example, let's say I have the following:
<div class="SelectedText">
And let's say I assigned background-color: cyan; and color: black; to the .SelectedText div.
In this scenario, IE11 renders it as expected with the div and text having the assigned colors. However, in Edge the div background and text are given the right colors, but the text itself gets a black background drawn behind it, making it unreadable black on black text.
The following image illustrates this problem occurring in the context of menu items with with basically the same markup described above.
Is there any way to disable or target this extra background that Edge adds?
Found the answer to this eventually. Setting -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none; on the parent can disable the backgrounds that Edge puts behind text.

Color attribute is adding a colored border in Chrome

Let me start by saying, I like the border that chrome is using for my inputs, my issue arrises for the textarea. The textarea is using the color attribute as a border as well as the intended function of coloring the inputed text. Here is my css:
select, textarea, input{ font-size:25px; font-weight:bold; color: #FF4500;}
As i said I want the border that chrome makes, I just dont want the colored border it puts around ONLY the textarea for some reason. There any way i can apply the color to just the text or maybe prevent the color attribute from changed the border color?
Remove the setting (in code other than the part you posted) that sets border properties on textarea, such as border-width or border-radius.
The reason is such settings may make Chrome (or other browsers) use a normal border around an element, as determined by CSS properties on it, instead of the default border it draws with special routines that are immune to CSS. The effects vary by browser and by property. For example, with your example code, on Chrome, if you add border-style: solid, then an input element gets orange red border, but select and textarea keep their default gray borders. But if you add border-radius: 8px instead, then input keeps its default border color (though with rounded corners) whereas both select and textarea get orange red borders.

Get gradient to work with background color

Right now I have this CSS for a button:
background: #19558D url(../images/gradient.gif) repeat-x top left;
The gradient appears, but the background color doesn't. When I reload the page, the color appears for a split second, but then disappears to the gradient. How can I get both of them to work?
Ok, so you have several options:
1. Use Only Images:
You can do the job by editing the gradient so that it looks exactly how you like it to be, without any new CSS. (This would be the one you used to solve the problem).
2. Use Image on the top and the rest in solid color:
element{ background:#000 (url) top left repeat-x; }
This will place the image in url at the top, and make the rest of the element of a certain solid color. Be aware that if the image covers all of the element and isn't transparent, then the solid color will not be visible.
3. Make the gradient transparent/alpha:
If the gradient covers all of the element, you can make it transparent, or semi transparent, so that the CSS background-color is visible behind it. For example, if you make a gradient that goes from black to transparent, and then add a white CSS bg, then you will get a black to white gradient. Be aware that the only images that will work with this method are .png ones because they are the only ones that support alpha levels (partial transparencies).
is the GIF transparent? I use PNG format as PNG-24 allows alphablending masks, where as GIF only supports transparent or not (1/0)
But I think you need to post a link to it or a image of what it looks like, including the GIF.
We need some pixels specs, such as width and height to fully understand the problem.

Can I do knock-out/punch-through transparency with CSS fonts?

I would like to know if there is any way I can apply 100% transparency to text so that we can see the background picture of the page within the characters in the text.
i.e. imagine I’ve got a <div> with a white background, and a background image on <body>. I’d like to set the text inside the <div> so that the background image on <body> can be seen through the text, despite the white background on the <div>.
I could probably use an inverted font but I would prefer a better way to do it if there is one.
Does it have to be dynamic? The only way to do that is with an image with transparency (GIF or, better, PNG).
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but will explain it anyway.
Situation: you have a non plain background that you want to bee seen through your text.
Solution: no CSS is coming to the rescue for this. You'll have to use your trusty image editor to create a layer with text, and another layer that will be the negative of your text
This could allow you to have some interesting effects, but if you want it to be dynamic, you'll have to generate the images on the fly serverside.
This kind of trickery is currently impossible with pure CSS (might be possible with Javascript).
Seeing Paul's find on webkit got me thinking on how to fake that behavior in Firefox, Opera and IE. So far I've had good luck using the canvas element on Firefox, and I'm trying to find some behavior in filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.
So far with canvas, this is what I did
<canvas id="c" width="150" height="150">
ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d");
// draw rectangle filling the canvas element
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
// set composite property
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
// the text to be added now will "crop out" the red rectangle
ctx.strokeText("Cropping the", 10, 20);
ctx.strokeText("red rectangle", 10, 40);
by using a detination-out compositing and drawing text on the canvas.
I’m not exactly clear what you’re asking (100% transparency means that something’s invisible, and invisible text isn’t generally a great idea), but in general:
The CSS opacity property applies to an entire element, not just its text. So if you have this HTML:
<div class="opacity-50">
This is a div with a background colour and 50% opacity
And this CSS:
.opacity-50 {
background: #ccc;
color: #000;
opacity: 0.5;
Then both its background and its text will have 50% opacity.
rgba colour values allow you to specify semi-transparent colours. So, if you have this HTML:
<div class="text-opacity-50">
This is a div with semi-transparent text
And this CSS:
.text-opacity-50 {
background: #ccc;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
Then only its text will have 50% opacity.
I think rgba colour values are supported by slightly fewer browses than opacity.
Ah — if you’re talking about “punch-through” transparency, no, CSS doesn’t do this.
Except for WebKit (the rendering engine in Safari and Chrome), which has a totally custom, made-up-by-Dave-Hyatt, not-even-in-CSS-3 property value, -webkit-background-clip: text;.
No other browser other than Safari and Chrome supports it.
You can spent the time to make your own font with InkScape and IcoMoon and make a negative knocked out font, then your letters can be see trough! I used this technique for some see trough Icons.
Why not try to set the DIV's background image to a completely transparent GIF?
Using a .png without background is a good method. In Photoshop you can save for the web.
or in css:
