Moxa NPort 5210A Functioning - serial-port

I need advice on this product Moxa NPort 5120A I use to convert the serial outputs of some ethernet cards in order to be able to connect to the network.
Using the Realcom Mode, but whenever I connect it to your network and want to use a software from the PC to control it I need to open the software NPort Administrator, add the device, and then open the Web console, otherwise the doors do not appear to be open and if I do not open the web console software NPort Administrator (with the appropriate button) and I type the IP address of the port in the browser always comes back to me that the server is not responding and I do not load the web page. Has anyone had experience with the Moxa and their products? And 'it possible to use this module that I always have to open the software and open the Web console without having to change any settings to enable the COM port?
Thank you.

Normally with these types of devices you use TCP/IP sockets for communication with the device(s) on the other end. In your application you create a socket and listen for connections. Once a connection is made you process the data coming in and send data out to the device.
You also configure the device on the other end to tell it to connect to a specific IP address/port which is the server or PC running your software which is listening for the connection.
It sounds like that device also offers a device driver that can be installed and causes it to emulate a serial port. In that case, you would configure it that way and have your application open a serial port and communicate with the device as if it were actually attached to a real serial (COM) port.


How find correct Ip for connection Client/Server Qt?

I created two Qt apps: one client and one server.
I use them to send some data for handle a remote device.
If I am in localhost I haven't issues about them, but when i search to connect them by internet i don't know how to find correct Ip server to connect Socket Client.
How i can find this ip node?
Is there a class to find It?
you cannot find it automatically, if this is what you're asking about.
In real life you would deploy your server on some publicly accessible host, give it a domain name (important part as your host can change the IP address at any time) and connect the client via the DNS domain.
However if you're just playing around and you want to show to the world that your app works, specifying the IP address of the server in your client code would be perfectly fine (assuming you're running both the server and the client in the same network).
In that case, if you're running mac/linux run the command ifconfig (or just ip depending on the distribution). On Windows you can run the command ipconfig. Both windows and linux will give you a similar output resembling this:
Pay attention to the network adapters. There can potentially be many of them. You may have some emulated adapters if you have docker or VMWare, you may have the wireless adapters if you have a WiFi card, and then the ethernet adapters if your computer can connect to the the internet with an ethernet cable. Each of these adapters specifies a different IPv4 address. You want to pick the one that is connected to the same network as your client. So for instance if both your server machine and your client running machine are connected to the same wifi, you pick the address from the Wireless LAN adapter

Connecting fingerprint biometric device to desktop

I want to access the contents of the biometric device using a command prompt or a shared folder instead of using the software that comes with it. I am new in networking, I did the following:
1. Set a static IP to my biometric device: port 4370 (default)
2. configure ethernet in my PC using ip:, subnet
3. Connected my PC to the device using crossover cable.
The device is pingable, my firewall is off. I cannot access the device in browser, or in directory \\
I am planning to create a vbscript or a php code to access the biometric instead of the software that comes with it. So as a requirement, I need to have access to the device
You can not access the biometric machine through telnet. The username and password is set by the manufacturer. They will use the telnet account credentials only for their internal development and testinng purpose. #Hans-Martin Mosner, machine can well connect with port 80. Only thing is software will not listen at port 80 as it has been bound with http. If you remove the port 80 from listening for http then you can make your application to connect with port 80
If you are trying for accessing the biometric machines to associate with your web application, go for CAMSUnit machines. CAMS provides the WEB APIs for their biometric machines. It supports registering the callback URL which gets called every time new attendance gets registered.

Networking: How do wifi enabled IoT products allow remote access?

I have been looking for an answer to this problem, but I cannot find what I am looking for. I think, perhaps, it is because I lack the knowledge to ask the question in meaningful way.
I have been learning a lot about remote access to devices at home. I know that ISP's change public IP addresses regularly (dynamic IP address). I know that to get around this, one could use a service like "no-ip", etc. Or one could get a static IP address.
What I do not understand is how some of the latest home automation devices are able to be controlled remotely without use of a static IP, or a service like "no-ip". For example, a wifi enabled thermostat, or lighting system.
If the device had a built in server, or client, then I assume that the device could connect to an outside server in a remote location. The user could then also log into that server and send commands to the device. What I don't understand is how commands sent to the device from a cell phone, for example, can reach the home device. Presumably the off site location of the server would have to know the public IP address where the devise is located, and then port-forwarding would have to be set up to allow access to the device.
What am I missing here? Is it possible to create a homemade wifi enabled thermostat, webcam, or other device without using port-forwarding, no-ip, or a static IP?
Well, there are several ways to bypass the inbound connection constraint of NAT protocol. Such as:
A virtual adapter on the device configured to a VPN server that has an inbound port open ready to transfer data. Various open source solutions such as openVPN are considered as great examples for this service over IOT boards like Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, etc. These are used as gateways often. Further, they communicate with the microcontrollers over popular IOT protocols such as MQTT, COAP, etc.
Another solution is to create a port forwarding tunnel, since the router won't block the outbound connection. There are various tunneling services that are availble such as localtunnel, ngrok, etc. You could also use a cloud server that has a public IP such as AWS, DigitalOcean, etc. Again as above mentioned point, they can be implemented in the gateways.
Some devices "phone home" to a server so that there are ports open between them and the servers, and the mobile apps just contact the servers. This is the same way your web browser can receive web pages from a web server. If you have a NAT router, the router must open a port from the inside device to the outside server. This is maintained in a NAT table with expiration timers for UDP and session monitoring for TCP.

Labview programming

Our project is LIDAR which is based on physics. The total equipment is connected to server which consists of various sensors. Server gives total information about the equipment like temperature, humidity etc. Server and laptop are connected through LAN. Our work is to develop a software using labview which interfaces the equipment with the laptop. To achieve that first we have to connect the server to the laptop. We have tried in so many ways using TCP/IP vi in labview. Both server and client programs are required to do this. In the server program we are using TCP Listen and in the client program we are using TCP open connection. Which IP address and port address should be given to TCP listen and TCP open coonection ?
The IP address and port should refer to the server as shown in this snippet (replace port with your chosen port and localhost with your server address):
The example code I have shown above has two code blocks, the TCP Server should run on your server and the TCP Client should run on your laptop. The remote address would then need to be changed to the address of your server. Using the above example only shows how the connection is made and a single item of data transferred before closing the connection. You would need to wrap up some extra code to provide any handshaking between the server and laptop to provide the required functionality in your application.
In LabVIEW you will find some examples on how to use the TCP function, from the top menu select 'Help' and 'Find Examples...' then using the 'Search' tab type in TCP and you will see 'Simple TCP.lvproj' that should give you something that will get you going.
If your project doesn't specifically require you to use the TCP listen/open VIs then you might want to consider some of the built in networking functionality that comes with LabVIEW.
I've had good luck with LabVIEW's network shared variables stuff where you can, among other things, connect a front panel control on the client to a variable shared by the server, and LabVIEW takes care of all of the TCP functions behind the scenes.
Here's one webpage about the feature:

Ethernet Data Traffic hidden from capture

I have a puzzle I am not able to figure out, I would appreciate any help.
I am connected to a remote desktop using windows default remote desktop utility (Windows 8 locally, Windows 7 remotely).
The remote desktop is not in the same sub-network as my own.
Connection is made through default port 3389. Using Wireshark locally I can confirm the TCP connection being established and the data flow.
Running Wireshark in the remote desktop, I don`t see any flow of data between the two computers.
If I send a ICMP ping from the remote desktop to my computer, it works well and I can see it in Wireshark both remotely as well as locally. But if I send the ICMP ping from my computer to the remote desktop, it fails. I see it leaving my computer through Wireshark, but it never reaches the remote desktop (I don`t see it in Wireshark).
I don't think it is a firewall issue (specially since it can't explain why Wireshark won`t capture the port 3389 RPC flow).
Does anyone have any idea of what might be going on?
I found the main issue.
In Wireshark, turns out it is possible to configure the capture interface with a filter.
To change it, go to: Capture->Interfaces
On the interface being used, stop capturing to enable the Options, there it is possible to configure a capture filter.
